Post I7 - PvP




m in a PvP clan in RF at the mo and even they siad that PvP is pointless in this game and has no place. You cant have big fights as the client will just lag out on you you cant solo certian builds and some builds have no place in PvP what so ever. If you want PvP I would say get anothert game that dose PvP well rather than the half arsed effort that this game offers up.

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That is an unthought and totally faulty response.RF online has a mass scale PvP that is really unbalanced plus very narrow. Specific powers and armours that come down to 2 or 3 are the way to go for PvP.Just because a bunch of koreans that like potting every 10 sec think this is good pvp game doesnt mean it is.Dont be a victim.I was in best PvP clan in RF Beta and there were numerous issues discussed on the boards that exceeded imagination.Exploits,bugs and loopwholes and even bots and macros.

The PvP in CoH will change a lot with RV. A zone where a total of 6 teams is required to achieve victory by securing each pillbox as they progress promotes the game from a simple pvp element and adding a lot of strategy and adding new dimension to many powers.Team teleporters and group flyers will have key roles in that zone. Advanced targeters and new strategies should actually come in play.

Bottom line is...CoH pvp is awsome but THERE ARE NO REWARDS that will actually draw the people in.Not even a ranking system.And if the Devs not implement one soon and give something besides crappy SO and missiles that drop from skys but something special they will see tumbleweed in PvP zones during time.



I'd rather stick with CoX pvp. I get the feeling that I'll be able to get more teams and level up my brute and stalker pretty soon-ish as well as fighting with Fraz on occasion. There's more friendly, laid back attitudes in this game than in anything else, and if the feeling changes, it just gets more intense...if that makes any sense. People in PvP tend to give it their all. They're fighting some other player who's cocky enough to think they can handle some empath soloing.

I go there because Stalk-obot loves me \0/

Bottom line is...CoH pvp is awsome but THERE ARE NO REWARDS that will actually draw the people in.Not even a ranking system.And if the Devs not implement one soon and give something besides crappy SO and missiles that drop from skys but something special they will see tumbleweed in PvP zones during time.

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TG: nail, head, collision.

You do get bounty in Siren's Call..and temp powers, but it means nothing unless you intend on spending an entire (fairly busy evening) PvPing there, which is hit and miss. Bloody Bay...temp pets! Woo. Cue the higher levels ignoring everything else as they go about getting their green globs. for all is good...but that's about it.

Badges? Yeah...once you get them, you get them...temp powers? It's alright for some. Bemused to see orange names stop and chat to me while I'm resting trying to GET BY THE BLOODY WEB ENTRANCE and they're running in and out like it's Spar 5 minutes before shutting and they have half price ****.



I said it before.To bring masses in PvP zones the solutions are simple and i am curious why the Devs not implement them.

Ranking System

Remove PvP rep cap

PvP character Slots that will remove the need for PvP builds
and will allow to create a PvP character on the go and simply enter straight away the PvP zone. Without the option to exit from it.

Special PvP rewards that do not interfere with PvE (ranked emotes,Ranked auras,Ranked animations,Ranked temp powers_

PvP in game Hall of Fame

Remove debt from pvp zones

Link the EU PvP zones to each other

Create an international PvP server where Korea,USA,Europe players battle it out giving the opportunity for worldwide CoH events

Solve asap major PvP issues such as toggle dropping

Allow Villains and Heroes teaming in warburg

Lower base item prices so that smaller SG's can participate in Base Raiding.



I'm too tired to reply properly, but a good deal of them are fairly simple measures, but could work really well.

The others are a bit...forced onto the players to get them to PVP.

Something that suits the attitude of alternate message above their name? Instead of 'The Fantastic, Faceplanting Frazzle.d' you could have 'The Flying Sniping Bringer of teh d00m' or something...




The problem with PvP is that you get alot of times when it will be a team of 8 heroes against 2 villains or vice versa, at which point the outcome is a certainty.

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Boring for you maybe, I fought worse odds and had a blast. Even got some kills too.

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I also swap to the underdog side and hassle other players to try and even things up as much as i can

I said it before.To bring masses in PvP zones the solutions are simple and i am curious why the Devs not implement them.

Ranking System

Remove PvP rep cap

PvP character Slots that will remove the need for PvP builds
and will allow to create a PvP character on the go and simply enter straight away the PvP zone. Without the option to exit from it.

Special PvP rewards that do not interfere with PvE (ranked emotes,Ranked auras,Ranked animations,Ranked temp powers_

PvP in game Hall of Fame

Remove debt from pvp zones

Link the EU PvP zones to each other

Create an international PvP server where Korea,USA,Europe players battle it out giving the opportunity for worldwide CoH events

Solve asap major PvP issues such as toggle dropping

Allow Villains and Heroes teaming in warburg

Lower base item prices so that smaller SG's can participate in Base Raiding.

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I concurr

**Acceptable "support" responses**

Its your fault
Its your computers fault
Its your ISPs fault



Nightbringer: Yes

JackHobo: Also Yes
Nothing more to see here





PvP character Slots that will remove the need for PvP builds
and will allow to create a PvP character on the go and simply enter straight away the PvP zone. Without the option to exit from it.

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Relatively utopistic idea and I dont think it can be done, but nice idea nonetheless.


Ranking System
Remove PvP rep cap
Special PvP rewards that do not interfere with PvE (ranked emotes,Ranked auras,Ranked animations,Ranked temp powers_
PvP in game Hall of Fame
Remove debt from pvp zones
Link the EU PvP zones to each other
Create an international PvP server where Korea,USA,Europe players battle it out giving the opportunity for worldwide CoH events
Allow Villains and Heroes teaming in warburg
Lower base item prices so that smaller SG's can participate in Base Raiding.

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All of these: yes please.


Solve asap major PvP issues such as toggle dropping

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Yes, well, I think we should take this part carefully, as theres a whole lot of toggles that need dropping in order
to have a fighting chance,ff masterminds/defenders um.. but then again the characters in question are VERY dependent of those toggles to have a chance. I think powersets need more looking into. Also, even if my invul tanks toggles were completely undroppable it WOULDNT STILL MAKE HIM ANY GOOD in PVP. There are simply too few methods of fighting back.. Taunt, and.... taunt. Yay. Give HIS melee attacks toggledropping ability then. Increase secondary effects. Something. Damage. Reduce animation times. Reduce recharge times. I dont know. Fix war mace. Please. AND make fly work better in PVP. Superjump rules over it 100-1.

I dont think anything is simple in these matters but I think PVP is too detached from PVE right now in the sense that there are no good enough PVP rewards to be used in PVE or the other way around. Sirens bounties are cute, but the hours I played in Sirens to get one or two +3 SOs (I spent a lot of the bounty to get insps ot have a fighting chance) I could have spent with my friends and got inf to buy dozen of such SOs (my character is 37). Warburg nukes may be effective, but they are oneshot, plus one of them may have triggered the basecrash during PD vs Goonies base raid last wednesday.

Lets face it: one reason for some people to play PVE is the sense of achievement. (Something States seems to have trouble understanding what it is) There is not much tangible achieved in PVP. I think thats why some people regard it as boring among other things. Some people play PVP to get famous and recognized. No permament gains in
this matter either, no hall of fame or permanent rating or ranks.

Solutions? How about defeating players giving inf or prestige.. There could be a lower threshold of reputation, so that only people above it would give inf/prest rewards, to avoid mass-ganks and newbie-farming. The limit could scale according to the amount of players who've been playing in the zones last 24 hours or something. To avoid possible chain-reaction of inf/prest gains.

You could rig PVP giving both rewards at once which would give lvl 50 players reason to play. Some diminishing returns system or timecheck could be done to prevent exploiting the 'here, kill me'-exploits.

Temp powers usable in PVE zones feel like the most useful award I can think of right now, so lets have more of them. If they are effective enough and especially if they have 'times of use' limitation instead of 'next 2 days" for instance. More temp powers could be invented, like an autopower giving debuff resistance (ok, that should have a timer on it.. heh). But the powers should definitely be re-gainable.

Make the sirens temp powers have a timelimit of use and make them work in EVERY pvp zone, even if they are nonfunctional in PVE zones. I hate that things reset when I exit the zone. Or make them in general more useful but more difficult to obtain.



I know the powersets pretty well, but I'm still not a big fan of PvP. It's just dull really.

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This is something I hear a lot but never can understand.

How can people have a blast in the completely 100% predictable PvE part of this game and find the actual only challenging part of it - the PvP - boring?

[/ QUOTE ]I enjoy both, but I get bored of longer sessions of PvP, mainly because there is no sense of achievement, nothing to look forwards to. Hopefully that will be less of a problem in RV.



It'll still be largely ponitless for tanks, no matter how many bells and whistles they add.

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I couldnt agree more.

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depends on ur tank, mine can 2 hit any squishy in Warburg (but then again it was specifically made and designed for PvP from lvl 1 )

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Speak of yourself. Im talking about the miraculous WAR MACE. I took a duel with our rad/rad defender. Even though I could hit and stun him thru RI easily. I COULD NOT BRING FORTH ENOUGH DAMAGE TO KILL A FRIGGIN STUNNED AND HELPLESS DEFENDER THAT HAD NO BREAK FREES EVEN WITH BUILD UP AND 3-SLOTTED 53 DAMAGE ENHANCEMENTS! Do people have ANY idea of the DPS of War mace?!

Our duel ended in a 0-0 tie, even though I was closer to win than he was.



lolol, a mace tanker

A Paragon Defender



lolol, a mace tanker

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Yeah, so?



Move this to the PvP forum pls. :P



Face facts, CoH was *never* designed with PvP in mind. The archetypes were designed to function in teams & in PvE and too many powerset combinations just aren't viable in PvP, even with supposedly PvP builds, especially solo.

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Face facts, CoH was *never* designed with PvP in mind. The archetypes were designed to function in teams & in PvE and too many powerset combinations just aren't viable in PvP, even with supposedly PvP builds, especially solo.

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I know. I guess Im screaming for the odd chance that devs might actually change something for the good. Mace sucks in PVE equally, mind you. I guess Im the only one who thinks that we should be able to speak of certain powersets even in the same sentence..



I've been there. Ice Armour may be FOTM at the moment, but when I took it back at the start of I3 everyone looked at me as if I was some kind of mental case.

Omnes relinquite spes, o vos intrantes

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Agree with much of what has been said, I personally prefer PvE over PvP, but do partkae occasionally. In PvE there is a progression in PvP there isn't I'm not good enough to worry about reputation so that isn't a reward. PvP needs a reward that affects PvP or something that is visible elsewhere in the game, TG's idea for rank auras would work.

As to RV ask me after I7 hits at the moment its pointless for anyone to say how good it'll be as we only have an idea and some screen shots, and like many things in the game it may well be horrendously flawed.

PvP as a whole is difficult as there just aren't enough people on any of the EU servers who prefer PvP over PvE to fill up a single zone let alone 3-4. And unless we gain a lot of players I fail to see how that will ever change, the PvP isn't comparable to many other games that do it better, for me if I want PvP I'll go back to GW or WoW both IMO do PvP better.



I said it before.To bring masses in PvP zones the solutions are simple and i am curious why the Devs not implement them.

Ranking System

Remove PvP rep cap

PvP character Slots that will remove the need for PvP builds
and will allow to create a PvP character on the go and simply enter straight away the PvP zone. Without the option to exit from it.

Special PvP rewards that do not interfere with PvE (ranked emotes,Ranked auras,Ranked animations,Ranked temp powers_

PvP in game Hall of Fame

Remove debt from pvp zones

Link the EU PvP zones to each other

Create an international PvP server where Korea,USA,Europe players battle it out giving the opportunity for worldwide CoH events

Solve asap major PvP issues such as toggle dropping

Allow Villains and Heroes teaming in warburg

Lower base item prices so that smaller SG's can participate in Base Raiding.

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Unlike most other people I think these things would make PvP far worse not better. A ranking system is a dreadful idea, Rep is already a bad mechanism, encouraging PvP specific builds and gearing the system to a few archetypes is a way to reduce PvP involvement with the playerbase not increase it.

What is needed is a way to encourage more casual players (and player teams) to get involved, I would like to see more RP SG teams come into the zones since a decent team of people who know each other is going to be effective regardless of build. Teams with a bit of character might make the experience much more entertaining, for whatever reason you don't see groups like this in zones, certainly not in Siren's which is a great place for villain vs hero conflict.

I'm tired of being one Dominator in a team of seven Stalkers Vs a bunch of ice/en blappers and a few scrappers. The whole 'pvp build' / character slot notion is bogus, most people don't have time to do something like that and wouldn't want to.



I've been there. Ice Armour may be FOTM at the moment, but when I took it back at the start of I3 everyone looked at me as if I was some kind of mental case.

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You sure that was because of your powersets?

PvP needs a reward that affects PvP or something that is visible elsewhere in the game, TG's idea for rank auras would work.

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I think some sort of PvPer reward that effects the game outside of PvPer is a bad idea. It leads to all the complaints about being forced to PvPer starting up and then to more and more arguement between PvPers and PvEers. Keep the benefits for PvPer minor like the few badges that are there already or give rewards that effect PvPer only.



A ranking system is a dreadful idea, Rep is already a bad mechanism, encouraging PvP specific builds and gearing the system to a few archetypes is a way to reduce PvP involvement with the playerbase not increase it.

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Filth i have to agree to that sorry i didnt clarify my post. The ranking system i would like to see should be based not on amount of kills but on quality of kills pretty much just like it works on WoW. For high ranked characters killing low level ones should be worthless thus making achieving higher rating possible only through fighting equal opponents. Furthermore the creation of PvP slot in the character list would allow people to create the PvP toon they want on the go. The problem is many people dont have the will to level up and grind for a PVP toon 50 levels.Someone siad i think Hammerfall such a solution is not viable. GuildWars uses a PVP slot that u can create any toon with PvP build that stays only within PvP zones.The PvP rep there is on the account and not on the toon.Which is a also something nice. To unlock the PvP powers in your PvP slot you need to go through the PvE of the game. This can be implemented in the game by having to go through the arcs giving also an end to Powerevelling n a way since if you want to unlock the powers for your PvP slot you need run the arcs of the game at least one.



I think I agree with Filth on this - I'm often one of the 7 stalkers teamed up with his dominator, and whilst we have a lot of fun in sirens, it would be nice to run into some more defenders/trollers/non ice blasters/tanks in there, and to be supported by more mm/brutes/corruptors/dominators.

I completely disagree with having a separate PvP build option - unless we are going down the spidy clone route, where each of us has numerous alter egos I'd much rather see casual PvPers being encouraged in, as I was, and having fun! Plus, it can be possible to have a PvP "build" that works very well in PvE, but it should be easier to do this (as it may well be impossible for certain powersets).

Back on topic, I'm really looking forward to RV, but will be spending time in Sirens and Warburg as I do now too, because each of them offers a different challenge. But for now, you'll see me (maybe ) in sirens. I'll be the one singing as I assassins strike



I do see the gameplay features in RV as an attempt to address the imbalances in PvP.

Your character is weak in PvP? You can control a giant robot to fight for you.

You have a PvP build that is weak in PvE? You will struggle to fight the NPC Heroes/AVs that spawn in.

I really should do something about this signature.



I'm really looking forward to RV, but will be spending time in Sirens and Warburg as I do now too, because each of them offers a different challenge. But for now, you'll see me (maybe ) in sirens. I'll be the one singing as I assassins strike

[/ QUOTE ] Problem is right now to encourage casual gamers they should lock level 50 toons out of lower level PvP zones cause they are overpowered. Thats why higher level stalkers going into Sirens have a blast.

As for the PvP slot.Giving the casual gamer to create a toon he believes will work in PvP i think is preffered. Not everyone plays a stalker you know in PvP or an ice/nrg. I pvp on a ice/rad,Ar/Dev,earth/storm,DM/Regen,elec,elec,mind/psi.Nothing of the min max builds.And there are loads of people playing tankers or builds that simply are not the best PvP ones but still have loads of fun.Problem is they dont have the luxury of creating the build the way they want for PvP.A PvP slot would allow this.



I do see the gameplay features in RV as an attempt to address the imbalances in PvP.

Your character is weak in PvP? You can control a giant robot to fight for you.

You have a PvP build that is weak in PvE? You will struggle to fight the NPC Heroes/AVs that spawn in.

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You know what i see?The experienced PvPers will be ripping the AV's apart due to experience plus they will rip apart the people trying to control the robots.And right now the experience lies significantly towards the hero side especially at level 50.



OK, I think I understand what you're saying about a PvP slot (I don't have experience outside CoX), but wouldn't this create more of very similar builds? I can't blame people for going down a route of making a specialised PvP toon but it does make the experience a bit monotonous.

On the other hand, a co-ordinated balanced team will always beat a group of cookie-cutter pvp toons if they aren't organised. It's just a shame more (especially villains) casual players don't come into the zone. A couple of days ago a */Thermal Corruptor came into Siren's and was just a superb player, but only stayed about 15 minutes, I suspect because he wasn't looked after.

The problem with a ranking system as I see it is support toons will be under-represented, unless it's linked to objectives rather than Knock-Outs, but perhaps there is a way to make this work. I'm hoping RV will have a range of things to do for different players to have fun.



I'm tired of being one Dominator in a team of seven Stalkers Vs a bunch of ice/en blappers and a few scrappers*.

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*and pet Empaths

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