18 -
might not be classed as griefing if he/she didn't see you.....
ive decided to make a dark/sonics, why?
well the attacks in dark are all early on in the set and im planning to get superspeed, superjump, acrobatics and aid self.
sonics because of the sonic dispersion which i will be able to jump around attacking people without getting immobilised or held,
what do u guys think to this build? -
hmm i gotta agree i'm starting to get a little bored of CoV i don't play it as much now....
well it is nearly summer...
or you could play CoV outside on your laptop -
hmm, i must comment that i would think you could do massive damage at take out whole mobs at higher level,
full auto + flamethrower + ignite + the odd buckshot, M30 grenade and you're away.
also with ignite and flamethrower doing fire damage it cant b that bad?
lol think of all those attacks together on team of 8 mob how much DoT would ya have it'd look cool -
ahhh dont let him hurt me i didnt know, but now i know so i wont do it again
please don't bridger, iv learnt my lesson now -
Algebrae for the dreamers:
Build Up + Energy Transfer + Total Focus = Faceplant -
hey, were makin a lil group called the stone forces
i am Stone Force-Red we are looking to get a load of us in identical costume and powersets but colour coded,
we will go down in history when were all high level!
we are on defiant server and only 3 of us at lvl 10ish at mo looking for more, plz reply if interested -
hey, were makin a lil group called the stone forces
i am Stone Force-Red we are looking to get a load of us in identical costume and powersets but colour coded,
we are on defiant server and only 3 of us at lvl 10ish at mo looking for more, plz reply if interested -
how about in sirens? is energy/stone any good there?
regen scrappers are a annoyance to kill there -
its /Stone for a brute
the secondary powerset is the armour
the best single target attacking primary with the best defensive secondary? you can't go wrong
Its Gona be Electric Melee/Stone Armor For the Win!
the end drains will be fabulous for PvP, and there should be some powerful attacks in there.
ROAR!!! -
DM/SA is probably the most defensive brute you could make with DM being the most defensive primary.
I'm not much of a fan of DM i think its rather weak in the damage area and midnight grasp is ****.Yes the debuffs are good in it but it doesnt compensate for the weakness of the set.
Go with energy instead, you can deal proper damage with that and at high level you'll be a killing machine -
i meant, i expected more from the power and the power wasnt as good as i thought it would be but am still sticking with it
i would recommend 6 slotting it.
could possibly take a damage out for a immobilisation duration if you prefer -
it will have to be Leaping all the way, not flight. Why?
Combat jumping may be a little weak but Unyielding pulls your defences down, you need combat jumping to straighten it out and get your defences above a minus number.
As for Air Sup, what is the Primary powerset for???
Stealth could be a useful set with invul, unstoppable runs out?call on phase shift on, When on low health?call for phase shift.When you want a coffee?call phase shift.
i think in I7 Phase Shift will be able to cook food -
TBH i was pretty disappointed with midnight grasp when i got it, i never had a character builder to look at its DMG before playing it to 32 (it was my first char)
im not really a fan of dark melee its not very powerful, but 1 thing i do like in it is the accuracy debuffs they are the best secondary effect in any of the brute powersets cos when you get your attacks going in pvp/arena they are pretty good.
anyway i would stick with midnight grasp as it is the most powerful attack in the set -
hmm not sure on stone armour but stone melee is a pretty exciting and powerful set, i personally prefer it to SS,take hasten and build up asap,if youre going to be a tank at high level dont bother with brimstone crystal and minerals, or you could get them and respec them out later im not sure
my first post!!!anyway...
hmm i would take hasten at level 6 and not bother with whirling hands until later,i strongly agree with the build from 14-22 couldnt be better