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  1. Aww thank you huni
    i had a brilliant birthday on sunday

    Frosttzone is now a big grown up adult.. well ish at 16 and my little xmas baby who was only 1 pound 10 ozs when he was born is now taller than me and twice as ugly (ok im imagining the all grown up)
  2. [ QUOTE ]

    I think the best education in this matter comes by itself when players try different AT's and see things from a very different point of view.-

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    doint this in reverse atm, have played defenders since i started 10 months ago and really love that play style, am now playing my first scrapper (lvl 15 yay) and its an education alright..keep wanting to heal people though..hard habit to break
  3. [ QUOTE ]
    I also felt guilty the other day, not because of who I healed, but my choice in skills. My empath was level8 and I was the only empath in the team of 8 and they kept calling for CM, to which I replied I didnt have it, I chose res. They were ok with it in the end, but said they would have preferred CM. I am new to the game, and even newer to empath's and I am trying to choose my skills to aid my team more, but without making life too hard for myself (like taking a heal skill instead of a travel pool for instance) *as a side note: I usually made the melee class of the group priority, tank taking preference, casters shouldn't be in the thick of things imo*

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    on the other hand there are a lot of players out there who would rather you took fortitude before cm, so this just illustrates you cant please everyone all the time, do your best and enjoy the game
  4. also if you go for a smaller team or a duo you get more chance to use the rad side of things, ive been duoing a fair bit lately and am enjoying useing the rad side more then the emp side, though when you fire off an attack and see your teamates heath disapearing and you cant do anything about it while your attack animates its a little bit panic inducing
  5. Frosttzone


    hi and welcome
    if you like silly inane chat then the evolution radio chat channel can be fun...and no i dont know what its called, it took me all my time to get myself on it ..and comnine that with listening to evolution radio at the same time to enhance that gaming experience
  6. Frosttzone

    Hami Done

    Well done all..i got in from work last night to find frosttzone bouncing off the walls with excitment after completing his first Hami raid..
    and to think he nearly missed it cos i made him go and change into a hami cossie before he went to the hive and he couldnt get in for a few mins..i was not a popular mother in my house for a little while there
  7. i really want to nominate Elentil for her Princess Silver story..but being a lot thick cant work out how to do a link
    if any one out there can please add for me

    thanks Silver
  8. Frosttzone

    Gratz to me!

    congratulations to you
  9. Frosttzone

    Princess Silver

    thank you huni
    princess silver perfectly..still looking for her beloved..but getting there
  10. aww bless
    go sit in the jacuzzi in founders
    that will relax you
  11. Frosttzone

    Leaving for now

    are you feeling all loved up now elly huni?
    soo glad you arnt going completly..and now you can relax and enjoy the game for the games sake..not as a rush to 50..its all in the friends and the playing
  12. Frosttzone

    Leaving for now

    Elly..what can i say.I WILL MISS YOU..yup thats about it
  13. Frosttzone

    Daytime TFs

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    lol bal has mates? ;P

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    kids bah!!! Excuses Excuses

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    I am soooo gonna laugh when this curse hits u

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    well hes got one mate at least..mates may be an exageration
  14. Frosttzone

    Daytime TFs

    aww.. you feeling all alone now Bal..what you may not have realised its half term next week..i.e starting on the 12th..peoples plans tend to be differnt time etc
  15. Frosttzone

    Balaban hits 50

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    Oh my word...thank you Silver and everyone for kind words. As u can see i don't frequent this place much. Cheers again

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    now that gave me my laugh for the day
    a reply to a post many many months after it was posted
  16. [ QUOTE ]
    At least if this damn baby stops biting my ankle and lets me play

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    is that what you are letting it bite?? this may just be where you are going wrong huni

    And congratulations to all those that got to 50 over the last few days
  17. BIG CONGRATULATIONS from me and frosttzone (he was well pleased to actually be there as you dinged)
  18. and dont forget that when you buy the cov game for your £6.99 included in that is a months free they are paying you to own it..what have you got to loose
  19. just been on playing my lvl 27 emp/rad

    got asked by some random tell " are you a pure empath ?"
    i jokingly replied " well you obviosly dont read the froums..but you could say i am"
    was then asked did i want a team
    i replyed had just joined a mate.. all true

    to which he replied "ur loss"

    i must be getting more sensitive in my old age
  20. from all your friends on defient, and in the storm warriors a really BIG congratulations to Elentil on the birth of her baby girl..born yesturday morning and a sizable 7lbs 8 ozs.

    start training her up my girl and lok forward to seeing you in game if you ever get a minute or 3