New player experience sucks pretty bad right now





The learning curve with inventions absolutely slaughtering regular enhancements has been tough for her as well. There needs to be a more in depth tutorial to inventions before you get loaded with salvage and recipes. Or there needs to be a smoother transition or higher level transition from training enhancements to DOs to Inventions.

[/ QUOTE ]

Skip IOs until you (and she) feel comfortable with everything else new. Your toons still play just fine without them, nothing in the game has been ramped up to be harder because of IOs. Just sell them as they drop at WWs/BM and be done with them for now. This is not BS or bad advice I assure you.

AS for the teaming problem? You'll hear a lot of advice about making new friends who don't farm, joining an active SG, adding chat channels, etc. I've been working on doing those and so far my luck's been a tad poor, but I'm not giving up yet. It is rather an uphill battle I agree.

[/ QUOTE ]

Its easier than it sounds, actually. A lot of good SGs are out there. just check the forums for the server you're on, or maybe even post that you're looking for a good, casual friendly SG and they'll probably point you in the right direction

Want comedy and lighthearted action? Between levels 1-14? Try Nuclear in 90 - The Fusionette Task Force!

Arc ID 58363!



As we were steamrolling along killing everything in sight in record time, newbie says: "If we had a real team we could be doing this a LOT FASTER. Wish this was a *real* team!"

[/ QUOTE ]

I can understand that anger, but if you could just have held onto your anger long enough to ask him what a "real team" would have been, that could have been comedy gold.

Personally I'm with you though, I'd have walked or kicked him if I was the leader. Come to think of it, if my SG was allowing someone to get away that sort of thing I might feel the urge to walk anyways.

[/ QUOTE ]

agreed. this sounds more like a case of a moron ruining your gameplay..not that thats too suprising on a pick up group.

Want comedy and lighthearted action? Between levels 1-14? Try Nuclear in 90 - The Fusionette Task Force!

Arc ID 58363!



I suggested this is one of the other 20-something pointless threads on this topic.

1. Auto-SK, if not removed entirely, should only level the party up to the highest levelled player (or the leader.) That way you'd have to sucker at least one level 50 into running level 52 farms.

2. A cap on how many levels you can gain per mission (say 2 or 3) would prevent newer players from being pulled into the farms as easily but also not tick of the players in their 30s-40s who want to use it to get past a difficult period. Don't cap the xp itself but cap the number of bars they can earn. Heck, maybe even convert anything extra to a point into patrol xp. This won't kill the AE being used for inf/ticket farming but it'll stop the PLing that is honestly the worst of the problems.

3. Pull the buildings from Atlas, Galaxy and Mercy. The one in Cap isn't too big of a deal since villains do get a taste of the regular game travelling through Mercy. Pulling new players straight into the AE seems to mostly be a hero issue in Atlas.

4. Up the level the AE contact is introduced. Right now he shows up at level 5 or 10 (I don't remember which) and players haven't even left the starting zones by that point. Also switch the AE tutorial contact to a building in a higher levelled zone (Steel Canyon's a good candidate for blues, Cap or Nerva for reds.)



AE buildings out of Atlas, Galaxy and King's Row, yesterday.

[/ QUOTE ] I for one don't care if I EVER have to run the lowb blueside content again. Frankly, sprinting through red zones and 'go talk to someone in the Hollows...because we want to show it off' have long since passed the level of boring, and entered the realm of ZOMGnotagain.

There IS the sewer team option of course- ie, turning an MMORP into essentially an MMO3PS. Go hunt. Mow down mobs. Rinse and repeat. *YAWN*

Even though 99.6% of everything on the MA system at the moment is utter worthless crap, the other minute amount of content is enough to make blueside playable again for me at low levels and, I suspect, for many other folks.

I just wish they'd put the REDSIDE Mercy one in a more-accessible spot. But of course, the devs hate redside

Things to remember:
-Common sense ain't;
-Overkill is the only kill;
-If someone asks if you're a god, run away.



You misunderstand the point.

The amazing amounts of MONEY people are making playing power golf is driving up the cost of sporting goods across the board... apparently because a good Louisville Slugger makes a great 3-wood and people are using baseball hats as sunshades.

[/ QUOTE ]

So it's not the AE that's the issue, it's the market, right? If the devs had not introduced WW and player economy into the game, this discussion would probably not be happening.

Down with Wentworths!

Only half-kidding here. One of the things I liked about CoH when I first started was that "economy" was not a major factor. I could be a superhero without it becoming a second job.

Now, an awful lot of the angst I see with regard to AE revolves around how it is impacting the "economy". If CoH hadn't gone that route, there would be far less farming and far less grumbling about AE.

I don't care about economy. I don't care about "purpling out" my characters. I do care about being able to bring my own stories to life in the AE -- as well as doing dev content.

Exploits in AE need to be fixed, but please do not nerf the heck out of it for the rest of us, nor level-gate it so newer players have to wait forever to get there. That only hurts the casuals/non-hardcore players, not the farmers or PLers.




One of the things I liked about CoH when I first started was that "economy" was not a major factor. I could be a superhero without it becoming a second job.

[/ QUOTE ]
And what's stopping you from doing that now?

Inventions are optional, the market is optional.
Use SOs if you aren't interested in the other stuff, they still work fine.

The majority of my characters use generic IOs- I prefer them to SOs because they don't expire and are a lot cheaper on the market, but their game performance is comparable. IO's are a time sink and a luxury. You can beat up the bad guys (or heroes) just fine without them.

The "old game" didn't go anywhere, it's still available to whoever prefers it.

Now, an awful lot of the angst I see with regard to AE revolves around how it is impacting the "economy".

[/ QUOTE ]
Any market haters whining about AE are delusional.
It greatly increased the availability of just about everything people used to cry about. The only things that have gone up are common & uncommon salvage (which is more than offset by the crash in the price of rare salvage) & purples, which are intended to be ultra rare and occupy the pinnacle of desirability.

If CoH hadn't gone that route, there would be far less farming and far less grumbling about AE.

[/ QUOTE ]
First, it had to go "that route" or lose players. It needed deeper gameplay, markets are a proven winner in the MMO environment, it was a good fit.
Second, as long as the game has existed it's had farmers and PL'ers. Take off the rose colored glasses for a minute.

I don't care about economy. I don't care about "purpling out" my characters.

[/ QUOTE ]
Then why are you whining about the "good old days" when we could all just be superheroes without the newfangled junk inventions and the market inflicted on us?

Figure out what your complaint is before mounting the soapbox with a bullhorn.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



It seem to me that talk of adjusting the rewards is beside the point. What MA has really done is shown that a lot of the game content isn't actually fun for the players, at least not after the first couple of times.

[/ QUOTE ]

... but killing hamidon mitochondria that can't fight back is fun again and again and again?

[/ QUOTE ]
to some people, yes. to others, no. we dont all find the same things fun. I dont particularly like golf. others do. I'm not about to tell them they cant golf.

[/ QUOTE ]

Someone else's game of golf shouldn't prevent me from playing a game of baseball though.

The inflation alone from the rapid leveling and disposable income (without real money sinks) has prevented me from even thinking about getting into inventions seriously. I've poked around with bubbling on one of my old characters to see what it's all about, and from what I've seen, the rate that you can gain infamy/influence in bubbles compared to regular missions is ridiculously disproportionate.

Twinking would naturally contribute to this, much like it does in every MMO--however, the ability to earn crazy amounts of money through exploiting at early levels isn't often there like it is here. Bubbles are an exploit of the games mechanics, and it has a drastic effect on those who don't bubble themselves.

[/ QUOTE ]

Gasp, I am 1 man short of my 4 man golf team, better cancel your baseball game so we can force one of your players to fill in.

[/ QUOTE ]

You misunderstand the point.

The amazing amounts of MONEY people are making playing power golf is driving up the cost of sporting goods across the board... apparently because a good Louisville Slugger makes a great 3-wood and people are using baseball hats as sunshades.

[/ QUOTE ]

As people would quote over and over in days gone past. The market is player controlled. Things sell for what people sell them for. The devs dont set the price. If the devs want lower prices, up the drop rate. Much simpler than butchering the game to stop farming.

Lots of 50's yada yada. still finding fun things to do.
Cthulhu loves you, better start running

I�! I�! Gg�gorsch�a�bha egurtsa�ar�ug d� Dalhor! Cthluhu fthagn! Cthluhu fthagn!

You are in a maze of twisty little passages



The game is being balanced with IO's in mind. Look at merit drop rates and realize the datamining they use to set those does not exclude fully IO'd purple toons.

Lots of 50's yada yada. still finding fun things to do.
Cthulhu loves you, better start running

I�! I�! Gg�gorsch�a�bha egurtsa�ar�ug d� Dalhor! Cthluhu fthagn! Cthluhu fthagn!

You are in a maze of twisty little passages



The game is being balanced with IO's in mind. Look at merit drop rates and realize the datamining they use to set those does not exclude fully IO'd purple toons.

[/ QUOTE ]

TF speed runs rely much more on optimized tactics than what builds people have.

If you must resent someone for harshing your merit mellow, save your ire for the folk who seek efficient reward paths. They're the ones skewing the time/merit curve.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Figure out what your complaint is before mounting the soapbox with a bullhorn.

[/ QUOTE ]

I think you missed my point, which probably wasn't well presented anyway. No soapbox and bullhorn here -- I happen to agree with a good portion of your response.

I was simply trying to point out that the AE isn't the evil some try to portray it as and show how the "complaints" can be turned back on themselves by looking out different people focus on different things as "good" or "bad" additions to the game. I picked on economy because I've seen that in a number of AE-bashing posts.

I do craft IOs when I get them. I do post things on WW too. And I do know that farming/PLing has been a factor for years -- just like in every other MMO on the market. It is true, however, that "economy" has increased the incentive to farm for influence.

But in this case, we can see some folks (who may be delusional as you point out) griping that the AE (which I like) is somehow adversely affecting the market (which they like) and is therefore evil. I was simply (not very well) attempting to turn that argument around to make a point about differing perspectives.



Hmm... what if AE would only give patrol xp, but no real xp?
Yes, you couldn't level to 50 anymore in AE alone, but that's something most people seem to dislike anyway. And it would kill PLing while still giving a reward that's worth xp.




Yes, you couldn't level to 50 anymore in AE alone, but that's something most people seem to dislike anyway.

[/ QUOTE ]

Uh what?

Most of the whining here is about nobody ever wanting to leave AE.

"Most people" are if anything too comfortable going 1-50 in AE.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



What i would kinda like to see is a bonus to patrol xp for stopping crime/or committing crime when out on the streets in the city zones. So i get my mission and if i stop some muggings and such on the way i earn more patrol xp which is a bonus to my xp earning.

[/ QUOTE ]
At least some kind of reward; perhaps something like an automatic 1 prestige/influence reward for defeating any enemy group that included a victim, regardless of level -- surely going out on the streets and saving victims is going to increase your reputation in Paragon City, even if you grossly outpower the mobs you defeat (i.e., it shows that you're still concerned about lesser threats to the city, even if you've moved on to more serious threats). Figuring out how to set up a similar mechanism redside will be more difficult, though. Knocking over punks who couldn't possibly threaten you if you were asleep just makes you out to be the villain equivalent of a schoolyard bully, not a Power to be Reckoned With(tm).

"But in our enthusiasm, we could not resist a radical overhaul of the system, in which all of its major weaknesses have been exposed, analyzed, and replaced with new weaknesses."
-- Bruce Leverett, Register Allocation in Optimizing Compilers



Just to make a point about the Golf/Baseball analogy; the problem as I see it with the current situation (though less now that the Mito-farms have been nixed) is that the 'pay' for playing 'Baseball' is much, much greater than the 'pay' for playing 'Golf'. This has a multipul effect of concentrating the playerbase in 'Baseball' (making it harder (to a degree) for Golfers to find other Golfers), encoraging people who dont like 'Baseball' to play it (because they do like to get payed), and making the poeple who love 'Golf', and simply will not play 'Baseball' to feel that they are getting the short end of the stick.



Just to make a point about the Golf/Baseball analogy; the problem as I see it with the current situation (though less now that the Mito-farms have been nixed) is that the 'pay' for playing 'Baseball' is much, much greater than the 'pay' for playing 'Golf'. This has a multipul effect of concentrating the playerbase in 'Baseball' (making it harder (to a degree) for Golfers to find other Golfers), encoraging people who dont like 'Baseball' to play it (because they do like to get payed), and making the poeple who love 'Golf', and simply will not play 'Baseball' to feel that they are getting the short end of the stick.

[/ QUOTE ]


And, here's the market impact.

Yes, more 'stuff' is being dropped. However, availability of Item A is not what determines Item A's price.

The DEMAND for Item A is what determines price, and with people raking in inf from their farm of choice, they can easily afford to pay a lot more for Item A than the folks who find farming boring.

This means that people SELLING their Item A's will set the price higher, knowing full well some schmuck who "wants it NAO" will pay that price. This nudges the aggregate price point for Item A upwards. Another person gets an Item A, decides to sell it cos they can 'make a mint selling these things' and they price it even HIGHER... and again, it's snapped up by someone swimming in inf and short on patience.

Meanwhile, back at the non-farm (would that be a ranch? I have no idea)... those people who are also wanting an Item A, but aren't raking in the inf because they're not farming, begin to lament that they can't afford an Item A because the price is ridiculously overinflated AND because they're soloing or running lower difficulty, Item A never drops for them... nor do they see a lot of tickets with which to buy an Item A from the AE vendor (if it's even available.)

It's not a supply/demand economy, it's a Gold Rush economy, and if you're not one of the people bringing in gold by the bucketload, you're priced out.

"City of Heroes. April 27, 2004 - August 31, 2012. Obliterated not with a weapon of mass destruction, not by an all-powerful supervillain... but by a cold-hearted and cowardly corporate suck-up."



You misunderstand the point.

The amazing amounts of MONEY people are making playing power golf is driving up the cost of sporting goods across the board... apparently because a good Louisville Slugger makes a great 3-wood and people are using baseball hats as sunshades.

[/ QUOTE ]

I think you missed the point. You are in no way required to spend your money on the black market or wentworths to purchase ANYTHING!

You can get lower cost IOs by earning and buying recipies and salvage. And none of the sets are a requirement for playing the game.

More supply tends to drive down prices, not raise them. People are not earning gobs of money by runningmissions. They earn a fair amount, but the money comes from selling the earned recipies for ticket redemtion.

Something like a LotG +rech has always been a 100 million dollar purchase since day one. Some will spend this much, many wont. But with more on the market, and people wanting to sell the ones they earn, maybe now ill list one for 90 million to try and be lower requesting which means i sell faster.

However if you choose to not spend the money that is your choice. Infact i used to choose not to. I rarely got a chance to run TFs to have any chance to earn the good rare drops, and rarely got purple drops from running standard missions. However with the MA i have lucked into quite a few good recipies and have such used those drops and sold the ones i didnt want and decked out a few toons just for kicks. However i was really never lacking for not having the sets in my toons. So IMO the MA farming has increased supply of pretty much everything but purples, and has allowed people like myself to finance the decked out toons that you complain you cant afford. And its not from earning money its from earning drops.



Hmm... what if AE would only give patrol xp, but no real xp?
Yes, you couldn't level to 50 anymore in AE alone, but that's something most people seem to dislike anyway. And it would kill PLing while still giving a reward that's worth xp.

[/ QUOTE ]

No it wouldnt kill powerleveling it would kill powerleveling in the AE. PLing is going no where, its always been here it always will be. Your reg date is 04' so where the heck were you when you couldnt even use broadcast in PI because of all the level 2s hanging with Ghost Falcon looking for wolf teams, looking for box missions etc etc?



Just to make a point about the Golf/Baseball analogy; the problem as I see it with the current situation (though less now that the Mito-farms have been nixed) is that the 'pay' for playing 'Baseball' is much, much greater than the 'pay' for playing 'Golf'. This has a multipul effect of concentrating the playerbase in 'Baseball' (making it harder (to a degree) for Golfers to find other Golfers), encoraging people who dont like 'Baseball' to play it (because they do like to get payed), and making the poeple who love 'Golf', and simply will not play 'Baseball' to feel that they are getting the short end of the stick.

[/ QUOTE ]


And, here's the market impact.

Yes, more 'stuff' is being dropped. However, availability of Item A is not what determines Item A's price.

The DEMAND for Item A is what determines price, and with people raking in inf from their farm of choice, they can easily afford to pay a lot more for Item A than the folks who find farming boring.

This means that people SELLING their Item A's will set the price higher, knowing full well some schmuck who "wants it NAO" will pay that price. This nudges the aggregate price point for Item A upwards. Another person gets an Item A, decides to sell it cos they can 'make a mint selling these things' and they price it even HIGHER... and again, it's snapped up by someone swimming in inf and short on patience.

Meanwhile, back at the non-farm (would that be a ranch? I have no idea)... those people who are also wanting an Item A, but aren't raking in the inf because they're not farming, begin to lament that they can't afford an Item A because the price is ridiculously overinflated AND because they're soloing or running lower difficulty, Item A never drops for them... nor do they see a lot of tickets with which to buy an Item A from the AE vendor (if it's even available.)

It's not a supply/demand economy, it's a Gold Rush economy, and if you're not one of the people bringing in gold by the bucketload, you're priced out.

[/ QUOTE ]

You do realize you dont have to farm to get those drops right?

I mean seriously everyone is acting like they have no choice but to farm to earn the money to buy someone elses drops. Why not earn the drop for yourself? Or something better that you can then sell, and NO it doesnt require farming to do it.

Keep in mind the MA does provide you the ability to choose from many different missions and arcs. And all those will earn you tickets, which is what the farmers are using to get their random drops that you are complaining you cant afford to buy from them. So run MA missions, you dont have to farm the same one over and over, but what is the difference between a kill all from a radio in PI and a kill all from the MA?

Then find out what you want, what level ranges it drops in, and find the best level range to request it in for the best odds and roll away like the rest of us. Granted im a SG of 1, but in my base i have 3 storage tables that are all about 2/3 full mostly from just random rolls of peices i am holding until i have the sets or most of what i want to slot them or i might need someday for some toon or whatever. I figure it cost me what 100 prestige a month to have a table thats like 15 minutes of work a month to pay my rent and be my own supply for most of what i want.

Its alot easier to decide to pay 15-20 million for one peice of a set, when you know you already have 4-5 other peices that you didnt spend money on at all.

Now i will admit that running a farm over and over the same mission is boring. But ultimately a farm is invoking the same mechanic as any other mission, get flashies, kill all, rescue schmuck etc. What i think is funny is that people complain they get a mission in the MA that is an obvious farm, yet will go run the dreck mission and complain that the MA is all farms. Well even if you run it only once dreck was a mission to farm for sure at one time. So pick one mission MAs and run them once, earn some tickets, roll the dice see what happens. With the MA its possible for even a solo player to earn enough tickets to take a good random roll within like and hour. Its like the old days of the katie tfs and you get a random recipie instead of merits. But now you dont even need a team if you dont want one.

I swear people are complaining just on the principle of "its a farm mission" well wake up before the MA the farm missions were those you were running out in the real city zones. If farming is broken for MA it will be so again.




What changes should we make to avoid this kind of bad NPE?

If you were going to change things about the zones, what would you do?

[/ QUOTE ]
I'd move AE to hazard zones. Perez Park. Faultline, Dark Astoria Crey's Folly, RWZ, etc.

Zones that are level dependent on being able to enter.
This is a bug, nothing more. Please put away the tin-foil hats, there's nothing sinister going on here.-Protea



Just to make a point about the Golf/Baseball analogy; the problem as I see it with the current situation (though less now that the Mito-farms have been nixed) is that the 'pay' for playing 'Baseball' is much, much greater than the 'pay' for playing 'Golf'. This has a multipul effect of concentrating the playerbase in 'Baseball' (making it harder (to a degree) for Golfers to find other Golfers), encoraging people who dont like 'Baseball' to play it (because they do like to get payed), and making the poeple who love 'Golf', and simply will not play 'Baseball' to feel that they are getting the short end of the stick.

[/ QUOTE ]


And, here's the market impact.

Yes, more 'stuff' is being dropped. However, availability of Item A is not what determines Item A's price.

The DEMAND for Item A is what determines price, and with people raking in inf from their farm of choice, they can easily afford to pay a lot more for Item A than the folks who find farming boring.

This means that people SELLING their Item A's will set the price higher, knowing full well some schmuck who "wants it NAO" will pay that price. This nudges the aggregate price point for Item A upwards. Another person gets an Item A, decides to sell it cos they can 'make a mint selling these things' and they price it even HIGHER... and again, it's snapped up by someone swimming in inf and short on patience.

Meanwhile, back at the non-farm (would that be a ranch? I have no idea)... those people who are also wanting an Item A, but aren't raking in the inf because they're not farming, begin to lament that they can't afford an Item A because the price is ridiculously overinflated AND because they're soloing or running lower difficulty, Item A never drops for them... nor do they see a lot of tickets with which to buy an Item A from the AE vendor (if it's even available.)

It's not a supply/demand economy, it's a Gold Rush economy, and if you're not one of the people bringing in gold by the bucketload, you're priced out.

[/ QUOTE ]

You do realize you dont have to farm to get those drops right?

I mean seriously everyone is acting like they have no choice but to farm to earn the money to buy someone elses drops. Why not earn the drop for yourself? Or something better that you can then sell, and NO it doesnt require farming to do it.

Keep in mind the MA does provide you the ability to choose from many different missions and arcs. And all those will earn you tickets, which is what the farmers are using to get their random drops that you are complaining you cant afford to buy from them. So run MA missions, you dont have to farm the same one over and over, but what is the difference between a kill all from a radio in PI and a kill all from the MA?

Then find out what you want, what level ranges it drops in, and find the best level range to request it in for the best odds and roll away like the rest of us. Granted im a SG of 1, but in my base i have 3 storage tables that are all about 2/3 full mostly from just random rolls of peices i am holding until i have the sets or most of what i want to slot them or i might need someday for some toon or whatever. I figure it cost me what 100 prestige a month to have a table thats like 15 minutes of work a month to pay my rent and be my own supply for most of what i want.

Its alot easier to decide to pay 15-20 million for one peice of a set, when you know you already have 4-5 other peices that you didnt spend money on at all.

Now i will admit that running a farm over and over the same mission is boring. But ultimately a farm is invoking the same mechanic as any other mission, get flashies, kill all, rescue schmuck etc. What i think is funny is that people complain they get a mission in the MA that is an obvious farm, yet will go run the dreck mission and complain that the MA is all farms. Well even if you run it only once dreck was a mission to farm for sure at one time. So pick one mission MAs and run them once, earn some tickets, roll the dice see what happens. With the MA its possible for even a solo player to earn enough tickets to take a good random roll within like and hour. Its like the old days of the katie tfs and you get a random recipie instead of merits. But now you dont even need a team if you dont want one.

I swear people are complaining just on the principle of "its a farm mission" well wake up before the MA the farm missions were those you were running out in the real city zones. If farming is broken for MA it will be so again.

[/ QUOTE ]

Let me reiterate this:

...they're soloing or running lower difficulty, Item A never drops for them...

When the AE is the easiest source for A) money and/or B) saleable goods, and when large teams on 'farmable' maps pull in the most of both, then the people who prefer NOT to run the same map with the same mob over and over get edged out... they make less inf, their drops are random and a lot fewer and further in between.

The choice is "Farm" or "Get Lucky at the Drop Lottery". And lately the lottery odds have been trash.

But, oh yeah, you don't have to use the Invention system or the Market, the AE is optional, you can level up and build a powerful character 'normally'... let's not all forget that...

"City of Heroes. April 27, 2004 - August 31, 2012. Obliterated not with a weapon of mass destruction, not by an all-powerful supervillain... but by a cold-hearted and cowardly corporate suck-up."



But, oh yeah, you don't have to use the Invention system or the Market, the AE is optional, you can level up and build a powerful character 'normally'... let's not all forget that...

[/ QUOTE ]
The game was not made harder after the introduction of IOs.

Somehow everybody got by with SOs before IOs were introduced. You can still have a perfectly playable character with SOs. You want more power? You have to work for it more.

"You don't lose levels. You don't have equipment to wear out, repair, or lose, or that anyone can steal from you. About the only thing lighter than debt they could do is have an NPC walk by, point and laugh before you can go to the hospital or base." -Memphis_Bill
We will honor the past, and fight to the last, it will be a good way to die...



The game was not made harder, no.

However... that still does not address the fact that people who do NOT 'farm' (for inf or for drops, if not both) are effectively locked out of the market because their return rate is much much less.

It's not a matter of 'working for it more'. It's a matter of 'working' period. Because that's what farming maps feels like to me - repetitious drudgery, in the company of strangers who all too often have the conversational capacity of a pet rock. Guess what? I get enough of that at my day job.

However... if I want to get anything 'cool' or 'spiffy', then I have to punch a clock in this game.

This is not what I consider 'fun' and frankly, it bothers me that the game mechanics and 'economy' not only support this progression, but actively promote it.

"City of Heroes. April 27, 2004 - August 31, 2012. Obliterated not with a weapon of mass destruction, not by an all-powerful supervillain... but by a cold-hearted and cowardly corporate suck-up."



You don't have to farm to get into the market. I purpled out my main character without farming at all. Heck, I made the most Influence last summer barely playing the game.



Yes, by gaming the market itself ... which is something else I don't consider 'fun' probably because I'm not an economist and at 42 years old it's something I don't have the patience to learn.

All I see are the effects, which are WAY inflated prices, both on recipes and the salvage needed to create them. I've had some success with some of the lesser-desired sets, but at this point I've pretty much given up with it.

What ticks me off are the people who say "well you're doing it wrong" rather than have an iota of understanding of my position here.

I don't MIND people farming, or playing the market, or PL'ing their friends, or whatnot.

But when what THEY do changes what I can do, yeah, it's off-putting, and then the "eff off, I pay $15 a month, I'll play how I want" answer just makes it worse.

I suppose it's a bit much to expect the majority of this community to care an iota about anything other than themselves in this day and age.... but this IS a 'superhero' game after all, and even the redsiders get altruistic on occasion.

Which is why I'm not playing at the moment, and haven't been for the past month. I still love the game, it's the players I can't stand to be around for more than five minutes.

And I don't suppose I16 or any future installment will change that, so I suppose I should just give up gaming altogether.

You may now commence with the "lol cry moar" posts.

"City of Heroes. April 27, 2004 - August 31, 2012. Obliterated not with a weapon of mass destruction, not by an all-powerful supervillain... but by a cold-hearted and cowardly corporate suck-up."