


I always enjoy reading about other peoples PUG experiences, and couldn't find an approriate thread on the Virtue forum, so I'll make one. Post your worst (or best) pug experiences here.

Here's one fore you.

I'm on my 50 tank and it starts out fine with a tell

Private Chat
Them: lff?
Me: Sure
(I get an invite, hang around for a few minutes and another person joins the team.)
Team Me: What are we running?
Team Leader: 54 bosses
(I hate 54 bosses because they take to long to fight, and 9 out of 10 times, 54 boss farms I join everyone wipes and we end up doing something else so I avoid them like the plague)
Team Me: eh .... 54 bosses never turn out good.
Team Me: I think I'm going to bow out ... Thanks anyways ...
(At this point I quit the team, and start up my own AE mission. 20 seconds later I get a tell)
Private Chat
Leader: wow, we run this all the time
Me: they never really turn out good.
Leader: 10 mil a run and 20 minutes yeah not good huh?
Me: I can run a map and cap my tickets in 10 minutes
Leader: sorry about YOUR luck, but my real life friends on the team have ultimate sets as well as I and we drop fools quicker than most 52 boss farms
Me: Super ... Have fun then ...
Leader: yeah, drop the attitude and cockiness
Me: attitude eh? I politly drop out and you think I have attitude .....

Would anyone here have handled this any differently? I suppose I could have just replied with good luck! instead of they never really turn out good, but I doubt it would have turned out any differently.



I would have just told him to [censored] off, as I don't do AE farms.



I'm with Spazz, I dislike farming in general. As such, I wouldn't of been interested in the first place. However, I've gotten ticked where it's become more of a "what power set are you?" in tells to join a team. I don't tend to play the normal power sets that everyone direly wants. Force Fields, Trick Arrow, and my most populated Storm Summoning is what I play.

They (for one reason or the other) get picked last for their day on the dodgeball court. I'm uncertain really the reason of this, due to the fact that I, knowing how to play the power sets, can do a great job with them. Sure, I have an Empath, and usually ties with my Mind/FF for TFs when I offer all my characters. It seems that people have become picky as to not only the AT (to a very small degree I understand), but power sets as well?

AE farms have turned into Empathy/Kinetics only asked for. While on Task Forces, it's Radiation Emission/Kinetics with a hint of Empathy for flair. There are other power sets out there. If you have a helpful criticism, I'm down for listening to it. If you have a tactical idea I've not thought of for my powers, I'm really interested in listening. However, asking for certain things for a farm, to which the devs have already said is not only not the point of the game, but also definitely not the point of AE, I find to be silly. I'll take good players (which you can have good unexperienced players, to whom I love dearly actually) and not holding onto false thing of other power sets over ones you've had little experience or not seen a good one in action.

Sure, it's easy to run into bad players of power sets. I've come to find Fire Tankers to be a bit too squishy for my personal tastes, but I'll never reject a Fire Armor Tanker from my teams. Then again, I don't run AE farms either. Maybe there's something magical about AE farms that make you have to have a very particular team build. *shrugs* When I do AE, I'll do it for story lines other people have created, not for mad tickets/XP/etc. That wasn't what it was designed to do, and I'm planning on using it for it's intended purpose.

The one AE farm I was on (for 1 mission) stole 3 levels off my Ice/Energy Defender's life, to which I can never get back. I've remade a few characters, and still enjoy them in the low level ranges along with the mid and high level ranges. Ouroboros is great, but it's hard to find a team to just do them, to which I enjoy teaming much more than having tons of 50s.

Maybe I'm an odd duck, then again from my Atlas Broadcast thread, I'm fairly certain I'm not alone.

50s: Bla- Arch/Mental Cont- Mind/FF, Earth/Cold, Ill/Therm, Earth/Rad Dominator- Plant/Psi, Elec/Earth Corr- Fire/Storm, Arch/Sonic, Rad/Kin, Beam/Sonic, Psi/Time Stalker- Elec/SR Def- Storm/Dark, Emp/Psi, Dark/Elec, FF/Arch, TA/Ice, TA/Elec, Kin/AR, Cold/DP, Traps/Psi Scrap- Fire/Shield Tanker- Dark/Mace, Ice/Kin Brute- Claws/WP, SS/Energy, BS/Elec



I would have just told him to [censored] off.

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Shortened because I do AE farms and I still would have told him the same thing.



Is there anything to do in-game besides TFs and AE farms???

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If there's nothing to do you don't have to stay. I enjoy missions, TF's (of all levels), and just rolling with friends.

The Defenders of Paragon
KGB Special Section 8



Only bad experience I can recall lately was a temporary situation on a Posi TF on another server.

We were on the office mission against CoT. On the second(?) floor, there was one of those corridors that splits and loops back together. It was right before the elevators to the third floor. There was a group of mages in the right hand branch of the corridor - we ran into them and they handed our butts to us.

Most of the team wiped, but a few of us made it into the vators. The team leader was either new, or just over anxious and while we were waiting for the others to get back from the hospital he aggroed one or two of the third floor spawns, which proceded to wipe out the rest of us.

The three that wiped on the third floor went to the hospital about the same time the ones who wiped on the second floor ran right back into the killer second floor spawn. Needless to say, they wiped again. When I got back to the mission, I ran ahead and made sure it was safe to go around the second floor spawn by taking a left in the split corridor. It was.

In team chat I said something like, "When you get to the split corridor in front of the vators, go LEFT and you'll miss the killer spawn." I then waited right where I was and watched as the first person to come down the corridor went right and ran right into the spawn.

I said, "No, Player-X, your OTHER left."

As player X went to the hospital, I watched Player Y and the team leader run down the corridor and go right. "LEFT!" I yelled, "GO LEFFFFFT!!!" Too late - two more players off to the hospital.

Eventually the whole team got back to the mission at the same time, and we decided to try to clear that spawn since apparently no one but me could figure out how to get past them by simply not running head-long into them. We succeeded, moved on to the third floor, and with a little difficulty, but significantly more team work we cleared that floor.

When we finished that particular mission, two of the players declared the TF "hopeless" and "a waste of time" and dropped. Another dropped during or after the next mission. By the halfway point we were down to three, but the leader was beginning to listen to strategic suggestions. The rest of the TF went exceedingly well.

(Sometimes, I wish there could be a Dev thumbs up button for quality posts, because you pretty much nailed it.) -- Ghost Falcon



I once did a Sewer team with three tanks, lead by a controller who thought just because he had the star, he should be the first one into the spawns.

Needless to say, after senseless minutes of yelling 'LET THE TANKS GO FIRST!' We finally gave up and just stocked up on wakies for him.

As I was going up the stair
I met a man who wasn't there.
He wasn't there again today.
I wish, I wish, he'd stay away.

-- Hughes Mearns (1875-1965) The Psychoed
Saint Fourth the Patron Saint of Dark Poetry



Is there anything to do in-game besides TFs and AE farms???

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If there's nothing to do you don't have to stay. I enjoy missions, TF's (of all levels), and just rolling with friends.

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Reread my post, I did not say there is nothing to do. There is TFs and AE.

Paragonian Knights
Justice Company



Is there anything to do in-game besides TFs and AE farms???

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Nope. No story arc missions to run. No market to play with. No RP. No crafting. No bases (Well, there may still be the "Don't modify your base" bug. Don't know offhand.) No PVP. No Ouroboros flashback system. They don't give you a base 50 or so slots to make characters either.

Tales of Judgment. Also here, instead of that other place.

good luck D.B.B.



Is there anything to do in-game besides TFs and AE farms???

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If there's nothing to do you don't have to stay. I enjoy missions, TF's (of all levels), and just rolling with friends.

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Reread my post, I did not say there is nothing to do. There is TFs and AE.

[/ QUOTE ]
so tempted to /jranger on this one....
but heres other things to do
1. lolpvp
2. safeguards
3 hami raids
4 mothership raids
6 wentworths
7 shivan/missles
just because you limited mind can only fanthom AE n TF
doesnt mean the rest of us have limited creativity

as Ood Sigma said....We will sing to you, Doctor. The universe will sing you to your sleep. This song is ending. But the story never ends.



I once did a Sewer team with three tanks, lead by a controller who thought just because he had the star, he should be the first one into the spawns.

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I did that in the LGTF I was in last night. Granted, I was nearly def capped and playing my scrapper (ie was pointed at the enemy and told "go nuts" muahahaha!) But I did it.

As for bad experiences, it had to be doing an anti-matter fight with a team on justice. It was me(kat/regen scrapper which I moved here), a tanker, 2 WS, 2 Def, a DB scrapper, and a blaster. Sounds fine right?

Would have if the players knew what they were doing. Buffs in place? None apart from my own, the other scrapper was out of range, one of the defenders was a TA/A def, blaster was an AR/Dev, one of the WS decided to go dwarf and off tank, The other def was so far off, any buffs/heals only benefited the ranged players. Now the builds wouldn't be the problem if everyone didn't decide that damage was the only thing to do. So, no buffs for the melee units, and no debuffs on anti-matter. 3 wipes and we never got him down below 80%, which was just pathetic for a competent team, but that team was anything but.

Out of the team of 8, the only ones I would go with again was the tanker (who, despite the dwarf WS apparently trying to pull AM off him, held aggro well) and the WS that was at the ranged attacks.



I have a new rule:

If a player contacts me who obviously can't or won't use their "Shift" key, I ignore them completely.

You'd be surprised at how effective this is at weeding out idiots and jerks.

Monstrus - Defenders of Paragon
Blitzkrieg - Gods of the Golden Age
Frankenstein Monster



u wan join tema?



Only one thing to do to a bad pug.... pistol finger!

Let us stifle under mud at the pond's edge
and affirm that it is fitting
and delicious to lose everything. ~ Donald Hall




Private Chat
Them: lf[u]f[u]?
Me: Sure

[/ QUOTE ]

There's where you went wrong. I underlined the warning sign you should watch out for next time.




Another sign is a team of 8 people with no one higher than 14 thinking a 54 boss farm is the fastest way they can get exp.




Private Chat
Them: lf[u]f[u]?
Me: Sure

[/ QUOTE ]

There's where you went wrong. I underlined the warning sign you should watch out for next time.

[/ QUOTE ]

Can't we all just get along?



Was on a PUG with one of my MM's (low 20s), and we were running paper missions. The leader was a female brute who I am pretty sure was a G.I.R.L. Anyways, we had a pretty good mix, with my MM, the SS/shield brute team lead, two dominators, and a pair of corruptors. I figure no problem, I can help the brute tank and the doms can CC the mobs while the corrs burn em down.

Well the team leader had an obsession with being the first one to run into each fight. They MUST be the first one in a spawn. If someone else was close to an unengaged spawn, they'd have to run in IMMEDIATELY. Sometimes they'd leave the current fight we were in to go aggro a whole new spawn just so they could be the first, sometimes abandoning the current fight to do so.

Usually this meant that they'd be in serious trouble within a matter of seconds, and the rest of the team would try to rush to their aid - or worse, they'd realize they were in trouble and come running back with a spawn or two (yes in the desire to be first, they'd aggro multiple spawns) trailing behind them right into everyone else in time for them to die and give the rest of the team aggro . This often meant half or more of the team dying.

And as for sharing aggro with my MM? Forget it. If I'd start drawing aggro, the brute team leader MUST be the one to have the aggro, so s/he'd switch targets constantly to try and keep aggro away from everyone else. This usually resulted in them dying, followed by half the team who collapsed like a house of cards, since they were all trying to save the brute.

It took us over an hour to complete a paper mission, and most of the team died multiple times (except me... thanks to sacrificing my minions to cover my escape when need be, as a proper MM should).

The team leader seemed to think the whole thing was funny and made a bunch of "Rarrr!" type comments about how tough they were both throughout and after the mission. They even actually said "Rarrr!" at one point.

Everyone quit the team after that.

Originally Posted by eltonio View Post
This is over the top mental slavery.



(Well, there may still be the "Don't modify your base" bug. Don't know offhand.)

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Bug long since squashed.

Originally Posted by eltonio View Post
This is over the top mental slavery.



u wan join tema?

[/ QUOTE ]


Originally Posted by eltonio View Post
This is over the top mental slavery.




Was on a PUG with one of my MM's...

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Reminds me of another bad pug I was in on my MM. Damn brute declared himself the aggro sponge. Okay, no problem in that, if he could, oh, I don't know, HOLD AGGRO! No, he'd throw a couple of powers off then move onto another group, leaving us to mop up. I had to deal with two boss mobs at once (thank goodness for my bots) and everyone else was soloing one. He wipes because for some odd reason he thought we were right behind him instead of actually trying to stay alive. So he drops when he tries to get a third group and the second one catches up to him, then expects us to rez him after we finally handle the first group.

8 man team went to 1 in a half second. Pugs went on my do not go list for a couple months after that.




Was on a PUG with one of my MM's...

[/ QUOTE ]

Reminds me of another bad pug I was in on my MM. Damn brute declared himself the aggro sponge. Okay, no problem in that, if he could, oh, I don't know, HOLD AGGRO! No, he'd throw a couple of powers off then move onto another group, leaving us to mop up. I had to deal with two boss mobs at once (thank goodness for my bots) and everyone else was soloing one. He wipes because for some odd reason he thought we were right behind him instead of actually trying to stay alive. So he drops when he tries to get a third group and the second one catches up to him, then expects us to rez him after we finally handle the first group.

8 man team went to 1 in a half second. Pugs went on my do not go list for a couple months after that.

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I knew an ice tanker that did that. Oddly enough, I found myself on the same team with him quite a few times. I recall one of the PUG's I was on with him, we all went up an elevator, and the defenders on the team started buffing everyone, and the tank runs away while we were buffing, and dies on a nearby group, then leaves cause the healer isn't doing his job.