Solution to city-of-farming angst




This is NOT an anti-farming thread. Please post anti-farming comments elsewhere

We all know farming has been here since day 1 (apparently) and it isn't going to go away anytime soon. I am fine with that.

We also know a lot of players are upset with the visual appearance of increased farming since the introduction of the mission architect.

I have a possible solution that I thought I would throw out there for discussion.

Remove the AE buildings from Atlas Park, Steel Canyon and Talos.

Those that want to be farmed will then go to other zones. Lowbies can head over to Galaxy for their farms.

This brings Atlas Park back to it's former visual appearance, without all the 'looking for AE farm' messages being spammed in broadcast. Atlas will go back to the zone for costume contests, sewer team sign-ups, other competitions/events, etc. A large chunk of the zone lag will be reduced.

I also suggested removing the AE from Talos and Steel Canyon, as they are common transit zones (and Talos used to be a lag-fest prior to the AE).

This means players won't have to delete broadcast from their chat box, they won't be fronted with it when rolling a new character in Atlas, new players will be born in Atlas without all the farm messages in their face and might actually look to do some of the original content that does not consist of farming and enjoy some of the arcs that were created by the devs.

*throws thread open for discussion*

Originally Posted by Forbin_Project
I was thrilled with the Science pack cuz I finally got payback on the creepy guy that kept trying to ERP with my tween heroine, by hitting the costume change and turning into a 10' tall monstrous escaped prisoner and telling him, "You gots a real purty mouf, now bendover and squeal like a pig fo yo daddy, cuz you my little puppy now!" Haven't seen him since.



While I don't give a darn about farming, I still agree with removing them from Atlas and Talos; those two zones are too busy already. Steel seems fine to me; it's one of the few zones where the building FITS (skyscappers everywhere.)

I'd also like the Faultline one removed, but for different reasons: the AE building killed my Jacuzzi! Calls to Action and Events Calendar
This is what 3700 heroes in a single zone looks like.
Thanks to @EnsonsDeath for the GVE code that made me VIP again!



While I don't give a darn about farming, I still agree with removing them from Atlas and Talos; those two zones are too busy already. Steel seems fine to me; it's one of the few zones where the building FITS (skyscappers everywhere.)

I'd also like the Faultline one removed, but for different reasons: the AE building killed my Jacuzzi!

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I dont mind the AE being in atlas. Please dont ruin my beloved Galaxy city with farming. ;/

Want comedy and lighthearted action? Between levels 1-14? Try Nuclear in 90 - The Fusionette Task Force!

Arc ID 58363!



I was hoping you'd just suggest going outside and enjoying the nice weather.



People recruit for AE farms everywhere in CoX, it doesn't matter if there is a MA building in the area or not, and the MA building belongs in Atlas Park, serves a good purpose and makes sense canon-wise.

Plus, best as I can recall, this would make it so like everyone within the first 15 levels would have no choice but to go to the MA building in Galaxy City...crowding Galaxy City and creating large amounts of lag, more then there is in Atlas now...



My solution is to not care what others are doing. I haven't even done all of my fellow goons' arcs, much less run into any problems finding something compelling to play. Another made up problem from a bunch of cry babies.



I wouldn't call this a made up problem.

2 of my global friends have cancelled their accounts due this.

Myself, I am yet to receive an invite to anything that is NOT a MA farm.

I have to rely on my few remaining global friends who still play, in the chance they are on at the same time as myself.

I used to make a lot of new friends doing PuG missions prior to i14. Since it's release, things have changed. While I don't mind farming, I am significantly enjoying the game a LOT less than I used to. I do love the potential of the AE, but I am NOT enjoying what Atlas Park has turned into.

Originally Posted by Forbin_Project
I was thrilled with the Science pack cuz I finally got payback on the creepy guy that kept trying to ERP with my tween heroine, by hitting the costume change and turning into a 10' tall monstrous escaped prisoner and telling him, "You gots a real purty mouf, now bendover and squeal like a pig fo yo daddy, cuz you my little puppy now!" Haven't seen him since.



I wouldn't call this a made up problem.

2 of my global friends have cancelled their accounts due this.

Myself, I am yet to receive an invite to anything that is NOT a MA farm.

I have to rely on my few remaining global friends who still play, in the chance they are on at the same time as myself.

I used to make a lot of new friends doing PuG missions prior to i14. Since it's release, things have changed. While I don't mind farming, I am significantly enjoying the game a LOT less than I used to. I do love the potential of the AE, but I am NOT enjoying what Atlas Park has turned into.

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eh, play in Galaxy. or dont roll on freedumb.

Not to mention, I've found pugs are never worth the headaches they cause.

Want comedy and lighthearted action? Between levels 1-14? Try Nuclear in 90 - The Fusionette Task Force!

Arc ID 58363!



Isn't there an unofficial RP server? Perhaps that one can be for those types and Freedom for people who just play the game as a fun game.

For Great Justice!



I wouldn't call this a made up problem.

2 of my global friends have cancelled their accounts due this.

Myself, I am yet to receive an invite to anything that is NOT a MA farm.

I have to rely on my few remaining global friends who still play, in the chance they are on at the same time as myself.

I used to make a lot of new friends doing PuG missions prior to i14. Since it's release, things have changed. While I don't mind farming, I am significantly enjoying the game a LOT less than I used to. I do love the potential of the AE, but I am NOT enjoying what Atlas Park has turned into.

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eh, play in Galaxy. or dont roll on freedumb.

Not to mention, I've found pugs are never worth the headaches they cause.

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this exactly. if your friends quit over this then they have more severe problems. everyone cries about AP and how theres to many 50's in there and yet they sit there on their 50's. there has been many a suggestion as how to eliminate the "LFF" in broadcast and how to search for arcs rather then "farms" in the MA. this is a game people and should be played as such. we're suppossed to be adults and yet everyone seems to be acting like spoiled children.



Is this spam actually serious anywhere other than Freedom (and maybe Virtue)?

I was hanging out in Atlas Park on Pinnacle earlier today. Freedom and Virtue were mobbed, but the AE building in AP on Pinnacle was mostly unpopulated, and I was able to work on a story arc in peace and quiet without hearing anyone broadcasting for farm invites, although there was normal team-gathering going on.



Classic not in my backyard syndrome is what is the problem. Its an MMO with lots of people with varied taste and AE is new and shiney. Everyone just needs to calm down and play the game their way and things will work themselves out as they always do. Seriously.

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



Sounds like wise advice.

For Great Justice!



Here's the real solution to farming, in three easy steps:

Ignore it.
Play your own game.
Get on with your life.

'Nuff Said.

Clicking on the linked image above will take you off the City of Heroes site. However, the guides will be linked back here.



Here's the real solution to farming, in three easy steps:

Ignore it.
Play your own game.
Get on with your life.

'Nuff Said.

[/ QUOTE ]

You know who else that worked for?

The Native Americans. They just ignored the problem of the White Man, and now they've got no problems, they've still got their own country, haven't been [censored] or pillaged, none of that.

Clearly, I'm kidding with the dramatic tone and real world example, but this is actually a problem, it hurts the economy, it hurts the player base and it hurts the game when it gets so consumed by farmers as it has.



give us proof that it hurts. and don't use the "everything is so high priced in the market" look at it. that is supply and demand. and again, for everyone who is sitting in AP that is complaining about this, move to a different zone. you don't need to try to be forcing people to play a game the way you play. they pay their subs, you pay yours. they don't tell you how to play neither should you. grow up. this is a freakin video game. if it bothers you that much, you need to step back and rethink if this is what you want to be doing.



Here's the real solution to farming, in three easy steps:

Ignore it.
Play your own game.
Get on with your life.

'Nuff Said.

[/ QUOTE ]

You know who else that worked for?

The Native Americans. They just ignored the problem of the White Man, and now they've got no problems, they've still got their own country, haven't been [censored] or pillaged, none of that.

Clearly, I'm kidding with the dramatic tone and real world example, but this is actually a problem, it hurts the economy, it hurts the player base and it hurts the game when it gets so consumed by farmers as it has.

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Hows it hurting the economy?

if anything making money now is so easy that nobiody has any excuse for not being rich,

Want comedy and lighthearted action? Between levels 1-14? Try Nuclear in 90 - The Fusionette Task Force!

Arc ID 58363!



Additional Cooperative Suggestion: A Zonewide AEBroadcast. Let it devolve into farming comments, who cares.

Community suggestion, let's work toward establishing one zone as an unofficial AE farm zone. We can't beat em, might as well get em swept under the rug.



Ignore it is the correct solution. I've just put everybody who broadcasts for a farm on ignore. Atlas is really quiet these days.

Don't count your weasels before they pop dink!



Ok, honestly...what difference is there between this:

Lvl 5 troller lfsewers


Lvl 5 troller lf AE



That's a good point. I didn't see many people complain about lowbies running sewers 1-10, then newspaper and TFs for the rest of their carrier ; yet this is farming, just less efficient farming. Fight freakshow in sewers or council in an office ? Wow, the diversity !



Here's the real solution to farming, in three easy steps:

Ignore it.
Play your own game.
Get on with your life.

'Nuff Said.

[/ QUOTE ]

I agree with this. Seems like a small minority here is trying to impose their will upon the majority of players by crying to devs to eliminate experience or some other drastic changes. I am sure after a few more weeks the number of farms in AE buildings will be reduced as people lose interest in the new toy.



This is NOT an anti-farming thread. Please post anti-farming comments elsewhere

I have a possible solution that I thought I would throw out there for discussion.

Remove the AE buildings from Atlas Park, Steel Canyon and Talos.

Those that want to be farmed will then go to other zones. Lowbies can head over to Galaxy for their farms.

This brings Atlas Park back to it's former visual appearance, without all the 'looking for AE farm' messages being spammed in broadcast. Atlas will go back to the zone for costume contests, sewer team sign-ups, other competitions/events, etc. A large chunk of the zone lag will be reduced.

I also suggested removing the AE from Talos and Steel Canyon, as they are common transit zones (and Talos used to be a lag-fest prior to the AE).

This means players won't have to delete broadcast from their chat box, they won't be fronted with it when rolling a new character in Atlas, new players will be born in Atlas without all the farm messages in their face and might actually look to do some of the original content that does not consist of farming and enjoy some of the arcs that were created by the devs.

*throws thread open for discussion*

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I was in Atlas on a AE badge farm yesterday on my home server. I had also gone there prior to the badge farm to do a regular farm mission for tickets/infl/kill badges (I was on my 50) Both times I went to Atlas the lag was awful. The team members also had a lot of problems with Disconnecting. Not just one member but most of the team Disconnected on the first team I joined it was left with 3 members after the mission was accepted and as people tried to enter the MA light.

The second mission the same thing was happening but mainly to the same people. It eventually happened to me as well, and I had to re verify to get in the game. We switched to galaxy city and then voila' we only had one DC the whole time we ended up teaming together (it was over an hour) The previous multiple DCs all happened within 20 minutes or less.

Steel Canyon also does this to my computer as well anything over a 3 man team there and I crash. Talos I agree with because the lag is crappy there, But I'm more for them moving Wentworth away from the Train, in Talos as I think that is the problem and not so much the AE building.

I'm surprised there isn't an AE building in Perez Park. All the office buildings around the sides kind of in my mind would fit the theme.

I kind of agree more with the Atlas thing as galaxy has kind of always been the underpopulated beginning zone.

To me the AE building just doesn't feel like it fits in Atlas, If it absolutely must be in Atlas then move it into a back area more so people zoning into Atlas especially new players aren't overwhelmed by the potential lag fest.

However, I also have another suggestion. Stick in another Start zone. Either from an existing zone. (Revamp: boom/baumtown) Change Perez's entry level. Lower the Minions on the outside of the park walls - Put a recon officer near the gates to the parkway saying +lvl 7 only recommended for this area.

OR There are existing open spaces around the City of heroes PTA map. There are areas between (6,3,14) -Skyway, KR, Bricks- Stick in another zone there. Between (5,2) The KR/IP tunnel area. Those are all near the Yellow PTA line.

and caffeine, i14 is still new, the Dev's will work on problems. The players will probably be playing the new content that i 14 MA offers for awhile. Maybe try going to a zone that is your level and broadcasting you're looking for a team to do coh content not MA content, or lead one. If the server you regularly play on isn't working try visiting another server.
This is a bug, nothing more. Please put away the tin-foil hats, there's nothing sinister going on here.-Protea



Remove the AE buildings from Atlas Park, Steel Canyon and Talos.

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I think a better solution would be to make some change that will make it undesirable or impossible for level 50 characters to use the AE facilities in the lower level zones.

For example, the AE building in Atlas could only allow characters up to level 10 into missions. KR would allow up to level 15, Steel Canyon and Skyway to 20, Talos to 30, etc.

This would return us to the status quo (on Freedom) where the farm spam was concentrated in PI, and caused two or three instances of PI to persist pretty much 24/7.

The devs should not concentrate on eliminating farming, but eliminating behavior that annoys or impedes other players. Constantly spamming "3 more spots on AE farm" every few seconds is just as obnoxious as two nitwits yammering about who is more l33t on the broadcast channel.

I don't really care what consenting adults do in the privacy of their own missions, but the rest of us should not be subjected to advertisements on how much they charge per run for PLing lowbies.

The EULA should be clarified to identify charging other people for teaming as prohibited conduct. It already forbids spamming and advertising, and broadcasting your fee for PLing lowbies is obviously spamming and advertising. Players should be banned for soliciting influence for PLing.