COV kinda boring tbt
4 Maaster Mind AT soloing is stupidly over powered, it's too damn easy to solo specialy high lvl as in effect you got a 6 man team in a mission set for 1
[/ QUOTE ]Have you actually played a high level MM? I sure as hell know none of my henches come even close in power to a PC.
Oh, and arachnos maps are optimized better in I7.
actualy 1 yes i ahve played MMs was actualy me first alt on cov poin in case, and i've deleted a lvl 36, lvl 25 and lvl 19 MM mainly for the above reason and also it's NOT just me said that, several friends of mine with lvl 30+ MM including a fair few lvl 40's say same
but it's nice to kow they trying to fix the maps then
As far as the lack of zones in CoV goes, they will come. You have to remember that by comparision CoV is just a baby compared to CoH. As time goes by there will be more zones introduced in to the game.
The LFT times can be a bit annoying when no-one on your Global list is on-line, but this may be partly to do with the dreaded lottery that is the PuG... Some good ones, some bad ones.
For the Masterminds, personally I think if you slot them well you are going to have a toon that is cracking to play in PvE (still havent found my niche in PvP with mine) but I dont feel that they are overpowered, just tough as nails.
With my MM i have the whole numb pad set up with binds so i can move my Crew away from doorways and let the rest of the team in to get in on the action (well, i try ) and to issue diffrent instuctions to diffrent minions.
I also play a Stalker and I can certainly see where you are coming from.
And, as has been said already, the maps are getting looked at.
so please DO NOT 1 flame me for this and 2 DO NOT attack me or other players that post in responce to it,
[/ QUOTE ]
Oh yet you are allowed to do so? dont come with such bullcrap.
6 months everyday on a MMO = boring. I never try anything higher then the 3rd difficulty, even in the 30+ zone. Got mostly MM's, yet even then i just cant handle anything higher then orange to fight. As for stone/stone.. those are the strongest brutes ingame, likewise the GA's in CoH.
You think its easy boring and dull, others enjoy each single minute they are playing, some even on lowest difficulty (like i do).
So at the end, if you dislike it so much, why still playing?
50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.
Sign the petition, dont let CoH go down! SIGN!
6 months everyday on a MMO = boring.
[/ QUOTE ]
I can't think of anything that wouldn't get boring if I did it everyday for 6 months....well maybe some things, but not a computer game or anything like that.
Nothing with your clothes on anyway...
so please DO NOT 1 flame me for this and 2 DO NOT attack me or other players that post in responce to it,
[/ QUOTE ]
Oh yet you are allowed to do so? dont come with such bullcrap.
syn, point of fact for brute and stalker players aka thoose without range attacks it's EXTREMLY frustrating trying to get into a fight and not being able to because the doors blocked, if it was a case of brutes and stalkers could force their way through the pets a lot easier so they can get into a fight then this would not be an issue, personaly when i was still playing a MM i took care to ensure that my pets were not blocking small doorways, if they did i just used the heel command to pull em out the way fast so any brutes and stalkers on the team could get through.
so this is not an attack, in a way more of a case of can MM players just be more aware of things and pull their pets out of the way instead of just leaving pets to block doorways.
6 months everyday on a MMO = boring.
I said almost everyday lol hehe i do have other things outside of cox to do as well
I never try anything higher then the 3rd difficulty, even in the 30+ zone.
i've started with the lowest dif setting and due to being to easy upped it, still same so upped again etc until ended up on the highest dif and it's still too easy, which is my point what incentive do peeople have to team if they can just tear through it even on the hardest dif?
Got mostly MM's, yet even then i just cant handle anything higher then orange to fight. As for stone/stone.. those are the strongest brutes ingame, likewise the GA's in CoH.
I'm aware of that, i also have corrs and doms as well, stalkers well guess i need to learn how to play them myself properly lol, and i also have a dm/fa brute again soloing on relent = easy :/
point in fact about the relent setting, i have teamed with a lvl 36 MM player who tore through a relentless mission in under 2 mins flat if that :/ i asked her if that was normal for her and she said yes :/
You think its easy boring and dull, others enjoy each single minute they are playing, some even on lowest difficulty (like i do).
So at the end, if you dislike it so much, why still playing?
[/ QUOTE ]
still play cov partly as a change from coh which is what i've gone back to playing most of all
whole point of this thread really is to get people to put their likes and dislikes about the game, cause even people that started on cov or started coh and played cov, fair few of em have said that they don't like cov, too easy lack of areas etc some of it's being addressed slowly
Nothing with your clothes on anyway...
[/ QUOTE ]
I think Pyra would find some things you can do with your clothes on very interesting, even when doing them everyday for more than 6 months
Difficulty finding teams has been the main reason I've pretty much given up playing COV. In fact, it's pretty much the only reason really. I have other complaints but they're relatively trivial by comparison. Really 'complaints' is too strong a description, but it's late, I'm tired, and I can't think of an appropriate and less severe term right now.
Dunno about too easy... I play mostly on Villainous or the one above and I get by ok, sometimes I have a hard time, sometimes not, and I'm fine with that. I've never cranked it up as far Relentless solo, but I doubt if I could handle it with my MM or Stalker. Tastes and abilities vary, and maybe I'm not a particularly good player. Whatever, the actual gameplay is fine by me. Still, if most other players do find soloing on Relentless easy that might account for many people not really needing to team.
I'd agree that the outdoor environments in CoV are excessively gloomy, dingy and opressive compared to CoH. In itself this probably wouldn't have made me less keen to play, though maybe if CoV had a bit more variety and some more pleasant (or some less unpleasant) places I might be keen to play a little bit more.
Must admit, most of the (few) times I've teamed with MM's the pets/doors thing has often been annoying. As I've rarely been on any decent teams it hasn't bothered me too much though. I'm a fairly cautious player. I tend not to rush in, so it just makes it easier for me to leg it and save my own craven hide if/when it all goes pear-shaped - especially with a pet-jam between me and the enemy!
What has bothered me a lot about teaming, especially with MM's is the horrible lag on CoV. I have a pretty high-end machine which runs CoH, and all the latest, most graphically demanding games with al the options cranked to the max at high screen resolutions and with excellent framerates. Yet get more than a few other players in a CoV mission and it starts becoming laggy/choppy, sometimes to the point of being not much fun to play. I guess this has been a contributing factor towards turning me off the game.
It's true that the CoV mission maps are generally pretty dull rehashes of old CoH maps I've seen many, many times before. Still, I continue to enjoy playing CoH even though I have around 240 levels in 6 alts in that game, and have probably seen most maps... dunno - dozens if not hundreds of times in some cases.
As for VG/SG spamming, yeah, it can be annoying (and it doesn't seem to happen in CoH or at least, I've never encountered it) Maybe the horrendous cost of functioning bases, introduced with CoV, is to blame? I'd imagine that as all VG's on CoV are relatively new, they want/need more prestige drones far more than the established hero SG's do? Dunno really, as I'm not a member of any SG's or VG's. It doesn't really spoil my enjoyment though - I can ignore such nonsense, and being pretty much a full-time solo there's absolutely no need for me to have ANY of the chat windows open anyway.
Sadly, irritating behaviour hasn't just been confined to Mercy Island in my experience. Sadly, I encountered many more unpleasant, rude and offensive players in six weeks of playing CoV than I have in over a year of playing CoH. On reflection, I guess that this is a factor that might have made me somewhat less keen to play any of my villain alts lately.
All in all I could comfortably live with all the minor gripes. Ultimately it's the difficulty I have finding teams, and the woeful standard of play in the few teams I have been in that has turned me off playing CoV.
several things about cov and this is from about 6 months of playing almost EVERY day.
1 the lack of more than 5 general areas, ok know this is gonna take time to build up and yes we getting grandville as another main area but even so you look at the variaty and number of places in coh in comparrison to cov and well erm... also what's with the gloomy atmosphere all the time, when was last time you say a sun set etc in say nerva, etc, heard from a fair few players, cov always looks dirty dull etc, ok from playing on test servers and grandville least one ares dif, but well you can sorta see peeps point on this, and when say sun rise/set etc, try going talos coh way sometime and just wait and watch
you'll see exactly what i mean
2 cov is TOO EASY it's stupidly easy to solo on relentless, hell i've taken my stone stone brute up against purples and reds plenty of times and still do, k on some AV's you do need to team realy but others and most missions erm nope
which leads to 3
lack of teams, yes some team on regualr basis specialy good sg's and that's how it should be but drop in teams, sometimes you can be ther for ages on broadcast doing LFT and still not find any which again goes back to how easy it is to solo
4 Maaster Mind AT soloing is stupidly over powered, it's too damn easy to solo specialy high lvl as in effect you got a 6 man team in a mission set for 1
5 Master mind players, no disrespect to the good ones, but some well they kinda need to learn NOT to block small doorways with their pets so the rest of teams when you on can ACTUALY GET THROUGH, i've lost traack of the amount of times i've had to force my way ( and thats a very very slow pace indead) through a masterminds pets jsut to get into a fight to point where i'm seriously considering not playing along side ANY master mind players i haven't teamed with before, wouldn't be so bad if players were able to force their way through a lot more easily but way it is now sometimes a team wipe out can occure cause the brutes and stalkers cant get through fast enough, and as for setup times DONT even get me started on that it's a pain in the (well, you know) only thing in cox that takes longer setup time wise is a dev blaster setting up a small mine field lol and yes know with issue 7 some of the setup time has been reduced, wether it's enough erm well i'll be waiting to see :/
6 a lot of the cov maps are just same as the old coh maps, just reused, only ones even really dif is one of the first snake missions, can't remember which but at least the graphics are a bit better on the cave textures but end of day a LOT of the maps jsut rehash's of the old coh maps, and experianced players of coh can take an educated guess as to where to find the boss, grab the item, find the "kidnap victim" etc etc BORING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
speaking of maps THE OE MAPS I DESPISE LIKE HELL personaly and think i speak for most of the cov players here is the anarc- maps aka lag maps fr hell, HAVE suggested via petition of making the walls SOLID instead of mesh, cause when there is a lot going on during a mission lots of aoes attackes etc, doesn't matter WHAT system you got you get stuttering during the game play hell friend of mine has 2GB ddr 400 dual channel, duel sli linked nvidia 6800GTX (excuse me but isn't cov more optimised towards nvidia cards?) and a AMD X2 4200+ among other things and EVEN he gets the really bad slow down that most other players get as well, TRY REDUCING THE DETAIL ON THE MAPS FOR GOD SAKE
7 the constant bloody sg spamming in mercy on broadcast
ok it's not always the same person several mins in a row doing though that's been known to happen, and ask most experianced cov players and they'll tell you one thing that drives em nuts about mercy is the constant sg spamming WHY can't cryptic introduce a screen where SGs that ARE recruting wether new or existing can flag themselfs, and when players new or returning come into mercy they get a dialog box explaining breifly what SGs are and if the players decideds they are looking for a sg that it presents them with a list of SGs that are recruiting, amybe have it so that it auto invites if they select SG but DONT include the rankings in the top 100, that way at least some of the smaller and/or newer SGs get the chance to get new players into their SGs
sorry this posts so long but well thought it was time to put this up on the forums, bear in mind most of this is my persoanl opinions but chunks of it are things i've listened to other players complain about suggest etc, hoping that this thread brings more things out, that way amybe cryptic get a better feel for what upsets annoys players, maybe some new ideas on things, ot things that peeps might not have petitioned :?
so please DO NOT 1 flame me for this and 2 DO NOT attack me or other players that post in responce to it, end of day we all have our optinions and each persons entitled to them and it'll be interesting to see the responces
[/ QUOTE ]
I totally agree with you 100% if it weren't for the cool costumes i'd go back to COH tomorrow.I'm kicking myself for deleting my lvl 38 scrapper.
Look on the bright side COH wasn't built in a day.
I've still yet to find this "lack of teams" thing on CoV, I normally find one with in 5 minutes of logging on. My poor rad Defender, when I used to play her, would often spend 75% of her time LTF and 25% actually playing on hero's though
"Well, they found my diary today.
They were appropriately appalled
at the discovery of the eight victims
They're now putting it all together.
Women wrapped in silk
with one leg missing
Eight legs, one body, silk,
spider, brilliant!"
I havent really had any problem getting teams in CoV either, even if I log on intending to go after some badges I quite often end up teaming, had a much worse problem with CoH in the 30s with my Empathy defender than in CoV.
Oh and I think it is actually harder than CoH sure I can solo on the 3rd/4th difficulty (only tried it lowish lvls) but I was doing that in CoH last week at the same lvl.
Not sure how to put this but something i've noticed is that COV seems a bit i dunno, stale or clinical to me. Kind of difficult to explain, COH just seems to have way more atmosphere. Its kinda like when all those doom clones came out, the bad ones maye had everything doom had, but they lacked atmosphere.
My MA IDs:
Fiend Space: 211464
Not sure how to put this but something i've noticed is that COV seems a bit i dunno, stale or clinical to me. Kind of difficult to explain, COH just seems to have way more atmosphere. Its kinda like when all those doom clones came out, the bad ones maye had everything doom had, but they lacked atmosphere.
[/ QUOTE ]
I believe its cos CoH has alot of areas where you run into other people. The stations for one, Atlas plaza of course, the area in the Hollows by the Atlas gate, the grass out side portal corps in PI, center of Talos, the list goes on. There are often people hanging around these areas where are these areas in the CoV world? This makes people feel more detacted and as you say makes CoV feel....I dunno, detacted. Even in a team I sometimes get the impression we are the only peeps about. Maybe this was the feel they were going for, less social more every man for himself in a backstabing villainous world.
Not sure how to put this but something i've noticed is that COV seems a bit i dunno, stale or clinical to me. Kind of difficult to explain, COH just seems to have way more atmosphere. Its kinda like when all those doom clones came out, the bad ones maye had everything doom had, but they lacked atmosphere.
[/ QUOTE ]
I believe its cos CoH has alot of areas where you run into other people. The stations for one, Atlas plaza of course, the area in the Hollows by the Atlas gate, the grass out side portal corps in PI, center of Talos, the list goes on. There are often people hanging around these areas where are these areas in the CoV world? This makes people feel more detacted and as you say makes CoV feel....I dunno, detacted. Even in a team I sometimes get the impression we are the only peeps about. Maybe this was the feel they were going for, less social more every man for himself in a backstabing villainous world.
[/ QUOTE ]
Hmm Yeah, that could be it, really good point there, I'll have to remember that one
My MA IDs:
Fiend Space: 211464
Well, I guess eveyone's entitled to their point of view, even if it is wrong
The debate on CoH/CoV has been raised in countless other threads and the same old arguments will be trotted out. However, here are the pro's and cons of each game.
- More active community. I've had a look at a few figures over the last few nights and CoH regularly has around 30-35% more players on. What is interesting is that the gap is closing though and certainly in the last 2-3 months, CoV has been catching CoH up as back in February, it was closer to 50-60% more.
- Better teams. The quality of teaming on CoH is better than CoV in general. Several reasons for this with the two main ones being that CoH AT's complement each other more and there is a lot more knowledge about on how to team on CoH due to it being around longer. Most of those complaining about bad teams on CoV do seem to be a little forgetful of what teams in CoH were like over a year ago!
- More content. Goes without saying. More TF's, more zones, more GM's
- More variety. Each zone in CoH has it's own unique character, Peregrine Island, The Hollows, Shadow Shards, Terra Volta, they all seem very different with different enemy groups throughout. For CoV, Nerva and St. Martial stand out but the other zones all seem pretty samey.
- More enemy groups. In CoH, it's quite rare you will see common enemy groups throughout lvl 1-50 with lots of different ones available. In CoV, once you get away from Legacy, Snakes and Goldbrickers, you're pretty much stuck with Arachnos, Council and Longbow, with the occasional Rikti, Freak and Carnie thrown in. More high level content with some of the newer groups like Coralax would have been nice.
- More/better arcs. In CoV, all the arc's are interconnected. They really do so much more to flesh out the Co* world as a whole than those on CoH do. The time sepnt on this background just makes it seem more 'real' as an environment.
- It's challenging. I like the fact that teaming in CoV does take a bit more skill than CoH, the hero side of the game has always been too easy and the challenge in CoV is welcome. One thing I have noticed is that even on the lowest setting, CoV quite regularly spawns +1 enemies. Yes, soloing an MM is easy but no easier than soloing a regen scrapper was when CoH first came out.
- Much better SF's. The standout Eden aside, the SF's in CoV are of a much better quality than CoH. On CoH, there are some good TF's, on CoV they are all good. The crystal room of Ice Mistral, The sight of the Leviathan and stepping out of the boat to see the oil rig and swarms of sky raiders on the silver Mantis SF all give them something unique, which Citadel, Positron, Manticore and Co do not offer.
- More imagination for missions. OK, the missions will always be limited but I like the fact ambushes can take you by suprise on CoV, I like the fact there are almost none of the dull 'kill 10' or 'Visit Mr. X' missions on CoV.
- Better design. Crawling across 7 different zones to do missions before you get a travel power is awful on CoH. the fact one of those zones is the abomination of the Hollows where lvl 7 missions are given miles away in lvl 15-20 areas is stupid and being given missions in Perez when none of your teammates are on is sould crushing. The fact CoV has more of a natural progression thorugh the zones is a great move.
Both games have their good and bad points and CoH is still the stronger of the two. However, It's stronger because it's been around longer. Once CoV has the content and the community get's a bit stronger, I think that people will see a shift in the balance of power between the two.
Might add 'your pro and cons' of each game
I love the little ammount of zones in CoV, easier to travel around, no more minutes long traveling just go to 1 simple mission.
50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.
Sign the petition, dont let CoH go down! SIGN!
the only thing that makes me dislike CoV is the maps, 95% of zones, mission maps and even the arena are so dark, dull and depressing. I no it goes along with the theme but after an hours play i feel so depressed due to just the dark and destroyed environment
I far prefer City of Heroes to City of Villains. The main reason is that the scenery in CoV is so very dull. Everything's grey and brown. I appreciate that it's been made intentionally so, but I find it makes the gameplay equally as dull. If they brightened some of the areas up, and made them more interesting and characterful, it'd be far better.
I'd also agree with the comments about enemy groups in CoV. My highest level on CoV is level 19, and I've faced far fewer enemy groups in that time than I have by the time I'm 19 in CoH. More diversity would be brilliant!
CoV lacks an "Atlas Park" area. Say what you want about the broadcast spam there etc, but one of the things that CoH benefits from, when it's busy, is a focal point for activity. You have an area where new players come into the game & several routes in & out of the zone, & it's grown to be a primary point for meeting up, staging costume competitions & events etc. IMO it's a glaring error leaving a type of zone like this out of COV. Mercy' pretty much is used for coming into the game & going straight through to Port Oakes. A few people go there to spam broadcast with SG invites & that's about it.
It's sheer genius for CoH to have the entrance point to Recluses Victory right in Atlas City Hall. The area should be pretty busy with plenty of high level characters going in & out, & for new players adds to the sense of awe that pervades Atlas when you first start out. CoV could really use a similar focal point.
As for the environments in COV. I think they're fantastic & suitably atmospheric for the Rogue Isles environment. If I ever hanker for the bright sheen of Paragon, I'll log into the hero side for a bit. And I guess the mayhem mission maps set in Paragon will be a welcome break for some people. Personally I just relish the thought of getting into Paragon & smashing the place up. Stupid heroes & their stupid shiny city
I prefer CoV hands down of CoH. The overall structure & content of CoV, even in it's infancy is by far much more interesting & involving than CoH, and I think the ATs have much more interest & character over the heroes. I can't wait to see this game grow over the coming year or so .
Well I kind of agree with ya both, Mighty and Graviton. The whole Atlas Park bit, genius and with RV in city hall of all places. Its bound to have new heroes wonder what's past that restricted lift and inspire their imagination.CoV needs the same thing as CoH, a place were old meets new. As far as the setting its a good thing they are so different. Makes for a whole different feel. I do however think that there could have been some brigher areas in the rogue isles and some even darker ones like Dark Astoria for those really dangerous places.
As for CoV being boring, well I wouldn't say for me its boring. What I just can't stand anymore is the mindless killing of NPCs in the same maps anymore. TF's are nice but i feel CoX needs larger scaled raids of sorts. Maybe not hami sized but maybe 2 groups. I need action and a challenge darn it!
I exclusively play CoV.. tried CoH for 6 months and got so bored of it that I cancelled my account. Only reinstated it once I got it free with CoV. CoH I hated the Hollows, hated the pointless travel, the stupid Kill X in Y missions and just about everything else everybody always moans about.
I prefer the ATs in CoV as I think each is much more self reliant (as fits a villain over a hero). I love bank raids, I love the look and feel of the game over all and with Mayhem Missions just around the corner will be here for a while to come yet.
I logged in my brute and played for 3 hours last night for the first time in about 2 months.
And for me it felt like i was the only one in the game i never ran into another villian until i had been playing for well over 2 hours and the only team invite i got was about 30 mins b4 i logged.
This can be put down to people just waiting for i7 to go live but imo its been like that since the start, there is a lack of community within cov as there are no places to gather example atlas park.
After 3 hours of play i just found that once again i was wanting to log from lack of fun, coh is just a far better game with a better feel alround.
All i can say is i hope cov does grow abit more and to be fair to it coh has been going along time its got along way to go to reach coh standards, so as long as new content is added along wiht new zones i think it will get better if not imo id rather stick to my heros.
several things about cov and this is from about 6 months of playing almost EVERY day.
also what's with the gloomy atmosphere all the time, when was last time you say a sun set etc in say nerva, etc, heard from a fair few players, cov always looks dirty dull etc, ok from playing on test servers and grandville least one ares dif, but well you can sorta see peeps point on this, and when say sun rise/set etc, try going talos coh way sometime and just wait and watch
you'll see exactly what i mean

which again goes back to how easy it is to solo
to point where i'm seriously considering not playing along side ANY master mind players i haven't teamed with before, wouldn't be so bad if players were able to force their way through a lot more easily but way it is now sometimes a team wipe out can occure cause the brutes and stalkers cant get through fast enough, and as for setup times DONT even get me started on that it's a pain in the (well, you know) only thing in cox that takes longer setup time wise is a dev blaster setting up a small mine field lol and yes know with issue 7 some of the setup time has been reduced, wether it's enough erm well i'll be waiting to see :/

1 the lack of more than 5 general areas, ok know this is gonna take time to build up and yes we getting grandville as another main area but even so you look at the variaty and number of places in coh in comparrison to cov and well erm...
2 cov is TOO EASY it's stupidly easy to solo on relentless, hell i've taken my stone stone brute up against purples and reds plenty of times and still do, k on some AV's you do need to team realy but others and most missions erm nope
which leads to 3
lack of teams, yes some team on regualr basis specialy good sg's and that's how it should be but drop in teams, sometimes you can be ther for ages on broadcast doing LFT and still not find any
4 Maaster Mind AT soloing is stupidly over powered, it's too damn easy to solo specialy high lvl as in effect you got a 6 man team in a mission set for 1
5 Master mind players, no disrespect to the good ones, but some well they kinda need to learn NOT to block small doorways with their pets so the rest of teams when you on can ACTUALY GET THROUGH, i've lost traack of the amount of times i've had to force my way ( and thats a very very slow pace indead) through a masterminds pets jsut to get into a fight
6 a lot of the cov maps are just same as the old coh maps, just reused, only ones even really dif is one of the first snake missions, can't remember which but at least the graphics are a bit better on the cave textures but end of day a LOT of the maps jsut rehash's of the old coh maps, and experianced players of coh can take an educated guess as to where to find the boss, grab the item, find the "kidnap victim" etc etc BORING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
speaking of maps THE OE MAPS I DESPISE LIKE HELL personaly and think i speak for most of the cov players here is the anarc- maps aka lag maps fr hell, HAVE suggested via petition of making the walls SOLID instead of mesh, cause when there is a lot going on during a mission lots of aoes attackes etc, doesn't matter WHAT system you got you get stuttering during the game play hell friend of mine has 2GB ddr 400 dual channel, duel sli linked nvidia 6800GTX (excuse me but isn't cov more optimised towards nvidia cards?) and a AMD X2 4200+ among other things and EVEN he gets the really bad slow down that most other players get as well, TRY REDUCING THE DETAIL ON THE MAPS FOR GOD SAKE
7 the constant bloody sg spamming in mercy on broadcast
ok it's not always the same person several mins in a row doing though that's been known to happen, and ask most experianced cov players and they'll tell you one thing that drives em nuts about mercy is the constant sg spamming WHY can't cryptic introduce a screen where SGs that ARE recruting wether new or existing can flag themselfs, and when players new or returning come into mercy they get a dialog box explaining breifly what SGs are and if the players decideds they are looking for a sg that it presents them with a list of SGs that are recruiting, amybe have it so that it auto invites if they select SG but DONT include the rankings in the top 100, that way at least some of the smaller and/or newer SGs get the chance to get new players into their SGs
sorry this posts so long but well thought it was time to put this up on the forums, bear in mind most of this is my persoanl opinions but chunks of it are things i've listened to other players complain about suggest etc, hoping that this thread brings more things out, that way amybe cryptic get a better feel for what upsets annoys players, maybe some new ideas on things, ot things that peeps might not have petitioned :?
so please DO NOT 1 flame me for this and 2 DO NOT attack me or other players that post in responce to it, end of day we all have our optinions and each persons entitled to them and it'll be interesting to see the responces