Is it OK to be a purist?




I hope you're gonna do something about Stamina.



Purist - Definition: A CoX player who gets all secondary and primary powers, along with two powers from a travel pool and four APP/PPP's.

I just have a thing for a full set. Is this bad idea? Both in general, and on an Elec/Dev/MM blaster?

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It is not OK.

Also, you are skipping a MM power, so you're really not a Purist anyway.



I'm pretty much with you. I'd never take all 9 powers from a primary or secondary, because I never feel like all 9 powers apply to the theme of a particular character.

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I didn't go quite that far. I have a few characters who have every power in their primary. The primary set is the 'heavy hitter', operating at maximum effectiveness. I'll frequently take only 4-5 powers from the secondary and I've never take all 9. Of course, one character's secondary can be the primary on a different AT.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



You and I have different definitions of maximum effectiveness then. I skip powers in my primary and secondary for the simple fact that there are powers in pools that let me fill my planned roles better. In many sets, there's at least one power that flat out sucks, and taking it just to fill a mental checklist is fine, but it's never going to make you more effective than something you could have picked elsewhere.

"Null is as much an argument "for removing the cottage rule" as the moon being round is for buying tennis shoes." -Memphis Bill



*Does the math*

That means you get at most half of your normal powers!
Wow. "To each his own," indeed.

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I can play the same power sets (primary/secondary) switch up pools and powers I pick and have a completely different character/play-style with the same sets (primary/secondary).

Part of this is because I'm more of a character-conception player. I try to go with what "will work" but I'm not concerned at all with mini-maxing my build.

Believe me, if Champions Online was really Champions the RPG Online, I'd be pulling out my "save it for a rainy day" one-clip, one-use, only usable at night, only usable when there is a full moon, only works if its wet, obvious-accessible focus lay-down and don't get back up attack from power-gaming heaven, but this isn't that kind of game and I've gotten to the point that beating the math isn't the issue any more ... I like to play for flavor and enjoy the game for the fun of it.



In many sets, there's at least one power that flat out sucks, and taking it just to fill a mental checklist is fine, but it's never going to make you more effective than something you could have picked elsewhere.

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I agree with the "in many sets" part. That's not the same as "all". And I NEVER take a power just to fill a mental checklist. I take them because I find them useful.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



Purist - Definition: A CoX player who gets all secondary and primary powers, along with two powers from a travel pool and four APP/PPP's.

I just have a thing for a full set. Is this bad idea? Both in general, and on an Elec/Dev/MM blaster?

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I'm th same way man I have an elec/elec blaster who has both full sets +fly and thats it

Volt Sentinel Reference

Thunder is good, thunder is impressive, but lightning does the work.



Purist - Definition: A CoX player who gets all secondary and primary powers, along with two powers from a travel pool and four APP/PPP's.

I just have a thing for a full set. Is this bad idea? Both in general, and on an Elec/Dev/MM blaster?

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Generally no. BUt for some builds yes. Either way however, be sure to have your planned build posted and approved by the forum authorities. Playing the game with a non-approved build will result in ridicule and fingerpointing in-game.



Purist - Definition: A CoX player who gets all secondary and primary powers, along with two powers from a travel pool and four APP/PPP's.

I just have a thing for a full set. Is this bad idea? Both in general, and on an Elec/Dev/MM blaster?

[/ QUOTE ]You can play any build you want to. You may get some flack along the lines of "LOL! You took THAT power?", but as long as YOU enjoy it, you're okay.

As others have said, though, some people are going to object to you calling it "Purist". They're going to assume you're implying that they aren't "pure" because they didn't take all of THEIR primary and secondary powers. If you have no problem with that, then go for it.

If, however, you're open to other names for it, may I suggest "Absolutist"? As in "one who takes absolutely all of their primary and secondary powers."

Whatever you choose to do, Have Fun!



On some powersets, like Super Reflexes, taking all of the powers is a good idea.



Tripp_Hazzard: If, however, you're open to other names for it, may I suggest "Absolutist"? As in "one who takes absolutely all of their primary and secondary powers."

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Yes, the word Purist really connotes a person that has an image of how an archetype or set of primary/secondary powers should be configured, and will resist varying from that.

To mainly focus on choosing only primary/secondary powers, I get the impression sometimes that's what people do when they are trying new powersets and are keenly interested in what the powers do and how they handle together. The word Rententive comes to mind for this. I don't think Absolutist works because that's synonomous with Purist.

Mack10: I just have a thing for a full set. Is this bad idea? Both in general, and on an Elec/Dev/MM blaster?

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Nothing critical. It might make you less effective than people that focus on powers that enhance their given playstyle.




Purist - Definition: A CoX player who gets all secondary and primary powers, along with two powers from a travel pool and four APP/PPP's.

I just have a thing for a full set. Is this bad idea? Both in general, and on an Elec/Dev/MM blaster?

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Why wouldn't it be? Although, I don't understand requiring all 4 PPP/APP powers to be a "purist"...

Virtue Server
Avatar art by Daggerpoint



For me, it all depends on the toon and how I will be playing with it. If I'm soloing often, I usually need more pools. Teamers can focus more on what they do well.

Stone Armor, once leveled to Granite rarely needs more than just a few powers in the primary. On the other hand, Super Reflexes needs about every power.

Never argue with stupid people. They drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.

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