Just Want One




my pc caught a bug the other day and now i av a peace bringer and a war shade and my highest charcter is only lvl 31 they are so cool

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Think you'll find thats something to do with you're account status, and no doubt the GMs will catch up with you shortly.



my pc caught a bug the other day and now i av a peace bringer and a war shade and my highest charcter is only lvl 31 they are so cool

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Think you'll find thats something to do with you're account status, and no doubt the GMs will catch up with you shortly.

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Nah, it's a bug which happened to a few people when the applied the pre-order code or cov beta code to their accounts. Confirmed by Bridger.

I've heard of it happening to 4 people so far.



hehe another problem with a PB which i've encountered. I'm flying about in squid form in atlas hoboing about, suddnelt i get a tell, "whos ur lvl 50, cn u plz get him on to hlp me lvl plz plz"

My reply: "[censored] off! you [censored]!!!"

The PB sound is also annoying :P



my pc caught a bug the other day and now i av a peace bringer and a war shade and my highest charcter is only lvl 31 they are so cool

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Think you'll find thats something to do with you're account status, and no doubt the GMs will catch up with you shortly.

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Nah, it's a bug which happened to a few people when the applied the pre-order code or cov beta code to their accounts. Confirmed by Bridger.

I've heard of it happening to 4 people so far.

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Meh... bit of a kicker for those of us who busted gut to get there LOL



hehe another problem with a PB which i've encountered. I'm flying about in squid form in atlas hoboing about, suddnelt i get a tell, "whos ur lvl 50, cn u plz get him on to hlp me lvl plz plz"

My reply: "[censored] off! you [censored]!!!"

The PB sound is also annoying :P

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Imagine having a level 50 PB O.o THEY WONT LEAVE ME ALONE *cries*



yep. was at atlas the other day with my lvl 50 WS. got 6 tells while was afk, 5 of which asked for PL


Double Flame 50 fire/devices
Double Shade 50 tri-form warshade
Double Light 50 dwarf-human peacebringer
Double Control 50 earth/rad



I just want to know why Every time I try to lvl a PB or WS every single noob within a 2 mile radius decides it's their right to come along and killsteal from you. "You already have a 50 so you don't need the exp" was the reply I got today from one such noob .



well... you DO, thats the fun of it just don't worry about it and team a lot in whatever


Double Flame 50 fire/devices
Double Shade 50 tri-form warshade
Double Light 50 dwarf-human peacebringer
Double Control 50 earth/rad



I don't think I've ever encountered this problem in CoX. Don't get me wrong, I've had some player run up and arrest someone for me but, well I just go the other way.
Maybe it's just that I don't even bother commenting on it.



As Avenger said alot of people would give up at lvl 20/30 to get their Kheldian, also as sed they are called Epics for a reason you have to earn them...I say after playing with my PB for a while they are a good AT, but as sed mine really hasnt evolved yet. wots the point of slogging all the way to 20/30 to quit playing ur character just because you have a Kheldian...the amount of Kheldians at the moment is high...can u imagine the amount if they were brought to unlock at 20/30....City of Kheldians anyone? IM sorry your not desperate..your just envious...i didnt play 1200 hours...YES i said 1200 hours, dont ask, to finally get mine, i wanted to earn it and a lvl 50 character shows uve earnt it. As Raziel has also mentioned if you're having trouble lvling now..just wait til u get a Kheldian...harder to lvl than a blaster imho.

Inf out.

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my best is a blaster......



Kheldians are tough, but oh so worth it. I had so much fun with my Peacebringer back in Issue 4. Six slotting all the squid attacks for 1xACC, 5xDAM. Being able to outdamage Blasters in the early levels. Scouting ahead with Stealth, then fleeing in terror from a Troll boss with a shiny new Quantum weapon, pulling virtually the entire map to the entrance and causing a team wipe.

*sniff* Good times. Just need character transfer so I can pull my level 50 Empath over here and make some more



lol i hate playing my PB, you can have mine

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Bit of a Naff reward if you ask me they suck.

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I've got a 50 and can't get a Kheldian above 10... there's always something more interesting to try

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I second that offer

You can have mine too - I don't think they live up to the hype around them, I guess it comes down to playstyle.

They do look pretty though

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What they said....
i didnt play 1200 hours...YES i said 1200 hours, dont ask

[/ QUOTE ]LoL, those have been like 900 hours chattin in Atlas!
Anyway, it looks like I'm not the only one with a Kheldian that finds it boring...
I tried a WS, leveled it to 32 and it's a damn bore, tried a PB and it is even worse, so i rolled another troller, a tanker and a scrapper....All of them are more fun!
But i agree with what said before, you have to earn it and not before lvl 50 cos, as little as it is, it's the ONLY reward you get for playin something else to lvl 50!
So please don't give them away before that lvl!!



"Issue 6 should have come with an MiB Neuralizer, so we wouldn't remember how great this game used to be."

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Amen to that

Other then that, i must say, again, that raising a Warshade to 50 was a joy.


Double Flame 50 fire/devices
Double Shade 50 tri-form warshade
Double Light 50 dwarf-human peacebringer
Double Control 50 earth/rad



When my first character hit 50 I started a fledgeling PB and WS, but then elected to continue developing my controller instead. (He'd been stuck at level 16 while I concentrated on my scrapper.) Now that my controller has also dinged 50 I've finally gotten around to raising a squid and I gotta say I am having a whole bunch of fun.

One of my SG buddies has also hit 50 this week (gratz again Yuno) and has started a WS, so our teams (such as on Frosty last night) are benefiting from having the air force on board! Early days but so far I feel that this could be my best trip to 50 yet.

For me, the Kheldians feel a bit special because they represent an achievement; they're something to work towards and reward you with a great feeling of having worked for one, a feeling that comes from exercising delayed gratification.

It's not surprising that there's a call for lowering the qualification level for Kheldians as we live in a time of instant gratification; the 'I have a right to have it now' syndrome. Ultimately, I think that rewarding this demand will cheapen the prize (sorry Prize! ) but I can understand why the call arises.

Just keep working it and you'll get there, then the prize will still have that special feeling that you crave right now and we'll welcome you to the club with open tentacles.



Would be nice though if the 'reward' was a little better! Kheldians are a bit of jack of all trades master of none, even if you concentrate on 1 form.
Still enjoying my Pb atm but will reserve full judgement when after i get a few more levels!



i adore my ws..i teamed with a rather good empathy troller and was in squid for perhaps the 1st 30 lvls. I went for full offense and we were ploughin thru missions..him healing me all time. It took a matter of days..post ED nova still brings down oranges with a couple of AoEs + the help of my extracted essence (2 acc / 3 dmg / 1kb so far on the novas attacks..may slot another kb dependin on slots)Now im concentratin on human and building up my defense..i do have tank 3 slot res but i find human the more enjoyable..i can still tank in dwarf but its powers rnt slotted and is nothing but a dmg sponge at mo.

Once u get a few scrappers/blasters on team that up my dmg u do feel truly epic layin down holds and aoes that cud make Snow Angel blush...gr8 reward for gettin her to 50..and shes purple



i adore my ws..i teamed with a rather good empathy troller and was in squid for perhaps the 1st 30 lvls. I went for full offense and we were ploughin thru missions..him healing me all time.

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I aim to please



indeedy doodles



Starting to love my PB. I've slotted for nova and dwarf just to be difficult

Dwarf for when those pesky quantums and voids just won't co-operate or things get tough. Nova does lots of damage from a safe height but any hint of a stun or hold and she's anybody's, even from -4 mobs. Guess it's swings and roundabouts, we get the potential to do a lot of damage very quickly but it's mitigated by us being the squishiest of the squshies.



My Khelds didn't feel as squishy as my AR/Devs.



My Khelds didn't feel as squishy as my AR/Devs.

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Maybe it just seems that way because of the plethora of void stalkers



I love my WS too. I shot up to about lvl 29, at which time CoV came out, so I've been on there lately, but I'm really missing Urban Shade and am probably going to go back to him this weekend.

My only advice to everyone that wants one is stick to your best char and keep going. I changed between alts for ages and got nowhere. When I decided I really wanted to go epic, I stuck with my main and here I am.

Good luck!



Just started my pb a couple of days ago, wow !

gotta luv it, and some of that love has to do with the dedication spent lvling another toon to 50 to get it.

left rooney on lvl 48 when COV came out, finally went back to get lvl 50 and with the help of my sg only took about 2 days.
Really wish id done it sooner.

the only way is to stick with your main and team well.
You'll get there if you stick at it.



Kheldians aren't that special,had a pb to lvl 13 and deleted him,cause of his squishyness.Maybe ws is better,don't know but for everyone that wants one,trust me it's not as good as it may seem.



I really enjoy playing a Warshade. Levelling rate at the start is unbelievably fast. Mainly down to having a travel power at level 2 and another one at level 6! Got a surprise at the additional inherent given at level 10 too.
Getting four additional attacks in Nova form sounds Epic to me.