Solution to city-of-farming angst




Remove the AE buildings from Atlas Park, Steel Canyon and Talos.

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I think a better solution would be to make some change that will make it undesirable or impossible for level 50 characters to use the AE facilities in the lower level zones.

For example, the AE building in Atlas could only allow characters up to level 10 into missions. KR would allow up to level 15, Steel Canyon and Skyway to 20, Talos to 30, etc.

This would return us to the status quo (on Freedom) where the farm spam was concentrated in PI, and caused two or three instances of PI to persist pretty much 24/7.

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Horrifically bad idea and defeats the entire auto ex/sk systems purpose which allows friends of all levels to mish without need to worry about enough mentors.

The devs should not concentrate on eliminating farming, but eliminating behavior that annoys or impedes other players. Constantly spamming "3 more spots on AE farm" every few seconds is just as obnoxious as two nitwits yammering about who is more l33t on the broadcast channel.

I don't really care what consenting adults do in the privacy of their own missions, but the rest of us should not be subjected to advertisements on how much they charge per run for PLing lowbies.

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Ignore spammer/ignore was put there for a reason, use it.

The EULA should be clarified to identify charging other people for teaming as prohibited conduct. It already forbids spamming and advertising, and broadcasting your fee for PLing lowbies is obviously spamming and advertising. Players should be banned for soliciting influence for PLing.

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The current farming in AE eliminated the for profit farming. Anyone paying to be farmed before was silly now with AE it would just be insane. The devs saw no need to ban for pay farms when they were operating now that they are not, they most likely see less reason.

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



Ok, honestly...what difference is there between this:

Lvl 5 troller lfsewers


Lvl 5 troller lf AE

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The difference is that the broadcast isn't "Lvl 5 troller lf AE" It's "Lvl 5 troller looking for AE farm."

The fact that the word farm features prominently in 90 percent of the looking for AE team broadcasts shows that most those people aren't looking for a team to adventure with. They aren't looking for mission content. They are just looking to get maximum exp and tickets per minute.

Personally I don't care about them farming. If that's what they enjoy then let them enjoy it. What bothers me about it is that I put work into creating a mission arc that is meant to be entertaining in every aspect and I get to watch that mission pushed rapidly down the list and get virtually no players. Meanwhile a farm mission, that is advertised as a farm mission, is getting 5 starred and tons of repeat plays.

As I said, I'm not against the farmers. I just kind of feel like I wrote The Wrestler and I'm looking at a box office take of 43 million after 18 weeks. Meanwhile Yes Man is at 229 million after 15 weeks.

Don't count your weasels before they pop dink!



Your complaint falls squarely in your lap. With over 100,000 arcs it is "your" job to publicize your arc like ANYONE else.

I see you have zero arcs listed in your sig, have you listed any story arc [tags], have you join the MA arc finder channel, have you listed your arc in the release thread here on the board, have you played a story arc that you gave a good rating and listed your arc in the comments section asking the author to play your arc now?

Yet you look to others for fault in not having your arc played.. pfft...

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



Here's the real solution to farming, in three easy steps:

Ignore it.
Play your own game.
Get on with your life.

'Nuff Said.

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You know who else that worked for?

The Native Americans. They just ignored the problem of the White Man, and now they've got no problems, they've still got their own country, haven't been [censored] or pillaged, none of that.

Clearly, I'm kidding with the dramatic tone and real world example, but this is actually a problem, it hurts the economy, it hurts the player base and it hurts the game when it gets so consumed by farmers as it has.

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... Did you really just try to compare behavior in a game (which hurts no one, by the way, since we're all here to have fun) to the displacement of an entire race?


@macskull, @Not Mac | XBL: macskull | Steam: macskull | Skype: macskull
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."



Last night I was shouting out with my Level 40 Scrapper in Atlas for an AE team and I got invited to one with 2 heroes that were Level 3 and neither even had a 3 month veteran badge. They were clueless and assumed I would be their powerleveling hero. Ya Right.

Yes, I believe this AE Farming issue is a major problem and I hope the content developers can come up with viable solutions to fix it. I would guess that fixes will come with the mission editor itself to make it more "anti-farm" in nature. Sad, that farmers are ruining a wonderful playing tool for all the rest of us.



He did say he was kidding. Anyway my problem with the prevolent farms is that the temptation of the unbalanced rewards has removed tons of players who I liked to team with from the game that I play. They might as well be playing WoW and I miss them. To bad for me.



sounds like you were the one who was assuming. maybe they wanted you to exemp and run with them explaining things as you went along. or maybe they were 2nd accounts of people who had been here for a while. of course being at lv 40, you shouldn't be in AP. you do know that there are many other AE buildings correct? you do know how to use the find member button right? you do know that you can start your own team and not have to take blind invites right?

FACT: all the whinners about MA "farms" are in AP. what the hell did you expect? go to another zone with an AE building and you barely see any of this. stop trying to be game police and go enjoy the game the way you want. also remember that this is the FoTM. it will die down soon enough.



Not FACT. I'm leveling an alt, I don't spend any time at all in AP and I get bombarded at all times.



so put yourself in hide from searches. then you won't get bombarded. i love how people scream about getting tells and yet we have all these features to help prevent this.



Thank you Devs for creating an amazing loot and leveling machine!

To make it perfect, please add purple and pvp recipes to the list of purchasable rewards.

A very sad story about War Witch and the neglected kitty.

Originally Posted by Black_Barrier
Guess it's hard to click while actively trying to keep the drool away from the keyboard...



If you read back you will see that it wasn't a blind invite and I was actually looking for an AE team when the newbs invited me....the mission they already had loaded was a Meow Farm that auto levels everyone up to the max level. I was just sharing my story of why this is a problem. You don't need to think all us are in the wrong because we are expressing our dislike for the farms that are causing problems.

If you don't think it is damaging the game, then you should check the drastic price drops on some items like Chronal Skip.



so how is a price drop on items damaging again? oh wait, i know, that is what you tried to niche in. using market prices is a bad example but since you wnna got there: have you seen all of the "prices are outrageous" threads? or the "lack of supply" threads? even the people who play the market game were somewhat yelling about it. more supply = more people who may use the market now = more monies for everyone. granted at a slower pace but oh well. suck it up and deal with it. you aren't the only one who is taking a hit to max infl/inf gained by the markets.



I don't understand how anyone can say "the market is broken" anyway. The market is the market. Just because it CHANGED doesn't mean it's broken. Supply, demand. These things aren't constants. Just because something costs more or less doesn't mean it's broken. It just means things have changed. A market like this is in a constant state of flux. That's pretty much how it's designed. Otherwise, you'd just have stores with constant prices. Move with the market. Don't stand still and complain that it's moved.

And I keep seeing the term "Meow Farm". What the heck does that mean?

Dec out.



I had also gone [to Atlas] prior to the badge farm to do a regular farm mission for tickets/infl/kill badges (I was on my 50)

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FYI, if you are getting tickets, you are not getting credit for kill badges. Those two reward systems are mutually exclusive.



you do get badges for killing custom critters. the infl/inf badges are the ones that don't count.



Oohhh, the Architect badges. Right, I thought they were talking about standard defeat badges like Tank Buster or Spider Smasher. My bad.



I think a better solution would be to make some change that will make it undesirable or impossible for level 50 characters to use the AE facilities in the lower level zones.

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Horrifically bad idea and defeats the entire auto ex/sk systems purpose which allows friends of all levels to mish without need to worry about enough mentors.

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Actually, I realize now that I misstated what intended to say. Rather than prevent level 50s from using the AE facilities completely, the goal could be accomplished by disallowing characters from taking AE missions in lower level zones, in exactly the same way higher level characters can't get radio missions in Atlas and KR.

This solution wouldn't stop SKs or EXes. A level 5 character could still EX a 50 in Atlas and take an AE mission. The only wrinkle is deciding what to do if the 50 becomes the team leader.

Overcrowded zones aren't particularly fun places for anyone to be. If players refuse to sort themselves out among the various zones in some logical fashion, the devs will need to do something about it. It's particular egregious for level 50 characters to dominate resources intended for the use of lower level characters, when perfectly acceptable facilities are available for their use in "their" zones.



while a very erratic topic, i do agree that maybe the AE building should be removed from AP. this will give the new to the game players a chance of actually seeing what the game is about. everyone else who has been around a while knows how to navigate the higher lv zones without getting killed. red side has actually taken this into consideration( if you look at it that way) as to put the AE building on the opposite side of mercy from where you start vs the blue side which has the AE building right there as soon as you zone in. bad idea. and i know kind of a lame argument for it but maybe this will spark somemore usefull ideas or actually get people thinking about taking their 50's to another zone with their friends of all different lv ranges and leave the "new to the game" palyers to experience part of the game before getting to lv 50 and not knowing what to do.



Ok, honestly...what difference is there between this:

Lvl 5 troller lfsewers


Lvl 5 troller lf AE

[/ QUOTE ]

The difference is that the broadcast isn't "Lvl 5 troller lf AE" It's "Lvl 5 troller looking for AE farm."

The fact that the word farm features prominently in 90 percent of the looking for AE team broadcasts shows that most those people aren't looking for a team to adventure with. They aren't looking for mission content. They are just looking to get maximum exp and tickets per minute.

Personally I don't care about them farming. If that's what they enjoy then let them enjoy it. What bothers me about it is that I put work into creating a mission arc that is meant to be entertaining in every aspect and I get to watch that mission pushed rapidly down the list and get virtually no players. Meanwhile a farm mission, that is advertised as a farm mission, is getting 5 starred and tons of repeat plays.

As I said, I'm not against the farmers. I just kind of feel like I wrote The Wrestler and I'm looking at a box office take of 43 million after 18 weeks. Meanwhile Yes Man is at 229 million after 15 weeks.

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All I saw there was I'm mad because more people like farms than the artistic content I worked so hard for...

Bad news, books work the same way. You may write a great, moving, piercing piece of literature for the ages. That doesn't mean it is gonna make the best seller list where books tend to follow a standard goodguy/badguy/romance formula. You may be hailed by critics as the best thing since sliced bread, but you may only be read by college students forced to do so for the class and those same critics. I suppose then everyone else needs to be forced to buy the book too....

My point is, that is nothing but jealousy because people like playing those arcs more than yours. Either cater to the mob and get your ratings or be content in that your story arcs ratings come from those who care about such things.

My next thing is what exactly is wrong with trying to maximize your inf/prestige/merit/ticket/exp (whatever gets your goat)

If anything, since the ticket change, I farm people less and less since I get the same rewards as running with the 8 man as I do solo...



If you read back you will see that it wasn't a blind invite and I was actually looking for an AE team when the newbs invited me....the mission they already had loaded was a Meow Farm that auto levels everyone up to the max level. I was just sharing my story of why this is a problem. You don't need to think all us are in the wrong because we are expressing our dislike for the farms that are causing problems.

If you don't think it is damaging the game, then you should check the drastic price drops on some items like Chronal Skip.

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So let me get this straight.....the increased quantity of recipies available as well as rare salvage has caused these prices to plummet, allowing more players to create tricked out endgame builds....even the casual players. So now...only the ultra rare "purps" are truely "hard" to get.

This is a bad thing how???



If you read back you will see that it wasn't a blind invite and I was actually looking for an AE team when the newbs invited me....the mission they already had loaded was a Meow Farm that auto levels everyone up to the max level. I was just sharing my story of why this is a problem. You don't need to think all us are in the wrong because we are expressing our dislike for the farms that are causing problems.

If you don't think it is damaging the game, then you should check the drastic price drops on some items like Chronal Skip.

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So let me get this straight.....the increased quantity of recipies available as well as rare salvage has caused these prices to plummet, allowing more players to create tricked out endgame builds....even the casual players. So now...only the ultra rare "purps" are truely "hard" to get.

This is a bad thing how???

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even the purps seem to be falling in price a bit.

and to answer the earlier question about what a meow farm is. Its a comm officer farm.

Want comedy and lighthearted action? Between levels 1-14? Try Nuclear in 90 - The Fusionette Task Force!

Arc ID 58363!



If you don't think it is damaging the game, then you should check the drastic price drops on some items like Chronal Skip.

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How is that damaging the game?

I ask this as an extremely active market user (buyer and seller).

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



i think what happens is when the first idea doesn't work they fall backa on something else hopping that will work. when that doesn't work they take off for a bit and try to come up with another angle. when that doesn't work they get all flustered adn start making personal attacks on the people who politely tried to explain to them the why and why not's of something.

*grabs big big bucket of popcorn and extra large soda and waits for personal attacks to start*



Long time player here just recently back.

I'd agree with the suggestion with the OP. They seem reasonable. Coming back after nearly 7 issues and I was taken aback with all the "lf AE farm" messages on broadcast.

I don't have any problem with farming, but it does ruin the game experience for new players (or returning players) who like the immersion aspect of the game.

After you get the hang of the game and then want to farm, then go for it. Removing it from Atlas, where the majority of players begin, and two of the transit zones makes sense to me.



1) If no one wanted to farm, then farmers would be in the minority and no one would be complaining.
2) However, there are a lot of people looking to gain rewards without beating their head against a rock - and as such, there are a LOT of people engaging in some amount of "farming" - possibly even the majority. But if that's the case, why should a majority of the players have their play constrained to make them do what a vocal minority on the forums want?

I mean, I really don't think you can have it both ways, either a) there aren't many people farming - therfore it isn't much of a problem and there isn't much of an impact, OR their are a TON of people farming - therefor why should a playstyle that apparently a TON of people are doing be curtailed or attacked just because a few malcontents want them to be forced to do something else?


For Great Justice!