Time to say Goodbye
All the best...
Good luck in all your endeavours, Quant!
See you in a years time
We built this city on Rock and Roll!

Have a great time Q, at least you got your Hami-0 finally.
To quote Paul Gascoigne, "All those sheep in New Zealand and you can't get a decent bacon sandwich".
Quant u are one awsome person respect to u big time and hope all the best in New Zeland!!! hope to see u sometime soon here as well...
Have a great year downunder .
We'll see you back here in a year mate!
Don't forget to write
Defiant 50�s: Generalissimo, Righteous Bob, Splortch, Brutus Cayuga
Union 50's: Chimera Obscura, Diet Anthracite, Grim Proctologist, Puny Little Minion, Raging Bitumen
In Soviet Russia, mission farm you!
Q you are great player and one of the nicest people in the game. Not teamed with you for a little while now ( shame ), but I will miss you all the same. Hope you have fun in NZ. Good luck and best wishes.
Well I met you in Hammi when you told me this and Ill repeat what I said. Enjoyed Hammidon in your team where I would have been stressed in a lesser team. Good luck and fare you well over there. I have another friend who went that way and they are very happy so looks like you will do well.
Goodbye Q not want you to go but New Zeland calls.
I just hope your really happy and i know we will keep in touch on our SG Forum anyway.
NOV 12th PDP Weeeeee !
Twin! You're leaving! Nooooo!
I hope you have an ace time over there... and maybe see you back here in a year
And you never know, what with all those Hobbits, Orcs etc over there, it might end up being like a really long Taskforce...
hmmmmmmmm well that attempt to keep you here using uber death monkey's and cages didn't work *sigh* ok i'll let you go, BUT you best return Miss Q!! :P :P :P :P
See you in a year Quant, take care when your away from us all.
Hey you might get soooooo homesick you go to all the length to get the EU CoH working on a pc in NZ ....what, i can hope cant i
You lucky...! Have a great time.
Ahh Q.. You know I am sad to see you go.... Good luck in NZ, and dont forget to keep in touch Take care. Simply one of the best.... is going.. Noooooooo
Been a while since we teamed but sad to see you go Quant. Take care.
One of my dearest friends on COH. Will miss you greatly But it makes me smile to know where your going.
*Big hug*
only met you last nite in the respec TF, but you were fun, have a great time in new zealand.
Cya Quant
I'm off now myself too, as this is the last day of my sub.
awwww, take care Sar!!!
bb sar!!!!!!!!!!!!
Despite only teaming with you a couple of times with either Capt/Earth, it always sad to see another prolific player disappear from CoH.
All the best in New Zealand and if you see Jonah Lumu, tell him I want my fish back pls.
@Captain Solaris
Guild of Extreme Heroes "Strength is in Unity"

/e wave
bubye mate, i know we barely teamed much, but u were always nice, and a standout name on the forums, all the best in RL, it must take precedent of course. maybe see you in a year
Ok, first things first. This is not an 'I hate this game now and it sucks so I'm quitting!' post. I do still love this game but I'm forced to say goodbye for personal reasons.
). I've made some great friends during my time playing City of Heroes and I know I'm still going to be in contact with some even after I leave for the land of the long white cloud. 
), Blue Dragon (miss ya Blue), everyone else in the PHEP (I'd be here all day naming you so I hope you all forgive me for lumping you together
), Pvt. Ringkobing, Tylantia, Psygon (not talked to you in a while but I remember the fun times we had being twins), Faultline, Manc, Dimension and Hurrey. I know that I've forgotten loads of people (I've a memory like a goldfish) and there's really far too many wonderful people to name them all so if you see me strolling around before next Friday feel free to give me a kick for not mentioning you

As I've already told some people (especially my supergroup, the wonderful Paragon Hero Elite Pantheon) I'm heading off to New Zealand soon as I've been granted a working holiday visa. The visa will let me work over there for a year and I'm hoping to stay there for the full amount of time.
I just wanted to take this opportunity to say goodbye to everyone here on the forums and to anyone I won't see in game before I leave (plane leaves Sat 12th Nov
Thanks to everyone who made this game special for me ever since I started playing way back in February especially Aerie, Azazel, my brother Generalissimo 2 (
And thank you Bridger, for being a fun Community Coordinator. I always look forward to your posts
Hopefully I'll see you all again in a year's time when I get back but to anyone that I won't see again: Take care of yourself and all the best in the future.
So long and thanks for all the fish