Guide to txt spk.




I put this together from various threads and posts from the old forums. People that have things included are listed at the bottom of this post.

1337 - Idiot.
1337 speak/leet speek - " Replacing letters with numbers in an effort to look like a hacker ""d00d"". Also often involves mis-spelling words since those who do this in the first place are barely literate."
1t - want
ab - adrenaline boost
add - additional mobs are incoming
afaik - as far as I know.
AFAIK - as far as i know
afk - away from keyboard
Alt - " Alternative, another character you have for variation"
Altoholic - " a common disease of the mind in City of Heroes, the inability to stick with one character because you have to have ALL the powers"
AoE - Area of Effect. Powers working in an area instead just only on a single target.
AT - ArcheType. The type of hero you chose at character creation " Controller, Blaster, Defender, Tanker, Scrapper, Peacebringer, Warshade."
AV - " ArchVillain. The ""boss"" of a story arc."
bb - bye bye
bbl - be back later
bf - beat feet (cruddy way to say 'run' but I heard this in game last night). Usually used to mean boyfriend
BIO - Body Input Output
bio brk - i need the loo
bobfoc - " body off baywatch, face off crimewatch"
brb - be right back
btw - by the way
Bubble - Powers from the Forcefield Power set named so because they are creating bubble like effects.
Buff - Any power or Inspiration which improves your/an enemy's basic statistics and abilities.
Build - " The combination of Archetype, Powers and Enhancements you have chosen to make your hero the killing machine or squishy lump of poo that he/she is. Different ""builds"" are appropriate to different situations."
cab - catch a breath. blue insperation.
CF - Call Friend (power from the Teleport power set)
cfot - concentrate fire on target.
CJ - Combat Jumping
cm - clear mind
CoH - City of Heroes. But then you knew that already.
cw - crouch walker
cya - goodbye
DA - " Dark Armour, Scrapper secondary"
debt fairies - " The rotten swines that know when you finally clear your debt and if the words are spoken, will kill you on the next encounter."
Debuff - The effect of any power or Inspiration which reduces your/an enemy's base statistics and abilities.
devs - " developers, not devils"
dig - down it goes.
DO - Dual enhancement
DM - " Dark Melee, as above"
dnt - dirt nap time.
DoT - " Damage Over Time. A power which does not do an immediate large ""burst"" of damage, but instead deals steady damage over a fixed duration."
DPS - Damage Per Second. The average amount of damage you deal per second using a set power or combination of powers. Powers which deal more damage do not necessarily have a higher DPS because their recharge time may be longer.
Drecking - "Dreck is a particular mission that can yield high levels of experience, a common place to find PLers asking to be Pled"
Eeeeeeeeek - " sexy is going to run away like Brave Sir Robin, please keep up."
Elec - Electricity power pools available to many.
elftol - evil looks from the old lady. The point you realise that your girlfriend/wife/boyfriend/other half is stood behind you staring daggers.
Emp - Empathy powers available as above
end - endurance
end rest - I have no stamina.
endrec - Endurance Recovery Enhancers
Enh's - Enhancements
ffs - for fecks sake
Flaming - " People sending abusive or disapproving messages to others, often as a result of griefing."
fort - fortitude
fwiw - for what its worth
FWIW - for what its worth
gf - girlfriend
GG - Galaxy Girl. The huge statue behind the Freedom Corps HQ in Galaxy City and meeting place for roleplayers on Union server.
Gimped - A character with a poor build which means they're not very good at anything. Not as easy to create in CoH as in EverQuest.
GM - (1) Giant Monster. Pretty self explanatory. Usually requires more than one hero/team to take down. (2) Game Master " NCSoft staff who ensure players are playing appropriately and take action against any who are breaching the licence agreement. To contact a GM in game, use the /petition command."
griefer - basically an online bully. sort of person that leads high level bad guys into a low level team because they think its funny.
Griefing - Doing anything to deliberately upset or annoy another player.
Group - more than one bad guy
group hug/hug me - gather together. usually called be someone about to activate an aura to buff/heal. recovery aura as an example.
gtg - got to go. (This is sometimes used to mean good to go)
GTG - " got to go, having to leave the game, not through choice but through real life external forces: eg, wife, kids, parents, work"
Hami - " Hamidon. Large, extremely strong purple jelly thing recently beaten on Union server by a large group of like" minded heroes led by Chaplain. Good work guys! Strongest enemy in the game?
Herd - a player with a durable character will gather many villains to be attacked at once.
holland - " hot off low level, and now dead. Someone that runs straight into a new area and ends up as a smear on the floor."
IG - In Game
iirc - if I remember correctly
IIRC - if i recall/remember correctly
Ill - Illusion power pool available to Controllers
IMHABO - " In my humble, and biased, opinion"
imho - in my honest/humble opinion
imo - in my opinion.
inc - Incomming.
Inf - Influence
Insp's - Inspirations
Invuln - Defensive power pool available to Tankers and Scrappers
irl - in real life
Kat - Katana power pool available to Scrappers
KB - Knockback
KD - Knockdown
Kin - Kinetics power available to Defenders and Controllers
kma - kiss my as
lmao - laughing my as off (left out a s so it would get censored)
Log - log off
lol - " various for this but all in the same area, laugh out loud, lots of laughs, laughter oh laughter, laughter over loonie, etc. Basically the same as haha"
m8 - mate
MA - Martial Arts power pool for Scrappers
Main - the character you play as the most
Mish - Mission
MMOG - " Massively Multiplayer Online Game. Any game which can be played on the Internet with hundreds or even thousands of players in the same game ""world"". CoH is an MMOG."
MMORPG - Massively Multiplayer Online Roleplaying Game. Combine definitions for MMOG and RPG and that's about it. CoH is an MMORPG.
Mob - one bad guy
MoG - Moment of Glory (Scrapper power)
n00b - " new player with little to no knowledge. Usually someone thats skipped the tutorial and keeps asking the same dumb questions. Can also be used as a light hearted joke between friends. e.g. ""you can be such a n00b at times"". Can be players who have played alot but are basically idiots."
Nerf - " to have you're powers weakened by an force external to the game, such as the devs."
Nerfed - " Anything which the development team deemed to be too powerful in terms of game balance and so made weaker has been ""nerfed"", usually to the indignation or hardcore players."
newbie - new player that could do with a little help. Don't confuse n00bs for newbies. Newbies did the tutorial but still don't quite get it. n00bs probably never will.
nme - enemy.
nn - night night
NP - Not a problem/no problem.
obac - old ball and chain.
om - on me. Gather at my position.
omg - oh my god
omw - on my way
OS - One Shot: to be killed with only one hit.
PBAoE - " either point blank area of effect, or player based area of effect."
PEBKAC - Problem exists between keyboard and chair
PL - " Power level, to sit in a team of heroes of higher level, do nothing, get loads of xp and then brag about your greatness."
Plers - "people who powerlevel, generally frowned upon by the community"
pmsl - peeing my self laughing
Pull - try and get only 1 or 2 mobs away from a group too tough to beat all at once.
pwnd - "1337-speak for ""owned"", which means ""beat extremely well"". Usually accompanied by gloating."
ra - recovery aura
Rad - Radiation powers available as above.
rdy - ready
rfi - run for it
rfyl - Run for your life!!!!
RL - " real life, the place where you have no super powers"
RLOF - " Roll laughing on floor, an expression of high amusement, has many variations RLOFPMS, RLOFLMAO"
rltw - run like the wind. (not seen this one myself but I got sent it)
rofl - rolling on floor laughing
roflm(h/a)o - rolling on floor laughing my (head/as) off.
Roll - to create a new character
RP - "Role play, a specialist form of playing the game where much amusement can be found in having silly conversations in a very serious way, the most escapist form of city of heroes"
Rper - someone who role plays
RPG - Roleplaying Game. A game involving (generally speaking) characters which gradually get stronger as their careers progress through the accumulation of Experience Points from fighting monsters or completing missions. CoH is an RPG.
rtfm - only heard this one a few times in CoH. read the fu...friendly manual.
SJ - Superjump
Spamming - Repeatedly posting the same message/string in the chat window so it scrolls by too quickly for any other messages to be noticed. Generally met with a torrent of abuse.
Spawn - same as a Group
SR - Super Reflexes Scrapper secondary
SS - Superspeed
sweet box/pill box - insperation window.
sweeties/sweets/pills - insperations
tbh - to be honest
TF - Task Force
tid - take it down.
TNL - To Next Level
TO - Training enhancements
tof - twelve o'clock flasher. Some one so technologicaly challenged they can't even set the time on a digital clock. So all the clocks in their house flash 12:00
TP - Teleport
ty - thank you
u - you
w t f - what the feck
w8 - wait
w8e - wait here
wai - working as intended
Welcome to ignore - I will cease to be listenting to your inane prattle.(/ignore)
wy - your welcome
XP - Experience
yaha - yet another halfwit about.
ydahio - you die a hero I'm off. Heard that one a few times in other games too. Someone that wades in even thought it is impossible to win.
zzz - I have been held/slept.
SO - Single origin enhancement.

Contributions from Ironwolf,BloodMoon, Sexy_Lady, Nachtschatten, DJRedLine, Shades, LostNinja, Doulos, Vetis, TouchOfDarkness, Silver_Weasel, MrSuperlative



Originally posted by Shift


Assault Rifle - AR
Fire Blast - Fire
Energy Blast - En or NRG
Electrical Blast - Elec
Ice Blast - Ice

Devices - Dev (this is also used to shorten Developers)
Fire Manipulation - Fire
Energy Manipulation - En or NRG
Electrical Manipulation - Elec
Ice Manipulation - Ice


Earth Control - Earth
Fire Control - Fire
Gravity Control - Grav
Ice Control - Ice
Illusion Control - Ill
Mind Control - Mind

Empathy - Emp
Force Field - FF
Kinetics - Kin
Radiation Emission - Rad
Storm Summoning - Storm


Dark Miasma - Dark
Empathy - Emp
Force Field - FF
Kinetics - Kin
Radiation Emission - Rad
Storm Summoning - Storm

Electrical Blast - Elec
Energy Blast - En or NRG
Dark Blast - Dark
Psychic Blast - Psy
Radiation Blast - Rad


Broad Sword - BS
Claws - Claw
Dark Melee - DM
Katana - Kat
Martial Arts - MA
Spines - Spi

Dark Armor - DA
Invulnerability - Inv
Super Reflexes - SR
Regeneration - Reg or Regen


Invulnerability - Inv
Fiery Aura - Fire
Ice Armor - Ice (as of i5, gimp)
Stone Armor - Stone

Battle Axe - Axe
Fiery Melee - Fire
Ice Melee - Ice
Energy Melee - En, NRG or even EM
Stone Melee - Stone
Super Strength - SS
War Mace - Mace

Peacebringer - PB
these come in a variety of sets, dependend on what they are focused on. Peacebringers have 3 forms. Human(Human) Bright Nova(Squid) White Dwarf(Dwarf)
Combine these to get a certain build:
Dwarf/Nova or Forms or Alien Forms
Human/Dwarf/Squid which is almost always referred to as Tri-Form
(powersets are never mentioned, as they are always the same, Luminous Blast and Luminous Aura)

Warshade - WS
these come in a variety of sets, dependend on what they are focused on. Warshades have 3 forms. Human(Human) Dark Nova(Nova) Black Dwarf(Dwarf)
Combine these to get a certain build:
Dwarf/Nova or Forms or Alien Forms
Human/Dwarf/Squid which is almost always referred to as Tri-Form
(powersets are never mentioned, as they are always the same, Umbral Blast and Umbral Aura)

So there you have it, combine any of the powersets abbreviations, and any experienced player will know what kind of hero you have.

Fire/Fire (tank or blaster, most of the times this is clarified)



you forgot:

Clucking Bell; yikes that AV has turned his attention to me.

Crashing: A smokescreen to the possible fact that you are in the worst possible team on COH at the mo, and are pretending its the devs fault you're going

Sir, yes sir; a sarcastic response to an over enthusiastic leader who makes it his job to tell everyone what they should do,

LALT; lets all leave team, a call given when a leader forms a team of 8 then goes AFK at the door.

NIN; NO I'M NOT A response to a melee type who asks my Kinetics character are you a HEALER,

there are others

Visionist LVL 50 Ill/kin
Adventurist Lvl 50 BS/Sr Scrapper
Destructionist lvl 48 elm/dark armor Scrapper
63 month Veteran



oo big list, and yet, sorry to say this but you left out one. tyvm, thank you very much. or as i say it, tivum

I am the Blaster, I have filled the role of Tank, Controller and Defender
Sometimes all at once.
Union EU player! Pip pip, tally ho, top hats and tea etc etc



Nice list!
missing at least brt = Be right there
synonymous to omw.

kk = okay , I see many people using this, or just k.
y = why or yes, depending on context.

EDIT: By the way, I always thought that Powerleveler is the high level player who gives Pling service to lower lvls.. The one who stands in mission doing nothing is Leecher or Leech.. Then again, Im not british and this is my first MMO, so correct me if appropriate.



Nah, you'd be right on that last one Hammerfall



forgot these:

fyi -> For Your Information
SO -> Single Origin enhancement
gj -> good/great job
gg -> good game / great going

for the rest great guide

"god, how many devs did hami have to sleep with to get ED?"

Total Cat @Stagefright



ta = thank you

ok it's not realy text speak, it's a english expression, I think it originated as an abbreviation of "Thanks awfully"



sb - Speed Boost (Kinetics power).




holland - " hot off low level, and now dead. Someone that runs straight into a new area and ends up as a smear on the floor."

[/ QUOTE ]

i'd really wish they took this one out, as there are players from holland (the netherlands) who know how to play/teamplay.
and i think this gives a bad name to those that care about a good playstyle and saving their team-m8's...

but thats my opinion...

Hero: Star Jewel(50)
Associates: Gemstone; Storm Lock; Star Sparkle; Dawnshade; Lunara; ...more
Enemies: Shadow Vine; Tirana Q; Forte Cadenza; Black Ion; Pursuit; ...more



here's one i see a lot

ftw/4tw - for the win - something which will make victory certain. normally used for bragging reasons "yeah <insert players AT here> ftw!! i pwn!" etc

not sure if its invaded CoH yet, but i'm sure it will in time



here's one i see a lot

ftw/4tw - for the win - something which will make victory certain. normally used for bragging reasons "yeah <insert players AT here> ftw!! i pwn!" etc

not sure if its invaded CoH yet, but i'm sure it will in time

[/ QUOTE ]
It has. It's also used in a highly ironic sense as well, depending on whom you team with - as in, "BRAWL FTW!", or "SR ftw!" (before jumping into a roomful of DE).

"Here, take some more bees with you. You may need them."
Union: FU//LoUD

"that Syn is that that" - Mothers Love



It's also used in a highly ironic sense as well, depending on whom you team with - as in, "BRAWL FTW!"

[/ QUOTE ]

A running joke in our SG involves a certain scrappy 'troller who has recently hit 50 brawling Hamidon to death, solo. We also occasionally hold Fake Nems and then attack them using brawl and brawl yes, brawl is indeed FTW



I've often seen insps referred to as "candy" as well.




holland - " hot off low level, and now dead. Someone that runs straight into a new area and ends up as a smear on the floor."

[/ QUOTE ]

i'd really wish they took this one out, as there are players from holland (the netherlands) who know how to play/teamplay.
and i think this gives a bad name to those that care about a good playstyle and saving their team-m8's...

but thats my opinion...

[/ QUOTE ]


Shift 50 DM/DA Scrapper ][ TTL 50 Kat/Reg Scrapper ][ Shabriel 50 Peacebringer ][ Ion Shift 46 Rad/Rad Corruptor ][ Thermal Shift 35 Fire/Fire Blaster
"A Scrapper is a lot like a chainsaw. Somewhat hard to handle, incredibly dangerous, and by far the most fun when wielded by the slightly insane."



'd really wish they took this one out, as there are players from holland (the netherlands) who know how to play/teamplay.
and i think this gives a bad name to those that care about a good playstyle and saving their team-m8's...

but thats my opinion...

[/ QUOTE ]

Don't think you understand correctly. Not saying people from holland are anything like that. It's just a short way of saying some one found a short cut to the hospital.

EDIT: By the way, I always thought that Powerleveler is the high level player who gives Pling service to lower lvls.. The one who stands in mission doing nothing is Leecher or Leech.. Then again, Im not british and this is my first MMO, so correct me if appropriate.

[/ QUOTE ]

Iffy one that. Is the higher or the lower level player the powerleveler? I would say the lower level one as they are the one moving up the levels quickly. Others may argue the other way. Lets call them both powerlevelers its easier. A powerleveler is not necesarily a leacher. Powerlevel an empth and they can still heal and dish out buffs. So are not leaching but they are still powerleveling.


LART - Leader(luser) Attitude Resjustment Tool. Anything large enough to smash some one over the head with and drive them into the ground like a nail. Used in the context of "If I had a LART I would show you who's boss" or "Time for the pink fluffy LART to make an appearence" or "Don't make me get my LART out"
Snipering (thought this should be added) - Exactly the opposite of a good pull. A good pull will draw one or two enemies towards you. Snipering will pull the whole mob, any near by mobs and, if you are really good at it, any mobs from other peoples missions in another area.



Snipering (thought this should be added) - Exactly the opposite of a good pull. A good pull will draw one or two enemies towards you. Snipering will pull the whole mob, any near by mobs and, if you are really good at it, any mobs from other peoples missions in another area.

[/ QUOTE ]
Let's go with the full definition and etymology:

To Sniper; Snipering -
i) the 'art' of being completely inept at pulling;
ii) being without any understanding of the concept of pulling, largely considering the discipline to be blindly firing at the first mob they target;
iii) used in an ironic, self-deprecating sense by a player: "I snipered that one good", when the pull has failed spectacularly.
etym: The term is derived from idiots who fail to understand that the correct term is "sniped", and who coincidentally fail to understand much about anything regarding tactics in CoH.

"Here, take some more bees with you. You may need them."
Union: FU//LoUD

"that Syn is that that" - Mothers Love




I HATE it when people type like that. HATE IT. Abbreviations are fine, but there's no reason to type like a mentally challenged 12 year old who spends too much time on their mobile phone.




ill miss you cup of squirrles *sob



I can't believe that no one has yet mentioned the obvious one...

Gratz!! - Congratulations! (Usually said when someone has just levelled in a team)

And the new villain equivalent (well, a villain will hardly be pleased for someone who may have you become more powerful than them )

Dratz! - Dratz, you levelled!

We built this city on Rock and Roll!



One that I've always wanted to know the origin of:

MT when posting on the wrong chat channel.

Can anyone shed any light on that?



Miss Tell..."OMG I accidentally told my team mate I loved him instead of my girlfriend on the other channel!!!!"

"That Defender is such an [censored]"
"Did you really mean to say that on team?"
"OOoopps MT!"



I can't believe that no one has yet mentioned the obvious one...

Gratz!! - Congratulations! (Usually said when someone has just levelled in a team)

And the new villain equivalent (well, a villain will hardly be pleased for someone who may have you become more powerful than them )

Dratz! - Dratz, you levelled!

[/ QUOTE ]

Oh and DING! (EQ term for levelling as the machine played a small fanfare instead of the Nova effect we get)

From this derives De-ding, Re-Ding, Gnid, Ztarg, De-Gratz, Re-Gratz from losing/regaining a level.



Miss Tell..."OMG I accidentally told my team mate I loved him instead of my girlfriend on the other channel!!!!"

[/ QUOTE ]

Like when I was having a chat with a friend about nude photos (don't ask ), hit backspace to reply and accidently sent it to the toon who had just invited me to team. I think they thought I wanted a dodgy signing on bonus

Thanks for that Silver Weasel



What an excellent topic, now I don't feel like a grandad asking what the hell people are on about when they do the whole numbers-for-letters things, the 5p@KrZ

edit: whoops my crap joke's turned into a non-existant email