Congratz to Cap alpha's second 50
Gratz Cap
Gratz on your second 50!
Nice one Cap
Defiant 50: Blonde Justice inv/ss; Lady Aminta emp/elec; Sierra Colt merc/traps; Tess LaCoyle elec/elec (blaster); Powerstorm elec/elec (brute);
Union 50: @Steel Dancer WP/DB; Blast Pulse Fire/Rad (corr); Bitter Twilight Earth/Psi (dom); Compassionate Emp/Psi;
Freedom 50: Incandescent Blaze ElecAm/Fire;
Many gratz
Gratz Capt! Was the second one easier than the first?
[B]Order of the Cruciform/Crucified Swords[/B] - [B]Defiant[/B]
50's - Tridento (claws/invul scrapper), Robo Medic MkIV (empath/rad defender), Entrino (dark/dark defender) & Captain Wombat (thugs/traps mastermind)
Cunundrum, Defender (Generic Supergroup 101)
Other servers too.
New Global: @cunundrumEU
Nicely done Cap, what are you planning on leveling up next?
Big congratulations
BIG! Gratz to captain alpha 01, once again .
LOL M8 i thaught you left CoX?
PS i dont have you on Global Cpt my Global got whiped
Plz send a new Request @Flush
Thx M8 & GRATZ !!! .
Nicely done Cap, what are you planning on leveling up next?
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Yup whats next M8?
Thanks all, managed to finally after just over 18 months get my first ever toon created to 50. A big thanks must go out to the 2 teams who were with me yesterday, the first one an amazingly good PuG And the final team was some of my SG mates and Hammerfall and his SG who very very kindly helped me out on the last 5 bars.
Gratz Capt! Was the second one easier than the first?
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In all honesty the first 40 levels were a nightmare compared to capt , but 48-50 I managed in three days and iirc I did alot more smoothly on a Scrapper... probably because I wasn't dying as much hehe!
Nicely done Cap, what are you planning on leveling up next?
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I have a level 36 emp/rad defender on the list next, going to be mr heal0r for a while and take some time out from shooting energy blasts and hitting people with katanas !
And I'll add you on my globals next time I'm on Flush
Grats Captain!
Likewise, as Flush said...I Thought you'd hung your capes up!
Well done, this might inspire me to push on for my second 50 too...!
Main 50 & Badger Nine Claws Claws/Regen/Body
Other 50's Ph10x Brute Unjust Law Tanker Samantha Urai Scrapper Codename 1250 Scrapper
Cepheus Defender Nilus Scrapper Electro Field Blaster S.PONGE Tanker
Congrats Captain.
Likewise, as Flush said...I Thought you'd hung your capes up!
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Well I did for about a month or so; LotRO just wasn't as exciting as CoH. Not enough knockback , everything I seemed to do was collect 5 mushrooms, set out 50 miles down the road and give X the mushrooms then return to Y. There was fighting but it didn't give me the same excitement as it did for me on CoH. LotRO you mainly are just toe to toe doing the same few animations and a few "special" moves, on CoH, you can send them flying and your powers are more diverse... Nah I think I won't be trying any other MMO's for a long time, always ends badly
(except Conan maybe ^^)
Likewise, as Flush said...I Thought you'd hung your capes up!
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Well I did for about a month or so; LotRO just wasn't as exciting as CoH. Not enough knockback , everything I seemed to do was collect 5 mushrooms, set out 50 miles down the road and give X the mushrooms then return to Y. There was fighting but it didn't give me the same excitement as it did for me on CoH. LotRO you mainly are just toe to toe doing the same few animations and a few "special" moves, on CoH, you can send them flying and your powers are more diverse... Nah I think I won't be trying any other MMO's for a long time, always ends badly
(except Conan maybe ^^)
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ROFL ! Snap !
I went to LOTRO 30 day Trial i diddnt like it WoW is ALOT Better m8, I have a WoW buddy Key if you want it Cpt m8?
I have a WoW buddy Key if you want it Cpt m8?
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Thanks for the offer, but I took time out of CoH to play WoW last year.... and I found that it's just a larger version of LotRO. The graphics or gameplay didn't appeal to me again, and there wasn't any knockback still ^^! Out of CoX/WoW/LotRO CoX still comes first for community every time. Sure number wise we're considerably smaller than other MMO's, but at this time I wouldnt change that for anything. I love playing on a smaller server, you get to better know a larger percentage of the community as a whole and you find yourself teaming with the people you know more often out of random. CoX just seems to have more positive community spirit than the other MMO's I've tried. Hmmm I seemed to have babbled on there Anyway Flush thanks alot for the offer but Blizzard is still trying to bait me back with a free DVD of Burning Crusade and a 14 day free trial... It's gathering more dust on my shelf as we speak.
Grats on the second level 50. Always good to get your first character to 50, I mean the first you created. My first created character was my 3rd 50 and yet felt the most special
Am loving playing LotRO at the moment myself and I hated WoW. I guess I just like how shiney the graphics are on LotRO its very visually imersing
"Well, they found my diary today.
They were appropriately appalled
at the discovery of the eight victims
They're now putting it all together.
Women wrapped in silk
with one leg missing
Eight legs, one body, silk,
spider, brilliant!"
Thanks all, managed to finally after just over 18 months get my first ever toon created to 50. A big thanks must go out to the 2 teams who were with me yesterday, the first one an amazingly good PuG And the final team was some of my SG mates and Hammerfall and his SG who very very kindly helped me out on the last 5 bars.
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I will probabbly still play LOTRO from time to time as im a MMO Addict .
Are you still going to play somtimes m8?
If you do, what Server are you on ?
I'm on EN Gilrain Server.
I will PM you my Alt Details if you still play somtimes m8.
Are you still going to play somtimes m8?
If you do, what Server are you on ?
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Well tbh I play only when I have some free time and when the CoH servers are down; although after playing it to death upon purchase (not to mention the 50 reinstalls I had to do, about 100 forum posts and emails and a 20 mile trip to a friend's house to get a missing file just to install the game) sorta puts me off playing it. I am on the Evernight Server though under the name Xarond, lvl 21 Captain. Me, Fueled Rage and Adama set up a Kinship there, which lasted a few weeks then we just decided to head back to CoH. Mysteriously our forum had been shut down as soon as I had reopened my CoH account Gandalf may have smelt spandex and felt betrayed!
Are you still going to play somtimes m8?
If you do, what Server are you on ?
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Well tbh I play only when I have some free time and when the CoH servers are down; although after playing it to death upon purchase (not to mention the 50 reinstalls I had to do, about 100 forum posts and emails and a 20 mile trip to a friend's house to get a missing file just to install the game) sorta puts me off playing it. I am on the Evernight Server though under the name Xarond, lvl 21 Captain. Me, Fueled Rage and Adama set up a Kinship there, which lasted a few weeks then we just decided to head back to CoH. Mysteriously our forum had been shut down as soon as I had reopened my CoH account Gandalf may have smelt spandex and felt betrayed!
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Well done cap on ure 2nd 50 as many of u may know bacarac has retired (as i have gone to Guild Wars) u got A GW character cap??
Keep levelling those alts!
I go away for a week and look what happens! Hehe congrats mate, shame I wasn't there to see you ding but well done on your 2nd lvl 50 (Damn you for beating me)
I have a WoW buddy Key if you want it Cpt m8?
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Thanks for the offer, but I took time out of CoH to play WoW last year.... and I found that it's just a larger version of LotRO. The graphics or gameplay didn't appeal to me again, and there wasn't any knockback still ^^! Out of CoX/WoW/LotRO CoX still comes first for community every time. Sure number wise we're considerably smaller than other MMO's, but at this time I wouldnt change that for anything. I love playing on a smaller server, you get to better know a larger percentage of the community as a whole and you find yourself teaming with the people you know more often out of random. CoX just seems to have more positive community spirit than the other MMO's I've tried. Hmmm I seemed to have babbled on there Anyway Flush thanks alot for the offer but Blizzard is still trying to bait me back with a free DVD of Burning Crusade and a 14 day free trial... It's gathering more dust on my shelf as we speak.
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LOL Whipe the dust off your Burning Crusade and a 14 day free trial & join me on WoW for 14 Days?
Make a BloodElf Hord on hellscream i will help you 14 days straight .
The only thing wit CoX for me these days though is my Global is whiped & i have lost contact with allmost every 1 i knew
Now i will stop Babbling on .
Cya in game soon i hope Cpt m8 !!!
Gratz to captain alpha 01 on his second lvl50. well done mate!