Is it OK to be a purist?
Your character, play it the way you want.
EDIT: For me, it really depends on what Primary/Secondary I have, and what I want to do with the character. Damage/Solo/Team/Support etc.
If that's how you want to build your power sets - go for it.
I can't say that I've ever done that.
It's rare that I don't get 4 power pools on a character and, when I get up high enough for the Epic powers, I usually get at least 3 of them.
It's rare that I don't get 4 power pools on a character and, when I get up high enough for the Epic powers, I usually get at least 3 of them.
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*Does the math*
That means you get at most half of your normal powers!
Wow. "To each his own," indeed.
He said 4 pools, not everything in 4 pools. CJ/Hasten/Air Sup/Fly/Stealth* is 5 powers, plus 3 from the epic is only 8 powers used up on pools.
*Example only. I have no idea WHAT Alt-O actually takes from pools.
Oh. OK. But that's still potentially only one power from one of your mains.
I suppose it can be done either way. I always wanted to take a squishy AT, and put all the powers from 4 pools into him and see if I could become competent with scrappers in melee. just for fun of course. Maybe on my Ice/Energy blaster, I could take:
Hurdle, health, stam
CJ, Acrobatics, Jump Kick
boxing, kick, tough, weave
Hasten, Flurry, SS.
That, a hold from ice, aim, build up, and the last energy power (a nice melee attack), should make an interesting build.
...i think.
It's okay, yes - but I'd still work Stamina in.
There really are a lot of skippable primary and secondary powers, but if you really want all of them feel free to make a DM/SR Stalker.
it has gone from unconscionable to downright appalling that we have no way of measuring our characters' wetness.
If you're having fun, sure.
Especially with dual builds - you can have a "pure" build (as you call it,) and one to mess around with other stuff with. Comes in handy with some controllers/defenders/corruptors.
For me, there's been only one character I've made that I did take more than one of the appropriately elemented epics on. Otherwise they haven't been really suitable to my needs, which is kind of a shame. I do hope for some epic proliferation for that reason, but balancing is more important.
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Sure thing. Do what you want.
I tend to take all the primary and secondary powers if this character is exploratory, and respec them late in their career when I feel I have a better understanding of how stuff works. is a great source of information for this game.
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I do it sometimes. I like having all "complete" powers if the archetype or character is right. I certainly don't think anybody will fault you for that.
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Purist - Definition: A CoX player who gets all secondary and primary powers, along with two powers from a travel pool and four APP/PPP's.
I just have a thing for a full set. Is this bad idea? Both in general, and on an Elec/Dev/MM blaster?
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Okay, so you've created your own definition of the word. I don't care for the use of word 'purist' as it sounds like it's making some sort of claim regarding the quality/usefulness/effectiveness of the build. This is simply one viable option among many.
You can build the character however you want. There is a huge number of possible combinations that work. Personally, I have yet to find a combination of primary and secondary where I feel that every single power is better than the options available from the power pools. Having said that, build how you like. I have characters without the Fitness pool; I have characters without travel powers.
As a comment on that particular combination, devices has some real big END drain powers and blasters in general really benefit from the Fitness pool. I don't think that combination with those restrictions is going to be a lot of fun. I've never played that combo, but I have an elec/elec and fire/dev blasters.
Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project
Well, for example Crime of Fashion has 6 powers from his primary and 7 from his secondary
Sometimes, you dont need all the powers from a set
on my Rad/Rad , the only attacks I have are 2 single target blasts, an epic hold, 2 AOE blast and EMP Pulse.
However, I have nearly +180% global recharge from inventions, haste and AM. Additional attacks would be a waste of powers for me as i don't really need them, everything recharges so quickly that i only need those attacks.
Crime of Fashion Level 50 Rad/Rad Corrupter
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Mindscape - Reworking
Sure thing. Do what you want.
I tend to take all the primary and secondary powers if this character is exploratory, and respec them late in their career when I feel I have a better understanding of how stuff works.
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Me too, i respec at 22 into a functional post stamina build with SOs and play until 22 cherry picking powers and seeing what works.
Crime of Fashion Level 50 Rad/Rad Corrupter
My Toons
My Rad/Rad Corrupters Guide
Mindscape - Reworking
Purist - Definition: A CoX player who gets all secondary and primary powers, along with two powers from a travel pool and four APP/PPP's.
I just have a thing for a full set. Is this bad idea? Both in general, and on an Elec/Dev/MM blaster?
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It's rare that I find a Primary and Secondary that have 9 really good poers each.
That Elec/Dev blaster for example: I'd skip Time Bomb, and probably more.
You can build within whatever parameters you want, but everything I've played recently has had skippables within the Primary/Secondary.
Brutes/Scrappers: I usually don't need the ST taunt, and find self-rezzes pretty useless (other than RotP, you get killed during the power animation by the foes camping your corpse).
I have little use for builds that ignore large chunks of either thier Primary or Secondary (Examples: Defenders that ignore thier Secondary, Corruptors that ignore thier Primary, most Petless MM's, etc), but I've never felt a sense of loss for skipping Fire Armor: Temperature Protection or Electric Melee: Thunder Clap.
It's rare that I don't get 4 power pools on a character and, when I get up high enough for the Epic powers, I usually get at least 3 of them.
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*Does the math*
That means you get at most half of your normal powers!
Wow. "To each his own," indeed.
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In general, with basic Single Origin slotting, most players would have to go out of their way to use all of their powers. Many players, instead of taking all of the primary/secondary, drop the powers they don't use and bolster their powers with Power Pools that don't need to be clicked. For example a character with many Primary/Secondary powers chosen may have 4 or 5 recharged powers all the time during combat. Other players try to have only 1 or 2 powers recharged all the time in combat and try to have these be their best powers.
Some people like the variability and mixing it up and others like "I want to throw Fire Ball and Blaze over and over."
Purist - Definition: A CoX player who gets all secondary and primary powers, along with two powers from a travel pool and four APP/PPP's.
I just have a thing for a full set. Is this bad idea? Both in general, and on an Elec/Dev/MM blaster?
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Okay, so you've created your own definition of the word. I don't care for the use of word 'purist' as it sounds like it's making some sort of claim regarding the quality/usefulness/effectiveness of the build. This is simply one viable option among many.
You can build the character however you want. There is a huge number of possible combinations that work. Personally, I have yet to find a combination of primary and secondary where I feel that every single power is better than the options available from the power pools. Having said that, build how you like. I have characters without the Fitness pool; I have characters without travel powers.
As a comment on that particular combination, devices has some real big END drain powers and blasters in general really benefit from the Fitness pool. I don't think that combination with those restrictions is going to be a lot of fun. I've never played that combo, but I have an elec/elec and fire/dev blasters.
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I'm pretty much with you. I'd never take all 9 powers from a primary or secondary, because I never feel like all 9 powers apply to the theme of a particular character. Not to mention that in some sets, there are powers that are flat out redundant, just have variations to suit different tastes (super invis versus group invis for example).
"Null is as much an argument "for removing the cottage rule" as the moon being round is for buying tennis shoes." -Memphis Bill
THAT'S what "purist" means? I always thought that applied more to folks who only use SO's or common IO's, never sets or anything to fill in the gaps.
Purist - Definition: A CoX player who gets all secondary and primary powers, along with two powers from a travel pool and four APP/PPP's.
I just have a thing for a full set. Is this bad idea? Both in general, and on an Elec/Dev/MM blaster?
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Okay, so you've created your own definition of the word. I don't care for the use of word 'purist' as it sounds like it's making some sort of claim regarding the quality/usefulness/effectiveness of the build. This is simply one viable option among many.
You can build the character however you want. There is a huge number of possible combinations that work. Personally, I have yet to find a combination of primary and secondary where I feel that every single power is better than the options available from the power pools. Having said that, build how you like. I have characters without the Fitness pool; I have characters without travel powers.
As a comment on that particular combination, devices has some real big END drain powers and blasters in general really benefit from the Fitness pool. I don't think that combination with those restrictions is going to be a lot of fun. I've never played that combo, but I have an elec/elec and fire/dev blasters.
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I'm pretty much with you. I'd never take all 9 powers from a primary or secondary, because I never feel like all 9 powers apply to the theme of a particular character. Not to mention that in some sets, there are powers that are flat out redundant, just have variations to suit different tastes (super invis versus group invis for example).
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I don't usually take all the powers in a set, but I can think of a few instances where I have. For example, Shield Defense.
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.
If you're having fun, sure.
Especially with dual builds - you can have a "pure" build (as you call it,) and one to mess around with other stuff with. Comes in handy with some controllers/defenders/corruptors.
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This. Dual Builds have helped me a lot with some characters I was struggling with. Now I can have the 'Team Build' and the 'Fun whatever I want for Theme Build'. Great idea IMHO.
"Comics, you're not a're an Overlord!"
If you're having fun, sure.
Especially with dual builds - you can have a "pure" build (as you call it,) and one to mess around with other stuff with. Comes in handy with some controllers/defenders/corruptors.
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This. Dual Builds have helped me a lot with some characters I was struggling with. Now I can have the 'Team Build' and the 'Fun whatever I want for Theme Build'. Great idea IMHO.
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Dual builds made Corrs/Defs/Controllers about twice as enjoyable for me to play.
Some sets like Cold Domination and Force Fields have powers that do not help you in anyway solo but rock on teams.
Crime of Fashion Level 50 Rad/Rad Corrupter
My Toons
My Rad/Rad Corrupters Guide
Mindscape - Reworking
I don't like the word "purist" in this context and think it should be replaced with [...grabs scrabble set, pulls letters]
... "grublin"? "burgnil"? Blingur? Rubling. We shall call it a rubling build.
If you have fun with your rubling build, it's an OK build, isn't it? I wouldn't run one, although I did have a FF/Elec with all 9 from his secondary. So half-rubling.
(... hmm. Willpower maybe, but what for the primary? Axe?)
Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.
So you think you're a hero, huh.
@Boltcutter in game.
*Does the math*
That means you get at most half of your normal powers!
Wow. "To each his own," indeed.
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I have almost all my Robotics powers and maybe only 2/3 my FF powers. I do have: Robotics (7/9), Forcefield (6/9), Leaping (2/4), Fitness (3/4), Presence 2/4; and I still have yet to get my Patron Pools. I didn't want to take anything I knew I wouldn't use so I was very choosy on what I took.
Doc Mech-Nec (Exalted): 50 Bots/FF MM
Crey Radiation Tank (Exalted): 50 Rad/Rad Corr
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Alts: 32
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Sometimes there are powers in the primary and secondary sets that I feel aren't worth taking. I have a couple dozen alts between blue and red sides, and the only one who has ALL the powers from her secondary is my Claws/SR scrapper. I do not have a single character with a build that uses all the powers in the primary.
Purist - Definition: A CoX player who gets all secondary and primary powers, along with two powers from a travel pool and four APP/PPP's.
I just have a thing for a full set. Is this bad idea? Both in general, and on an Elec/Dev/MM blaster?