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  1. It depends entirely on the enemy type. There are MANY sources of defdebuff in the game these days. Building for defense w/ incarnate content and no DDR is especially futile.

    I used to love and adore DA w/ defense stacked on top of it. However, little energy resists and rampant defdebuffs in trials has left me discouraged with the set.

    So, to reiterate, it depends on what you want to tackle. Even with IOs, every set has an achilles' heal.
  2. I thought the taunt aura would be a priority for any of the armor sets without one?
  3. I toyed around with the gun attacks once upon a time but the constant redraw between them, suppression, and patron annoyed me to no end. I'm now using a melee-ranged hybrid w/ slice, arm lash, frenzy, & scirocco. Great (fast) single target as well as AoE.

    Regardless of what you end up doing, I would stay away from longfang. It's horrendously slow.
  4. kinaki

    Which build?

    It depends on how you play.

    Storm has the capability to make the best use of ranged defense of any power set in the entire game. But that is only if you are active (and familiar) with hurricane. Even with capped rng def, however, a single sleep/stun/hold will ruin your day if you have the attention of 20 mobs in a corner.

    Personally, I would go with rng def + clarion. And fissure frankenslotted for range, stun, damage, and recharge.
  5. The thing is, you can turn an SR into a behemoth, endgame. You won't need EA's bag of tricks because you won't [5%] get hit. The fact remains that EA has two major holes you won't be able to cover up no matter how much inf you throw at the problem.

    My original point stands: SR has better potential. If you want to just log in every now and again and not obsessively try taking on anything and everything, both sets have their place. But, as for the OP's crown for "best" defense secondary, I would certainly not give it to EA.
  6. Stealth, you don't need full stealth on a defense character. Use an IO and be done with it.
    A heal, already referenced.
    Endurance management, already referenced.
    Resists? Pretty anemic to use as a selling point.
    Taunt aura, ok, this one's applicable, but only because we're on the scrapper forum.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hopeling View Post
    /SR does do better in some edge cases, but IMX they are indeed edge cases, while /EA's advantages come into play much more often.
    What advantages? EA's only real leg up on SR is the heal... and it's on such a long timer that it becomes an emergency power more than anything.

    Quickness -vs- Entropic aura: it's a wash! constant 20% rech vs inconsistent aura values.
    Energy drain? End sapping with a single power is a novelty. And End sapping without an aura such as lightning field to keep your enemies bottomed out? Pointless. If you're using this skill for endurance management, you should likely implement IO's more wisely (unless you have no IO access).

    In the end, you're comparing a heal every 40 seconds to superior survivability. I'd rather have the ability to withstand an onslaught and not have my defense values debuffed than being able to heal every now and again. That's what rebirth is for.
  8. Personally, I hate sets with glaring holes like EA. Little or no psi/toxic protection already makes it subpar, but then you add in mediocre DDR to compound the problem. I understand that it has plenty of novelty, but I would never try to powergame on an EA. SR, while more mundane, is simply better from a maximum potential point of view - especially when combined with Rebirth.
  9. Depends on the armor set. In this case (SR), regen all the way.
  10. Spines can immobilize? :P You're talking about impale? I would never plan a melee build around an ST immobilize... doubly so for Destiny!

    Out of all resist sets, I used to view DA as the champ. However, with incarnate content and rampant levels of energy damage (and def debuffs), I have often considered making a spines/ela to replace my spines/dark... Electric armor has no outright holes, per se; its major weakness comes with having a heal on such a long timer. Aside from that (and the crappy tier 9 crash), it's a solid set.

    Edit: I'd forgotten about toxic... damn you, arachnoids!
  11. Thanks, you two. Reading that link now.
  12. I'm getting an urge to make a -bash-your-foes-with-your-bare-fists character. After getting my crab to 50 and beyond, I'd like a contrasting character that can annihilate bosses/EBs/Avs. Assuming a lot of +recharge, which of the above has better ST damage?
  13. This has got to be one of the silliest threads I've seen.

    Your problem with doms is actually a problem with your playstyle.
  14. Point blank stun + cone-based immob. Another cumbersome disappointment I had overlooked...
  15. Impeded Swiftness: Chance for Smashing Damage
  16. Omega Maneuver's major issue doesn't really stem from its IO set category. And Longfang's problem is primarily its subpar animation time.
  17. Storm summoning and dark armor.

    Even if I haven't played one of my stormies in months, I'll still run into these perfect scenarios where I think, "what a great spot for hurricane!"
  18. Yes, it does. 15seconds in fact. I was contemplating rolling yet another stormy with it until I saw that the stun is pbAoE... which would be quite annoying to fit in with herdicaning.
  19. And again.

    Huzzah. Back to back crashes. Luckily, I no longer need the 60 threads. Swearing off this crap until it gets patched.
  20. kinaki


    Also your only defdebuff resistance.
  21. Tired of this bug. It isn't exactly a tedium-free trial to end up losing due a crash 2 seconds prior to final Maelstrom fight.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Combat View Post
    Other characters either get enough defense to protect against debuffs despite the lack of DDR or have much better resists, MaxHP, and/or regeneration.
    While that's true for crabs, it's not with Banes. Additionally, my current crab is a combo of melee and cones w/ softcapped positionals and near 200% recharge. But all that goes out the window if he agroes a x8 spawn of arachnos without a pre-emptive Luck. Still, it's a fun character w/ an achilles' heal - godmode all the time can be downright boring. So, I welcome the balancing to /SD that comes about through the Hami nerf.
  23. If a crab is going to be your new main, you're sure to gain a new appreciation for just how handy 70% ddr can be
  24. Dark Control does indeed look nice. It helps make up for just how godawful Dark Assault is.
  25. Masterminds.

    I forced myself every day to log into my lone MM to simply tell myself one day that I had an MM 50. Never again. So boring.