WHY!?!!?!?!? Blizzard is *not* a pet!





That's a bad example in that it doesn't create a pet. Think more along the lines of "why should I have to wait for the Spectral Terror from the MI in the boss spawn or all of these KoA caltrops to fade before the mission ends" - which you have to do - instead.

[/ QUOTE ]
Good point. I'll bug that when I go in the game again.

[/ QUOTE ]
Please don't make fun of me because I make a Bucn of spelling mistakes. If we do that, then all civility dissapears from this thread.

QFT = Quoted For Truth ; QFT = Quit $^#(ing Talking



I never said it happens a lot you bunch of homos. [censored] [censored] [censored]. Learn how to [censored] read.

If you don't die on a corruptor with a nuke like Blizzard at least once then you're not doing something right.

So ya'll must suck at squishies. Go roll a Wow.

Hah! Suck it!



I never said it happens a lot you bunch of homos. [censored] [censored] [censored]. Learn how to [censored] read.

If you don't die on a corruptor with a nuke like Blizzard at least once then you're not doing something right.

So ya'll must suck at squishies. Go roll a Wow.

Hah! Suck it!

[/ QUOTE ]

Guys, I seriously starting to think someone hacked Fritz's account and is trying to make him look bad.

QFT = Quoted For Truth ; QFT = Quit $^#(ing Talking



He's got Richard Simmons as his avatar, how much worse could it get?!



Go roll a Wow.

[/ QUOTE ]

...What does that even mean?



Go roll a Wow. I love it.


Weatherby_Goode - "Heck, Carrion Creepers negates the knockdown from Carrion Creepers."



Sorry Fitz, you're over the line now. *presses the shiny notify moderator button*

http://www.virtueverse.net/wiki/Massacre_Melanie -the original Fire/Dark Corruptor -
The Guide to BURN



wow, this thread is hilariously bad.



I never said it happens a lot you bunch of homos. [censored] [censored] [censored]. Learn how to [censored] read.

If you don't die on a corruptor with a nuke like Blizzard at least once then you're not doing something right.

So ya'll must suck at squishies. Go roll a Wow.

Hah! Suck it!

[/ QUOTE ]

Guys, I seriously starting to think someone hacked Fritz's account and is trying to make him look bad.

[/ QUOTE ]

No he has done a perfectly good job of that himself. As I was reading the thread I had a point to post in his favor. I was also going to comment on some people poor comments towards him. Now all I think is they were right. Now I have decided to ignore him. Sad...

Indig , leader of the City of Gaymers

City of Gaymers on Guildportal.com



I never said it happens a lot you bunch of homos. [censored] [censored] [censored]. Learn how to [censored] read.

If you don't die on a corruptor with a nuke like Blizzard at least once then you're not doing something right.

So ya'll must suck at squishies. Go roll a Wow.

Hah! Suck it!

[/ QUOTE ]

Guys, I seriously starting to think someone hacked Fritz's account and is trying to make him look bad.

[/ QUOTE ]

No he has done a perfectly good job of that himself. As I was reading the thread I had a point to post in his favor. I was also going to comment on some people poor comments towards him. Now all I think is they were right. Now I have decided to ignore him. Sad...

Indig , leader of the City of Gaymers

[/ QUOTE ]

Im at a loss then, he posted his opinion and alot of you guys attacked him for posting it (not you in particular). Calling him a bad player and an idiot. While I dont agree with him, he had every right to get defensive lol. Besides how hard is it to read the sarcasm in half of his posts?

Just my 2 inf at least.



Im at a loss then, he posted his opinion and alot of you guys attacked him for posting it (not you in particular). Calling him a bad player and an idiot. While I dont agree with him, he had every right to get defensive lol. Besides how hard is it to read the sarcasm in half of his posts?

Just my 2 inf at least.

[/ QUOTE ]

Thank you. Sarcasm is never popular with everyone. And apparently neither are posts about Blizzard.

I'm sorry about the [censored] comment Gaymer. But if you want to say something negative about Jews go ahead, I'm Jewish. I can take it.

I guess more people need to report this thread as inappropriate, Mod08 still hasn't closed it down.

I wonder if I can report myself. I'm going to try it after this post.

Edit: Odd, [censored] is censored but the plural homos isn't.



But railing against limitations of the game engine is a silly thing to do.

[/ QUOTE ]

I simply disagree. If it's a limitation with the engine then they should fix the engine. A power like this should work how you'd expect it to work. That's common sense. This isn't a catchall post so I'd like to see every power that disappears when the caster is defeated be fixed where appropriate. Ice storm, sleet, oil slick, immobs, whatever makes sense.

I don't think it's silly at all.

[/ QUOTE ]

It's not a limitation of the engine. It's a limitation of the logic. And the logic is required.

If it weren't a persistent object, there'd be no way to start the damage when the mobs entered it. It's either applied at the beginning of attack to the enemy as a dot (an attribute or effect on the enemy), or it's applied by a pet aura (as a check on all enemies against the pet location). If the attribute is applied to the enemy's object, then it cannot keep reapplying when entering some defined area. Since the code runs by objects that interact, it's impossible to apply this type of damage abstractly, or you lose the model.

Every area of effect that isn't applied to the enemy object, must be a persistent object..... that's a restriction of a machine that allows something more complex than structured code.

That restriction is a freedom that allows multitasking without using an infinite amount of threads. Which in turn allows games to even exist.

So it's not silly.

Now, they can do something about the pet dying when the owner dies.... that's not a limitation of logic, but rather a rule applied to the logic.



I believe the problem here is PEBKAC.

In the course of developing a game, behavioral structure is needed in order to determine what can and cannot be done. Every game has limitations for this reason. To completely rework the code so one certain feature might work in the future would take tremendous effort that could be spent more efficiently on new things (See upcoming releases). Now are you going to suggest that you staying alive is worth more resources to deal with than power customization and going rogue?

Now gameplay:

You are playing a squishy. If the mob looks at you funny, you die. What you are intending to do is fulcrum shift a mob and nuke it, and who knows what else... that grabs aggro. Given that not every brute out there takes taunt, it is highly likely that you will grab aggro and things will begin to try to hurt you.

How hard is it for you to swallow a few lucks and sturdies to prepare for the oncoming death to follow? It seems to me that if you took this much effort to argue this point, that had you applied the same effort to figuring out how to survive, you just might not even have this problem.

The RPer perspective: does Storm get to cast a storm if she's knocked unconscious?

I don't buy your arguments, and I don't think the developers need to waste any of their time on this when they have more pressing concerns (AE, Rogue, Power Customization).



How hard is it for you to swallow a few lucks and sturdies to prepare for the oncoming death to follow?

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm not going to dignify this with an answer. Dignify's a good word, eh? I hope I used it right.

The RPer perspective: does Storm get to cast a storm if she's knocked unconscious?

[/ QUOTE ]

If she's a blaster then yes.

How hard is it to understand that I'm talking about a power that's already in progress here. I'm not expecting to shoot a fireball out of my [censored] while I'm being impaled on a minotaur's axe.

That would be cool though, eh?

Edit: If Cyclops starts a fire does the fire just go away if he's knocked unconscious?

Edit: If I fart and then I faint because of it does it stop smelling? It does 4d8 damage over 30 seconds. It shouldn't stop smelling or causing damage to my stupid cat if I'm not awake anymore.



Thanks for the technical explanation. Doesn't make sense to me but I can appreciate it.

I guess there would be no way to just say x power has a duration of x number of seconds?

Anyway I think I've gone way beyond being a dead horse. I've [censored] it in the [censored] and called it my [censored].




To be frank, I'd consider /bugging Gang war and the Warshade pets because they DO persist after the death of the creator.

[/ QUOTE ]

Warshade pets *already* have a limitation - you must be able to get to a defeated enemy with enough time left before the body vanishes in order to spawn one. If the body starts vanishing before the animation finishes, it fails... but still takes up END, and still has to recharge. The pet itself is also of limited duration.

Sounds like plenty of limitations to me.




Edit: If Cyclops starts a fire does the fire just go away if he's knocked unconscious?

[/ QUOTE ]

Depends on how much wood is left.

Cyclops' blasts are concussive force, so yeah, they would stop
firing if he fell unconscious.



How hard is it for you to swallow a few lucks and sturdies to prepare for the oncoming death to follow?

[/ QUOTE ]
I'm not going to dignify this with an answer. Dignify's a good word, eh? I hope I used it right.

[/ QUOTE ]

My apologies if I came across as rude.

Dignify is the right word. I tried to make my point nicely. The harsher way would have been to write LRN2PLAYNUB.

Put nicely, when you do nuke, you are placing yourself at risk. Given how infrequently you use one, it is a good idea to prepare for the aftermath of the nuke. 4 small lucks soft-cap you. Inspirations drop frequently.

Also, I was not very clear about my RP argument. Let me see if I can be a little more clear.

Forget about the game. It stands to reason that if you are taken out, what you created should disappear as nature reverts back to the natural order as the energy you exert to maintain this radically different climate is no longer happening. In comics you see this happen when Storm is taken out after summoning her namesake. In other words, I see it as "working as intended".

However, from a player perspective, I completely understand why you would want this. If I am careless when I nuke, I know I will die. Many players adapt after dying a few times. What I am suggesting is that you change your playing habits so you can enjoy blizzard.



Let me suggest this to you:

LRN2READ. I've stated several times here that I don't die often and that the claims that I do and am a bad player are absurd. ABSURD!




First of all, I am not in the mood to be baited. You are overly aggressive - implying you believe that those people are out to get you. It is seen throughout your topic. Your tone of voice is why you have gotten some of the more negative reactions.

Secondly, not everyone reads the entire topic top down before making a reply, especially since this one quickly devolved into bickering. Having now read the entire topic, I see you said several times that you are not a bad player. What I now find amusing is how many of us actually assumed this. I believe it is how you first came across, and of course, typical forum reactions to posts like this.

Thirdly, did you read my post or stop at LRN2PLAY? I explained a logical reason why blizzard should not persist. I do not see you disputing that reason. I also stated that I understand from a player's perspective that losing a nuke is annoying.

I would suggest that you take a hard look at your posts in this topic. Is this exactly how you want to represent yourself? I get some of the dry humor present, but the amount of implied vulgarity and passive-aggressive attitude helps nobody - especially if you want to argue a point. It is in your best interests to appear friendly and rational, even to those that may upset you.

I also took my own advice. As I reread my first post, I see that I did come across as a bit smug. I hope my other two posts were less so. I probably shouldn't have even posted. That is my apology.



It stands to reason that if you are taken out, what you created should disappear as nature reverts back to the natural order as the energy you exert to maintain this radically different climate is no longer happening.

[/ QUOTE ]
I'll buy RP reasons as soon as they apply to mobs as well. Until then it's purely mechanics.



Let me suggest this to you:

LRN2READ. I've stated several times here that I don't die often and that the claims that I do and am a bad player are absurd. ABSURD!


[/ QUOTE ]

Possibly, but you do make stupid analogies. That loses you the argument right there.
