PvP too biast to heroes?
Don't forget, most of these heroes will have more slots and SO's in their powers.
That said, my SG don't seem to have to much trouble...it was taking about 30 heroes to kill 3 or 4 of us last week...
There are a few reasons why Villains might not be upto scratch atm. Currently Villains are just starting out so I wouldn't expect them to do too well. Alot of Heroes are above the PvP zone limit and are using SOs and DOs, they have had more practice and know the ins and outs of the AT.
Having said that I have seen alot of Heroes around the level limit of the zone. Maybe I'm just spending too much time in Sirens lol. I've seen Villains come out on top mainly because they stay around the base and use the defences there to fight off the Heroes.
Leave it a month or so and things should balance out.
Yeah dont think the heroes are getting it all one sided in Sirens. Bunch of our VG was there last night and took the fight all the way to the other end of the zone by the hero zone in. Great fun and some really good tactics going on on both sides. They also had a very good controller.
At the moment I'd say it seems fairly even from my point of view.
Both sides have groups that are very close to being "base campers", Both sides are totaly ruthless with regards to getting kills, Both sides have issues regarding the enemy or specific powersets..Which lets be honest is not a problem if all powersets and ATs were ment to be equal then why bother including different types of them??
Controllers/master minds are powerful, yep... But they still can be defeated.
Stalkers are more of a natural hazzard than a threat,like tripping over or getting a cold or herpes.
"I was running through BB when I got a nasty case of stalkers, hurt a little but I managed to shake it off...thanks to vitamin C,sorry insights.."
Well, i've spent a few days in bloody bay with a lev 25 troller i have. Yesterday I and some other heroes spent a few hours hunting indidual villians, teams and attacking the villians base,often fighting up to the main gates attacking the defences as we went.
There was many a moan on broadcast and local and i can understand why as it must have seemed unfair from the vilians point of view,tho i see our actions no different to the 4 man villian team constantly hunting me the day before, or the stakers who struck as i was buying insps by the helicopter in the hero base.
If you enter a PvP zone, sometimes you'll be the hunter ,sometimes the hunted, and to me, that's what makes it fun.
I think the lvl cap is one thing, but slots and boosts are another. IMHO heroes should be "lackied" (or whatever the hero term is) to lvl 25 for a month at least. It's no fun when I'm being hit for over 150 dmg. (And I get hit for 100 shortly after... it was obviously not some "one-killing-shot", but a "regular" powers).
That said, my SG don't seem to have to much trouble...it was taking about 30 heroes to kill 3 or 4 of us last week...
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riiiiight! :P lmao Not likely.... I know overdoing it makes it easier to understand, but please...
master minds are powerful
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Don't know what you're on about. Masterminds are by far the worst PvP AT that villains could take. The MM itself is just too squishy to survive long enough for the pets to do any decent kind of damage.
Tell that to the sneaky bugger who snuck up behind a a friend om mine and 1 hit him... stalker...
Came on to agree that PvP could be biast to heroes. But when I saw you meant that it was the heroes who got the upperhand, I'll have to disagree.
Fought in Bloody Bay earlier this morning and came upon a lvl35 DM/DA Brute.
Of course we all get exemped down yet he was still able to take my hp down a few. We were interupted several times by other PvP'ers and never got to finish our bout. However if it had just been 1 on 1 I reckon he could've have taken my tank down if it had not been for insp.
The other night also a lvl24 EM/Invul Brute almost took me down in seconds had I not ran away ^_^, but then again I had several guns and a rad corruptor on me also.
Come the lvl50 villains, I dread to think how we'll fair to them.
@Captain Solaris
Guild of Extreme Heroes "Strength is in Unity"

I just had my first attempt in Siren's Call.
I went to see the contact and chose to do a patrol mission. As far as I was concerned I was fair game, especially as I was soloing. I was under the impression that I was invisible, so I get to the first 2 waypoints and someone starts firing at me. I realise I am being attack by 2 ( or more ) heroes.
The blaster comes down in front of me ( he's an exempted lvl 50 I foundout later ) so I impale, placate and AS him. Whilst I'm in mid strike his DD scrapper friend appears and fails to hit me.
Assassin's Strike ! Woo hoo, moral victory for me! Blaster is on a third hitpoints or so. So am I ( and reconstruction is not recharged ) so I leg it. They corner me and get me, I go to hospital.
I get out of hospital and try and find the next waypoint and they appear right infront of me, did they still have me targetted or was it a coincidence? Luckily I managed to complete my mission without them getting me again but they were looking for me quite seriously. They did attack me again.
The squad of heroes is fine, I don't mind that, however what annoyed me was that I had to go there in the first place.
@Unthing ... Mostly on Union.
It's possible you were the bounty target. In sirens call, one villain or hero gets flagged as a target (I'm not sure how they're selected) and a waypoint appears on the map that is roughly where they are (to within about 250 yds in any direction I think). If you kill him/her you get a big bounty bonus.
I'm not sure if it's possible to tell who on your side is the target, but you can definitely tell who your target is by looking at the nav window.
Where do you find out this stuff?
Maybe I was the only villain doing a mission, or just the unlucky one that the game chose.
@Unthing ... Mostly on Union.
In the mass PvP in Blood Bay this evening, the fighting seemed even to me. Even though there where a few lvl 50's exempt down they where getting taken out just as easily as those who where not being exempt.
If anything the ease by which they where taken down would suggest that the villians are more overpowered. of course that being my first experience of PvP I could be wrong.
I've got to say that the Masterminds are pretty snazzy in large scale PvP battles. Heroes aren't so deadly when they're being swarmed by hundreds of robots and zombies. Notable Mastermind PvP tactic, rename all your minions to be the same as you and keep a costume handy that looks like them. When you've done that you can just hide in the middle.
in the bloody bay massacre earlier, both heroes and villains were having a lil taste of dirt. my level 15 blaster, sk'ed to 25, went up against a friend of mine on CoV who i know is level 28 (he helped me, i helped him, we be friends) and we were evenly mached. but i have to say, some of the CoV AT's can be a bit overpowered, you can stick a level 30 blaster and level 25 brute in a room, and i expect the only one to come out is the brute.
and i would agree, in the right situations, masterminds could be more dangerous then an 8-brute-team. well, slightly weaker but still, pretty powerful. if you find a group of 3 or more masterminds with everything summoned, then you could be in bit trouble. if you do the math, an 8-mastermind team would have 56 members when everything has been summoned at the highest level, so all i can say, if you like pvp, make a mastermind and get a big group of em. everything would die because of the damage output and the lag of the effects and numbers.
I am the Blaster, I have filled the role of Tank, Controller and Defender
Sometimes all at once.
Union EU player! Pip pip, tally ho, top hats and tea etc etc
Except that 8 blasters with snipe could most probably one-shot each of the masterminds (with aim+build-up as well).
Maybe not, but the 8 blasters would play 'pick a target each' and split minion aggro. I always have bloody robots seeing through my invisibility but freefalling onto the head of a mastermind for build+bone smasher+energy punch usually does the trick before the robots get any hits in.
Only bias the heroes have is that most of them have more inf to support them.
Once the villains get their enhancements to equal strength it will then boil down to tactics, luck and AT vs AT matchups*.
Was surprised that my lowbie level 16 Blaster could be of use in a team as a support hero. Did some damage and took quite a few deaths
*with possible ganking and griefing thrown in
I really really like the way PvP is shaping up.
Its just like the comic books!
The heroes have much more specific roles and work very well together as a group of 5.
The villains play alot more like a rabble with everyone doing there own thing.
Heres some obvious examples:
Tanker: VERY good at staying alive and can be very annoying (taunt/Tp foe etc...), cant do enough dmg by itself tho, need to be paired with a dmg dealer.
Brute: Is tough but also can deal lots of damage, more balanced.
Contoller: Awesome at holds and debuffing, making the enemy useless - doesnt do much dmg tho.
Dominator: Good at holds, secondary power pool allows them to do major amounts of dmg also.
Blaster: Pure Damage nuff said.
Corruptor: Less damage and more buff/debuff.
I think there could be a problem tho. Namely 1 on 1 the villains seems to have an advatage because they can do everything.
Stalkers in particular are very good 1 on 1. Ive yet to find someone who can beat me 1 on 1 (although usually they dont stick around long enough to find out!)
Watcha think?
Ok, I dont like to moan, but I do it anyway. I think PvP against heroes and villains is hero biast. I fight with my lvl 16 dark/dark brute and fighting is just stupid. Heroes use holds, stuns, knock downs etc, and even with the combined power of several villains we cant do jack [censored]. I stock myself up with breaks and heals and still its impossible. Now, I admit that I havnt built my char around pvp, but surely EVERYONE should have a chance to fight?
I don't know, I've only ever seen 2 heroes be defeated, and thats with plenty of masterminds. I hope im not the only one who feels like this, but something feels very unfair.
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I have to admit there does seem to be alot of moaning from villains lately about heroes using there powers to there best ability..one example is a certain stalker who petitioned me for what he called 'abuse of my AOE's'.
Now correct me if i'm wrong but cryptic gave us those powers to use and we should not have to ask if we can use a power on a villain first .. its a pvp zone .. suck it up or don't go there.
Anya Stormwind.
What were you doing with your AoEs?
its a pvp zone .. suck it up or don't go there
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Ah... the other reason I don't like PvP...
The villains are 'moaning' because they are at an extreme disadvantage. Because of the way the exemping system works, even though that hero is at the same level as you for combat, your powers are going to work a load better, because he's actually at that level, and you've been exemped down.
If they actually level-limited the zones instead of running the dump auto-SK/exemp system, the battles would be:
a. Fairer
b. Easier to work out if you've got valid balance.
Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.
one example is a certain stalker who petitioned me for what he called 'abuse of my AOE's'.
Now correct me if i'm wrong but cryptic gave us those powers to use and we should not have to ask if we can use a power on a villain first
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I agree, and soon no single target shots either. Infact I think we should petition being held, and being hit by anything, it's just not fair that I go into a zone and people try to hit me, I mean come on, I signed up to being a hero so that I'd be left alone and not confront evil. I think tanks are abusing taunt because they use it to pick fights with people, thats just wrong and it's not cricket I tell you, and the next time a brute taunts me I shall say, "Pah you pesky brute, I shall ignore you and walk away, I'll be the bigger man here, your shameless taunting has no effect on me." Or I might go "Sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me... but that stalker with you might." I have yet to meet a stalker with any courage, back stabbing blighters... oh thats what they're meant to do... oh thats ok, it just means that if you pick a stalker you must be gutless . And don't get me started on TP Foe.... (it's brilliant)
Thank you for enduring my sarcasm.
What were you doing with your AoEs?
its a pvp zone .. suck it up or don't go there
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Ah... the other reason I don't like PvP...
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I gotta ask Raven, given how little you like PvP, is reading this forum your punishment for something, Or do you just enjoy the misery?
The villains are 'moaning' because they are at an extreme disadvantage. Because of the way the exemping system works, even though that hero is at the same level as you for combat, your powers are going to work a load better, because he's actually at that level, and you've been exemped down.
If they actually level-limited the zones instead of running the dump auto-SK/exemp system, the battles would be:
A) Fairer
B) Easier to work out if you've got valid balance.
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Well, yes, until a hero with a rich benefactor (Alt, Sg or whatever) comes in fully slotted. Given the number of >40s in paragon, and the relative sparcity of inf in the rogue islands- it will be heroes slotting SOs first.
So, at most, you'd push the situation back maybe a week while people leveled new alts exclusivly for PvP and then slotted them from the piggybank. Although i doubt you'd even do that, as the more dedicated PvPers would have seen a level cap in beta and started leveling a toon earlier.
What you would effectivly achieve is
A) punishing casual PvPers (ie. me, and most of my SG). Who are unlikely to keep alts at the right levels for long.
B) Punish anyone who hadn't previously leveled a high toon, less inf to support the new toon- and pres to earn too.
C) punish anyone who HAS leveld a high toon. As they have to wait for Recluses Victory to get into a PvP zone, with that toon. Which would be irksome.
D) Give the dedicated PvPers an even greater advantage. As their pre-leveled, fully slotted, PvP only alts have the run of the zone for a while. Learning the land, getting the temp powers, and pratising their techniques. I fully expect a dedicated PvPer to beat me, but I would like to have the option of trying to learn something from them, before they get THAT much of a headstart.
E) Completly fail to achieve the "fairer" zone.
F) Even if you could balance all the ATs perfectly (which I sincely doubt) you'd have to do it all over again when the villans picked up a full slotting of SOs. So really you gain nothing, but annoying a large chunk of the playerbase, and the people [censored]ing about the SO situation- WOULD STILL BE [censored]ING ABOUT IT.
Not to mention that if you take a look over the thread, many villans have said they have no problems against Heroes. I guess it all comes down to player perspective.
Not my favourite idea ever.
Ok, I dont like to moan, but I do it anyway. I think PvP against heroes and villains is hero biast. I fight with my lvl 16 dark/dark brute and fighting is just stupid. Heroes use holds, stuns, knock downs etc, and even with the combined power of several villains we cant do jack [censored]. I stock myself up with breaks and heals and still its impossible. Now, I admit that I havnt built my char around pvp, but surely EVERYONE should have a chance to fight?
I don't know, I've only ever seen 2 heroes be defeated, and thats with plenty of masterminds. I hope im not the only one who feels like this, but something feels very unfair.