Stalkers got ripped off?ٍ
You seem to be missing something. Like, enjoyment. Each AT has it's own abilities and if you like Scrappers, play Scrappers; just don't get upset if Brutes/Stalkers aren't the same.
Basically it seems like you don't like CoV because there's no Scrapper class, which seems really odd to me at least.
Well I sorta felt the opposite but I got CoV first then CoH. Never really liked CoH but then a played a...SCRAPPER!!!!!!!
*lightning strikes*
You seem to be missing something. Like, enjoyment. Each AT has it's own abilities and if you like Scrappers, play Scrappers; just don't get upset if Brutes/Stalkers aren't the same.
Basically it seems like you don't like CoV because there's no Scrapper class, which seems really odd to me at least.
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Very true. You also have a GF who happens to like an AT in the same part of the game you like.
Imagine how much worse it would have been if you had liked Scrappers and she liked Masterminds!
AT Transfers FTW!
Yeah, you guys are right. I just liked scrappers. But then again AT's in CoH worked better together than in CoV. At least for Controlling + Tanking. Tanking in CoV you got one choice, Brutes. Controlling + Healing (like controllers) isn't there. You either pick Corrupters (dmg+buff) or Masterminds (Pets+buff). So, unlike CoH where you can be a Tank or Scrapper get a controller firend for healing/buff and Controlling and you're set. The best combo in CoV is MM + Dominator. But MM pets are annoying to take care of, I have a lvl 8 MM and I am already getting annoyed. Brutes + Corruptor? (lack in controlling department). Brute + Dominator (lack in healing department)
Oh well, back to CoH I guess. Thanks for the comments!
Crow you have to get your head around the CoV AT's they are very different from their CoH counterparts. Remember they are villian and as such need to be more self reliant. If you want scrapping + support I'd say Brute + Corrupter is the way to go. If you want Tank + Control + Healing then it would be MM + Dominator
Brute is the closest thing to a scrapper in CoV, stalkers are really more like blappers, especially at low levels.
Tanking in CoV you got one choice, Brutes.
[/ QUOTE ]Or a mastermind, with provoke.
I don´t quite see why ATs in CoH would work better together than in CoV. It´s just that you need a different mindset to make them work together.
CoH is better suited for those who want/need clear responsibilities attributed to each AT or who think that they need a "real" tank or a full-time-healer etc.
In CoV things require a little bit more flexibility. Let´s look at your examples of duo-teams:
MM + Dominator = It works (as any duo with at least one MM). There are enough people who enjoy playing MMs, so there is no reason to play one if you don´t enjoy it. Don´t know if it´s the "best" duo though as there are quite a few more.
Brute + Corruptor = Who needs control when enemies drop in seconds? This combo is tried ande tested and was easily capable of taking down AVs before I7´s insane AV-buff. Nowadays you need a third person to drop AVs. (An additional Corruptor or MM works like a charm here.)
Brute + Dominator = If Brute and Dominator are up to their job there will be not much damage to heal. I especially remember a fight where a Longbow Ballista one-shotted his own minions and proceeded to just look at our team while we tore him to pieces. ("U friend?") Neither my dom nor the brute took a single point of damage during that fight. Well, that said, AVs would be a problem for this duo as most doms are almost useless in such a fight since I7. (Not too much damage, evil triangles stopping any form of control, so healing will be an issue...)
Well, it´s totally ok to prefer one playstyle or the other, but to say that CoH ATs work better would be wrong. They just work different.

If it has eyes, you can blind it, if it has blood, you can make it bleed, if it has a mouth, you can make it scream.
Crow77, you're applying CoH AT's to CoV or at least making comparisons.
Wrong. They are completely new and different powersets from the heroes and must be played accordingly.
A Stalker isn't a Scrapper, the title would suggest you stalk your prey and utilise the powerset i.e. stealth.
As an aside, the Corruptor does have a 'healing' powerset to a degree. The flame one has an AoE heal and Cauterise for single target (mine's a lvl 7 so no idea what powers come after).
You need to approach CoV as CoV, I've been in superb teams both PvE and PvP, they can rock. At the end of the day a villain doesn't want to heal the competition, they want world domination (or something equally villainous anyways )!
"Like War_Hero said, leave it as it is, it toughens up the softies." - Naz Nomad
Union Heroes
War Borg - Leader of The Paragon Knights
Union Villains
McCabe - Co-leader of The Rogue Knights
Defiant - Supreme Hero
Tanking in CoV you got one choice, Brutes.
[/ QUOTE ]Or a mastermind, with provoke.
[/ QUOTE ]
Bodyguard mode is NASTY!
Jup, I can only agree to that: I don't like playing stalker.
Though I don't think it's gimped.
My first Char that went straight to 50 is Strife a BS/Reg Scrapper on Zukunft. Wonderful gameplay. Useful in any teamsize and just...heroic.
Run in with Buildup on and use Headsplitter and Disembowel (You can imagine I had a hard time believing I was just "arresting"...). And if the Tank goes down, use Instand Healing and Parry to keep on tanking!
(Plus with Archmage and Instant Healing...well that's just dirty.)
With Parry I could tank dangerous foes over extended periods and with Focussed Accurary I hurt them enough to take them down.
Also, I was always there if the tank lost the aggro of a lone enemy who turned to go for a squishy.
Then I started a Stalker Eng/Reg called Naruto-sama on Zukunft. And although it felt good to be kinda damaging out of the box, the gameplay lacked something... something big!
I started CoH because of heroes. All my Chars were team-friendly and had that "doing the right thing" feelgood factor.
And now I was stuck with a perfectly workable AT (Stalker solos fine) that get a bit weaker in teams but just --- plays like a coward!
Sneaking, running away... If you are used to Scrappers those are the biggest taboos. You are the second wave after the tank, first to attack, last to run.
I wouldn't say that Stalkers are ripped. But if you are a Scrapper-Person, Stalker will lack a lot. I'd rather recommend a Brute for Scrappers turning CoV.
Although I gotta say, CoV has nice ATs they are definitely more difficult to get to work as a team, especially a larger team.
SR or Ninjitsu Stalkers are wonderful, you need to get upto SO level but they are devastating once you get there.
At the end of the day a villain doesn't want to heal the competition, they want world domination (or something equally villainous anyways )!
[/ QUOTE ]
yeah, like brussel sprouts, or beadles about.
If its any consolation, dominator and stalker can make a great duo, might be a bit tough at the start though.
My MA IDs:
Fiend Space: 211464
Yep, stalkers score criticals on held foes ever when visible
ok... so.
[/color]<blockquote><font class="small">En réponse à:[/color]<hr />
Run in with Buildup on and use Headsplitter and Disembowel (You can imagine I had a hard time believing I was just "arresting"...). And if the Tank goes down, use Instand Healing and Parry to keep on tanking!
(Plus with Archmage and Instant Healing...well that's just dirty.)
With Parry I could tank dangerous foes over extended periods and with Focussed Accurary I hurt them enough to take them down.
[/ QUOTE ]
yep the big problem is here. scrapper ar medium hp. you have tank to tank. the fact that a rava can tank the same way with little buff is in my humble opinion the proof that CoH loosed the "AT specific to a job" style
i find stalker much more builded as they can only do what they are supposed to do.
true that if you don't want at that don't just are overpowered you will not like CoV 's one.
but once mastered satlker are as good as scrapper, need skill that's all
[/color]<blockquote><font class="small">En réponse à:[/color]<hr />
And now I was stuck with a perfectly workable AT (Stalker solos fine) that get a bit weaker in teams but just --- plays like a coward!
Sneaking, running away... If you are used to Scrappers those are the biggest taboos. You are the second wave after the tank, first to attack, last to run.
[/ QUOTE ]
coward.. hum... so defendeur are coward as they don't run in the mob?
stalker are assassin, they had to be stealthy. you can scrappe with them i do it myself with i think quite good success, but they are not as good in long fight. stalker that flee once there job done or if they don't have chosen there fight is normal. btw what can a stalker do in fornt of a rava regen running dull and IH? no shame or coward attitude, just wise people.
to War_Hero:
[/color]<blockquote><font class="small">En réponse à:[/color]<hr />
A Stalker isn't a Scrapper, the title would suggest you stalk your prey and utilise the powerset i.e. stealth.
[/ QUOTE ]
sadly it's less and less true, at high level.
even in siren it begin, stalke are less and less stealthed.
they became prey of the "stalker hunter AT". first ime a see an AT that is intended to be the predator becoming the prey.
in that dev did not a clever job.
btw there are ever way of getting our kills nyark nyark
to War_Hero:
A Stalker isn't a Scrapper, the title would suggest you stalk your prey and utilise the powerset i.e. stealth.
[/ QUOTE ]
sadly it's less and less true, at high level.
even in siren it begin, stalke are less and less stealthed.
they became prey of the "stalker hunter AT". first ime a see an AT that is intended to be the predator becoming the prey.
in that dev did not a clever job.
btw there are ever way of getting our kills nyark nyark
[/ QUOTE ]
My stalk is only 30 atm (has been for some time ) so I clear forgot this til I harked back to the RV event....
You're right, absolutely right. Which is a shame coz I like stalkers.
To summarise: My 'higher dmg' means I have a lower hp to compensate it. Whack in stealth (Hide) to compensate my lower hp to enable the use of my higher dmg. BUT everyone can see me, no opportunity to get off my compensated high dmg leaves me........ /e faceplant
This said, stalkers can stand and fight but in light of all that's been said, it appears they are left behind by the later levels.
Devs, make the stalker stand out again please! Hell, give them scrapper hp, even those odds!
"Like War_Hero said, leave it as it is, it toughens up the softies." - Naz Nomad
Union Heroes
War Borg - Leader of The Paragon Knights
Union Villains
McCabe - Co-leader of The Rogue Knights
Defiant - Supreme Hero
Well, Scrapper HP for Stalkers? No way!
Then the whole "Extra-Damage-from-Hide" thing could be done away with, too, and we'd just have Scrappers.
Also, I think Stalkers are WAI at the moment, they are just not a close-quarter-one-on-one AT. They are assasin and play as such.
I think the Stalker concept works out fine and is powerful enough to be attractive. Same goes for the Scrapper concept which is just different.
All I said was that out of the two concepts I like the straight-forward playstyle of a Scrapper better.
As for PvP Stalkers have the advantage of ridiculously easy kills sometimes. In exchange for that, they are rather vulnerable prey for Stalker-Hunters such as my BS/REG/BODY Scrapper (Superjump, Superspeed, Fearsome Stare, Focussed Accuracy, the works ).
Sometimes I get a Regen-Stalker feared and see him go down with two satisfying whacks. Is this unfair? Is the stalker underpowered?
I don't think so. It's at least just as fair as the AS the Stalker is about to try on my teams or SGs Empath.
In PvP with my SG I'm around not for the damage I do to turrets or for tanking. Blasters and Tanks do that a lot better. But just to keep an eye out for Stalkers which I can pursue without getting really in danger and without leaving the group tankless.
Both Scrappers and Stalkers have their place and work fine actually.
stalker have far less HPs than blasters which is silly for a melee class.
Personally I think they should get a serious HP buff, lose a ton of the AS damage, keep the crits from hide as in my opinion its not as useful in real combat (outside of soloing pve missions) as scrappers critical hit ability.
**Acceptable "support" responses**
Its your fault
Its your computers fault
Its your ISPs fault
I don't think that they need that big a tweak - a slight upward bump to hp, so they fall in between scrappers and blasters, and increase the chance to crit on mezzed foes - thus making dominators and stalkers more useful in one fell swoop. No dominator on the team? The stalker has a bit more survivability to encourage them to scrap it out a bit. Dominator on the team? Stalker goes nuts at the extra criticals, and pumps out some serious damage out of hide, again, encouraging them to stay in the thick of it with the extra safety of slightly higher hp.
I don't really mind the low HP on my Stalker, infact, I think the AT is mostly fine as it is.
It's more peoples opinions about the AT than the AT itself.
Shush you, can't you see we are trying to get a buff here
To be perfectly honest, I feel largely redundant when teaming with the missus on her stalker as my brute - mobs are dead before I get a chance to get build up fury, so I'm left to using build up, energy transfer and total focus, and playing as a heavy stalker. (as I'm /EA). The only time I'm really needed is for dual spawn mobs, or for acting as a meatshield against EB/AVs.
Stalkers are easy to play badly, I guess, which causes the perception problems of their use to teams.
Regen stalker in particular need the extra HP, this would actually make them worth while playing. As it is the only point to their regen is to allow them to run away and take less time to lick their wounds.
Shush you, can't you see we are trying to get a buff here
To be perfectly honest, I feel largely redundant when teaming with the missus on her stalker as my brute - mobs are dead before I get a chance to get build up fury, so I'm left to using build up, energy transfer and total focus, and playing as a heavy stalker. (as I'm /EA). The only time I'm really needed is for dual spawn mobs, or for acting as a meatshield against EB/AVs.
Stalkers are easy to play badly, I guess, which causes the perception problems of their use to teams.
[/ QUOTE ]
See, when I'm on my EM/EA in an SG team (IE; one that I trust) I scamper off and either nuke the boss, or just jump to the end and kills mobs back towards the start so we meet in the middle.
Or I get crazy buffs and scrap everything. Stalkers can be a bit lacklustre in PvE a lot of the time as they don't tend to lend much to the team if you've a good brute or two, but they're not broken.
When I was playing my Stalker at lower levels I did tend to rely on the 'Hit and Run' Tactic in PvE, at higher levels on the other hand I tended to be fighting off the shoulder of the Brute, hitting the Bosses hard and taking away a large percentage of thier health... Generally Scrapping and rarely running out the of the fight to get hidden.
For me Stalkers are just fine, I like rolling out high burst damage and I wouldnt want to loose any of that damage output for the sake of extra HP.
Although to anyone who hasnt played a Stalker and plans on rolling one I'd suggest SR or Nin as a secondary... Defense is far better than Resistance for Stalkers in my book
I'm sure am missing something. But still doesn't mean I won't be disappointed. I am disappointed. When I bought CoV I wanted to try the new ArchTypes. I've been a big fan of the Scrapper ArchType. Medium HP, High Dmg. Not a tank, but not a squishy either. Can get in melee range and take few hits. Actually my regeneration Hero used to tank many +2. I was the kind that would get Weave and Tough because I loved to take hits and deal insane damage at the same time.

Now, Stalkers. I was disappointed the first time I logged in, and read Low HP, High Dmg. I instantly assumed, stalkers dmg is higher than scrappers. I was thinking, I didn't want any extra dmg at the cost of HP. But I said, lemme try it. It might not be as bad as I think.
Then I came here to find out that Stalker regular dmg is actually LESS than a scrapper. 1.125 multiplier for scrappers vs 0.9 for stalkers. Wow. Less Damage, and Less HP. that hurts. I know in trade of that we get hide (and lose QR from regeneration pool!) and we get a bonus to dmg/crit when we hit from stealth. Also we get a super dmg attack in our primaries that deals insane dmg from stealth. Well, my kind of way of using my scrapper isn't Hit and Run. Or, wait for stealth/hide to work then sneak and attack. That's not the way I want to fight.
You might say the Brutes are the way for me to go then. Well, the Brutes Melee is not as good as Scrappers. I'm a Katana fan (ninja blade) or Martial Arts. I don't mind to try new "scrapper" melee (high dmg). But I guess such ArchType doesn't exist in CoV.
I'm thinking of going back to CoH and rolling a new scrapper with my GF. Tahts another thing. I wanted to be a scrapper and my GF a controller so we can due. Now, my GF is a dominator that CAN NOT heal and I'm a scrapper that CAN NOT tank. All my plans were ruined.
Am I missing something? and do you guys have the same feeling? Is CoV for Solo/PvP minds? or am I missing something...