7 -
Ok I created a character to test the first few levels energy secondary power. While reading the powers I think this is the secondary I want to get. As I can see it has a weakness to Psionic (most secondaries has this problem too) but I'm not a "tank" so I don't care.
The only problem with this power is, lack of healing. So, either I got to stack on inspires or find a nice primary that can heal (like dark melee?). But I kind of liked the Energy primary too.
Thanks guys for the help! -
Hey Grav,
Thanks for the info. Just one question, does Mez Protection include Knockdown, Hold, Slow too? -
Greetings guys and gals,
I want to roll a brute but was hesitating choosing my secondary power. I want a power with the most powerful resistance to disorient, knockdown, slow, hold..etc effects. I used to have a regen scrapper, I LOVED integration and I can't play without a power identical to it. I know most of the brutes get some stat resist toggle but some doesnt work on all effects (like knockdowns/knockbacks and you have to get acrobat).
So, can you guys help me by telling me which brute secondary works great against effects? -
Yeah, you guys are right. I just liked scrappers. But then again AT's in CoH worked better together than in CoV. At least for Controlling + Tanking. Tanking in CoV you got one choice, Brutes. Controlling + Healing (like controllers) isn't there. You either pick Corrupters (dmg+buff) or Masterminds (Pets+buff). So, unlike CoH where you can be a Tank or Scrapper get a controller firend for healing/buff and Controlling and you're set. The best combo in CoV is MM + Dominator. But MM pets are annoying to take care of, I have a lvl 8 MM and I am already getting annoyed. Brutes + Corruptor? (lack in controlling department). Brute + Dominator (lack in healing department)
Oh well, back to CoH I guess. Thanks for the comments! -
I'm sure am missing something. But still doesn't mean I won't be disappointed. I am disappointed. When I bought CoV I wanted to try the new ArchTypes. I've been a big fan of the Scrapper ArchType. Medium HP, High Dmg. Not a tank, but not a squishy either. Can get in melee range and take few hits. Actually my regeneration Hero used to tank many +2. I was the kind that would get Weave and Tough because I loved to take hits and deal insane damage at the same time.
Now, Stalkers. I was disappointed the first time I logged in, and read Low HP, High Dmg. I instantly assumed, stalkers dmg is higher than scrappers. I was thinking, I didn't want any extra dmg at the cost of HP. But I said, lemme try it. It might not be as bad as I think.
Then I came here to find out that Stalker regular dmg is actually LESS than a scrapper. 1.125 multiplier for scrappers vs 0.9 for stalkers. Wow. Less Damage, and Less HP. that hurts. I know in trade of that we get hide (and lose QR from regeneration pool!) and we get a bonus to dmg/crit when we hit from stealth. Also we get a super dmg attack in our primaries that deals insane dmg from stealth. Well, my kind of way of using my scrapper isn't Hit and Run. Or, wait for stealth/hide to work then sneak and attack. That's not the way I want to fight.
You might say the Brutes are the way for me to go then. Well, the Brutes Melee is not as good as Scrappers. I'm a Katana fan (ninja blade) or Martial Arts. I don't mind to try new "scrapper" melee (high dmg). But I guess such ArchType doesn't exist in CoV.
I'm thinking of going back to CoH and rolling a new scrapper with my GF. Tahts another thing. I wanted to be a scrapper and my GF a controller so we can due. Now, my GF is a dominator that CAN NOT heal and I'm a scrapper that CAN NOT tank. All my plans were ruined.
Am I missing something? and do you guys have the same feeling? Is CoV for Solo/PvP minds? or am I missing something... -
This is interesting. I haven't seen Primaries to look similar like MM primaries. You get 3-4 different kind of pets and Pet Upgrades. 2 Attacks. That's about it, mostly. But, what makes each primary different. Pets?
My question is. I want to know the charectaristics of each primary pets. From what i've read, I think I noticed that Ninjas deals the most melee-range damage? but they are fragile?
Robots don't get disoriented?
Undead have toxic resistance and lasts longer than ninjas?
Anyone can help me with each primary charecteristics, maybe I got this wrong.