Superadine: negative effects.




I think it'd be interesting to actually drop this at the devs' feet in this thread. I really would be curious as to all of the canon effects of Superadine and all of the canonical differences between the pure and cut strains.

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Yeah, I intend to eventually. There are several aspects of Superadine that I was unware of (or completely forgot) that have come up from this thread. I would prefer to bang out all those facts, then ask any questions that linger in that thread.

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I think it'd be interesting to actually drop this at the devs' feet in this thread. I really would be curious as to all of the canon effects of Superadine and all of the canonical differences between the pure and cut strains.

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Yeah, I intend to eventually. There are several aspects of Superadine that I was unware of (or completely forgot) that have come up from this thread. I would prefer to bang out all those facts, then ask any questions that linger in that thread.

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You could be blunt and straight up ask, "What are all the negative effects of Superadine?"



I think it'd be interesting to actually drop this at the devs' feet in this thread. I really would be curious as to all of the canon effects of Superadine and all of the canonical differences between the pure and cut strains.

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Yeah, I intend to eventually. There are several aspects of Superadine that I was unware of (or completely forgot) that have come up from this thread. I would prefer to bang out all those facts, then ask any questions that linger in that thread.

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You could be blunt and straight up ask, "What are all the negative effects of Superadine?"

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A better question (meaning that it's more likely to get a more comprehensive answer) would probably be "Would you please verify all of these negative effects we've found, along with any others, as well as the "canon" differences between the pure strain of Superadine and the impure version the Family distributes among the various gangs of the city?"



I think it'd be interesting to actually drop this at the devs' feet in this thread. I really would be curious as to all of the canon effects of Superadine and all of the canonical differences between the pure and cut strains.

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Yeah, I intend to eventually. There are several aspects of Superadine that I was unware of (or completely forgot) that have come up from this thread. I would prefer to bang out all those facts, then ask any questions that linger in that thread.

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You could be blunt and straight up ask, "What are all the negative effects of Superadine?"

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A better question (meaning that it's more likely to get a more comprehensive answer) would probably be "Would you please verify all of these negative effects we've found, along with any others, as well as the "canon" differences between the pure strain of Superadine and the impure version the Family distributes among the various gangs of the city?"

[/ QUOTE ]

Yeah, I like that question better.



So it seems like we've determined that (probably) impure 'dyne will burn you out by inflicting more damage to your body than the drug can compensate for, if you OD. Which makes me wonder what would happen if you also took Excelsior, the regenerative drug that Freaks take. If it doesnt have a negative reaction to 'dyne, that could be a potentially powerful drug cocktail. Super strength and rage and the like from 'dyne, and the toughness to hack your arm off and replace it with cybernetics. Granted, you dont really need the cybernetics with troll-strength, but the Excelsior would allow your body to cope with any changes you underwent from 'dyne abuse. All you'd have to put up with are the OTHER horrible side effects. Maybe thats what the family cuts it with.

Also, no one has mentioned, why do the higher up trolls have earth powers? They can cover themselves in stone and manifest giant rock hammers. Whats up with that? Is that like a primitive form of gravity control or something?