Another 'unannounced' major server barf
You might want to consult an exterminator about that bug up there.
Just sayin'.
"The side that is unhappy is not the side that the game was intended to make happy, or promised to make happy, or focused on making happy. The side that is unhappy is the side that is unhappy. That's all." - Arcanaville
"Surprised your guys' arteries haven't clogged with all that hatred yet." - Xzero45
What he said. Cut back on the coffee.
Arc #6015 - Coming Unglued
"A good n00b-sauce is based on a good n00b-roux." - The Masque
ANOTHER unannounced, unwaranted, unusually 'early' total (all down) Server Maintenance, completely at odds with the PROMISE from some customer service mouthpiece we were to be given of 'more warnings, timely warnings'.
Monday evening, prime time, 8:30pm, and the servers are dead as a dodo. Nothing in announcements, nothing in News, nothing in Technical Issues. The EU forum has a few people complaining, and some lickspittles pointing to some 'free respecs coming for I15' post, as if that's the -answer-.
Japan, Australia, New Zealand, we're all completely affected by this rampant nonsense. If you sprang surpruse maintenance in US prime time, the screaming and 'I'm cancelling my account' posts would crash the ^%$#@ forum, there would be so much outrage.
Absolutely disgusting customer service.
[/ QUOTE ]
You must be mistaken. It's Monday morning and everyone is at work so no one cares
What he said. Cut back on the coffee.
[/ QUOTE ]
He has a point.
We were promised more notice and we didn't get it. It's not that not being able to play is a huge deal or that it's going to ruin his life, it's the principle of the thing.
Brother of Markus
The Lord of Fire and Pain
The Legendary Living Hellfire
Fight my brute!
I suppose this brings up two things:
1) If they promised not to do something, and did it anyway... that's bad on their part to be sure.
2) Maintenance has to occur at some time, and it is going to piss off someone... they aim to not piss off the Americans because that is presumably where most of their subscriptions originate.
Geez, my gut reaction would have been "new issue release! yippee!" but some people find the negative and set up camp.
Patch notes to go with the push to live are important and all too often seem to get left out in the shuffle.
Whats with the lack of notice ? its not like this is done on the spur of the moment.
Patch applying? They letting i15 go live unannounced and still not fixed up?
First Of The Year
Originally Posted by Edgar Allan Poe
I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity.
Well this figures, I was just about to log in...... and its 5:22 am for me
Then, perhaps your butt cheeks will relinquish their grip on your chin." -The_Zekiran
Yeah they're patching & there are no patch notes. I.e. Issue 15 release.
Correct me if I am wrong, but dont we always have Monday morning server maintainance?
Paragon Unleashed, Unleash Yourself!
Correct me if I am wrong, but dont we always have Monday morning server maintainance?
[/ QUOTE ]
Yes, but it doesn't normally come with a patch.
And this one does? Perhaps my caffiene starved, just waking up, fought all night with the X- Ms Spectre brain didn't see it, but where are the patch notes?
Paragon Unleashed, Unleash Yourself!
You guys would be MUCH less braindead about 'normal maintenance, isn't it?' if it occurred during your prime time.
Normal maintenance starts about 15 minutes from now, some 2 HOURS after this current 'oh sorry, the servers are going down, bye bye' debacle.
Thats 2.5 hours of 'gameplay' we Aussies don't get between 8:30pm and the 'normal' maintenance start of 11pm.
But hey, live in your glasshouses, unthinking brethren. Your time will come and then you'll be up in arms when the servers go down during -your- primetime.
Part-Troll, who used to be Excession777, now playing pantomime with people's mindlets.
And this one does? Perhaps my caffiene starved, just waking up, fought all night with the X- Ms Spectre brain didn't see it, but where are the patch notes?
[/ QUOTE ]
The patch is applying on my computer right now. Unless it's a hotfix for a bug or exploit, the patch notes would be the accumulated I15 patch notes in the test area.
That totally sucks! Yea there was a patch, good thing the devs (Community Reps) told us! oh wait, they didn't
First Of The Year
Originally Posted by Edgar Allan Poe
I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity.
It's a 2.8G patch. Too big to be anything other than the next issue, I'm thinking?
Hmmm now it's making a second patch... another 90M. Science Pack? I'm totally guessing here. ^_^

my lil RWZ Challenge vid
You guys would be MUCH less braindead about 'normal maintenance, isn't it?' if it occurred during your prime time.
Normal maintenance starts about 15 minutes from now, some 2 HOURS after this current 'oh sorry, the servers are going down, bye bye' debacle.
Thats 2.5 hours of 'gameplay' we Aussies don't get between 8:30pm and the 'normal' maintenance start of 11pm.
But hey, live in your glasshouses, unthinking brethren. Your time will come and then you'll be up in arms when the servers go down during -your- primetime.
[/ QUOTE ]
You kinda sound alot like alot of people who complained about server downtime on AoC... "During my Primetime".
Sorry it happened to you.
Listen dude, I feel for you, but it's got to be done during somebody's prime time, hasn't it? Ideally the servers wouldnt go down at all. I mean, I want to go hit the walls in Cim, I want to be in the game playing too. And I agree that they should take care to announce unexpected downtime. But you dont see me calling other posters braindead, do you?
Paragon Unleashed, Unleash Yourself!
You guys would be MUCH less braindead about 'normal maintenance, isn't it?' if it occurred during your prime time.
Normal maintenance starts about 15 minutes from now, some 2 HOURS after this current 'oh sorry, the servers are going down, bye bye' debacle.
Thats 2.5 hours of 'gameplay' we Aussies don't get between 8:30pm and the 'normal' maintenance start of 11pm.
But hey, live in your glasshouses, unthinking brethren. Your time will come and then you'll be up in arms when the servers go down during -your- primetime.
[/ QUOTE ]
It sucks, mang, but statistically speaking it'd be down during someone's primetime. And it's not just Aussies that are really affected by this - it's anyone in that particular section of the globe. Rather rude of you to complete forget the Oceanic people that play the game, too.
Not sure if we have much of a Chinese/Russian presence, though. Korea's out for sure - game flopped there. I think Hawaii may be caught in similar straights, but I'm unsure there. Oceania includes Guam, though, so that's a number of technically American players that are similarly cut off as well.
IIRC, the majority of the Playerbase is American. The development time only picked a maintenance schedule that would affect the least amount of players, and sadly enough... that ends up being during your primetime.
Sorry, mang. That's how she rolls - it's not exactly fair, but it's also inevitable.
Further pointing out a side-point, but not all people run on a 'normal' 9-to-5 schedule, either. This hits more then just one section of the globe, dependent wholly on the schedule of the person playing. I'm usually SOL on maintenance days, too. Gogo graveyard shift.
And this one does? Perhaps my caffiene starved, just waking up, fought all night with the X- Ms Spectre brain didn't see it, but where are the patch notes?
[/ QUOTE ]
The patch is applying on my computer right now. Unless it's a hotfix for a bug or exploit, the patch notes would be the accumulated I15 patch notes in the test area.
[/ QUOTE ]
thanks for the head's up. downloading now
Paragon Unleashed, Unleash Yourself!
It's a good thing I make it a point to never get angry over what someone with Troll IN THEIR NAME says.
I say I-15 is going live. Hopefully with a newer version than they've shown us on Test though.

my lil RWZ Challenge vid
He is right folks. If they brought down the servers without warning for something scheduled (at least for them), that's pretty crappy; and they do that a lot. The reason they're doing it shouldn't matter, it comes down to courtesy to your player base.
Also, saying this is the release of Issue 15, which we're pretty sure it is, why does do these never get formally announced? I know it was strongly hinted at and they don't want to make promises they can't keep, but if you're bringing down the servers and preventing play, we as players need to know about that.
The OP might be a little over the top angry, but I think he's trying to make a point and I do understand why he's angry about it. All I'm sayin'.
ANOTHER unannounced, unwaranted, unusually 'early' total (all down) Server Maintenance, completely at odds with the PROMISE from some customer service mouthpiece we were to be given of 'more warnings, timely warnings'.
Monday evening, prime time, 8:30pm, and the servers are dead as a dodo. Nothing in announcements, nothing in News, nothing in Technical Issues. The EU forum has a few people complaining, and some lickspittles pointing to some 'free respecs coming for I15' post, as if that's the -answer-.
Japan, Australia, New Zealand, we're all completely affected by this rampant nonsense. If you sprang surpruse maintenance in US prime time, the screaming and 'I'm cancelling my account' posts would crash the ^%$#@ forum, there would be so much outrage.
Absolutely disgusting customer service.
Part-Troll, who used to be Excession777, now playing pantomime with people's mindlets.