Blaster Dual Pistols/Blade Melee?



I've heard rumors of a Dual Pistols blaster, and was thinking how awesome it would be to have a Dual Pistols/Blade melee blaster.

The Blade Melee would need to be creatively done, complete with shurikens and a "handle butt" stun power since most blaster secondaries have a stun and/or an immobilize. It could also have a "throwing knives" additional ranged attack, a "sword swipe" PBAOE damage/knockback, a more original "sword shield" spinning sword +Def move, etc. The Redraw would suck, but no more so than on an AR/Devices.

You all gotta admit, having a bladed secondary for blasters would be bad arsed.



Dual Pistols blaster

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I have been hearing this rumor for sometime now, think it is going on 2 years. Until I see a redname post it with time/date/issue of release, I am done getting my hopes up.

Next subject.

"Yes, winning all the time can be boring."

"It's amazing how well you can put up with endurance issues if you hide them under a large enough pile of bodies."

-Spiritchaser speaking on Dom Revamp



Fairly unfounded rumor, but I have to admit the post title made me drool a little.



Fairly unfounded rumor, but I have to admit the post title made me drool a little.

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Now the rumors about Carp Melee on the other hand are totally legit.

Infatum on Virtueverse



They are. They even released a demo of two Carp Meleers PvPing.

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The proof is in the pudding:

He who has the bigger fish...wins!

RaikenX is currently seeking new quotes to add to his signature.
Someone say something funny.
Originally Posted by Smiling_Joe View Post
::looks at RaikenX's signature::
Something funny.
That'll do, pig. That'll do.



Yeah, since a fair amount of people missed that, a summon demons powerset is in the works too. Probably just for MMs, but maybe they'll work it in with a Control set, hard to say.

Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc:
Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory



I've heard rumors of a Dual Pistols blaster, and was thinking how awesome it would be to have a Dual Pistols/Blade melee blaster.

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Can you say redraw hell?



Honestly, I'd like to see a single pistol blaster; I just see a character holding and properly bracing 1 pistol as a whole lot more dangerous and skilled than someone wildly firing 2 pistols.

I would treat that set a lot like the Malta Gunslingers; different ammo types that have different effects, and perhaps a silencer to give you a special attack that doesn't generate aggro.



Honestly, I'd like to see a single pistol blaster; I just see a character holding and properly bracing 1 pistol as a whole lot more dangerous and skilled than someone wildly firing 2 pistols.

I would treat that set a lot like the Malta Gunslingers; different ammo types that have different effects, and perhaps a silencer to give you a special attack that doesn't generate aggro.

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Well, I'm not BaB and co., but my guess is that they will do something like this for some powers... it makes sense, it's already in the game, and it's in line with other Blaster powers (Blazing Arrow, etc.). Though the silencer idea will probably be more like the sniper power... I'm imagining a wind up like from Baz Luhrmann's Romeo and Juliet- John Leguizamo breaks out a sight for his pistol, sights, and fires. Hehe.

Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc:
Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory



I just feel that dual pistols fits the thug concept better than a blaster. I'm not saying all blasters are like this, but a single pistol always felt more "professional" to me. Dual pistols has a wilder feel.

I was also thinking how you could have the user of the single pistol default to a rested stance w/ the gun in 1 hand, and make a sword of knife secondary that used the off hand - that would save w/ redraw and be a cool combination.



Honestly, I'd like to see a single pistol blaster; I just see a character holding and properly bracing 1 pistol as a whole lot more dangerous and skilled than someone wildly firing 2 pistols.

I would treat that set a lot like the Malta Gunslingers; different ammo types that have different effects, and perhaps a silencer to give you a special attack that doesn't generate aggro.

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I must admit that I really like your suggestion. So much so, that for one of my toons who is a secret agent (Martial Artist), I always make sure he has a temp revolver power, which actually sucks -- but looks quite cool.



Yeah, BaB really outdid himself on that one.



Yeah, since a fair amount of people missed that, a summon demons powerset is in the works too. Probably just for MMs, but maybe they'll work it in with a Control set, hard to say.

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Honestly, I would love it if summoned demons could be customizable pets for Fire Control. If I could swap out those ridiculous flaming Rikti Monkeys for demons, I would take a serious look at playing a Fire Controller or Dominator.

Storm Summoning is great because it makes you better than everyone else in the game. - Camma

Knockback is mitigation. It won't be removed just because meleers ***** and moan. - Chaos Creator



There will be dual pistols and demon summonning, but no blades.




Demon Summoning

1) Flares (lol you know it)
2) Summon Imps (Yes, THOSE Imps, only in controllable form)
3) Fire Blast
4) Hex (Basic Upgrade)
5) Fireball
6) Summon Succubi (Damage+Control, also first female MM pets)
7) Forge (Same as Corrupter Thermal, this set is about damage)
8) Summon Blade Prince (I guess, they're kinda cool, that or a Hellfrost...)
9) Ritual (Improved Upgrade)

Tossed that together in ten minutes. For lulz.



I've heard rumors of a Dual Pistols blaster, and was thinking how awesome it would be to have a Dual Pistols/Blade melee blaster.

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Can you say redraw hell?

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It would be no less redraw/time consuming than AR/Any other set. Have you played an AR/Devices?



There will be dual pistols and demon summonning, but no blades.

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Judging from the latest press release:

Going Rogue will also introduce two primary new fictional characters representative of this alignment shift in the game's lore: Maelstrom, a pistol-wielding hero gone rogue, and Desdemona, a demon-summoning villain who has been redeemed.

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I'd say dual pistols and demon summoning are a very safe bet.



There will be dual pistols and demon summonning, but no blades.

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Judging from the latest press release:

Going Rogue will also introduce two primary new fictional characters representative of this alignment shift in the game's lore: Maelstrom, a pistol-wielding hero gone rogue, and Desdemona, a demon-summoning villain who has been redeemed.

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I'd say dual pistols and demon summoning are a very safe bet.

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I was JUST about to snip those exact things lol.

But yea, I'd say that Dual Pistols (maybe single pistol), and even Demon Summoning IS DEFINATELY in the VERY near future for us now Heck, they have the pistol popper dude in the Trailer (as is the Demon summoner) for the Rogue haha, and he looks pretty darn cool

I can't WAIT! The only question now is...which AT's? Blasters? Corruptors? Or the long favored Scrappers/Brutes? That is what we "don't" know right now. But we'll almost definately be getting Pistols with Rogue, that much I'm almost sure of.



Honestly, I'd like to see a single pistol blaster; I just see a character holding and properly bracing 1 pistol as a whole lot more dangerous and skilled than someone wildly firing 2 pistols.

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I have to agree there. Since they're evidently working up a new game engine, perhaps it will include variant animation/effect sets? Call it a customization option; it would be welcome.

I would treat that set a lot like the Malta Gunslingers; different ammo types that have different effects, and perhaps a silencer to give you a special attack that doesn't generate aggro.

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An attack or two that crit out of stealth would be interesting, if by this shop's standards possibly hard to implement.

People would start playing /Devices again, if nothing else.



It seems to be that "hidden" is a flag that can be added to different power check. The devs then add a conditional flag that says "if hidden, then apply additional damage X". That, to me, seems to be how Night Widows/Forts can have a power that doesn't crit out of stealth/grant invis, but does out of mask presence...



With the introduction of Maelstorm and Desdemona, I think we'll see Dual Pistols (he had two holsters) and Demon Summoning (as she's described) in the future. Blade Melee... I don't know...



You have to admit though, blade melee makes sense for a blaster's secondary. I mean, you could have a couple of PBAoE attacks, a couple single target melee attacks, a stun and a knockback attack. All very similar to what you have in EM, or Electric melee, etc.