


I spotted a guy the other day trying tog et other people to form a team and run his arc for him.

I told him he should try forming the team himself.

He got offended.

I /ignored him and lol'd at how stupid our community is becoming....

@Mazzo Grave
Webmaster Grave, Virtueverse!
Energy/Energy Blaster Guide
Originally Posted by BackAlleyBrawler View Post
you *******!!!!



u wan join tema?

[/ QUOTE ]


[/ QUOTE ]

r heelz beat relcuse. we rawk and could take on god wit our mad healz.



u wan join tema?

[/ QUOTE ]


[/ QUOTE ]

r heelz beat relcuse. we rawk and could take on god wit our mad healz.

[/ QUOTE ]

i r lvl 2 tank u culd use me fer tankin' n00bs lolololollolololololollloloollololol?

As I was going up the stair
I met a man who wasn't there.
He wasn't there again today.
I wish, I wish, he'd stay away.

-- Hughes Mearns (1875-1965) The Psychoed
Saint Fourth the Patron Saint of Dark Poetry



u wan join tema?

[/ QUOTE ]


[/ QUOTE ]

r heelz beat relcuse. we rawk and could take on god wit our mad healz.

[/ QUOTE ]

i r lvl 2 tank u culd use me fer tankin' n00bs lolololollolololololollloloollololol?

[/ QUOTE ]


This is starting to sound like a normal ingame convo. Damnit Jim, I'm a troll not an actor!



I was running an MA mission with a PUG last weekend, and we were facing lvl 54 somethings. Anyway, we have a near team wipe due to aggro, and those of us that can rez, do. Except for our "leader". He just lays there. At first, we thought it was because he was too close to a mob. But as we started picking off the enemies nearby, he doesn't chat, rez, anything. For twenty minutes, we beat back the bad guys. We lose a couple of people because we aren't "going fast enough", and we can't invite others because our leader is still down/afk/dead. After 25 minutes, we called it quits. I logged off my Tank and let my little girl go play on Infinity.

Funny thing is, when I logged onto my tank HOURS later, through some sort of bug, I was still on the team with the "leader". I logged back into the mission, and there he was, just where we left him. Lol.



How's this for a bad PUG/leader. Joined a villain bank mish and the average lvl for the group was 12. The leader, a stalker, set the dif at Max and when we went in, she exited the mish and told us to let us know when we completed it for her. LOLOLOL. Needless to say it didn't get completed.



I wouldn't have even responded.



Gaelic, it's not a bug if it's an AE mish.

It considers AEs as TF, so if you crash you come back into the team or if you log & the team still doing said Mish/Arc in AE, you come back.

On that note, I WISH THE F'ing MORONS out there would Quit the F'ing Teams!!!! Not log out.

WHY? Cuz I can't invite anyone into the damn team then, while doing the AE Arc, if they QUIT instead of logging like retards, then I can invite someone into the team & fill that spot, instead of having 7 people, with 8 person spawn, cuz number 8 was a tool & logged out.

It may or may not be common knowledge about that, but I wish everyone started teaching folks that, its really farking annoying.


I delete more 50s, then you'll ever have.



I enjoy leading radio pugs. 9 times out of 10 the team doesn't have a death except in rare circumstances.

I dunno what it is about me and leading, but I can get a group of 8 with the above statistic going in about 5-10 minutes. Then again, to speed, I'm not biased against who I select, anyone with a Looking for Any (within -2 to +1) I send them a tell asking, then I start at my level, -1, and then depending on my mood -2 or +1 (I dislike doing +1 if possible because I do Tier 4 diff, meaning they are white on the minions of lower level mobs. However, I do make it clear the level and the difficulty so they know what they are getting into. I always broadcast in the zone, so I invite those who send me a tell even if they need a SK.

When I join groups, sometimes they are shaky, but I often get a "We're doing 5 times better since you've arrived." Naturally, since I'm not there before I arrive, I can neither confirm nor deny that. I consider it an at least mediocre group if no one dies (regardless of how close people get) and the enemies are dead (besides freak accidents to which happen every so often). Everything else scales from there.

50s: Bla- Arch/Mental Cont- Mind/FF, Earth/Cold, Ill/Therm, Earth/Rad Dominator- Plant/Psi, Elec/Earth Corr- Fire/Storm, Arch/Sonic, Rad/Kin, Beam/Sonic, Psi/Time Stalker- Elec/SR Def- Storm/Dark, Emp/Psi, Dark/Elec, FF/Arch, TA/Ice, TA/Elec, Kin/AR, Cold/DP, Traps/Psi Scrap- Fire/Shield Tanker- Dark/Mace, Ice/Kin Brute- Claws/WP, SS/Energy, BS/Elec



Gaelic, it's not a bug if it's an AE mish.

It considers AEs as TF, so if you crash you come back into the team or if you log & the team still doing said Mish/Arc in AE, you come back.

On that note, I WISH THE F'ing MORONS out there would Quit the F'ing Teams!!!! Not log out.

WHY? Cuz I can't invite anyone into the damn team then, while doing the AE Arc, if they QUIT instead of logging like retards, then I can invite someone into the team & fill that spot, instead of having 7 people, with 8 person spawn, cuz number 8 was a tool & logged out.

It may or may not be common knowledge about that, but I wish everyone started teaching folks that, its really farking annoying.


[/ QUOTE ]How do you get out of that? Disband and reform the entire team?



any guides to avoiding bad pugs?

as Ood Sigma said....We will sing to you, Doctor. The universe will sing you to your sleep. This song is ending. But the story never ends.



any guides to avoiding bad pugs?

[/ QUOTE ]

Make sure they're house broken and have had their distemper shots. A good obedience school is nice also.

Oh, not that kind of pug.

Current favs: Champ: Frau Schmeterling-22 MM 50s: NOTW-Blaster, Cat-Girl Commando-corr, Queen of the Dawn-PB, NOTW-Def, Peterbilt-Brute, IcedTNA-Tank, Archilies-scrap, Mann Eater-stalk, Redemptive Soul-toller, Mt Fuji of A-Team-Tank, Hot Stuff Vale-Dom
My MiniCity



forgot the /rimshot

as Ood Sigma said....We will sing to you, Doctor. The universe will sing you to your sleep. This song is ending. But the story never ends.



I accessorize in other way.

Current favs: Champ: Frau Schmeterling-22 MM 50s: NOTW-Blaster, Cat-Girl Commando-corr, Queen of the Dawn-PB, NOTW-Def, Peterbilt-Brute, IcedTNA-Tank, Archilies-scrap, Mann Eater-stalk, Redemptive Soul-toller, Mt Fuji of A-Team-Tank, Hot Stuff Vale-Dom
My MiniCity



I enjoy leading radio pugs. 9 times out of 10 the team doesn't have a death except in rare circumstances.

I dunno what it is about me and leading, but I can get a group of 8 with the above statistic going in about 5-10 minutes.

[/ QUOTE ]

Oh it's not just you. I don't think anyone else's experience is different. It's not the 9 out of 10 that we remember. It's the 1 out of 10 with that one guy who really stunk up the place and got everyone killed that not only stands out, but is funny in retrospect.

Its to that 1 out of 10 (or less... the really really bad ones are even more rare) that this thread is about.

Originally Posted by eltonio View Post
This is over the top mental slavery.



any guides to avoiding bad pugs?

[/ QUOTE ]

Honestly most of the PUGs I've been on in this game in general have been pretty decent. Every once in a while you'll land on one that's totally clueless or has one or two absolute morons whose actions kill the whole team off. The best solution for those is first to ask them to stop being idiots (in the nicest possible way "hey would you mind not aggroing another spawn until we're done fighting the current one?") and failing that either kick them if you're team leader or just leave if you're not.

Originally Posted by eltonio View Post
This is over the top mental slavery.




or just leave if you're not.

[/ QUOTE ]

I feel bad leaving in the middle of a mission. If it gets really bad though, I'll reach down, and hit the off switch on my cable modem till I map serve and go do laundry or dishes or something.




or just leave if you're not.

[/ QUOTE ]

I feel bad leaving in the middle of a mission. If it gets really bad though, I'll reach down, and hit the off switch on my cable modem till I map serve and go do laundry or dishes or something.

[/ QUOTE ]If I'm on a crappy team, I'll try to wait until after the current mission, then say something like "Okay, gonna go do other stuff now. Good luck!"

The only time I've truly bailed on a team was after 11 hours of trying to do the ITF.




or just leave if you're not.

[/ QUOTE ]

I feel bad leaving in the middle of a mission. If it gets really bad though, I'll reach down, and hit the off switch on my cable modem till I map serve and go do laundry or dishes or something.

[/ QUOTE ]If I'm on a crappy team, I'll try to wait until after the current mission, then say something like "Okay, gonna go do other stuff now. Good luck!"

The only time I've truly bailed on a team was after 11 hours of trying to do the ITF.

[/ QUOTE ]

11 hours?!?! I'd be getting screamed at after 4 to go do the dishes or something.



All my bad PUGs experiences have been joining groups that do absolutely nothing. In fact, I'd say 5/6 of the AE teams I've joined were that way, but it's happened a lot with radio mission teams too, blueside.

Want to do blahblahblah? Sure. What I don't want to do? Be invited to a group who takes 45 minutes to pick an AE arc, or 45 minutes between radio missions as 3 people train, 2 run off to buy DOs or SOs, 1 wants to make the shiny new IO they just got after the last mission, and 1 is probably busy ERPing or something since they stand outside of the last mission door doing nothing, saying nothing, never going afk but never responding to tells or teamsay either.

I don't like to rush, I solo as many of my arcs as I can so I can pause and read npc speak, clues, etc. without a team blasting through things. But I play the game to play, and could be enjoying some solo missions or roleplaying with someone rather than standing around waiting for something to happen.




or just leave if you're not.

[/ QUOTE ]

I feel bad leaving in the middle of a mission. If it gets really bad though, I'll reach down, and hit the off switch on my cable modem till I map serve and go do laundry or dishes or something.

[/ QUOTE ]If I'm on a crappy team, I'll try to wait until after the current mission, then say something like "Okay, gonna go do other stuff now. Good luck!"

The only time I've truly bailed on a team was after 11 hours of trying to do the ITF.

[/ QUOTE ]

11 hours?!?! I'd be getting screamed at after 4 to go do the dishes or something.

[/ QUOTE ]Spread over three days. That was my first ITF, too. I'd post the tale again here, but none of it was because there was anything inherently bad about the group . . . it just never worked out.



Another sign is a team of 8 people with no one higher than 14 thinking a 54 boss farm is the fastest way they can get exp.

[/ QUOTE ]

Oh dear lord, /signed. There's always some lvl 8 and a couple buddies trying to lure in a few 50s or high 40s for a 54 boss farm. It's the new "PL meh!"

I don't mind the occasional farm. it eases the pain of getting to some key powers, like Stamina. When I throw a team together, I'll usually do a nice mixed minion/Lt mission, yellows and oranges. No one dies, the xp and tickets flow, and i can easily boot leeches and lamers. Invariably, when we finish, everyone will be so impressed with themselves, they'll demand a boss farm. That's usually when "RL calls" for me.

The latest trend I've noticed (an this all actually may just be ONE person) is people very very impressed with their powers, and wanting to discuss, in battle, about how slick they are.
"OMG, Fire Cages suckahs! I locked down htat whole mobz!!!"
"This build is teh Uber tank! I cannot die! People will beg me for farms!, lolz!!!! And I has Heal Other!
and my fave-
"Bet you never saw a Controller that actually knew how to use Recall Friend RIGHT before!"

Like I said, I might just be teaming with the same idiot's alts.

Stay Gold, Paragon. Stay Gold.
Nolite te bastardes carborundorum.




or just leave if you're not.

[/ QUOTE ]

I feel bad leaving in the middle of a mission. If it gets really bad though, I'll reach down, and hit the off switch on my cable modem till I map serve and go do laundry or dishes or something.

[/ QUOTE ]If I'm on a crappy team, I'll try to wait until after the current mission, then say something like "Okay, gonna go do other stuff now. Good luck!"

The only time I've truly bailed on a team was after 11 hours of trying to do the ITF.

[/ QUOTE ]

11 hours?!?! I'd be getting screamed at after 4 to go do the dishes or something.

[/ QUOTE ]

Go do the Dishes.

My memory's not as sharp as it used to be.
Also, my memory's not as sharp as it used to be.

"The tip of a shoelace is called an aglet, its true purpose is sinister." The Question