Constructive Criticism!
I love getting feedback on my MArcs and have always tried to correct bugs quickly when testing didn't reveal them.
Just last night / today I received 4 more reviews, every one of them polite and respectful.
One of them (a server mate) even took the time to point out spelling errors in detail and sent me a list to his ParagonWiki page!
That right there tells me the player cared enough in my arc to see it become even better and took the time to draw up a list of suggestions. Very impressive.
I think that's how critiques should be taken: as players offering ideas for improvement and the creator then weighing in the possibilities to do so when trends / patterns emerge in the comments.
Mission Architect has just officially become my favorite City of Heroes issue.
█ Players Guide to the Cities
I adore feedback.
I don't care if you rate my arc, but please, send me feedback. I'm in the process of tweaking patrol placement and have returned to tweaking mob balance because of insightful feedback. Love it.
Altoholism isn't a problem, its a calling.
60+ characters, 5 years, 3 50's.
I agree. Feedback means more to me than a rating.
I <3 feedback
Seriously, I love logging in and getting a screen full of tells! Its a great feeling.
But, I have to admit that I am shy about giving overly critical feedback, mostly due to fear of reprecussion :/
I love feedback.
Its done nothing but help tighten up the Fusionette Task Force into the arc it is today.
Want comedy and lighthearted action? Between levels 1-14? Try Nuclear in 90 - The Fusionette Task Force!
Arc ID 58363!
If you're gonig to play a story, be able to GIVE constructive criticism.
'UR Story sux!' does *NOT* qualify.
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I will amend this to say that if you're going to play a story and give feedback, you should be able to give constructive criticism. I don't want to hold someone back from playing just because he doesn't know how to say anything but "UR story sux!" but that's just me.
I have yet to post any criticism, because by the time I get through, I can't think of anything. I need to start taking notes.
I've been taking notes IN the feedback section sometimes. It doesn't send until you hit the send button.
Dec out.
I love getting feedback on my MArcs and have always tried to correct bugs quickly when testing didn't reveal them.
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It's just so hard to get some decent feedback. Only yesterday someone finally pointed out all sorts of things that I had missed in the whole three weeks (counting test) that the arc had been up, and that no one else had ever mentioned to me.
I can relate. I appreciated that the people running my arc early on liked it and appreciated the jokes, yadda yadda, but when I traded reviews with another writer on the Stories/Lore board, he had some pretty harsh criticisms about story construction and mechanics of how I'd set up several events. And he was entirely correct.
Now I just need to find the time to fix them.
Dec out.
I love getting feedback on my MArcs and have always tried to correct bugs quickly when testing didn't reveal them.
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It's just so hard to get some decent feedback. Only yesterday someone finally pointed out all sorts of things that I had missed in the whole three weeks (counting test) that the arc had been up, and that no one else had ever mentioned to me.
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Good feedback is hard to put together. Most notably because you have room to make maybe one-two solid points in the space allotted. That's why I generally play arcs I find on the stories/lore forum, gives me a good play to type up a lot of stuff.
I also like playing through arcs when the person who wrote them is on, that way I can send a ton of global tells and I know they'll all show up.
Up with the overworld! Up with exploration! | Want a review of your arc?
My arcs: Dream Paper (ID: 1874) | Bricked Electronics (ID: 2180) | The Bravuran Jobs (ID: 5073) | Backwards Day (ID: 329000) | Operation Fair Trade (ID: 391172)
I also like playing through arcs when the person who wrote them is on, that way I can send a ton of global tells and I know they'll all show up.
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Some people are vexingly popular, too. I hate writing up a bunch of feedback and hitting the "global mailbox is full, sry" message. I still do it, of course, it just vexes me.
I haven't had anyone run mine yet so no rates for me, keeping fingers crossed though.
It's immeasurable the amount of help that criticism has. It's a hard thing not to take personally after you've put in so much effort and time on an arc only to hear why people hate certain parts of it. Something that everyone should remember though is that you're playing for an audience. Getting feedback clarifies just where the weak points in a story or mission parameters exactly are.
I get a lot of 5 stars on my stuff, but hardly any feedback. I love getting rated 5 stars, but I really enjoy talking to people about it, it helps me improve the arc. Cavatina up there has done an amazing job in helping me improve the Tannhauser Gate.
I'm only ladylike when compared to my sister.
I always leave feedback and include my archetype, powerset, level and notoriety. I also leave info such as how many deaths and where they occurred. I almost always leave 5 stars if I feel the architect is really trying to make a decent Marc. I don't know anyone who can publish a perfect Marc on the first try. It is a journey and we all appreciate any help we can receive on that journey.
Oh and Aisynia, your Tannhauser Gate video is excellent. I can't wait to try you Marc. Excellent job.
noone has even played mine yet.. well outside of one freind. guess people dont like hellions and skulls
noone has even played mine yet.. well outside of one freind. guess people dont like hellions and skulls
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Go to the MA Forum, sign up for one of the review threads, do the Critique an Arc sticky thread at the top (critique one of the arcs listed, then list yours), IOW, advertise.
Justice Blues, Tech/Tank, Inv/SS
Fighting The Future Trilogy

well one person did play it last week, gave me 1 star, i republished later, now someone just played again and gave me 3.
neither left comments soo no idea what they didnt like. I could care less about ratings, id rather have comments.. Though i really dont put much in a low rating if no comment is left, Perhaps they just dont like me
I'm just the opposite. I don't care about the feedback and the first 5 to 10 ratings are what I look at. If I'm seeing 3s the arc gets pulled. If it's 4 and 5 stars, I keep it there. But it won't stay there long because I only have 3 slots available and I'll be changing arcs occasionally, and as a result, losing the ratings.
I don't expect to see a Dev's Choice and Hall of Fame isn't going to happen in all likelihood, so I don't worry about feedback and just have fun creating stories so someone can complain about how wordy I get. I can't please everyone and I'm just telling stories for whoever likes that, knowing full well most players don't want to do a lot of reading.
I even have 'Skip this if you don't want to read' in my arcs.
If you like the story, great. If not, that's fine too. I can't please everyone and don't try. Some may like what I do, most probably won't. LOL. Too much reading, not enough tickets and XP.
I love feedback. I believe my story arc is much stronger now than when I first wrote it in open beta (first round of feedback) and thenpublished live (2nd round of feedback) because of feedback.
Being told about game bugs, having grammar and spelling errors I missed pointed out to me, suggestions on how to polish it up is extremely valuable.
Together we entered a city of strangers, we made it a city of friends, and we leave it a City of Heroes. - Sweet_Sarah
BOYCOTT NCSoft (on Facebook)
Governments have fallen to the power of social media. Gaming companies can too.
The feedback I want to most I hardly ever get. When someone 1 or 2 stars my mission. I want to know why you did not like it.
In my description I put not recommended for low levels or solo play, and I still get complaints that they could not solo it. I wish people would read the description before playing.
@Blood Beret(2)Twitter
I am a bad speeler, use poorer grammar, and am a frequent typoist.
MA ArcID: 1197
You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life. Winston Churchill
If you're gonig to play a story, be able to GIVE constructive criticism.
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"Okay. You're ugly. But, they probably have a surgery for that." (Sorry, that's what I thought of when I read the post. )
And /signed - Real feedback is always appreciated! I respond to every one I get, even if it's just to say "thanks!" About 20% of them have comments that invite further dialogue, so IMO, the "comments" utility of running Architect is a great way to help the author's work BETTER.

@TURGENEV - Freedom Server / IRON / B.A.N.E / HORDE

Turg Fiction: Ghost in the Machine Acts III & IV coming 2012!
Turg Fiction: IX is now LIVE on Architect Entertainment!
...If you like the story, great. If not, that's fine too. I can't please everyone and don't try. Some may like what I do, most probably won't. LOL. Too much reading, not enough tickets and XP.
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If they give you a lengthy comment about how much reading you made them do, isn't that a bit hypocritical?
I'd be tempted to just send back, "TLR".
In my (not so) Humble Opinion, the most important thing about the Architect is this.
If you're going to publish a story, be able to take constructive criticism.
If you're gonig to play a story, be able to GIVE constructive criticism.
'UR Story sux!' does *NOT* qualify.
I ran through an arc last week that was an absolute BLAST. Until the end room, which had multiple elite bosses, making it a story more suited to team play. I wasn't able to finish, but still gave a good rating (Fun dialog, entertaining theme) and gave a suggestion that the description suggests teaming.
Got a tell from the author a couple days later, thanking me for the feedback.
EXACTLY how it should be!
Lets keep the comments positive and constructive and the Architect will grow and prosper and let us KICK CHAMPIONS a$$!!!