Energy/Stone Any good ?




Im thinking of makeing a aenergy ston burte but not sure on the 2nd power set i know they have brilliant defences wif stone but they all so have disadvantages can any one help me out ?



the best single target attacking primary with the best defensive secondary? you can't go wrong



fastest lvling character I ever had

**Acceptable "support" responses**

Its your fault
Its your computers fault
Its your ISPs fault



Try to grab a lvl 20+ /cin corruptor to offset the penalties and you're set.

3-slotted Swift, slotting 1-2 rech reduc in attacks, hasten and Tp helps too.

And if you don't want to do any of that, well... you can, and it'll still be good.

Stone/ is amazing as a tanker, it's even better as a brute (as Fury takes care of your damage).



its /Stone for a brute the secondary powerset is the armour



he said stone/ as a tanker anyways, i have a lvl 40 nrg/stone brute, and i wouldnt change it, its so much fun. The single target dmg with full fury, is very high and works well in pvp too (2 shotting scrappers)



how about in sirens? is energy/stone any good there?
regen scrappers are a annoyance to kill there