Sum up your characters with a trope or two

Adeon Hawkwood



I'm pretty sure most of this forum is familiar with TVtropes. If not, say goodbye to your free time. Either way, given this game's tendency to show off tropes like a peacock's feathers, I'm pretty sure we can sum up many of our character concepts in one or two tropes:

Sabre Justice: The Cape, Author Avatar.
Firefawks: Fun Personified, or Heroic Sociopath
Spectral Guardian: Our Ghosts Are Different, Incorruptible Pure Pureness.
Professor Backfire: Mad Scientist, Science Hero.
Blazebuster: The Real Heroes, Powered Armour

Villains coming soon.



Oh yeah...

Agent Andrea Blake: Homeless Hero, Jumped at the Call, Heroic Spirit, Lady of Adventure

Agent Sorina Tavarisch: Badass Bookworm, Hurting Hero, Hot Scientist, Sensual Slavs

Johanna Sinclair: Church Militant, Naughty Nuns, Cursed with Awesome, Crouching Moron Hidden Badass, Destructive Saviour


Dark_Respite's Farewell Video: "One Last Day"
Book I: A Tale of Nerd Flirting! ~*~ Book II: Courtship and Crime Fighting - Chap Nine live!
MA Arcs - 3430: Hell Hath No Fury / 3515: Positron Gets Some / 6600: Dyne of the Times / 351572: For All the Wrong Reasons
378944: Too Clever by Half / 459581: Kill or Cure / 551680: Clerical Errors (NEW!)



Karen Stelvind - Magitek, Corrupt Corporate Executive

There's a whole laundry list of ones she actually fits, but those two pretty well define the concept she has. Anyone that's run my arcs probably has a pretty good idea (though it's worth noting she's just the current CEO, and not the founder *or* mastermind behind the scheme. She is just pawn, in game of life).



The large majority of my characters are either this or this. I have a few who aren't female.

Otherwise pretty much every character fits a trope or two. Kind of the nature of a character.



Hey, this looks like good times!

Bitt Player: Religious Bruiser, Incorruptable Pure Pureness, Shock and Awe.

Elaina Rhysenn: Wrench Wench, Powered Armor, Action Girl.

Bitt and Elaina between them form a Battle Couple.

General Phi: Evil Feels Good, Ridiculously Human Robot, (not in appearance, but personality) Mecha Mooks, Which he manufactures to serve him.

Mecha Maven: Magitek, Affably Evil, and General Phi's Perky Female Minion.

I'll be back to list some more of my characters later.

BackAlleyBrawler: I can't facepalm this post hard enough.
ShoNuff: If sophisticated = bro-mantically emo-tastic, then I'm going to keep to my Shonen loving simplicity dammit.



Ooooh, fun!

Scantily Clad: Ms Fanservice, Combat Pragmatist, and... wow, it's really hard to find these when you're not just bumping into them while browsing. >_<



In presentation, Valentyna is the the Crouching Scholar, Hidden Badass, with just a dash of Incorruptable Pure Pureness following the Heel Face Turn and subsequent Redemption Promotion in her early background. Bonus cliché points since she was, prior to being redeemed by the Midnight Squad, a Dark Magical Girl due to being raised by an Abusive (surogate) Parent after her real parents suffered Death By Origin Story. As a perfectly content and well-adjusted undead immortal, she is also a deliberate subversion of Who Wants to Live Forever. Personality-wise, she is The Lady of War - cultured and ladylike, yet strong and decisive. Philisophically and dramaticlay she is The Fettered - pragmatic, relentless and inhumanely single-minded in pursuing her noble objectives, but refusing to harm the innocent and drawing strength from her moral cause. As one would expect from an archmage who's Older Than She Looks, Valentyna is quite versatile in her abilities (so much so that, honeslty, discipline is often required in roleplaying to keep her from becoming The Mary Sue), but more than anything else she is The Master of Illusion.

Guardian Mu'Rahu is a classic Well-Intentioned Extremist (like a sexy magical version of Magneto or Alfred Bester, she cares deaply for "her people" - and no one else). She is also also Wicked Cultured, and with the exception of spilling Mu blood, she is The Unfettered - willing to do absolutely anything in pursuit of her goals. Ability-wise, she is all about Shock and Awe with those pretty crimson lightning bolts (which are, of course, Colour Coded for Your Conveniance)

Both have been the providers of A Wizard Did It at various points in their roleplaying carrears.

Both have ocassioanly been known to play Xanatos Speed Chess.

Both are Combat Pragmatists - as Valentyna puts it, fair fights are for idiots. Outisde of combat, though Valentyna has been known to break out into a Patrick Stewart Speach or Hanibal Lecture/Kirk Sumation in appropriate moments, while Mu'Rahu, will Just Shoot Them even in less direct confrontations, prefering to prove her superiority with victory rather than sophistry.

Finally, both have a good deal of Training From Hell in their backgrounds (and ongoing lives).



I guess I need to spend more time on that site. I keep looking for what I think would fit my characters, but apparently it's under different names or something, because I keep coming up with nothing.

The Abrams is one of the most effective war machines on the planet. - R. Lee Ermy.

Q: How do you wreck an Abrams?

A: You crash into another one.



I guess I need to spend more time on that site. I keep looking for what I think would fit my characters, but apparently it's under different names or something, because I keep coming up with nothing.

[/ QUOTE ]

Describe some, I'm sure someone will be able to hand you a few tropes that match



M I Abrahms: I found Boisterous Bruiser which overs his outward behavior, and I just saw the Stephen Ulysses Perhero one a few minutes ago. That one would be a subversion, though since his SuperHero name (Michael Ian Abrahms) was chosen because he's too damn BIG to have a plausible secret identity. However, the trope I was really looking for was that the Boisterous Bruiser was really just an act, and the character actually has a good grasp of tactics, and a solid intellect, and is plying teh Big is Dumb mentality to catch his foes off guard.

Professor Nutronious: Another easy one; Mad Scientist. He was a relatively mild scientist who specialized in artificial intelligence, who became a bit to attached to his creation, and viewed them as his children. He had two prototypes which he brought to a Science Expo, which was assaulted by Paragon Heroes. The Prototypes were smashed, and the Professor arrested. During Break Out he was promised the chance to build new robots, a chance he lept at. He is now a Zealot servant of Recluse, serving him loyally for the chance to eradicate the Heroes that took his first children from him.

Operative McGavin: I have to say this first, just for clarification: This character was created when the extra damage was added to Sniper Rifle when Targeting Drone was running. I laughed my hind end off when the Villain Epics were announced, and again for Going Rogue. He is an ex-Arachnos Wolf Spider, who decided that Arachnos' principles were sound, but it's current leadership (Recluse) was sorely lacking. Unfortunately, all who find out what he has learned are usually so compromised that they are now willfully following Recluse instead. As such, McGavin has decided that the entire structure needs to be torn down and rebuilt, without the Spider Lord's corrupting influence. In order to attempt this, he has crossed over and now a card carrying Hero, that fights crime in his old uniform.

Thin Line: Again, a few easy ones; Axe Crazy, Chaotic Evil, The Unfettered Honestly, I'm just taking the opportunity to explain this one because I like him. You could easily use any of the crazy/evil tropes to describe him. When I first created him, I realized he was a thematic clone to another player's character from my home server. The character had become known as a fairly popular anti-villain, and was very close to crossing over into Anti-Hero territory, even though said character was a Stalker. So, Thin Line became the Villain For a Villain. Like Bullseye for Deadpool, he exists to show the anti-villain everything that character wants to deny about himself. Along the way the character developed into an amalgam of the Joker, Carnage, Bullseye, and Deadpool himself at least unconsciously. (he can see the fourth wall, but he doesn't realize he can)

The Abrams is one of the most effective war machines on the planet. - R. Lee Ermy.

Q: How do you wreck an Abrams?

A: You crash into another one.



BUMP! Too fun a topic to let it die.



...yeeeaahhhhh...I'll be reading these for hours trying to decide.....

SI Radio has many DJs and listeners whom hold City of Heroes close to their hearts. We will be supporting many efforts to keep CoH ALIVE!!



I actually started one of these a few times in the RP forum, they don't tend to last more than a few days sadly.

Iron Samurai - We Can Rebuild Him, Katanas Are Just Better.
Tectonia - Action Girl, Powered Armor, Genius Cripple.
Zetumsei Mitsukai - Action Girl, Dual Wielding, Lady Of War.

Anna Nethema - Dark Action Girl, Cursed With Awesome, Our Demons Are Different, Noble Demon, The Beserker, Good Old Fisticuffs, Rapid Fire Fisticuffs, Determinator.
Cobalt Stinger - Dark Action Girl, Gadgeteer Genius, Artificial Limbs,Beam Spam.
Naga Obsura - Dark Action Girl, Lady Of War, Humanoid Alien, Lizard Folk, Cultured Warrior.
Kathode - Dark Action Girl, Cat Girl, Lightning Bruiser.
Vikki Vandale - Dark Action Girl, Cute Bruiser, Ms. Fanservice, Drop The Hammer, Badass Lolita.
Brimstone Mephit - Dark Action Girl, Our Demons Are Different, Playing With Fire.
Raikou Shingai - Dark Action Girl, Shock and Awe, Cute Bruiser.
Amanita Infernis - Dark Action Girl, Playing With Fire.
Winterkill - Dark Action Girl, An Ice Person.
Menshenbrecher - Dark Action Girl, Glass Cannon.
Mindskewer - Dark Action Girl, Master Of Illusion.

I can think of at least one Five Bad Band arrangement.
The Big Bad: Anna Nethema
The Dragon: Kathode
The Evil Genius: Cobalt Stinger
The Brute: Vikki Vandale
The Dark Chick: Naga Obscura, Raikou Shingai



Doc Vendetta - Anti Villain, Genre Savvy
with a touch of Broken Birdand Zen Survivor

Whispering Swan- Rage Against The Heavens and honestly thats all that needs saying about that one.

Finally, Quiet Vindication (Doc's younger HERO sister)- Love Redeems and And Your Little Dog Too (usually in the person of Doc's complicated)

Writer of In-Game fiction: Just Completed: My Summer Vacation. My older things are now being archived at until I come up with a better solution.