Just Want One




I've allways wanted a peacebringer or warshade so i came to ask to say WHY DO YOU NEED TO BE LVL 50 TO GET ONE!?! Its not fair i want one so badly and i can't i wud like to play as them becasue i have studyed them!
Digger lvl 22 mutation blaster
Darkness Dude lvl 10 scrapper

Zombie Dude lvl 10 mastermind
Mafia Muscle lvl 3 Brute



I've allways wanted a peacebringer or warshade so i came to ask to say WHY DO YOU NEED TO BE LVL 50 TO GET ONE!?!

[/ QUOTE ]

That's the only reward we get for reaching lvl 50, don't take it away from us



but i am desprete why can't it be somthing like warshades at lvl 20 and peacebringers at lvl 30 as i am having problems of lvling lately

Digger lvl 22 mutaion blaster
Darkness Dude lvl 10 scrapper
Zombie Dude lvl 10 mastermind
Mafia Muscle lvl 3 brute



lol i hate playing my PB, you can have mine



Sometimes I just hit dry patches, little to no XP coming in and alot of frustration. It can help changing alts, but then all the time you're on an alt you're not levelling your main...
Nothing for it but to keep in touch with decent team-mates and preferably get involved in an active SG.

Edit: Of course, the rumour is that the next bunch of Epic AT's will not require level 50. I'm not sure if that helps alleviate any pangs for you though since I can guess the next question and the answer is, dunno.



I've allways wanted a peacebringer or warshade so i came to ask to say WHY DO YOU NEED TO BE LVL 50 TO GET ONE!?!

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That's the only reward we get for reaching lvl 50, don't take it away from us

[/ QUOTE ]

Indeed, you need a reward for getting to 50, and this is it



Peacebringers and Warshades are difficult to play due to the Voids and Quantum enemies. I played for 5 months before I got my Ice tank (Yes ICE! Amazing considering the nerfs lol) so I found the transition between going from tank to PB and WS easy.

HOWEVER, I let my older brother have a go at the game, he chose a WS and he is having no end of problems surviving and he's only lvl 6 on it!

Moral of the story, its better to have learned from the other Archetypes before trying to play PB or WS (which means getting to full template on your character )



Playing a pb or ws is hard it takes a long time and in my case 4 respec to get where i want to be with him.

It helps to have got to 50 with any AT as by then you would have seen almost all the bad guys and many of the powers and how to use them of the other AT.
Im not saying that if given the option to play a pb /ws from start a new player to the game wouldnt cope with it but you find that getting xp would be hard and if you are finding it hard to lvl now it would be worse with a pb/ws, its a kind of gift( the only one) that people who reach lvl 50 can get to reward there hard work and effort to understand the game.

Keep at those lvls and you will get to 50 faster than you think then that pb/ws will be all yours



Catiene & Shockers both put the situation very succinctly.

I played my main from 1 to 50 without pl'ing a single level. Yes at times it was tedious (pre-controller pets especially). Then I5 hit and I got reduced to one Singularity, but I plowed on. It all makes it so much more worthwhile when you hit that magic 50.

And with various alts at various levels, I still regularly get nailed by quants/voids...



but i am desprete why can't it be somthing like warshades at lvl 20 and peacebringers at lvl 30 as i am having problems of lvling lately

[/ QUOTE ]


Well... As other people previously said, it's a reward for getting to 50. I got to lvl 50 on my scrapper, and a month ago got to lvl 50 on my pb. And anyway, for getting to level 20, your reward is a cape, for getting to level 30 the reward is aura. Would be unfair to have WS at lvl 20 and PB at lvl 30. This would ensure having mass lvl 50 kheldians. Think of people who just got to lvl 20 on a regular AT and then changed into a WS. Many people would quit playing on their chars after they hit lvl 20.

Hope this helped

- @DSorrow - alts on Union and Freedom mostly -
Currently playing as Castigation on Freedom

My Katana/Inv Guide

Anyone who doesn't take truth seriously in small matters cannot be trusted in large ones either. -Einstein



I've allways wanted a peacebringer or warshade so i came to ask to say WHY DO YOU NEED TO BE LVL 50 TO GET ONE!?! Its not fair i want one so badly and i can't i wud like to play as them becasue i have studyed them!

[/ QUOTE ]

The first 20 levels of PB's are utter hell, debt city, with Nictus, Void and Quantum's killing you left right and centre. Nova does good damage but has little or no defences, Dwarf has excellent defences but not a lot of damage output compared to Nova form. Human form is a sort of middle of the road. I play mine in all three forms, but it takes ages to even slot them for maximum efficiency. Past about level 30 they become fun, but it is a hard debt ridden slog.



I've allways wanted a peacebringer or warshade so i came to ask to say WHY DO YOU NEED TO BE LVL 50 TO GET ONE!?!

[/ QUOTE ]

That's the only reward we get for reaching lvl 50, don't take it away from us

[/ QUOTE ]

Indeed, you need a reward for getting to 50, and this is it

[/ QUOTE ]

Bit of a Naff reward if you ask me they suck.



They are great fun once you get to lvl 25ish but upto lvl 20 they are a nightmare, human form doesnt have the defense or damage output to cope well and nova as good as it is, its very squishy

It was a long slog to lvl 50, a shortcut to the Epics would be a major mistake, ppl with lvl 50's would feel cheated, players wouldnt have a reason to get to 50 so all the fun with 45+ AV's would be missed.

Then PNC would have to work on even more characters



I think it's all in the attitude. I'm loving the heck out of my pre-20 Kheldian. Squishy yes, but I've had 50+ levels of squish so I know how that goes. Obviously though, I am looking forward to level 20 and then SO's.



I've got a 50 and can't get a Kheldian above 10... there's always something more interesting to try

Synaesthetix:if your mum wasn't already dead I would go kill her for bringing
you into the world



I've allways wanted a peacebringer or warshade so i came to ask to say WHY DO YOU NEED TO BE LVL 50 TO GET ONE!?!

[/ QUOTE ]

That's the only reward we get for reaching lvl 50, don't take it away from us

[/ QUOTE ]

Indeed, you need a reward for getting to 50, and this is it

[/ QUOTE ]

Bit of a Naff reward if you ask me they suck.

[/ QUOTE ]

Mmm.. you would say that tho wouldn't you.. get a Kheldian, and you might change your mind..



but i am desprete why can't it be somthing like warshades at lvl 20 and peacebringers at lvl 30 as i am having problems of lvling lately

[/ QUOTE ]

Desperate? mmm dont think so..

and how do you think having a Kheldian would make it any different?

As for levels -- they're called Epic ATs for a reason



Playing a pb or ws is hard it takes a long time and in my case 4 respec to get where i want to be with him.

It helps to have got to 50 with any AT as by then you would have seen almost all the bad guys and many of the powers and how to use them of the other AT.
Im not saying that if given the option to play a pb /ws from start a new player to the game wouldnt cope with it but you find that getting xp would be hard and if you are finding it hard to lvl now it would be worse with a pb/ws, its a kind of gift( the only one) that people who reach lvl 50 can get to reward there hard work and effort to understand the game.

Keep at those lvls and you will get to 50 faster than you think then that pb/ws will be all yours

[/ QUOTE ]

Indeed.. I was well happy after 500+ hours levelling my Scrapper to 50...

Then I made a PB took me 4 attempts at build styles.. my 4th one was the successful one.. and 680 hours levelling in total.. but I got that to 50.. and it was a long and tedious path :| I'm glad my girlfriend plays this game, and she' kept me sane, when I was ready to give up.

They're powerful.. but they DAMN aint easy.. what can I say...? Quantums/Voids hurt.. a lot!



Exactly, when played well they're a truly awesome AT, but when not, it's a nightmare getting anyway with them.

I love my triform PB, it's the most fun I've EVER had in the game, more so than levelling my lvl50 blaster (that just got tedious)

The lower levels are OK as long as you're carefull, but once you hit SO range, they're SO much more fun!!!


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



I agree with Raziel's opinion. Kheldian are very good, althought I only lvl'd the Warshade above the lvl 3...
My first character ever was a blaster, and I got him to 25. Second character is a blaster, and I got him to 50. Some where along the way I created some controllers and defenders. When I turned 50 I created one PB(to lvl 3) and one WS. I basicly wanted a WS more because I read a lot about it. Anyway, the road to a second 50 was a joy: early levels are hard, but not any harder then any other blaster/controller/defender out there. By lvl 6 I already started using macroes, by lvl 12 I could take out big mobs alone in the hollows, by lvl 20 I had a dwarf, by lvl 22 I could hunt around striga, killing everything that moved, by lvl 25 I had my WS's dmg resistance maxed. Untill 32 it is all teaming and hunting in a spinning rate. lvl 32 gives a pet and a nuke, 35 brings a self res, lvl 38 gives max resistance in every form.
I won't say it was easy, because it was. I could practicly do EVERYTHING I wanted, from killing mobs of +2s in 2 AoEs, to tank infernal's minions, die, self res, get my dmg cap reached, dmg resistance capped, and nuke. But it wasn't all that beautifull. It was a debt pain, and if you just don't like the concept of multi tasking, don't even go there.
Lvl 50 for a kheldian is a must. Only by going to lvl 50 will a player learn how to use his powers, when to run and when to push. I have no complains.


Double Flame 50 fire/devices
Double Shade 50 tri-form warshade
Double Light 50 dwarf-human peacebringer
Double Control 50 earth/rad



I second that offer

You can have mine too - I don't think they live up to the hype around them, I guess it comes down to playstyle.

They do look pretty though

@Under Control



As Avenger said alot of people would give up at lvl 20/30 to get their Kheldian, also as sed they are called Epics for a reason you have to earn them...I say after playing with my PB for a while they are a good AT, but as sed mine really hasnt evolved yet. wots the point of slogging all the way to 20/30 to quit playing ur character just because you have a Kheldian...the amount of Kheldians at the moment is high...can u imagine the amount if they were brought to unlock at 20/30....City of Kheldians anyone? IM sorry your not desperate..your just envious...i didnt play 1200 hours...YES i said 1200 hours, dont ask, to finally get mine, i wanted to earn it and a lvl 50 character shows uve earnt it. As Raziel has also mentioned if you're having trouble lvling now..just wait til u get a Kheldian...harder to lvl than a blaster imho.

Inf out.

Retired - For Now
@Infernius - 50 Fire/Fire Tanker
AeoniX - 50 MA/Regen Scrapper
Syinf - 36 Katana/SR Scrapper
Proud Member Of The FORUMITES



Im really starting to like mine ( lvl 17). But wasnt liking it beacause of End cost which have lowered since I6. They are great fun , but you are going to have to work for that fun first.



my pc caught a bug the other day and now i av a peace bringer and a war shade and my highest charcter is only lvl 31 they are so cool



As someone else has said, WS and PB's are special, they are rewarded to you for ding'ing 50...
A lot of players,when the game first came out, will remember the first time the saw one. They looked up in the sky and there was this squid that just saved their butt in the hollows.. Personnaly it was aweinspiring.. The respect that player got for having one was rather big to say the least...


As for playing them, personally speaking, i loveeee my WS..but he wont really be ready for mass destruction till mid 30s, then..woooooooHhhhOOOOOooooOOOOOoooo

Get ure main to lvl 50 dude and njoy the ride!

ABC . Alienware (current download status =278 megs 13 hours remaining, its locked several times ='(