What if the nights were longer?




I know that sounds like a line from a beer commercial, but what are your thoughts if the days were shorter in the COX world and the nights were longer?

Perhaps it is my liking Batman over Superman that this idea comes to mind, but patrolling the night has greater appeal to me than wearing tights in the daylight. Perhaps if the nights were twice as long as the days that might fix it for me.

Am I the only one who likes crimefighting at night?



I would prefer that myself. the fact that daylight lasts muich, much longer than ngiht has alwas rubbed me the wrong way. Of couirse, since aabout 99.99% of all content in the game is instanced, its really depressingly irrelevent when you think about it, but it would be a nice touch.



I know that sounds like a line from a beer commercial, but what are your thoughts if the days were shorter in the COX world and the nights were longer?

Perhaps it is my liking Batman over Superman that this idea comes to mind, but patrolling the night has greater appeal to me than wearing tights in the daylight. Perhaps if the nights were twice as long as the days that might fix it for me.

Am I the only one who likes crimefighting at night?

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No you are not, and I might add that my villains prefer evildoing by night to top things off

I like night in the game for much the same reason that I like it in real life: I like seeing pretty lights. Childish, perhaps, but there you have it: I think buildings are prettier lit up at night.

Plus if nights were longer in the game, getting the Haunted badge would be a lot easier; particularly on busy servers with a lot of people hunting the same ghosts that you are. They might be amenable to forming a kill-badge team, but not always.

Still want to see my Black Shuck Warwolf with eerie red eyes running around Croatoa at night. Well, one can dream. Scary things in the dark FTW!

Halloween event/30 days of night rules:
sneakin' around in the dark since.... whenever



Sure would make it easier to kill enough ghosts in Croatoa if night lasted longer.



This is one of the reasons the Halloween Event is awesome.



I don't want nights to last any longer. I have my gamma jacked up significantly and I still can't see my hand in front of my face CoV-side. Maybe if we had actual LIGHT in the game, instead of these neanderthal light maps and if we had a way to carry light with us, I might reconsider, but as it stands, dark simply means I can't see. And I like to see.

Besides, I find fighting crime in broad daylight (as well as committing it) much more appealing.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



I don't want nights to last any longer. I have my gamma jacked up significantly and I still can't see my hand in front of my face CoV-side. Maybe if we had actual LIGHT in the game, instead of these neanderthal light maps and if we had a way to carry light with us, I might reconsider, but as it stands, dark simply means I can't see. And I like to see.

Besides, I find fighting crime in broad daylight (as well as committing it) much more appealing.

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Sounds like you need to adjust your graphics card gamma as well. I have my computer set up so i can see anything in any game by swapping to a brighter gamma profile on the card settings if i need to.

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I would love more night life!



I CAN raise the gamma in the game and see at night. It just makes anything that's NOT a night in Sharkhead Island or Grandville horribly washed-out and unpleasant. I'm already seeing the shadow maps of many textures in places that are supposed to be dark.

Any game that has near-perfect darkness, or darkness on a background with a lot of blacks and browns yet does NOT offer a flashlight or other means of lighting your way is going to be hard to see in. I wouldn't mind darkness if I could light it up, but as it stands, my choice is between very dark nights and good-looking days, or visible nights and bleached-out days.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



I know that sounds like a line from a beer commercial, but what are your thoughts if the days were shorter in the COX world and the nights were longer?

Perhaps it is my liking Batman over Superman that this idea comes to mind, but patrolling the night has greater appeal to me than wearing tights in the daylight. Perhaps if the nights were twice as long as the days that might fix it for me.

Am I the only one who likes crimefighting at night?

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Somewhat disagree with your exact proposal.
What I would like is for the day/night cycle to be slower.
Not real-world-synced like WoW, but it would be nice if the days and the nights passed at a more leisurely pace.




IRL, I love night. I stay up all night. I hate day.

In game? Screw night. Messes with the colors of my costumes and generally annoys me.

I'm only ladylike when compared to my sister.



I CAN raise the gamma in the game and see at night. It just makes anything that's NOT a night in Sharkhead Island or Grandville horribly washed-out and unpleasant. I'm already seeing the shadow maps of many textures in places that are supposed to be dark.

Any game that has near-perfect darkness, or darkness on a background with a lot of blacks and browns yet does NOT offer a flashlight or other means of lighting your way is going to be hard to see in. I wouldn't mind darkness if I could light it up, but as it stands, my choice is between very dark nights and good-looking days, or visible nights and bleached-out days.

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Samuel, I used to have a "too dark" problem on my system as well. For another reason, I ended up replacing the graphic card, and it didn't help overall brightness. It turned out the monitor was not operating well, and just wasn't pushing out enough brightness, even when set to max. A new monitor solved the problem.

-- Rich
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I already have enough trouble when I want to get a good in-game picture of one of my characters. Extra long night would A) make getting a nicely lit picture even harder for me, and B) not add anything to my gameplay or enjoyment of the game.

my lil RWZ Challenge vid



Samuel_Tow: I don't want nights to last any longer. I have my gamma jacked up significantly and I still can't see my hand in front of my face CoV-side. Maybe if we had actual LIGHT in the game, instead of these neanderthal light maps and if we had a way to carry light with us, I might reconsider, but as it stands, dark simply means I can't see. And I like to see.

[/ QUOTE ]

Sounds like the monitor is gradually failing (either flyback or something on the deflection board). That would cause the overall brightness to imperceptibly decrease over a period of time.

This happened years ago when I was playing Tomb Raider 2. The game was *great* fun from the outset, and I advanced to perhaps the third chapter that involved exploring a condemned Italian opera house (i.e., dark and shadowy interiors).

Well, I just assumed that the deep shadows were part of the game challenge, and I would use a flare (out of a modest supply) to get through tricky area. However, I progressed to a particularly dark area and ran out of flares, thereby halting my progress.

I figured that perhaps I was expected to hoard flares from the game's outset, so I restarted. To my surprise, the opening exterior shots around the Great Wall of China were much darker than I remembered them. Prior to that point, I simply hadn't realized that the monitor was failing.




I would like it if the proceeding of time was slowed down. I hate it when I can watch the ground and see the shadow moving around or the sun flying through the sky like an airplane. Things like that really destroy the immersion for me.



We should be able to pick what you want have like 3 options.

A) Day all the time.

B) Night all the time.

C) Day and night cycles.

And you just change it in options and now every body's happy!

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We should be able to pick what you want have like 3 options.

A) Day all the time.

B) Night all the time.

C) Day and night cycles.

And you just change it in options and now every body's happy!

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The thing is...while the game doesn't make a big deal about it, there are some things in the zones that change based on time of day. The ghosts in Croatoa are one example - they haunt the streets at night.

Moreover, if day/night were purely a local setting rather than a server-side setting, it'd be kinda confusing for some players.


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Yea true i didnt think about the ghost thing. Well then just ignore that post. How about this idea in game the days last half as long as in real life so a day cycle would be 6 hours and then a night cycle would be another 6 hours. Then you have the same amount of time and day and night is longer than it is now. and there would be two cycles per day.

[url="http://teenage-kid.deviantart.com/"]My Da page![/url]
Ninja-Bee- 50 Ninja/Dark MM
Aqurian Draconum- 50 Archery/Fire Blaster
Korrawi- 50 Super Strength/Invulnerability Tank Plus many others!



I CAN raise the gamma in the game and see at night. It just makes anything that's NOT a night in Sharkhead Island or Grandville horribly washed-out and unpleasant. I'm already seeing the shadow maps of many textures in places that are supposed to be dark.

Any game that has near-perfect darkness, or darkness on a background with a lot of blacks and browns yet does NOT offer a flashlight or other means of lighting your way is going to be hard to see in. I wouldn't mind darkness if I could light it up, but as it stands, my choice is between very dark nights and good-looking days, or visible nights and bleached-out days.

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A couple of people have already mentioned it, but I also believe getting a new monitor will change your life. The same thing happened to my monitor awhile back.




Yea true i didnt think about the ghost thing. Well then just ignore that post. How about this idea in game the days last half as long as in real life so a day cycle would be 6 hours and then a night cycle would be another 6 hours. Then you have the same amount of time and day and night is longer than it is now. and there would be two cycles per day.

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The downside of that, someone who say play 8-10 each evening would only see day or night, unless you created a cycling of the timing.

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Yea true i didnt think about the ghost thing. Well then just ignore that post. How about this idea in game the days last half as long as in real life so a day cycle would be 6 hours and then a night cycle would be another 6 hours. Then you have the same amount of time and day and night is longer than it is now. and there would be two cycles per day.

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Frankly, I'd settle for 2 hour cycles, possibly 3 tops.



Increasing the overall Day/Night cycle by one hour, divvying that up by giving Night an additional half hour and Day an additional half hour would be nice.



Chalk another person up for preferring nights. It seems like currently the game is stuck in the height of summer with the days being as long as possible.

Infatum on Virtueverse



The lighting and day/night cycle in the game could stand to be improved as a whole. Nothing in CoX compares to the sun setting over Loch Mordan or just before dawn breaks over Dun Morogh.

I wouldn't object to some of the grittier zones getting the "Gotham City red sky" treatment during the day. Would that help satisfy the night hawks here?
