[censored] Heroes?




i have, as a lot of people i talk to on CoX know, a long standing feud with lesbian characters in particular. Hell, i know maybe... 4 g*ys? and 3 lesbians in RL, 2 of which are in my family =S but for some reason i just don't like the amount of lesbians RPed, i know i can't do anything about it, lol, and i never say to anyone, 'i think what your doing is wrong', but i just don't like it...

Of course, this isn't cause they are lesbian, but cause they are 20+ yr old guys sitting at home RPing dykes so that they get a kick out of it... (sorry, i know that is not true for everyone). I always thought that say Spearmint and Crimson were good characters as far as the fact that, hell, there are gays, but sometimes i know i turn up at PD or GG and there isn't a straight lass in sight...

gah, sorry, for rantish thing, and yeah, i have only met 3 g*y characters in CoX, all of which have been mentioned here, but i expect you could always say Crimson has an NPC partner for a while? although obviously it ain't the same



I've seen a couple of 'em at Icon. (where else? ) There's very, very few [censored] superheroes in mainstream comics and I'm sure that's one of the reasons. I'm sure there would be more of them in the game if you could create bishounen type characters.



there's also the part where there's an abundance on female characters, compared to male ones.

I was in Pocket D once and there was a crowd of about 15... and one of the women practically bounced up and down asking "where are the guys?"

@ShadowGhost & @Ghostie
The Grav Mistress, Mistress of Gravity

If you have nothing useful to say, you have two choices: Say something useless or stay quiet.



I didn't know CoX was such a great way to meet women ;P
Guess I'll have to post a singles ad in game XD



but i expect you could always say Crimson has an NPC partner for a while? although obviously it ain't the same

[/ QUOTE ]
The sad thing is that if I want to either give him a stable homse life, or introduce some "relationship tension" to his story, then I may have to do just that!

Sometimes I watch with an air of jealousy those characters who have got other player characters as boy/girlfriends, as the relationship can play out as more real.

If I have to resort to inventing an "other half" then it just feels kinda..well..contrived.

Formerly @Crimson Archer, now @CA
The Militia - Protecting Paragon City through roleplaying since June 2006!



Of course, this isn't cause they are lesbian, but cause they are 20+ yr old guys sitting at home RPing dykes so that they get a kick out of it... (sorry, i know that is not true for everyone).

[/ QUOTE ]

Indeed! (21 year old girl playing a 37 year old married lesbian mother of three as one of her main characters for the past 2 years :P )

Hmm, to look at it...
Zortel - Zorielle Rolando, married to Tessa Lenson (Another alt of mine), 3 children (2 of which are biologically her own, one adopted)
Cauter - 26 year old guy, dating Lyn-Legend, so straight
Storm Sapphire - 28 year old FtM transgender PPD Officer dating a Warshade catgirl. Straight.
Jane Darc - Mid-twenty something zombie girl dating a man who looks in his 40's (Dark Stone) Straight, and not necrophilic. Honestly.
Zortel III - Jessica Kade, Nanomite created woman married to an alien girl with cat ears and a tail. Her children are her beloved pet kitten and bunny. Lesbian.
Number Nine - Gynoid who's currently kinda single, mostly straight.
Jan Boa - Snake girl, straight.
Alraune - Pansexual
Isaac Anderson - Bisexual polyamorist deviant. (Now there's a mouthful.)
Juan Ross, Sophie Reylands - As above, minus the deviant part. :P
Fusebox - Lesbian
Cindersnap - He's not even sure yet, being 15, so damned if I know!
Fist of Faust - Homosexual, but it never came up in conversation.
Ashley Yves - Bigendred and bisexual.

I could dig into my rabble of other alts, but those are the main ones. A fairly mixed bag as it were!



but i expect you could always say Crimson has an NPC partner for a while? although obviously it ain't the same

[/ QUOTE ]
The sad thing is that if I want to either give him a stable homse life, or introduce some "relationship tension" to his story, then I may have to do just that!

Sometimes I watch with an air of jealousy those characters who have got other player characters as boy/girlfriends, as the relationship can play out as more real.

If I have to resort to inventing an "other half" then it just feels kinda..well..contrived.

[/ QUOTE ]

I find NPC partners can be useful. Of course, in some cases it isn't, like when you're playing three people out of four in a relationship. >.o

Of course, there's the less random elements from having another person play the other half, but there's also the fact that you then don't have to synchronize so much about what's been happening in the relationship. If I had to do that with all my characters, I'd never have time to play the game!



Well, after reading this I'm really tempted to make my next Hero a member of this overly taboo'd group. I've always been one for equality in all it's forms, despite not falling into any particular category that defines someone as socially unacceptible by the hive-mind. (Oh, except for 'Gamer', haha.)

I've been known to claim I'm [censored] anyway when anyone uses it as an insult just to make them realise how stupid it is to say. I really hate it when people insult others based on who they are, as opposed to what they do.

It's just a big fat taboo, that shouldn't be taboo, but is. Y'know, everyone equal, judge someone on their actions towards you, not their creed or lifestyle. Treat individuals as individuals.

Now I just need to avert my girlfriend from joining CoX after all this time nudging her towards it. "Wait, you play a [censored] character? I THOUGHT YOU LOVED ME." "No baby, it's not how it looks!" *dodges flying lamp* "It's just who I am! I'm an Online Role-Player!"

It takes Chaos to move the world to Action.



Well, after reading this I'm really tempted to make my next Hero a member of this overly taboo'd group.

[/ QUOTE ]

A homosexual anarchist, then? =)



Well, after reading this I'm really tempted to make my next Hero a member of this overly taboo'd group. I've always been one for equality in all it's forms, despite not falling into any particular category that defines someone as socially unacceptible by the hive-mind. (Oh, except for 'Gamer', haha.)

[/ QUOTE ]Ditto.

I've been known to claim I'm [censored] anyway when anyone uses it as an insult just to make them realise how stupid it is to say. I really hate it when people insult others based on who they are, as opposed to what they do.

[/ QUOTE ] Noted for future reference.

It's just a big fat taboo, that shouldn't be taboo, but is. Y'know, everyone equal, judge someone on their actions towards you, not their creed or lifestyle. Treat individuals as individuals.

[/ QUOTE ]Well I certainly do. Everyone has a right to live their life as they choose so long as it doesn't infringe the rights of others to do so.

Now I just need to avert my girlfriend from joining CoX after all this time nudging her towards it. "Wait, you play a [censored] character? I THOUGHT YOU LOVED ME." "No baby, it's not how it looks!" *dodges flying lamp* "It's just who I am! I'm an Online Role-Player!"

[/ QUOTE ]Just get her to play your 'boyfriend'; problem solved

Tyger (50), Mutation-Controller Mind/FF - oldest Mind/FF on Union
Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



I've been known to claim I'm [censored] anyway when anyone uses it as an insult just to make them realise how stupid it is to say. I really hate it when people insult others based on who they are, as opposed to what they do.

[/ QUOTE ]

Now, I may have no right to say this - not being [censored] myself, but I'm not 100% with you on the idea of pretending to be something you're not in order to annoy/berate or condemn other people.

I know of many [censored] people who will quite happily use the, "You're so ****," line in jest/when pointing out someone's being an idiot; although I know there are many who don't agree with it - both [censored] and straight.

It's one thing to speak for an entire community; it's another to speak for an entire community you're not a part of.

As I say though, I may have no right whatsoever to say this.



I think the predominance of lesbian toons over male homosexual heroes is quite easy to explain:
Female players (who are a minority anyway) tend to have no major problems playing either gender with either sexual orientation, because they tend to be less homophobic than their male counterparts. (If you doubt this just ask your friends if they have playfully or passionately kissed another person of the same gender. You will find by far more women admitting to this than men... and the few men will likely tell you that they were drunk when they did it.)
However, many female players favour playing female toons (at least as their main toons). So, this leaves us with many heterosexual heroines, some lesbians and bi-women and a few men from which even fewer are homosexual.
Male players are a little bit different. (Who would have guessed that men and women are different? ) Most men are heterosexual and many are (at least) a little bit homophobic. So, we have a sizeable chunk of men with female toons, but these female toons are very likely bi or lesbian, because (as mentioned above) many men are somewhat homophobic and couldn't bring themselves to roleplay a toon that is attracted to men even if that toon is female. So, their female toons are lesbian or at least bi (mostly without ever roleplaying anything else but being lesbian). Likewise, for the mentioned reasons male toons played by heterosexual male players tend to be almost exclusively heterosexual. Add to that that many male players wouldn't risk looking less "manly" by impersonating a homosexual toon (because many men are alway "deerstalking" if you catch my drift ) which is only counteracted by some male players who impersonate homosexual heroes for fun and there are not many players left who would roleplay such a hero.
So, to summarize the above-mentioned I would expect the following "toon population structure":
a majority of heterosexual men
a sizeable chunk of lesbian/bi women
a roughly equally sized percentage of heterosexual women (perhaps less if there are many teens on the server)
very few homosexual men
You see, it's very normal that there are a lot more lesbian heroes than male homosexual toons.

If it has
eyes, you can blind it, if it has blood, you can make it bleed, if it has a mouth, you can make it scream.



Is making one of your characters costumes a pink catboy with white fur and fairy wings (also 2 different shades of pink) just going that little step one to far in the opposite direction to be just a tad tasteless with regards this topic?

I'm comfortable with my sexuality enough to be able to play out one of Mechanos forms 'swinging the other way' and i also think catboy and homosexual technically covers two taboos in one hit (Furry and Homosexuality) but hey i just felt the needs to make the costume.

So far i think the highlights have been asking a former Nazi if he wanted a hug.

Screenshot of the costume coming soon!

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



So far i think the highlights have been asking a former Nazi if he wanted a hug.

[/ QUOTE ]

And once again, Godwin is proven correct!


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



(If you doubt this just ask your friends if they have playfully or passionately kissed another person of the same gender. You will find by far more women admitting to this than men... and the few men will likely tell you that they were drunk when they did it.)

[/ QUOTE ]

Well, you've obviously not met my friends... =)
We're more or less statistically correct (one or two openly [censored], several bi's, and a majority of heteros), but a little less "phobic"...

Male players are a little bit different.[7quote]

Not all of them... =)

(Who would have guessed that men and women are different? )

[/ QUOTE ]

As long as you don't go around claiming it's because of biology, honey =)

Most men are heterosexual and many are (at least) a little bit homophobic.

[/ QUOTE ]

Aw, that's just because they're scared of their homosexual side... Most people are at least a little bit bi (as evidenced by the number of really macho men who kiss guys when they're really drunk)... =)


a majority of heterosexual men
a sizeable chunk of lesbian/bi women
a roughly equally sized percentage of heterosexual women (perhaps less if there are many teens on the server)
very few homosexual men
You see, it's very normal that there are a lot more lesbian heroes than male homosexual toons.

[/ QUOTE ]

What? No bi men? At all? =)

(Hm, I might activate my old completely unleveled character, Disco Fever - if anyone would stick it to either gender, it'd be him. And he's got the funky disco powers to back it up!)




I now sense in influx of posts going
"hey, I'll make a **** character"

and I wonder... why?

Because they want to play one?
- then why haven't they already?

Because it's suddonly hip to play one?
- it was hip to be a catgirl, it was hip to be a clockwork, it was hip to be a robot, it was hip to be a teen... only 20% of those hip catagories remain, the ones that were already there.

To fill a void that appearantly excists?
- and what good will that do, I wonder.

Because they suddonly are aware of the option?
- and what good will that do, I wonder.

@ShadowGhost & @Ghostie
The Grav Mistress, Mistress of Gravity

If you have nothing useful to say, you have two choices: Say something useless or stay quiet.



Truer words are rarely spoken, Ghosty.

To everyone considering making such a character, I ask you this question. Are you considering it because you WANT to play such a role, or because it's suddenly popular? Bandwagon jumpers rarely do a decent job, rarely stick it for long, and frequently make fools of themselves.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



I now sense in influx of posts going
"hey, I'll make a **** character"

and I wonder... why?

[/ QUOTE ]

The thing is... Sexuality is just one dimension of a character. There are many others. Disco Fever was created to be the ultimate paragon of Disco a few months back. I just hadn't considered his sexuality before - and his sexuality will still not be A Big Deal for him. Bisexuality just seemed like a suitable choice.

My main char, A-bomination, is completely sexless - he's around 12% organic, and none of it's genitalia. Horribly transformed grey flesh stuck inside a tech-suit doesn't really lend itself toward sexuality, y'know?

So I guess I don't see myself as a bandwagon-jumper. I never imagined Disco Fever as anything other than bisexual.




So I guess I don't see myself as a bandwagon-jumper. I never imagined Disco Fever as anything other than bisexual.

[/ QUOTE ]
Not to say that you are or aren't, but I ask one question of you...

(Hm, I might activate my old completely unleveled character, Disco Fever - if anyone would stick it to either gender, it'd be him. And he's got the funky disco powers to back it up!)

[/ QUOTE ]
Why? ... or more accurately, why are you considering it now?

Disclaimer: I didn't mean to attack anyone. I simply wondered, and perhaps tried to make those 'bandwagon jumpers' to "think before they leap" (god I love it when a saying fits so perfectly). I don't want to rain on anyone's parade (or bandwagon in it). If you want to do it, then do it.

@ShadowGhost & @Ghostie
The Grav Mistress, Mistress of Gravity

If you have nothing useful to say, you have two choices: Say something useless or stay quiet.



Most people tend to play to their own, RL, sexual preferrences, whether the player is male or female. I can't think of a single, female, hetrosexual player playing a primarily lesbian toon (although I can think of a few bi ones). Conversely, female written fanfics have a disproportionately high number of boy-on-boy relationships, especially when the series being fanficed involves no real boy on boy relationships and possible female ones.

For further proof, see the number of romantic fantsy novels, written by women, where lesbian pairs are major characters rather than supporting cast. They're always in there as supporters, but the main characters are almost always girls in hetrosexual or rarely bi relationships, or ****.

However, male players outnumber female players, and male players do tend to play cross gender more often (I know far more girls played by men than men played by girls, even allowing for the fact there's less girls playing). Add the wierd and wonderful internet phenonomon that the relative proportion of open LGBT players is far higher than anywhere in the real world other than possibly a university roleplaying society, and you get the phenonomon that LGBT toons make up a much higher proportion than they should do, and **** toons fall to the bottom of the heap.

The solution - more boys who like boys playing, or more girls - Shonen Ai!



The thing is... Sexuality is just one dimension of a character. There are many others.

[/ QUOTE ]
Please can anyone thinking of making a g*y toon read this and take it to heart. WHen I started this thread it was out of genuine curiousity and frustration born of feeling like I'd have to give Crimson a forum only boyfriend.

Sadly, I'm now more worried that Pocket D is going to filled with Graham Norton or John Innman act-a-likes dressing in bondage straps and various shades of pink apparel!

Please don't take this from one extreme to another in the name of "fair" roleplaying...

Formerly @Crimson Archer, now @CA
The Militia - Protecting Paragon City through roleplaying since June 2006!



And over-camp.

Just cause a guy likes a guy doesn't mean they have to be limp-wristed, mincing, effeminate, over-butch, or any various combination. Or wearing pink. In fact, I know more straight guys that wear pink than [censored].



Why? ... or more accurately, why are you considering it now?

[/ QUOTE ]

Because the issue of sexuality popped up in a thread on this forum?

And when it comes to activating Disco Fever at all... That's been in my head for the last week or so, unrelated to this thread. Sorry if it seemed like I was contemplating his activation just because of this thread.



Why? ... or more accurately, why are you considering it now?

[/ QUOTE ]

Because the issue of sexuality popped up in a thread on this forum?

And when it comes to activating Disco Fever at all... That's been in my head for the last week or so, unrelated to this thread. Sorry if it seemed like I was contemplating his activation just because of this thread.

[/ QUOTE ]

Sorry, but you're kinda contradicting yourself. You say he was Bi anyway, but then you say only reason you're considering making him Bi is because of this thread? Can you not see that this means you're only considering it because this thread has made the idea more popular?


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



In fact, I know more straight guys that wear pink than [censored].

[/ QUOTE ]

Its not pink, its salmon >_<

It might sound a little messed up, but despite not being homophobic, i am very much Metrophobic