102 -
As a DM you definitely want to take either Focused Accuracy or Targeting Drone for the accuracy and the tohit debuff resistance, otherwise characters with tohit debuffs (i.e other DMs) will wreck you and you won't even be able to heal off them. Also drop one slot from health and put the kismet +tohit on Weave.
You'd get more mileage out of elec tanks simply because every other corruptor is a therm.
Thank you all for the feedback so far.
The reason why I added End Drain and some psionic resistance to the shields is because that's one of the features that sets the current Electric Armor aside from the other sets.
When it came Synaptic Overload I was toying with the idea of even more -end, -recov, but I came to the conclusion that too much of that could be overpowered in certain scenarios (especially if paired with a set with access to even more end drains) and not powerful enough in others (i.e. vs AVs) so I decided to go for a little more variety and add -DMG, -Regen, and -Special. -
Well, now that we almost have Electric Control it would be really nice to have a matching (buff/debuff) powerset for it (or for those Electrical Blast corruptors and defenders). Here's my rough draft, Feel free to share your ideas and comments.
Pulsing Aura:
25 ft PBAoE Toggle, Increased Team Regeneration
While active this pulsating aura increases the regeneration rate of all nearby allies.
Magnetic Shield:
Ally +Res (Lethal, Smash, Energy, End Drain)
This shield dramatically reduces the damage an ally takes from Smashing, Lethal and Energy attacks.
Ally +Heal, +Regen,
Recharge: 30 Secs
Duration: 30 Secs
You channel a tremendous amount of electricity to save an ally in need, leaving you unable to channel this power again for some time.
Conductive Shield:
Ally +Res (Fire, Cold, Energy, Negative, Psionic)
This shield dramatically reduces the damage an ally takes from Fire, Cold and Energy attacks, as well as granting some resistance to Negative and Psionic damage.
Siphon Current:
Recharge: 120 Secs
Duration: 60 Secs
Foe -End, -Recovery, Team +Recovery, +EndDiscount
You can harness the energy of a targeted foe, reducing his endurance and recovery, as well as increasing that of your nearby team mates.
Voltaic Field:
15 ft PBAoE Toggle, Foe -End, Chance to Hold
While active this field will slowly drain any enemies that come near, with a chance to overwhelm them and render them helpless.
Electrical Shock:
Ally Rez, AoE Hold
You can shock a fallen team mate, resuscitating him and incapacitating all foes within a large radius.
Synaptic Overload:
Foe -DMG, -Regen, -Special
Recharge: 160 Secs
Duration: 40 Secs
You overload the bio-electrical impulses of a targeted foe, reducing his ability to fight or recover.
Targeted AoE, Foe -Res, -Def
Recharge: 120 Secs
Duration: 30 Secs
Sends forth a disruptive electrical charge, making all enemies within the targeted area vulnerable for a short period of time.
... -
Quote:With dominate and rocking gale it should be easier to drop freezing rain and LS, but IMO there are still many other uses for TK to pass up on it. It's one of the best powers in Mind if you ask me.You really shouldn't need to TK someone to hurricane them, much less keep it on them for a majority of the encounter. As for laying on the debuffs, I guess it could be useful for landing a guaranteed freezing rain hit, but really between the gale KB Mag stacking bug and dominate you should have plenty of time to land it on them without TK.
Its handy I guess, but no where near as useful as I used to be.
If you wanted though, could easily drop either veng or O2 boost for TK and slot it for some Range and maybe 1 recharge. Given that its seldom up for long probably don't need to slot for 3 ends. -
Quote:Where have I said that acc bonuses don't help? I just don't think the benefits justify slotting a full set of javs unless you're going for the extra KB. There are other, cheaper alternatives to building an effective blaster (less recharge but more procs, better front loaded dmg, etc) but I guess I'm wasting my time since you have already established that your advice is vastly superior.You want to maximize acc and dam but you don't see how a acc bonus helps. You need need +hp on a blaster, lol. You already get the range bonus so that one is pointless. If I was doing a budget build it would be devas sure, and maybe a cent in it. This is not a budget build. And being psi blaster is pretty much about how fast you can fire your chain off and how many glad jav procs you got. I think its awesome that you don't think huge +rech doesn't matter any more, fact is though on a blaster it does. And your advice is pretty bad.
Quote:I could understand if you argued for the KB bonus, but I don't see how your attacks coming up 0.02 secs faster and 7% global acc is better than maximizing the acc, dmg and procs of your attacks in the first place (while also getting range, %HP and %dmg in the process).Because the 6 slot bonus is better than doing both. Honestly, you are really wrong on this one.
Unless of course you just want an expensive build for the heck of it. -
Quote:TK is one of the main reasons to pair mind with storm (or any other debuff set for that matter). It lets you close in with hurricane and lay down your debuffs while the target is sitting there helpless.Code:
| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build | |-------------------------------------------------------------------| |MxDz;1417;702;1404;HEX;| |78DA9D934B4F135114C7EFB485D207B4B554CA5B9EA5D24E61A7B2E08DD4D084886| |123506A3B40133A6DDA6922BE3F0031EA4257AC3480BAD18D11FD04EA57F083B8AB| |E79EFF6D2171E704FEBFDEF3BA67EE3D93BABFE015E2D9B4D0FCF3FB994A253D5F3| |4AD72717FDF28B7A4AA56C6CA174DE11442F49F3BEA317A2A6FE6EA8B8BFEB9EACE| |8EBE6615CB85F45AB550289A7973379034F78CB2615A7AFD877BB54835D64A8691F| |3F2CFA5BC651A950A162B46A64469BEFA2267942B7BF9927FB194CFEAC9AC914E65| |2A96513E08536F51FA3FD5847A6A4D226E136252D87420C1704C00938CE6BB8CED8| |B590FD8147DC8B8FA08780C3C61C49F32DE5396A6B2B4B782EBBD63B49C00C70CF7| |018507853B6697AB0F94625759F659367967803946DB02C3BFC8E84BF25E1F29AB0| |9598EA66D36F56D320636802D20CD18A4BB7222DCE61CE72E868061204BF55C1ABA| |708534F68409BD62F88F90882CF1F691654634C968A69A1E6409CF18CA92A91526A| |D758AE0B08B364527F97CF0D97DEBBC89FF1621222693C02223471A50DD067EF20B| |5CFA05FC60B450A1200A39826FD8D4FE1A78C5E839045E300C0A0DA97D435FD874F| |91B70C6E8FA8A1595ED50FB76E010C278FBF06F0EE8A0804E14B275AA97EA524C20| |244C21DDEA48BA07F848024E590247D28BB27D281B244F3F3CF6FE63CEBF72029C0| |2473C2ABB9434A81A1B9C61CFD02C30CDD8A38011350E2398B9510CDB28466FF439| |C7455E323ED1ED8DA97A6337F9CCA34BB88165C6670A1857E3308E9663683986A98| |8611CE2188738C621432E5D95D571A309D44BE062DBE97D2710202650B6C7D1F8D4| |E88F1EB1F28F65D5D1F8B084C696DEF3989ACBDFF814FEF739F3D6CBB96EBB49EF4| |85995B22E6543CAA6942D291929F7A464A5D4BE37B27DD7645FD7A5DC9032252544| |FD894319E9F49078A478A5B44A6993E293E2971294D225E5484AED2FF72CFBEE| |-------------------------------------------------------------------|
That build is unnecessarily expensive. I would never recommend slotting three full sets of javs, and the only time I'd slot 5 is if I was pushing really hard for extra KB protection. Which reminds me: why spend billions in a build if anyone with slotted knockback is gonna throw you around like a rag doll? If you want to spend $$$ on a build then you first priority should be to get 45 KB protection. Blasters are not hard to build or play, so that's about the only thing that's gonna set your build apart from an el cheapo blaster.
Also, you proc'ed all of your attacks, which is a good thing, but you're not maximizing your damage potential (all of your attacks are at 89% dmg). Normally I wouldn't worry about it, but blasters have one of the highest damage modifiers, so you definitely want to push for that extra 10% damage on each attack. I'm a big fan of slotting 4 devs (for %dmg) and 2 javs (extra range), with emphasis on damage and accuracy.
Don't worry so much about recharge, your current recharge of 102% will get hammered by DR, so just get it to about 60% and focus on KB protection, damage and HP (which should be easy to cap on a blaster). -
I have all three of my main attacks (AS, Impale, Shrak) slotted with three procs each. It's doable, you just have to be more careful and can't smash the AS button every time. I wouldn't recommend it for staminaless builds, but I certainly would for every body else. As a stalker you will be using 2 or 3 attacks at most, so your concern should maximizing damage, not minimizing endurance use. It's a sweet thing when all three procs go off.
A mind/emp troller would be better for small teams. If you want to play a more offensive role on a smaller setting then TK, confuse, placate and holds will contribute more than pitiful psy blasts on an emp. Power boost is nice too.
I don't think anyone is trying to deny archery is good, as a matter of fact, most blasters (even ice) are capable of dealing decent ranged damage and are playable as long as you're not a hardcore min-maxer. Thus I wouldn't put blaster on that list. For casual stuff and messing around I'd have to say PBs are the most underrated. They have decent damage and very good survivability.
If you're a therm your primary won't matter much. Just trow HE and run around.
Quote:Once you have enough HP you can afford to leave a couple of minions in BG mode and send the rest to attack. That should buy you enough time to heal and go back into full BG if **** hits the fan.ok thx that explains alot. That's such weak sauce for my playstyle which is to switch back and forth depending on my opponents animation times and if he is mezzed/KBed. This game really does not reward skills... i guess ima have to sit there in BG mode and spam debuffs like the rest of the MMs till the dude dies on his own lol. I swear how do people actually die by MMs? But i'll figure something out where i can take advantage of multitasking or something else that requires skill.
Quote:It isn't. Elec has better resistances across the board (except S/L), and resistance > defense. Sure, DP is nice, but Elec gets a heal that recharges three times as fast (with a +regen component), no psi hole and immunity to end-drains.but since defence is borked i doubt it makes it better than elec.
In PvP 9 out of 10 blasters are psi, and 5 out of 10 corrs are therms. The choice is clear. -
I've done it with both SR and SD brutes, both with DM as primary. SD had slightly higher DPS, but SR was cheaper to build.
FA has a faster recharging heal, but in return Elec offers higher resistances across the board, no psi hole, end drain immunity, 20% extra recharge, a sizable regen component on the heal, much better endurance management and a godmode.
The choice is clear for me. -
Defense sets are great in PVE, but it translates poorly into PvP. SR is pretty squishy outside of elude. Everything will hit like a truck, and "softcapped" defense won't do a lot for you considering DR and the fact that most characters have some form of tohit buffs or defense debuffs. That and the lack of a self heal puts SR below Elec, Fire, Invuln and WP.
Heat Loss is just about the most powerful debuff in the game.
If you think psi blasters are annoying wait til you meet a mind or illusion troller/dom with placate procs and spamming confuse.
Slot that **** while you can.