Left out in the cold :(
Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) � Augmenting Peacebringers � The Umbra Illuminati
See this
Guess it must be for back-story reasons or some such...
Aw, I'm sorry Soilent. Really.
But the rest of this is SO full of win. Especially the new Difficulty options.
Yeah, this issue looks like one of the best yet...was kind of hoping for a little customization to the powers at least, if not the forms themselves.
Yes, just reading it now... hopefully we'll get there in the next round...
Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) � Augmenting Peacebringers � The Umbra Illuminati
Seems it was an 'issue of time and prioritization'...and some issues with the 'fiction' of the AT.
Kind of leaves the door open for the future...in a Lloyd Christmas kind of way.
*sniffle*... but I must say, as an AT that was directly tied to a race and backstory, I had my suspicions this might happen.
C'mon, Devs, my PB wants to go Gold
I believe it's because of how the power FX work on some powers. Notice that Empathy is in there and not Pain Domination. Pain and Nictus, for instance, use a subtractive blending function that doesn't lend itself to colorizing very well. Other sets that use alpha blending or addative blending have been given the color options.
...Well, except for Poison. Not sure why that one didn't make the cut.
That might be the case on WS's, but not PB's
I will simply repost my PM to posi here to show my feelings.
Username: Positron
Subject: Squid hate in i16
There you go again trying to keep the squid down.
No power customization for your Kheldian brothers and sisters?
Have you no shame?
Don't we fight the same bad guys, do the same TF's and run the same story arcs as the humans all with a kryptonite enemy lurking behind every corner?
I see how it is."Earth for Humans!" and all that... I get it.
trying to keep the Squidman down.
You will all rue the day when we all band together and go rogue on your sorry butts...Unless were excluded from that too.... (Only partialy kidding. Other than my dissappointment in Kheldians being left out of the loop on this very important game update this looks to be the best issue I have ever seen in my entire 5 years with you guys. Nice work.)
P.S. Could you please explain what is it about the Veats and Heats that makes it more difficult to allow them the same customization options as the other AT's?
If you PL'd to 50 just to get an "epic" thinking you'd be �ber, you're going to be sorely disappointed with the HEATs, because the VEATs were designed so that anyone with one good finger and a braincell can rock the toggles.
Hopefully OF2, will soon be able to post Positrons' response...
Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) � Augmenting Peacebringers � The Umbra Illuminati
Definitely a little disappointed about the lack of customization for Khelds, but there is so much cool stuff in this new issue its hard to get too upset.
I am curious as to the reasoning behind it though.
I'm hoping Khelds will get in on the next round. Until I see a Dev post saying we're not getting customization, I'm going to assume that we're on the queue somewhere.
It'd be a huge boon to the Kheldian community since a major reason many people don't like to play Kheldians is the way the forms make you look just like everyone else. Since we have such great customization in every other aspect of the game, it'd be a coup to get good customization in the forms as well. I think that alone would cause a boom in people playing Khelds.

Iscariot's Guide to the Tri-Form Warshade, version 2.1
I'm sorry that math > your paranoid delusions, but them's the breaks -- Nethergoat
P.E.R.C. Rep for Liberty server
Actually, it really makes you hard to stand out in a crowd of Nictus. Especially in the ITF. I know I've gone "oh, that's not our Kheldian."
They really *need* it more than other ATs, IMO.
Still here, even after all this time!

Amethyst Wraith (my level 26 Warshade) is only unhappy to not see the power pools (specifically Speed) listed; on the other hand the ability to pad solo missions for more AoE-happy insanity is highly schoolgirl-giggle-worthy (if not insane-cackle-worthy).
Other than being able to match all of the effects, I really have no problems with how the effects look on Khelds (the forms, on the other hand...).
it has gone from unconscionable to downright appalling that we have no way of measuring our characters' wetness.
I'm betting Khelds make it in the next round and that due to the nature of the AT it couldn't be done for I16 launch.
I'm more excited about the ability to have the Enhanced Difficulty settings more then anything. I look into my armada of characters and see at the very least: 3 happy brutes, 2 happy WS, 1 happy PB, and a VERY happy Mastermind.
keep in mind that EAT powers are unique to their AT, there are a lot of them, and the color of said powers are pretty bound to in-game story. Kind of puts them dead last on the list for power customization.
keep in mind that EAT powers are unique to their AT, there are a lot of them, and the color of said powers are pretty bound to in-game story. Kind of puts them dead last on the list for power customization.
[/ QUOTE ]
Yeah....shame too as one of my PB was going to go gold.
I'm not terribly upset by this. Kheldian power colors are kind of their signature, and while it is indeed easy to get lost in a crowd of nictus, it's not a deal-breaker for me.
Plus, do you REALLY want to see pink novas and dwarves? Well, do ya? Think of the children!
I'm not terribly upset by this. Kheldian power colors are kind of their signature, and while it is indeed easy to get lost in a crowd of nictus, it's not a deal-breaker for me.
Plus, do you REALLY want to see pink novas and dwarves? Well, do ya? Think of the children!
[/ QUOTE ]
Considering some of the atrocious costumes I have seen on some alts, pink novas and dwarves doesn't sound half bad......... of course I can see them while playing the game with a bottle of my good friend Jack Daniels......
I'm not terribly upset by this. Kheldian power colors are kind of their signature, and while it is indeed easy to get lost in a crowd of nictus, it's not a deal-breaker for me.
Plus, do you REALLY want to see pink novas and dwarves? Well, do ya? Think of the children!
[/ QUOTE ]
Rainbow Nova team FTW
If I could coat a Nova form in Paisley patterns I'd sub for life
I was a little dissapointed myself...Red Dwarf shall stay blue for now...darn.
I wasn't going to touch my Warshade's snazzy purple (actually bright blue, pink and black), anyways.
My hopes for a customizable PB have been dashed!
Ah well, it was a nice thought.