Super Booster III Superscience Back On Test




(like I saw a screen where a femal toon had a Huge body type chest)

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Did that work the other way too? I want my huge guy toon to have man-boobs.

We don' need no stinkin' signatures!



It doesn't look like there are any hairstyles for female characters in the Superscience pack. I was so hoping for that Bride of Frankenstein look.



Operating System: 10.4
User Client: Mac
Server: Test 1
Zone: N/A
Character name: N/A
Time: 11:30 AM PDT
Location: Character Creator
Archetype: Scrapper / Stalker* / (or both where both are applicable)
Critter Type: N/A
Level: 0
Power: Broadsword / Claws* / Dual Blades* / Katana / Ninja Blade*
Badge: N/A
Mission: N/A
Mission Contact: N/A
Mission ID #: N/A

Description: Preview of weapons selection is unavailable, unless you are in the 'Scales' option, otherwise your character is just standing there.

EDIT: This also affects VEAT's and their weapons.



It's really nice. A favor though, might you 'tighten' the lab coat a bit around the female model. It almost makes em look pregnant.



Operating System: 10.4
User Client: Mac
Server: Test 1
Zone: N/A
Character name: N/A
Time: 11:30 AM PDT
Location: Character Creator
Archetype: Brute / Tanker
Critter Type: N/A
Level: 0
Power: Battle Axe / Dual Blades / War Mace
Badge: N/A
Mission: N/A
Mission Contact: N/A
Mission ID #: N/A

Description: Preview of weapons selection is unavailable, unless you are in the 'Scales' option, otherwise your character is just standing there.



(like I saw a screen where a femal toon had a Huge body type chest)

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Did that work the other way too? I want my huge guy toon to have man-boobs.

[/ QUOTE ]The character torso was only not changing from Huge to Male or Female. In my tests, changing to Huge seemed to never have the torso retain the previous version.



Oh for cryin' out loud.

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Really? You'd rather they release something that they are SELLING to us with the known bugs it has?

People raise too much of a ruckus for them releasing the free Issues with bugs. Can you imagine the uproar if they released a product they are SELLING with this many known issues?

Or are you just in the "but I want it now" category?

If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.

Black Pebble is my new hero.



Two-Tone Scientist Coat

[/ QUOTE ]
On the downside, the buttons aren't independently colorable now.

Color 1: Coat
Color 2: Inner section

The buttons take on both colors with outer "ring" being color 2, inner section being color 1.

Not bad and a nice addition, but it would be nice if we could have both versions: the old style and this new style.

Head of TRICK, the all Trick Arrow and Traps SG
Part of the
Repeat Offenders

Still waiting for his Official BackAlleyBrawler No-Prize



Operating System: 10.4
User Client: Mac
Server: Test 1
Zone: N/A
Character name: N/A
Time: 11:30 AM PDT
Location: Character Creator
Archetype: Tanker
Critter Type: N/A
Level: 0
Power: Shield Defense
Badge: N/A
Mission: N/A
Mission Contact: N/A
Mission ID #: N/A

Description: Preview of shield selection is unavailable, unless you are in the 'Scales' option, or if you change the Shield Type.

1. Select new character, Hero.
2. Choose 'Tanker' as Archtype.
3. Select 'Shield Defense' as Primary Powerset and choose a power.
4. Select Any Secondary Powerset and it's power.
5. Advance to Character Costume Creator screen.
6. Click on Shield, Cavalier Shield will be the default.
7. Click on 'Scales'

Result: You will not see the shield until entering the 'Scales' section.

8. Change from the Cavalier Shield to any other shield.

Results: The Shield preview will go away, leaving you character standing there in the 'Idle' pose with hands open.

9. Click on 'Colors' button.
10. Change Shield type.
11. Click on 'Scales' button.

Results: Shield preview will return.

NOTE: For the preview to be seen, shield changes must be made while in the 'Color' section. Just changing from 'Scales' to 'Colors', then back to 'Scales' will NOT reveal the preview.




Brought up a couple of my Characters (a Katana/Fire Scrapper and a DB/WP Scrapper, both Female) I was using when SB III was on test.

Noticed no animations or Aura Triggers when bring up a Saved Costume or when checking a weapon stance in the Creator.

calculate emote is still inverted. The Formulas still appear backwards with the Camera in the default postition.

Noticed Costume Change Emote animations don't finish correctly when a size change is included in the change. Saw this occur with:

cccast (arms did not stay in 'cast' after height change)
ccbackflip (Height change happend durring flip/flash effect, no landing from backflip)
ccevillaugh (Flame effect and evillaugh emote did not carry over to height changed costume)

Thank you for the time...

@Travlr (Main) / @Tymers Realm (Test)

Arc 5299: Magic, Mystery, and Mayhem Updated!! 09/15/09



What's not working is that the tailor is bugged that it doesn't show the character animating. So you can change the costume, but the body is frozen. No breathing, no aura animating, and no weapon drawing.

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Which to make it clear means that you can't see the aura at all ( or at least I couldn't ). It appears when you leave the tailor, but doesn't show in the tailor.

Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth



Operating System: 10.4
User Client: Mac
Server: Test 1
Zone: Pocket D
Character name: Valkyrie R1A
Time: 01:20 PM PDT
Location: Trina the Body Sculptor
Archetype: Scrapper
Critter Type: N/A
Level: 7
Power: Broadsword / Shield Defense
Badge: N/A
Mission: N/A
Mission Contact: N/A
Mission ID #: N/A

Description: When editing costume on character previously existing on Test, attempting to view my shield, it would only show up as a ghost of an image (barely visible.)



Okay, I tried to test this. Got an error saying no connection to DBserver. Then no connection to mapserver. Then login server down for maintenance.WTF?

A (Golden Gate) Bridge Too Far- arc 299315
Crazy NIMBY's, Railroad robber barons, and kickboxing Engineers, Oh My! Go back in time and join the fight to save a San Francisco icon!



Not seeing wings as more than brief flickers in the tailor screen on any model. i'm also seeing the absence of animations in the tailor screen. The trenchcoat tail is frozen in place, but at least it's visible.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



Two-Tone Scientist Coat

[/ QUOTE ]
On the downside, the buttons aren't independently colorable now.

Color 1: Coat
Color 2: Inner section

The buttons take on both colors with outer "ring" being color 2, inner section being color 1.

Not bad and a nice addition, but it would be nice if we could have both versions: the old style and this new style.

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I'm just grateful Sexy Jay took the time to make this addition at all. Much Love, SJ!



I'm glad to see that head sliders are loading properly from saved costumes and replacing the existing in-game character's head sliders.

Just a quick note about it though, now the Slider "reset" button only resets the body sliders and not the head sliders.
I imagine you'd want it to reset both.

Regardless, being able to load the head sliders at the tailor is terrific (Most often, on live, it will not load saved head sliders onto an existing character at the tailor).
So, that's a nice fix!

I also noticed the frozen animations and such, however, the saved costumes animate while selecting them to load.

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Head sliders can be reset by being on the head selection, clicking shape, then hitting reset or going back to the first, default shape, if I remember correctly.

pohsyb: so of all people you must be most excited about the veats
Arachnos Commander: actually, I am
pohsyb: I mean you kinda were one already anyways ^_^
Arachnos Commander:



Head sliders can be reset by being on the head selection, clicking shape, then hitting reset or going back to the first, default shape, if I remember correctly.

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I don't mean setting back to a default head slider setting. I mean resetting back to what the character's modified head sliders were before loading a saved costume.
Hit Reset the way it is now and it only resets the body sliders.
The head sliders remain at the positions taken from the loaded costume (Again, this is much better than not being able to load the head sliders... However, I'd imagine they want both body and head sliders to go back to the settings of the character actually visiting the tailor)
It's not a huge issue, but something I figured I'd point out.

An example for these features would be if someone were to want to put an existing character into someone else's costume (But retain their own sliders).

By having the costume file of that desired costume... And then loading that costume at the tailor... The body and head slider positions from the saved costume would load over the existing character's. Then, if that person only wanted the costume and not the slider settings, hitting reset only puts the body sliders back to the existing character's settings. The head sliders remain as the loaded costume file's settings.

Of course... If you want the costume, just pick the colors and make it yerself... I know, I know. I'm only pointing this out.

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



So far from what I can tell on perliminary testing, the AE will keep track of your gender based upon the costume you are currently wearing, and my height sliders haven't been screwed up yet. Seems much better than a week ago!

The truth is the solution from an equation of lies. ~Maileah Kirel



Appears to be a problem switching from Female to Huge body type on occasions.

Whenever you switch from female to huge, the proportions go all wrong and completely messed up.

When going back into the tailor to fix it appears as they the tailor still thinks it's female, infact the body type remains female but inherets the 'huge' proportions on the chest, arms and upper legs but retains the female face, boots and keeps the last costume, outfit is completely glitched out.

Logged out and logged back in again, costume was back to it's original state (female with no glitches) and could be switched to huge without problems.



Did they add any costume pieces?



Appears to be a problem switching from Female to Huge body type on occasions.

Whenever you switch from female to huge, the proportions go all wrong and completely messed up.

When going back into the tailor to fix it appears as they the tailor still thinks it's female, infact the body type remains female but inherets the 'huge' proportions on the chest, arms and upper legs but retains the female face, boots and keeps the last costume, outfit is completely glitched out.

Logged out and logged back in again, costume was back to it's original state (female with no glitches) and could be switched to huge without problems.

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Doc, were you in SG mode when you glitched?

Positron: "There are no bugs [in City of Heroes], just varying degrees of features."



Yes I was in SG mode when the glitch happened.



Quick Question...I was running the Midnight Draws Near Arc from Darren Wade and for fun I used the Visage power on my short female into the tallish male Midnighter...It seems to work fine in live when it comes to that respect?

It used the Smoke CC Emote from the magic pack and it changes the sex perfectly fine and the size I missing something?

Why is it not on live yet if that bit of programing code works?