Creative Genius Nominations - March 2007
I'd like to nominate spidermonster for his story Hard Boiled Nights in Paragon City found here.
i really want to nominate Elentil for her Princess Silver story..but being a lot thick cant work out how to do a link
if any one out there can please add for me
thanks Silver
Princess Silver
there you go, and it just takes time to work out (like 18 months here)
A link is coded like this (without the white spaces after the '[') :
[ url=the_link_you_want]the text of your link[ /url]
I would like to nominate Steelwind brilliant digital work here:
Kage Neko and FlashFlame
FireBlazer Level 50 Fire/Fire Blaster
New Blood Foundation/Rebellion
Dark Merchant Level 50 Ninja Stalker
Global Chat: FireBlazer
I vote for Scarlet Shocker's piece "The death of Great Wulf", here:;gonew=1#UNREAD
I vote for Scarlet's too

A Fishy Tale: Arc ID: 334602
Co-Leader of the CREE when I can be bothered.
I 'd like to nominate this Slumber Party
Done by my online 'oppo' British Beetle.
hmmm may be a cert. 15 though.
Allodoxaphobia is the fear of opinions.
Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth. MARCUS AURELIUS (121-180 AD)
I'd like to nominate Rock_Eagle's comic book covers.
They were ace.
I'd like to nomiate new guy, The_Meshsmoother's Nitroblast pic
Just a note, the prior two nominations were posted on April 1st and April 6th, thus aren't applicable for entry in the March Creative Genius Competition, but are for April's next month.
you mean mesh's work and rock eagles comic covers?
okie dokie.
I would like to nominate Steelwind brilliant digital work here:
Kage Neko and FlashFlame
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Seconded upon that one
We gonna get to see the results or what? I'm desperate to see if I've won
These nominations will remain open until 6pm GMT on Monday 9 April. The winner will be announced later in that week.
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SO eh, given that we are now one week into May, wouldn't this be about time?
All things come to those who wait, no?
Bridger is a busy B... I mean so many posts to delete
Sorry for the slight delay, guys.
Nominations for April were due to be opened today. I'll be posting details of March's winner and the nominations thread for April tomorrow, barring any emergencies.
So eh - aren't the distaters averted and the fires put out now?
So eh - aren't the distaters averted and the fires put out now?
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They are, although we're still working on getting people's items back.
I am, however, working on the Creative Genius announcement now - look for it in the next hour or two.
Welcome to the nominations for March's Creative Genius!
Please use this thread to nominate submissions for the Creative Genius award for the month of March 2007.
Please be sure to familiarise yourself with the guidelines for the Creative board and the Creative Genius competition before making any nominations - you can read them here.
These nominations will remain open until 6pm GMT on Monday 9 April. The winner will be announced later in that week.
To nominate a submission, please post a link to the appropriate post.
There are some important rules to bear in mind when making nominations:
<ul type="square">[*]You may only nominate one submission. If you nominate more than one submission, only the first one will count.[*]You may not nominate your own submissions.[*]Nominated submissions must have been originally posted to this board during March 2007.[*]All original submissions first posted to these boards in March 2007 are eligible for nomination, regardless of what form they take.[*]Only nominated submissions will be considered for the Creative Genius award.[*]If no nominations are received, there will be no Creative Genius award for March 2007.[*]If you have any comments, questions or suggestions, please post them to The Creative Board and Creative Genius. This thread should only be used for nominations, and any off-topic posts will be removed.[/list]Happy nominating!