Trouble finding a name? Need one that is unique?
Some of those words are quite funny when said aloud.
Chargoggagoggmanchauggagoggchaubunagungamaugg - ( )
A Native American lake name meaning "you fish on your side, I fish on my side an no one fishes in the middle"
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Ah man, I really wish that name would fit...
I don't have problems with names. I just do names that either don't make sense, or in rare cases, no-one has ever thought of.
ANother good strategy is to take the one word that best describes the character (or powersets) and then change a letter or two. Like "laser" turns into "Phazor." "Fire" can be changed into "Phyer" (overused, but you get the idea.)
Or, go the DC route and just slap man, woman, lad, lass, or dog at the end of the name. Superman, Batman. Superhorse. Underdog. Etc.
These are overused concepts I know, but it is tried in true in the comics all through history.

Just try on Liberty, you can still get almost any name you want.
tyromancy - ( )
Divination or magic using cheese
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I predict that "Tyromancer" will be taken on every server by the end of today.
Chargoggagoggmanchauggagoggchaubunagungamaugg - ( )
A Native American lake name meaning "you fish on your side, I fish on my side an no one fishes in the middle"
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Ah man, I really wish that name would fit...
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We should just post that whenever farming or powerleveling are brought up
Chargoggagoggmanchauggagoggchaubunagungamaugg - ( )
A Native American lake name meaning "you fish on your side, I fish on my side an no one fishes in the middle"
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Ah man, I really wish that name would fit...
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We should just post that whenever farming or powerleveling are brought up
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I don't have problems with names. I just do names that either don't make sense, or in rare cases, no-one has ever thought of.
ANother good strategy is to take the one word that best describes the character (or powersets) and then change a letter or two. Like "laser" turns into "Phazor." "Fire" can be changed into "Phyer" (overused, but you get the idea.)
Or, go the DC route and just slap man, woman, lad, lass, or dog at the end of the name. Superman, Batman. Superhorse. Underdog. Etc.
These are overused concepts I know, but it is tried in true in the comics all through history.
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Or even combine to comical effect! Strike fear into the hearts of evildoers everywhere with Man-Lass! and his(?) trusty sidekick, Boy-Dog!
tyromancy - ( )
Divination or magic using cheese
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I predict that "Tyromancer" will be taken on every server by the end of today.
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Got it on Virtue already
Galactron - 48 Inv/SS, Samurai Gecko - 50 Kat/Reg, Moulinet - 50 DB/WP, Galactress - 50 Fire/Kin, Miss Mayhem - 50 Rad/Psi, PyroWulf - 50 WP/Fire, Solis Invicti 50 Fire/Fire, Utahraptor - 50 Claws/SR
"You can't fix stupid. Dumb people breed more than smart people. Idiocracy wasn't a comedy, it was prophecy." - Bill Z Bubba
Nice dictionary! I usually have no problem getting a decent name, mostly through using just a little originality, adding a first name, or some other little trick like that, but I'm all for increasing the playerbase's verbositude!
K5K - The Killbot 5000
A Spanner In The Works Part One, ArcID: 336662, A Spanner In The Works Part Two, ArcID: 336665, Enter Japes, ArcID: 96001
In The Darkness Creeping, ArcID: 347709, When Dimensions Collide, ArcID: 412416.
"Strike fear into the hearts of evildoers everywhere with Man-Lass! and his(?)..."
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Laughed out loud at that
sound like the peasants off fable 2
Volt Sentinel Reference
Thunder is good, thunder is impressive, but lightning does the work.
Just try on Liberty, you can still get almost any name you want.
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Funny you should say that, because I have been amazed by some of the names I've managed to get on Liberty.
ANother good strategy is to take the one word that best describes the character (or powersets) and then change a letter or two. Like "laser" turns into "Phazor." "Fire" can be changed into "Phyer" (overused, but you get the idea.)
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It IS a strategy. Readers of '90s comics would likely dispute the "good" part, though.
Dec out.
tyromancy - ( )
Divination or magic using cheese
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I predict that "Tyromancer" will be taken on every server by the end of today.
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Battlecry: Behold the Power of Cheese!
South Park for avatars
Protector: Postmaster Bot/FF
Postal Express (Tech Blaster, AR/Dev)
Nukular Man (Sci Defender, Rad/Rad)
tyromancy - ( )
Divination or magic using cheese
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I predict that "Tyromancer" will be taken on every server by the end of today.
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Battlecry: Behold the Power of Cheese!
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I prefer..
tyromancy - ( )
Divination or magic using cheese
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I predict that "Tyromancer" will be taken on every server by the end of today.
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Battlecry: Behold the Power of Cheese!
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I prefer..
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Both of those are cheesy.
How about "Drop it punk, before I cheese you!"
tyromancy - ( )
Divination or magic using cheese
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I predict that "Tyromancer" will be taken on every server by the end of today.
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As any devoted tyrophile can elucidate, tyromancer is an entirely redundant term.
Let me deoppilate* the process and present: The Grandiloquent Dictionary
Random finds:
blatteroon - A person who will not stop talking
gliriform - Resembling a rodent
nycterent - A hunter who hunts at night
veneniferous - Transferring or bearing poison
*to remove an obstruction