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    If you're looking to spend money on little pixelated numbers, I advise you don't play CoH/V.
  2. Juste vous souhaitant tout Noël heureux de tous sur le Defiant

    P.S. Excusez mon Français faible, j'utilise un traducteur XD
  3. Well of course you're going to have a hard time finding a team at midnight, the only players online are night crawlers like me

    However the amount of players is spread out between CoV and CoH, meaning it WILL be harder to find a team.
  4. CupOfSquirrels

    The Immortal sg.

    Thanks :E

    Of course, I was being slightly hypocritical when advertising, but there is a big big difference between standing on the fort in Mercy inviting anyone I see without an sg and actually evaluating those who are interested.

    People cannot be interested if they do not know of it's existence.
  5. CupOfSquirrels

    The Immortal sg.

    It was hardly spamming, and out of the 10 people who /t'd me, I only accepted 3.
  6. [ QUOTE ]
    Uh oh, I've just thought: if too many people turn up, then the zone will be split up, and not everyone can get in:

    Not good.

    We need to work a way around this.

    [/ QUOTE ]


  7. CupOfSquirrels

    The Immortal sg.

    [ QUOTE ]
    any reason your in it then?

    [/ QUOTE ]


    [ QUOTE ]
    Cup of Squierrels, I heart you. You've taken my gaming philosophy and stuck it down in a sg with a cliché name. Things couldn't get any better.

    [/ QUOTE ]


    [ QUOTE ]
    Those arent ordinary SG's, they're just the crappy ones.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Of course, but in the end thats what sgs are: Want. Essentially, I want to simply create a community of people that are ABOVE the "rest", shall we say. Unsuprisingly, this search is to no avail.
  8. Uh oh, I've just thought: if too many people turn up, then the zone will be split up, and not everyone can get in:

    Not good.

    We need to work a way around this.
  9. CupOfSquirrels

    The Immortal sg.

    Well, it is simply because I am sick and tired of supergroups filled with morons - I will have none of that. I am not expecting perfection: anyone who expects perfection is a fool. Just as long as I create an sg full of intelligence and self worth.

    You can also send me an email, or catch me on global chat.
  10. CupOfSquirrels

    The Immortal sg.

    After the collapse and leave of Jemma's Supergroup, I took it upon myself to create my own sg: The Immortal.

    This is no ordinary sg: I will not blindly invite you, I will not I will not grasp widly for members: I will pick and choose each member myself, and this right will be passed onto the few I trust.

    Only the intelligent, insightful and powerful will be picked.

    I plan to create a site, and possibly a ventrilo server when I come to the finances.

    If you feel you have what it takes to join, send a tell to either "Cup of Squirrels", "Clockwork Angel" or "Jessie Soulcrusher". I will ask you a few questions, and if I feel you are right for this sg, you are allowed entry.

    Many are called. Few are chosen. Fewer still enter.
  11. As much as I like your idea TG, deep down we all know it's going to be ruined by greedy little 12 year olds are going to ruin it.

    Good luck anyway buddy
  12. [ QUOTE ]
    So, say......about 23 then?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Give or take a few thousand years ^^;;
  13. Cup of Squirrels was one of the elite angels that backed Satan in his uprising in Heaven against God. After the Dark Angels were condemned to hell, Cup of Squirrels spent all of time in Hell, waiting, plotting...

    But before he conquers Heaven, he must conquer Land. He is older than Earth and Time itself, reborn onto Earth.
  14. I have 3 chars on CoH, round bouts lvl 8-11 (fire/energy tanker, archery/weather defender and rad/rad defender) looking for a large well established sg, that does regular sg stuff i.e. teaming up, strike forces etc, and has some sort of teamspeak or ventrilo server, or use skype regurly. Post here if you want me.

  15. CupOfSquirrels

    PVP points

    Ruddy hell stalk, 400 point IS quite a lot you know ._.
  16. lol, I didn't win the cossie contest, but knife pm'd me to say they liked my cossie too ^_~

    I HATE it when people type like that. HATE IT. Abbreviations are fine, but there's no reason to type like a mentally challenged 12 year old who spends too much time on their mobile phone.
  18. Ok, I dont like to moan, but I do it anyway. I think PvP against heroes and villains is hero biast. I fight with my lvl 16 dark/dark brute and fighting is just stupid. Heroes use holds, stuns, knock downs etc, and even with the combined power of several villains we cant do jack [censored]. I stock myself up with breaks and heals and still its impossible. Now, I admit that I havnt built my char around pvp, but surely EVERYONE should have a chance to fight?

    I don't know, I've only ever seen 2 heroes be defeated, and thats with plenty of masterminds. I hope im not the only one who feels like this, but something feels very unfair.
  19. Ok, so all Brutes taunt automaticly, but it angers me. Greatly.

    I usually do missions with a team, so that means a LOT more enemies. So everyone is blowing the living crap out of them with ranged attacks. As a brute, I have no choice but to attack close to them. So I choose a target, go up to them and land a hit. Next thing I know the whole mob is onto me, and this usually means 8-15 enemies firing at me at once. This is stupid, even if I run away they fire again, and it's even worse if they knock me down.

    I know them all hitting me means lots of rage, but whats the point if I'm dead? I don't want xp debt. Is there _anything_ I can do at all about it :\