WHY!?!!?!?!? Blizzard is *not* a pet!




I agree considering the other nukes are all instant I think.

all I know is money $ $




CDN, I accpet the apology you're about to make.

[/ QUOTE ]

You can "accpet" whatever you want, whatever that is. Your point is as useless as your spelling ability.




CDN, I accpet the apology you're about to make.

[/ QUOTE ]

You can "accpet" whatever you want, whatever that is. Your point is as useless as your spelling ability. I will kill you with my hair dryer of doom! I am also [censored].

[/ QUOTE ]

Nice way to change my quote there CDN. I don't make spelling mistakes.




Suichiro, I'll accept the apology you're about to make to me as well.

[/ QUOTE ]

LOL, you don't know me well at all. I won't make personal attacks on your character, but you're obviously at fault here.

You used a giant AoE, which does significant damage and slows. You have no damage mitigation from your set aside from a -dam debuff that makes the enemies even more mad. You sat there and took damage instead of getting around cover, or letting your teammates take aggro first.

It's your fault. Period.

You can whine all about it, if you'd like. I won't stop you from complaining, though to everyone else but you, it's obvious that you want the game to change because you did something stupid. It's really that simple.

If you want to survive your big AoE nukes, then play a secondary set that will support it better. All of this is compounded by a big fat sign saying "lol kin."

http://www.virtueverse.net/wiki/Massacre_Melanie -the original Fire/Dark Corruptor -
The Guide to BURN



Unchecking the 'edit' button doesn't count.

[/ QUOTE ]





Not once did I say this happens a lot. The assumptions that I'm a poor player and should change my playstyle are absurd.

Here's a scenario just for some of you naysayers:

I'm on my ice kin. I hit FS, aim, ice storm and blizzard. THEN I want to pop a blue and transference off of a target that still has health.

As an example we'll use a nice juicy herd in the ITF, first mission at the altar you lead Sister Solaris to. A couple of the bad guys get in some lucky shots as I'm trying to get away after I tranference off of the Minotaur.

I at least want the satisfaction of my nuke finishing.

I shouldn't have to go this far to justify this and I probably should've just bugged it and not posted.

Suichiro, I'll accept the apology you're about to make to me as well.

[/ QUOTE ]

My Nova doesn't do damage if I die while it's going off, and I don't have the luxury of firing it from around a corner.

Why on earth should your nuke, which does more damage than mine, has more secondary effects, and can be fired from out of LoS, keep damaging after you die when no one else's does?

Wavicle, Energy/Energy Blaster, dinged 50 in Issue 4, summer of 2005.
@Wavicle, mostly on the Justice server.



Why on earth should your nuke, which does more damage than mine, has more secondary effects, and can be fired from out of LoS, keep damaging after you die when no one else's does?

[/ QUOTE ]

Because it's in progress. The power has already fired.

But you know what, I took a nap and I thought about this. Those that say I'm a whiner and my point is ridiculous are right. Why would I ever complain about a power that does such tremendous damage and has such outstanding mitigation.

It's my fault for not being able to stay alive for 15 seconds. Because you know I get defeated a lot. I think I've only gotten one full Blizzard off out of 30 or so.

Bucn of [censored] [censored] [censored].



Why on earth should your nuke, which does more damage than mine, has more secondary effects, and can be fired from out of LoS, keep damaging after you die when no one else's does?

[/ QUOTE ]

Because it's in progress. The power has already fired.

But you know what, I took a nap and I thought about this. Those that say I'm a whiner and my point is ridiculous are right. Why would I ever complain about a power that does such tremendous damage and has such outstanding mitigation.

It's my fault for not being able to stay alive for 15 seconds. Because you know I get defeated a lot. I think I've only gotten one full Blizzard off out of 30 or so.

Bucn of [censored] [censored] [censored].

[/ QUOTE ]Then you suck. Seriously, if my suicidal blaster stayed alive for the whole duration of the Blizzard that does KD, slows, and debuffs ToHit, and your corruptor, that has stuff like Siphon Speed, FS, Siphon Power, and Repel to be able to stay alive much better, can't, quite frankly, you suck at squishies, and should go roll a brute.

Originally Posted by Back Alley Brawler
Did you just use "casual gamer" and "purpled-out warshade" in the same sentence?
Apostrophe guidelines.



You're assuming this happens a lot. I stated a fact from the very beginning and even put a lighthearted spin on it. Blizzard dissapears while in progress if the caster gets defeated.

Nowhere in this should the question of skill come into the picture or discussion. Instead there are insults and accusations being strewn about. And you have no idea what kind of player I am. But in the end it shouldn't even matter.

However for fun I'd be willing to put up your house (or box) that I'm a better player than you.

I'll meet you in the arena. Your blaster vs. my kin, [censored].



First; Blizzard is a pet.

Second; I don't have any characters that get to keep killing stuff after getting defeated, I don't think your set should be an exception, especially since the exception that you want does way more than just about any other power that exists.

Third; responding to those flaming you by flaming them never leads to anything good.




I'll meet you in the arena. Your blaster vs. my kin, [censored].

[/ QUOTE ]


Perhaps if you were a little more mature in your approach, you wouldn't need to preemptively accpet so many apologies.


Weatherby_Goode - "Heck, Carrion Creepers negates the knockdown from Carrion Creepers."



While you're at it can you bug Lightning Storm as well.



I'm just going to come out and say it.

The assumptions that I'm a poor player and should change my playstyle are absurd.

[/ QUOTE ]

Seriously, don't ask that they change blizzard. It'll end up being something far far worse.

The blizzard is a, for "roleplay" reasons, a concentration power. That's how you manage to get a blizzard going indoors. It's not like you started that thing a thousand feet up and now you're just letting it all hit one spot. You are literally forming each part of it through concentration.

Granted, you're Super enough that you don't have to sit there with a 15 second log concentration emote and you can activate other powers.

If they change it so being defeated doesn't stop it, then it will probably become one giant ball of ice that hits once, does horrible damage, and if you do roll a proper scourge it will just heal your opponent.

Seriously, Blizzard is fine.

And if you want to do the arena thing against a blaster, go ahead. My ice/ice/ice will stop your kin any day. So please, for the love of god, threaten me to an arena duel. I'll just Throw down six holds and blizzard you to death.



Why does Blizzard disappear if the caster gets defeated while it's raining down?

This is so not fair!

[/ QUOTE ]

it does seems a little off that things like blizzard, caltrops, gun drone etc vanish if you die while npc ones dont



Why does Blizzard disappear if the caster gets defeated while it's raining down?

This is so not fair!

[/ QUOTE ]

it does seems a little off that things like blizzard, caltrops, gun drone etc vanish if you die while npc ones dont

[/ QUOTE ]

But shouldn't the NPC versions disappear when their target dies? At least that is how the MM minion version works, when the Jounin use caltrops once that enemy dies they disappear as well.




You're assuming this happens a lot. I stated a fact from the very beginning and even put a lighthearted spin on it. Blizzard dissapears while in progress if the caster gets defeated.

Nowhere in this should the question of skill come into the picture or discussion. Instead there are insults and accusations being strewn about. And you have no idea what kind of player I am. But in the end it shouldn't even matter.

However for fun I'd be willing to put up your house (or box) that I'm a better player than you.

I'll meet you in the arena. Your blaster vs. my kin, [censored].

[/ QUOTE ]

I don't think you're a bad player...but I do think you're complaining about an absurdly good power.

Wavicle, Energy/Energy Blaster, dinged 50 in Issue 4, summer of 2005.
@Wavicle, mostly on the Justice server.



Seriously, don't ask that they change blizzard. It'll end up being something far far worse.

[/ QUOTE ]
A thousand times this. OP if you've been paying any attention to what's been going on lately you should see the truth in this. Keep your yap shut.

Also would you please preemptively accpet my apology? I don't want to feel left out.



Price you pay for having by far the most powerful nuke in the game. It's hard to get the full damage of it. But in return it does more damage than other nukes, controls the spawn for the duration, and can kill more than 16 enemies.

Also, if they did change it for blizzard, they better change it for powers like rain of arrows, rain of fire, ice storm, pretty much every arrow in trick arrow, sleet, tar patch, and so on.

As a side note, I know it's not a game limitation that the patch disappears when the player dies. It is possible for them to code patches to stay. They've changed npc powers to and from sticking, the necromancy soul extract power sticks, and I believe there are other examples. So it's got to be intentional design.



How's this for the solution concerning this "bug" about Blizzard:


So far, this tactics has worked for me on any rain power that I use, as well as any other power in the game. Once I die, well then, I can't get any powers to work. So I advise avoiding dying as much as possible for the greatest potential.



I'd have to agree with SpiderTeo, you may want to look at your build and have it reviewed. Some +DEF can go a long way to making you more survivable. I know we took our sonic/sonic corr friend who kept having * Snarf like moments in missions and converted him from dying 5 times per mish run to not dying. I do kind of miss his comical deaths though. Now even when he tries to get killed he ends up failing.

* Snarf = that stupid comic relief pet in Thundercats



To be frank, I'd consider /bugging Gang war and the Warshade pets because they DO persist after the death of the creator. Even though I consider it completely ridiculous thematically for your controllable pets to drop dead of heart attacks when you are defeated. Gameplay-wise, however, it makes perfect sense for everything you own to stop upon being defeated. I know *I* would be complaining if every Family LT's Full Auto would continue to damage me even after I killed them.

I guess we'll just have to accpet these limitations of gameplay design.

QFT = Quoted For Truth ; QFT = Quit $^#(ing Talking



I know *I* would be complaining if every Family LT's Full Auto would continue to damage me even after I killed them.

[/ QUOTE ]
That's a bad example in that it doesn't create a pet. Think more along the lines of "why should I have to wait for the Spectral Terror from the MI in the boss spawn or all of these KoA caltrops to fade before the mission ends" - which you have to do - instead.

I guess we'll just have to accpet these limitations of gameplay design.

[/ QUOTE ]

Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
it has gone from unconscionable to downright appalling that we have no way of measuring our characters' wetness.
Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
It's hard to beat the entertainment value of Whackjob Wednesdays.



you suck at squishies, and should go roll a brute.

[/ QUOTE ]

You told him he sucks at playing squishies and yet, told him to roll a Brute. Didn't you mean for him to roll a Tank?