Superadine: negative effects.




I recently had an idea for a character revolving Superadyne but me research on the drug seems to have come up short. Specifically, I'm not seeing any information on the negative side effects of Superadine.

<ul type="square">KNOWN EFFECTS[*]sense of profound confidence and euphoria[*]increased endurance and strength[*]mild hallucinogen[*]highly addicting[*]the ability to see, and even travel to other dimensions (only 1% of users)[*]mutations: turns you into a troll (only negative affect)[*]turns trolls into SupaTrolls (only when unrefined Supradine on trolls?)[*]massive cerebral imbalance when mixed with Rage, usually fatal (also negative but not from just Supradine?)[*]insanity (only in the 1% that get inter-dimensional abilities?)[/list]
This list seems rather light on negative effects. I work in health care so perhaps I'm asking to much, I would have expected to see worst. Are there additional clues in game that might suggest more?

The manufacture of Superadine remains a mystery? We still don't know who makes it? We still don't know anything about the folks Babs arrested for this? Why was the Midnight Club involved in Bab's raid?

Is this all the info we have?

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Turning into a troll isn't enough of a side effect????????



Not sure this has been mentioned in canon but as far as I can tell it's biggest negative effect is a decrease in intelligence over time.

Strong like bull, smart like box of rocks.

Writer of In-Game fiction: Just Completed: My Summer Vacation. My older things are now being archived at until I come up with a better solution.



You don't think being a hallucinogen and highly addictive are negative effects?

Also, it's obvious that Dyne suppresses female hormones/increases male hormones, as evidenced by the fact that you never find any apparently female Trolls
/em tinfoilhat



Sure there are female trolls.... they are the ones with the biggest man-boobs. True story!



... so... irreversible brain damage isn't a negative side effect?

Just... y'know, asking &gt;.&gt;

"A soft answer turneth away wrath. Once wrath is looking the other way, shoot it in the head." Seven Habits of Highly Effective Pirates

MA Arcs: #12285, "Small Fears", #106553, "Trollbane", #12669, "How to Survive a Robot Uprising"



You've got "turning into a troll" as just one thing, where as it's many.

First, you have the fact that it destroys your intelligence, possibly permanently, to the point where even constructing simple sentences is practically impossible.

You become emotionally unstable, prone to fits of rage and aggression, plus apparently sadism as well (Trolls REALLY like hurting people and destroying things, they even keep slaves).

Then there's the physical changes, you become much stronger, which would be good if not mixed in with the uncontrollable aggression. You turn green and grow horns.

I'd also called "highly addictive" a negative attribute.



You don't think being a hallucinogen and highly addictive are negative effects?

Also, it's obvious that Dyne suppresses female hormones/increases male hormones, as evidenced by the fact that you never find any apparently female Trolls
/em tinfoilhat

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Don't highly advanced types of Trolls lose the ability to mate?



This is really doom.



You don't think being a hallucinogen and highly addictive are negative effects?

Also, it's obvious that Dyne suppresses female hormones/increases male hormones, as evidenced by the fact that you never find any apparently female Trolls
/em tinfoilhat

[/ QUOTE ]

Oh, dere girl-trolls.

Now.. what you say bout troll talk? All me saw was big words. Like to choppa.

Global: @Pandemonia

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First, you have the fact that it destroys your intelligence, possibly permanently, to the point where even constructing simple sentences is practically impossible.

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While probably true, I can find no evidence of this. We know they go insane, which could be enough to disrupt basic communication but Julius the Troll does not appear to suffer this to the same degree. One could argue Superadine addicts weren't too intelligent to begin with. Can anyone point me to where is says Superadine makes you stupid?

Turning into a troll isn't enough of a side effect?

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I would, but that's debatable.

You don't think being a hallucinogen and highly addictive are negative effects?

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I would, but your average drug user wouldn't. In my experience, drug users would specifically seek out hallucinogens and would careless if it was addictive.

Also, it's obvious that Dyne suppresses female hormones/increases male hormones, as evidenced by the fact that you never find any apparently female Trolls

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I over looked this fact. Thank you. Based on this one could extrapolate a number of negative effects similar to those seen for long term steroid use. That helps, TY.

A guess I should have specified what I meant by negative effects. Abusing chemical substances is bad. EVERYONE knows this yet the problem persists. Social, economic, and legal ramifications of drug use have never been more than a cursory deterrent. Negative biological effects were more specifically what I was referring to. While turning into a green troll would certainly viewed as negative to the average citizen, there will always be the odd wacko that would accept it for a good high. Coronary artery disease, organ death, brain damage, impotence, were more along the lines of negative effects I was looking for.

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You don't think being a hallucinogen and highly addictive are negative effects?

Also, it's obvious that Dyne suppresses female hormones/increases male hormones, as evidenced by the fact that you never find any apparently female Trolls
/em tinfoilhat

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Don't highly advanced types of Trolls lose the ability to mate?

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The comparison to steroid abuse seems so prevalent that seems like a safe assumption.

SI Radio has many DJs and listeners whom hold City of Heroes close to their hearts. We will be supporting many efforts to keep CoH ALIVE!!



Slight tangent, but I've always wondered: why is the "street name" for Superadine "Dyne"? It's not pronounced "SuperadYne"; no drug with "-ine" ever is. We don't say morphYne or ketamYne.

Or is it just because Trolls, Family, etc. are stupid and just wouldn't know that?

Storm Summoning is great because it makes you better than everyone else in the game. - Camma

Knockback is mitigation. It won't be removed just because meleers ***** and moan. - Chaos Creator



I think that's sort of the point with Supradyne, Des.

It's highly addicting, hallucinogenic, and can turn you into a super-freak (Super freak! Super freak! You supa freakay) if you take enough of it. That's the draw - the lure to get more people to take it, to get more money, to make more of the stuff to...

See also: Cocaine and similar drugs.



While probably true, I can find no evidence of this.

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All Troll NPC chat contains extremely poor articulation and minimal use of words more advanced than a third grader's vocabulary. This includes Julius to a high degree as well.

One could argue Superadine addicts weren't too intelligent to begin with.

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Street thugs and gangsters, in my experience, don't say "you make up mind" "I no like" etc. Unless they're foreigners with minimal grasp of English.



This is really doom.



I thought I read somewhere that the Family have a "pure" strain of superdyne that has none of the Troll side effects. They just sell the highly addictive version to the Trolls.

Pinnacle: Hold my beer. Watch this!
Always remember that you are absolutely unique. Just like everyone else.
MA arc #117314!! Try it nao!!



I thought I read somewhere that the Family have a "pure" strain of superdyne that has none of the Troll side effects. They just sell the highly addictive version to the Trolls.

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This is think some of the famly bosses have this in there bio and i think its a combo of Dyne and "Black Market Tec" which is little more than magic hand waving on the Devs part. In short they don't say much about Superdyne other than it being a reason for your average Joe to become a troll or for The Family to be able to deal with super powered threats.

But what about the high quality Superadine that the Family uses? Does it eventually make you green, stupid, impotent and insane too?

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I would have to say that the "clean" version's only down side is that it is slightly addictive but that is just a gess.

Captain Den'Rath 53* Merk/Traps MM, Rivona 50Energy Blast/Time Cor,Victoria Von Heilwig 53* Dual Pistols/Traps Cor, Crab Spider Webguard 53* SOA, Accela 53* Bot/FF MM,Valkyrie's Executor 53* Broadsword/Shield Def Scrap. On FREEDOM! @Knight Of Bronze
"Hypocrisy, the human inherent." "Let not this work be wasted, apply yourself always."



But what about the high quality Superadine that the Family uses? Does it eventually make you green, stupid, impotent and insane too?

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I had overlooked this 'clean' Family version of 'Dyne. Thanks.

SI Radio has many DJs and listeners whom hold City of Heroes close to their hearts. We will be supporting many efforts to keep CoH ALIVE!!



You don't think being a hallucinogen and highly addictive are negative effects?

Also, it's obvious that Dyne suppresses female hormones/increases male hormones, as evidenced by the fact that you never find any apparently female Trolls
/em tinfoilhat

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Oh, dere girl-trolls.

Now.. what you say bout troll talk? All me saw was big words. Like to choppa.

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Not all of them are so big and ineloquent.

I just presumed that maybe the superadine-induced transformation into a Troll is fatal most of the time for women.



For a model of Superadine that implies that increased use kills the body through physical burn-out (as well as reducing intelligence), take a look at the MA arc "David and Goliath" by @Dispari.

You might try asking your questions in Manticore's new "Fodder for the Canon" lore question thread.

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-and 40 others on various servers

A CoH Comic: Kid Eros in "One Light"



Said by Jose Brogan while on a mission from Antonio Nash:

I heard there were some Skulls sniffing around Atlas Park, but I thought it was just a rumor. You might want to see what you can dig up in this supposedly empty warehouse.

Dyne is pretty new on the streets, so nobody knows much about it. It gives users a rush of euphoria and strength, but it leaves their whole body aching afterwords. Some muscle spasms and skin diseases have even been linked to Dyne use. It looks like the Skulls are looking for a new market in which to peddle their poison.

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(emphasis mine)

The Abrams is one of the most effective war machines on the planet. - R. Lee Ermy.

Q: How do you wreck an Abrams?

A: You crash into another one.



Said by Jose Brogan while on a mission from Antonio Nash:

I heard there were some Skulls sniffing around Atlas Park, but I thought it was just a rumor. You might want to see what you can dig up in this supposedly empty warehouse.

Dyne is pretty new on the streets, so nobody knows much about it. It gives users a rush of euphoria and strength, but it leaves their whole body aching afterwords. Some muscle spasms and skin diseases have even been linked to Dyne use. It looks like the Skulls are looking for a new market in which to peddle their poison.

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(emphasis mine)

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Thank you, that's more along the lines of what I was looking for.

SI Radio has many DJs and listeners whom hold City of Heroes close to their hearts. We will be supporting many efforts to keep CoH ALIVE!!



Said by Jose Brogan while on a mission from Antonio Nash:

I heard there were some Skulls sniffing around Atlas Park, but I thought it was just a rumor. You might want to see what you can dig up in this supposedly empty warehouse.

Dyne is pretty new on the streets, so nobody knows much about it. It gives users a rush of euphoria and strength, but it leaves their whole body aching afterwords. Some muscle spasms and skin diseases have even been linked to Dyne use. It looks like the Skulls are looking for a new market in which to peddle their poison.

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(emphasis mine)

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Of course, all that sounds like the first signs of becoming a Troll.

I remember a contact saying that despite being villains, Trolls are victims of drug addiction, and deserve at least some sympathy. It's hard sometimes.

I assume the Family version is probably closer to a standard super-serum, and probably taken in smaller amounts and maybe mixed with some other treatments or gear.



I once had a troll hero I played for awhile. He got hit by a Clear Mind, either from an inept empath or agony mage (can't recall), but it cleared up the works enough for him to cut loose from the trolls. Still dumb as a sack of hammers, but more of a gentle giant.

One of my other heroes was orphaned when her mother, an aspiring hero, od'd on supes trying to get superpowers.

It makes a good catchall drug for accident related powers.

They ALL float down here. When you're down here with us, you'll float too!




Anyone remember, I think his name was, Doug the Troll?