Solution to city-of-farming angst




Ok, honestly...what difference is there between this:

Lvl 5 troller lfsewers


Lvl 5 troller lf AE

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Because youre Forgetting:

[Broadcast]Generic Name: Leve 44 Tank LFF
[Broadcast]Generic Name:level 2 scrapper LFF
[Broadcast]Generic Name:level 2 scrapper LFF
[Broadcast]Generic Name:levee 1 blster LFF
[Broadcast]Generic Name:loking 4 AE Furm
[Broadcast]Generic Name:Healer looking for AE farm
[Broadcast]Generic Spammer: Plz Invite to AE Farm
[Broadcast]Generic Spammer: Plz Invite to AE Farm
[Broadcast]Generic Spammer: Plz Invite to AE Farm
[Broadcast]Generic Spammer: Plz Invite to AE Farm
[Broadcast]Generic Spammer: Plz Invite to AE Farm

I think theres a difference there, dont you?

I also think its funny that all these people are defending the farming Spam when its obviously not something the Devs are okay with and are just like 'Ignore it and go play your game, its not affecting you!'

[censored]. It is affecting me. Im having difficulty getting PuGs Together, TFs together, or anything thats not a Fracking AE Farm. I dont mind running the missions but Id like to not kill level 54 Bosses for the rest of my time in CoH.

Anyone who says it HASNT affected their PuGing is Lying.

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I formed a STF saturday in less than 10 min from first call to start of TF. Im calling shenanegans on you. Of course, you may be on a lot of peoples black list for teaming because of past behavior.

Lots of 50's yada yada. still finding fun things to do.
Cthulhu loves you, better start running

I�! I�! Gg�gorsch�a�bha egurtsa�ar�ug d� Dalhor! Cthluhu fthagn! Cthluhu fthagn!

You are in a maze of twisty little passages



I haven't PUGed in years, but that doesn't mean that it should be destroyed as a viable option for folks looking to do the other 98% of content in the game (including NORMAL AE missions). As is, it's a useless avenue until the exploits are closed or people get bored with it and move on.

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true. but I do think the devs are working on that, albeit slowly. yesterday there were multiple 4starred farms with 500-600 votes. Theyre gone now.

and just the other day i rolled a new char on virtue, joined a low lvl pug for the heck of it adnd they were running lowbie arcs.

The demand is there, you just have to be proactive.

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But that would take work to form a team and some of the players here just want to whine and be carried by others. Not finding a team because you wont start one is lazy. It isnt the games fault, it is the players.

Lots of 50's yada yada. still finding fun things to do.
Cthulhu loves you, better start running

I�! I�! Gg�gorsch�a�bha egurtsa�ar�ug d� Dalhor! Cthluhu fthagn! Cthluhu fthagn!

You are in a maze of twisty little passages



Why pay for a game and subscription to just rush to the end anyway?

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I'm probably not the best one to ask. However, with my main, I wanted to level him up quickly so I would have at least one toon able to participate in end-game content, ship raids, Hami raids, etc.

Did I PL him? Only if you call nearly three months of street-sweeping for bosses in hazard zones PL'ing.

I did the same thing with my first villain too.

Now they HAVE paid for it. Their contact list is pitifully small compared to people who've mished the crap out of things. Hence, obtaining quick inspie refills isn't so quick for them, as in several zones, I simply have no contacts...

I've also missed a ton of badges this way too (though to be honest, at the point I was levelling Hyperstrike, I didn't really understand the badge and mission system very well yet).

My second red-side 50 was created and levelled up after I13 hit. I made it a POINT to go through content. As such, she racked up a FEROCIOUS amount of merits and roughly 70% of all arcs available to me in Ouroboros show as "completed".

I have a troller blue-side working this very same way and he's already sitting on nearly 300 merits.

So, I can see why people would want to PL a toon for special purposes. I just can't see them wanting to do it with EVERY toon they play.

Clicking on the linked image above will take you off the City of Heroes site. However, the guides will be linked back here.



Yes, i took advantage of the ae farms this weekend. I leveled 2 toons that are a pain at low levels to stamina. And stopped. They are concept toons that had sit idle for 200+ days in my load list. Every team I was in, i was in the thick of battle. Died a number of times, oh well. I already have 15 50's, none pl'd more than maybe 1 or 2 lvls. I did use a couple for bridging at times because I wanted to use them in the weekends hami raid. But I have played every hero at except for PB. And every vill side at except dominator.(cant really get into those, maybe try one again soon).

PS: not to hijack, but what are people feelings on fun dom and brute sets? Suggestions to try?

Lots of 50's yada yada. still finding fun things to do.
Cthulhu loves you, better start running

I�! I�! Gg�gorsch�a�bha egurtsa�ar�ug d� Dalhor! Cthluhu fthagn! Cthluhu fthagn!

You are in a maze of twisty little passages



Isn't there an unofficial RP server? Perhaps that one can be for those types and Freedom for people who just play the game as a fun game.

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Yeah, but since MA came out, the RP'ers seem to think that they should take over every server...

"The One"

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Pft. we already exist on every server. we're like the Illuminati like that.

Want comedy and lighthearted action? Between levels 1-14? Try Nuclear in 90 - The Fusionette Task Force!

Arc ID 58363!



fire/psi dom and fire/ss brute. the first is just wawy to fun and lotsa damage. the second is fun for me but there are many combos for brutes that are fun.



While I don't give a darn about farming, I still agree with removing them from Atlas and Talos; those two zones are too busy already. Steel seems fine to me; it's one of the few zones where the building FITS (skyscappers everywhere.)

I'd also like the Faultline one removed, but for different reasons: the AE building killed my Jacuzzi!

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I dont mind the AE being in atlas. Please dont ruin my beloved Galaxy city with farming. ;/

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Sorry I dont understand how farming ruins anything. Unless your refering to them removing the building because of farming. I must be missing something, sorry for my ignorance, but isnt farming just grinding your [censored] off and nothing else? I think I was in a farming mission (my mistake, it was boring as hell). It was loaded with lieutenants, Lots of ticket objects, all influence/no exp points. Is that a farming mission? If I werent so damn stubborn I would have quit it early because I need exp points. Anyway it was not easy at all. Took 2 hours at least but a boring grind. Why should we complain about people who want to grind like that? Some actualy pay others to level their character for them because they want to have a max char. Doesnt effect me so who cares? If there is an exploit or cheating then Im really sorry because that Im not aware of. Just thought farming was grinding. When coh first came out lots grouped and went through cities doing exactly what was in the mission I played. Difference was there were drops and experience points in city. Let em grind if they want to. If people want to have a maxed out character, whatever, then what? Whenever I max out a char its kind of a letdown because the real journey is over.




Those are interesting ways to describe the game developers.

By the way, it's not "you must do this", it's "you should not do that".

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Again, who are you to be telling anyone else what they should or should not do?

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Please quote me actually doing so, then ask again.

'I don't like the look of it at all,' said the King: 'however, it may kiss my hand if it likes.'
'I'd rather not,' the Cat remarked.
'Don't be impertinent,' said the King, 'and don't look at me like that!' He got behind Alice as he spoke.
'A cat may look at a king,' said Alice.



Yeah, but since MA came out, the RP'ers seem to think that they should take over every server...

"The One"

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Pft. we already exist on every server. we're like the Witnesses like that.

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Yeah, but since MA came out, the RP'ers seem to think that they should take over every server...

"The One"

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Pft. we already exist on every server. we're like the Witnesses like that.

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I really dont get the reference. the only Witnesses I can find any references to is a french film about people with aids. And if you're honestly comparing roleplayers to that in an rpg, you're an idiot. :P

Want comedy and lighthearted action? Between levels 1-14? Try Nuclear in 90 - The Fusionette Task Force!

Arc ID 58363!



I really dont get the reference. the only Witnesses I can find any references to is a french film about people with aids. And if you're honestly comparing roleplayers to that in an rpg, you're an idiot. :P

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You must lead a very sheltered life if you haven't had someone try to give you copy of the watchtower in the early hours of the morning.



I don't see a need for any NERFS whatsoever. If they nerf the XP for the Comm Officer, or anything else for that matter, that's across the board, even in actual content.

If they nerf anything dramatically, ie: XP/INF/Tickets, you can only go so much with doing "custom content" until everyone figures out that there aren't enough reward incentives for you to run anything besides a quick fix to the "Anything else besides the regular TFs or game content."

Overall, the majority LOOK for rewards. If the rewards aren't there, they will just go back to farming merits, and other TFs, and go back to their Perma 46s. It'll be a little slower than the MA, because honestly, MA level up speed isn't that much faster than the demon farm map or any other regular farm.

With that said, that'll end up leaving AE just a pinch of activity, but not enough for it to be constituted as a place to be a must play.

Nothing is broken. They took out the "exploits." Just play the game. Everyone has their own taste of what fun is. Let it be.



You know who really got hit in the chops by the MA? RMTers. why buy inf to pay for PLing when there are teams forming for free quite often?

Lots of 50's yada yada. still finding fun things to do.
Cthulhu loves you, better start running

I�! I�! Gg�gorsch�a�bha egurtsa�ar�ug d� Dalhor! Cthluhu fthagn! Cthluhu fthagn!

You are in a maze of twisty little passages




But hey, either or, if they do drop the Comm Officers, it's no biggie. There are OTHER Lieutenants that can be farmed and I'll still get my rewards that I want, and people will still cry more because I'm getting my rewards at a "fast" rate.

Changes can be good. I'll just find another way.



So, come on, happy apathetic people, do a little dance, get your boogie on! You've thrown your hat in with the people that threaten everything good about MA.

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Prove it.

Since they haven't "ruined" me making my own arcs that I enjoy, they haven't removed any of the arcs I've enjoyed playing, they haven't sucked away any of the XP, influence, or tickets I've gotten, and I'm barely aware of them, your point doesn't even make any sense.

For the folks complaining about PuGs, I don't have a lot of sympathy since the first year I spent playing CoX was spent trying to be sure I never had to be in one of those again. Every so often I accept that random invite thinking "Eh, why not?" and then I'm reminded in terrible, terrible ways. Ugly costumes, terrible bios, bad spelling, and general idiocy abound in the average PuG.

Personally, I'd rather solo.



I really dont get the reference. the only Witnesses I can find any references to is a french film about people with aids. And if you're honestly comparing roleplayers to that in an rpg, you're an idiot. :P

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You must lead a very sheltered life if you haven't had someone try to give you copy of the watchtower in the early hours of the morning.

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nope, cant say i have. Had a jehovah's handing out minibibles at the college once though.

Besides, no offense, but I never got why people would wanna play a role playing game if they have no intention of role playing. :P

Want comedy and lighthearted action? Between levels 1-14? Try Nuclear in 90 - The Fusionette Task Force!

Arc ID 58363!



Do you role play while playing Final Fantasy? Not the online Final Fantasy. Since that is an "RPG."



I'm just gonna go play my awesome arc with the prisoners group...DOH!

I'm gonna go level off the end of mission XP bonus! DOH!

I'm gonna go relive some of my fun times in Striga Island by fighting some Council vampires with those neat little spawning beds...DOH!

Well, at least I can enjoy the arc I made where you have to destroy snake eggs...DOH! DOH!

The Developers are against exploitative farming, so long as people are exploitative farming, the things they are exploiting are going to be taken away from us, not fixed, not made acceptable, taken away from us, and it continues for long enough, they will take XP in MA away from us and MA will be useless. DOH!



Do you role play while playing Final Fantasy? Not the online Final Fantasy. Since that is an "RPG."

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I dont play Final Fantasy to be honest. Its a pretty horrid excuse for a jrpg.

besides. theres a huge difference. FF is designed to be a singleplayer game where you more or less take on a predetermined role.

CoH is a massive, social experience with no predefined role or story for your character.

Want comedy and lighthearted action? Between levels 1-14? Try Nuclear in 90 - The Fusionette Task Force!

Arc ID 58363!



I really dont get the reference. the only Witnesses I can find any references to is a french film about people with aids. And if you're honestly comparing roleplayers to that in an rpg, you're an idiot. :P

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You must lead a very sheltered life if you haven't had someone try to give you copy of the watchtower in the early hours of the morning.

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nope, cant say i have. Had a jehovah's handing out minibibles at the college once though.

Besides, no offense, but I never got why people would wanna play a role playing game if they have no intention of role playing. :P

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To you this may be a RPG, to me it is a multiplayer arcade game smashfest. Roleplay requires an active participation I am not willing to give to something I am paying to play. I want entertainment, simple smashtastic hacknslash entertainment. Virtue is that way----->






I really dont get the reference. the only Witnesses I can find any references to is a french film about people with aids. And if you're honestly comparing roleplayers to that in an rpg, you're an idiot. :P

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You must lead a very sheltered life if you haven't had someone try to give you copy of the watchtower in the early hours of the morning.

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nope, cant say i have. Had a jehovah's handing out minibibles at the college once though.

Besides, no offense, but I never got why people would wanna play a role playing game if they have no intention of role playing. :P

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To you this may be a RPG, to me it is a multiplayer arcade game smashfest. Roleplay requires an active participation I am not willing to give to something I am paying to play. I want entertainment, simple smashtastic hacknslash entertainment. Virtue is that way----->

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sorry. Infinity has roleplayers too. :P. We just dont advertise on other servers like the virtue catgurl brigades. And don't get me wrong, I like smashing things too, i just wonder why people seem to always treat roleplayers like theyre a disease that needs to be erased from roleplaying games

I have nothing against you if you don't want to rp, I just dislike when roleplayers get treated like some sort of virus for having the gall to exist.

Want comedy and lighthearted action? Between levels 1-14? Try Nuclear in 90 - The Fusionette Task Force!

Arc ID 58363!



sorry. Infinity has roleplayers too. :P. We just dont advertise on other servers like the virtue catgurl brigades. And don't get me wrong, I like smashing things too, i just wonder why people seem to always treat roleplayers like theyre a disease that needs to be erased from roleplaying games

I have nothing against you if you don't want to rp, I just dislike when roleplayers get treated like some sort of virus for having the gall to exist.

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My gripe is the complaining that someone else's playstyle/enjoyment interferes with their enjoyment of the game. I RP, on weekends, with my friends, in a D&D campaign that has been going on for almost 15 years. However, you don't see me yelling at the guys next door to stop practicing their band because we want to RP. It is the same principle. The main response was to the post earlier that didn't understand why non roleplayers were even playing a "roleplaying game". I'm telling you that I am not playing a role playing game, I am playing an action adventure game.



sorry. Infinity has roleplayers too. :P. We just dont advertise on other servers like the virtue catgurl brigades. And don't get me wrong, I like smashing things too, i just wonder why people seem to always treat roleplayers like theyre a disease that needs to be erased from roleplaying games

I have nothing against you if you don't want to rp, I just dislike when roleplayers get treated like some sort of virus for having the gall to exist.

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My gripe is the complaining that someone else's playstyle/enjoyment interferes with their enjoyment of the game. I RP, on weekends, with my friends, in a D&D campaign that has been going on for almost 15 years. However, you don't see me yelling at the guys next door to stop practicing their band because we want to RP. It is the same principle. The main response was to the post earlier that didn't understand why non roleplayers were even playing a "roleplaying game". I'm telling you that I am not playing a role playing game, I am playing an action adventure game.

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true. I was mostly replying to the people comparing roleplayers to Jehovah's witnesses, a group of religious people with a reputation for being annoying people you just want to fall into a pit and die.

Want comedy and lighthearted action? Between levels 1-14? Try Nuclear in 90 - The Fusionette Task Force!

Arc ID 58363!