[censored] Heroes?
The G-Word is sometimes Associated With Bad Feelings and Can be used Detrimentaly, Hence Banning it from the Forums.
Homosexual Should be Perfectly Fine...
cack word filter.
and your correct, i know alto of the Kelvin bridge's characters were, but the prevalence of lesbian characters is, i think, to do with guys playing girls.
and perhaps that lesbians are more socially acceptable then male homosexuals?
Probably because it's mostly males that make up what is socially acceptable...
(I hear more about men beating G-people... I've yet to hear of women beating up L-people)
And in the typical male testosterone fuelled mind:
Lesbians are hot
Homosexuals like men, so must like me, so will come on to me... and that makes them a threat in some way.
@ShadowGhost & @Ghostie
The Grav Mistress, Mistress of Gravity
If you have nothing useful to say, you have two choices: Say something useless or stay quiet.
Perhaps there are more than you think, but the subject of sexuality doesn't come up much in RP? There's a difference between being openly [censored], and randomly blurting out, "I like men" during PLOT.
All the ICly lesbian characters I've come across are only obvious by the fact that they all seem to have partners being RP'd.
Perhaps there are more than you think, but the subject of sexuality doesn't come up much in RP? There's a difference between being openly [censored], and randomly blurting out, "I like men" during PLOT.
All the ICly lesbian characters I've come across are only obvious by the fact that they all seem to have partners being RP'd.
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Hmmm...maybe that's the point. It's eaier to FIND a lesbian partner in RP for a character than a g*y one, which (combined with them percieved as being more attractive to play for male players) makes them "easier" to play if you're looking for interaction?
I mean in the past, Crimson has hung out in Pocket D, checked out the heroes & villians, listened into conversation, and even spoken to barstaff, all in the hope of getting a hint whether a character might be "available".
However, he's unpowered and in a world where a punch might be replaced with a radiation blast, just walking up to a guy and telling them you think they're hot has the potential for far more serious RP consequences!
Formerly @Crimson Archer, now @CA
The Militia - Protecting Paragon City through roleplaying since June 2006!
Theres a guy called spearmint who is openly [censored]. And not like these occasional leather-clad or pink panted half naked stereotype charectors you see now and then.
I remember me and Echo practicaly applauding him out of charector for it.
and the comment "who but a homosexual man would want a job wearing spandex" cracked me up.
I also had one charector a long time ago who, although wasnt openly [censored], was somewhat camp. Didnt get past lvl14 with him though, and he was abbandoned.
but on the subject of Lesbians... of all the female charectors i known.... 4 where straight, 2 are asexual (1 doesnt ever mention preference, 1 was an asexual but seemingly lesbian female demon) 2 where Bi (1 now married to a man, 1 who has never had a male partner in her known history despite claiming to be Bi) and dozens apon dozens of lesbians.
Is this reflective of the playerbase? the real world? or just that theres so many male playing female charectors?
Spearmint's player was KelvinBridge. Pretty much ALL his characters, except the scotbots, were homosexual. Unfortunately, he left the game a while ago and doesn't plan to return.
As for all the lesbians, it's almost certainly due to the high number being played by men.
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
and perhaps that lesbians are more socially acceptable then male homosexuals?
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I've noticed in a lot of places, not just CoX (hoho, word play). Lesbian characters are - generally - more likely to be accepted by the playerbase at large for whatever reason. Sadly, a lot of them are still brushed into the "kiddy with his pants down" category which is enormously frustrating.
a lot of them are still brushed into the "kiddy with his pants down" category which is enormously frustrating.
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you mean your not, syra!?!
(sorry, had to )
Sadly, a lot of them are still brushed into the "kiddy with his pants down" category which is enormously frustrating.
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What does this mean? (probably some british thing I don't understand... yet again)
@ShadowGhost & @Ghostie
The Grav Mistress, Mistress of Gravity
If you have nothing useful to say, you have two choices: Say something useless or stay quiet.
Sadly, a lot of them are still brushed into the "kiddy with his pants down" category which is enormously frustrating.
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What does this mean? (probably some british thing I don't understand... yet again)
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Aaah.. I'll explain on MSN mate...
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
I've got a few guys who dig guys, a few guys who dig guys and girls, some lesbians, some bisexuals, some transsexuals and Isaac.
The guy runs a freaking BDSM themed club! He sung Shania Twain's 'Man, I Feel Like a Woman' on stage! He's turned up to Galaxy Girl topless, he's turned up in a skirt, he's turned up dressed as Hikari-Hime (That's Shining Princess in Japanese.) He's great.
And yes, giving out some Kelvin love here. <3
lol - I thought this thread about the general censoring that goes on and how weird it can be. Bizarre that [censored] should be censored though. With the recent publicity of Big Brother and the kicking from the house of someone for using "the N" word, I then heard talk about how "the [censored] community had claimed the word [censored] for themselves thereby removing the offensive element from it." and that "black musicians etc., when using "the N word" were in a way doing the same thing".
Apologies for being a little off topic, but it can be hard being a CENSORED Hero!
Sadly, a lot of them are still brushed into the "kiddy with his pants down" category which is enormously frustrating.
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What does this mean? (probably some british thing I don't understand... yet again)
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I assume it means that some people think that men play lesbians in order to have hawt lesbian sexxor online and gratifying hand excercise offline.
You know what they say about "assume"...
you mean your not, syra!?!
(sorry, had to )
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Wait until I get you into a hot embrace of man love.
You know what they say about "assume"...
[/ QUOTE ]
Oh? What DOES it mean then?
Moving on from that (), if I played CoH more and brought some of my other characters out, there'd be a few more about!
The odd thing about Mechano is his forms if he stays in them too long (besides his young self and old self) slowly begin to alter his personality. His Draconic form is more feral and his catboy form well...i'll use a quote from Lunk when he saw it.
"There's only two types of men that wear a mesh shirt, and you don't look like a latino gangster..."
Also i've used a quote from Plunket and Macleane when asked at Edwards prefence in that form.
"So you erm...swing the other way then..."
"Darling when i'm like this i swing every way.."
So it all depends which form you catch him in as to what his preference will be.
Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!
You know what they say about "assume"...
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Oh? What DOES it mean then?
[/ QUOTE ]
er...I was only kidding. You were supposed to laugh and say "Yes I saw Silence of the Lambs too!" or something.
The popularity of lesbians in MMO's isn't just CoX, it's everywhere. Personally, the amount of lesbians never bothered me, only I'd too wish there was more homosexual men around.
My characters, there's one asexual, one straight(-ish), two bi, one furry, one mechanophile and one furry bunnyboy working as escort (who did brief appearance as NPC).
I play a homosexual character myself, Ray Feeze. At first he wasn't going to be, but I decided on a pink hat in the cossie creator and things went from there.... :P
He is deffiantely one of my favourite characters to play, more to do with his personality than his orientation. The problem I've found, as others mentioned, is having almost no other homosexual characters to RP with. So Ray is likely to stay single for a looong time yet.
I don't play any lesbian characters, simply because of my own wish to avoid the cliche, but I don't see it as a problem if it's played well.
er...I was only kidding. You were supposed to laugh and say "Yes I saw Silence of the Lambs too!" or something.
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Darn it. There goes a point out of my geek score, not recognizing Silence of the Lambs reference. I am pretty sure I've seen it, I must've had. Everyone's seen it. /sigh
lol - I thought this thread about the general censoring that goes on and how weird it can be.
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Yeah, this thread was called "G*y Heroes" when I created it, but, as the majority have now figured, the filter stepped in and ruined things for me.
He is deffiantely one of my favourite characters to play, more to do with his personality than his orientation. The problem I've found, as others mentioned, is having almost no other homosexual characters to RP with. So Ray is likely to stay single for a looong time yet.
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That's one of the main problems. I love playing Crimson, and I'd like to be able to play him with a full, in-game life, but if I want him to get any real physical closeness, then I have to use short stories or Forum RP.
It seems odd to me that people (particularly male roleplayers) will easily, even eagerly, embrace the idea of roleplaying a lesbian, asexual, bisexual, or straight character, but the male homosexual seems to largely be a RP taboo.
Formerly @Crimson Archer, now @CA
The Militia - Protecting Paragon City through roleplaying since June 2006!
I don't know if this a contentious subject or not, but here goes...
Having RPed in CoH for abou two years now I've seen more lesbian heroines than I can shake a spandex clad stick at, but realised the other week that I haven't noticed many openly [censored] heroes.
Are there any [censored] heroes out there besides Crimson Archer? and why is it that lesbian characters seem to be so much more prevelant in MMO RP than [censored] characters?
PLUS why can I use the word "Lesbian" openly on the CoH forum, but I can't use the G-word?
Formerly @Crimson Archer, now @CA
The Militia - Protecting Paragon City through roleplaying since June 2006!