Issue with the Super Booster Magic Pack




Some of my high level characters (like my level 50s) will probably be okay with not changing that costume. But my lower level ones won't be- no auras, talsorian weapons, or the like. So their costumes remain incomplete.

A (Golden Gate) Bridge Too Far- arc 299315
Crazy NIMBY's, Railroad robber barons, and kickboxing Engineers, Oh My! Go back in time and join the fight to save a San Francisco icon!



I don't know why wings with magic bolero is such a problem all of a sudden. After all, we've been able to use wings with the wedding pack tuxedo for a long time now, and nobody's had problems.

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indeed and I've long wanted a tux like option for my inged character..i was excited to find the Bolero worked with I shall be sad or give up one of my costume slots forever.



If we can't have the Magic Bolero and High Collar Cape at the same time, what about adding the High Collar mantle as a shoulder option on the Bolero (so it would replace the fur if that option were selected)? That might leave us with a look of similar sexiness, at least.

And, yes, it would be awesome if we could have the Shoulder Fur (and possibly the High Collar) as an individual shoulder option and not just as the one and only Bolero attachment.

Full-Time Virtue Resident and Amazon Princess
Primaries: Infinite Morning (50), Mageshadow (47), Grammaire (33) Victorygirl (32), Themiscyra (30)
Do not go gently into that good night - save Paragon City!



And perhaps a shoulder mantle+fur option since they also look dead sexy together.

A (Golden Gate) Bridge Too Far- arc 299315
Crazy NIMBY's, Railroad robber barons, and kickboxing Engineers, Oh My! Go back in time and join the fight to save a San Francisco icon!



I don't know if anyone else has noticed this, but when you have your shield and or weapon out the costume change emotes don't work. What I also noticed, I don't know if its a bug or not, that when you read someones fortune it doesn't always work even when they except it. Just thought I would say something, if this has already been mentioned sorry ...:-)

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I've noticed the same thing too. And sometimes even after turning all toggles off, my shield stays on, preventing the animation.

Ex, could you confirm it for us? And if you can, tell us if anything will be done about it in the short term. I /petitioned(technical issues) it but did not get a response.



And perhaps a shoulder mantle+fur option since they also look dead sexy together.

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Good idea! It could probably still be two-toned as I imagine most people would want to color coordinate the fur and high collar mantle anyway.

Full-Time Virtue Resident and Amazon Princess
Primaries: Infinite Morning (50), Mageshadow (47), Grammaire (33) Victorygirl (32), Themiscyra (30)
Do not go gently into that good night - save Paragon City!



Removing the ability to have capes with boleros is more important.



Why does the Monsterous Hand not have Witch Lace?

And disappointed I was hoping for the new Skull mask to be for Females too.



I don't know if anyone else has noticed this, but when you have your shield and or weapon out the costume change emotes don't work. What I also noticed, I don't know if its a bug or not, that when you read someones fortune it doesn't always work even when they except it. Just thought I would say something, if this has already been mentioned sorry ...:-)

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I've noticed the same thing too. And sometimes even after turning all toggles off, my shield stays on, preventing the animation.

Ex, could you confirm it for us? And if you can, tell us if anything will be done about it in the short term. I /petitioned(technical issues) it but did not get a response.

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Same thing here on a Bane Spider with the mace. With the mace out, the animation doesn't work, but the costume still changes. When the mace disappears, the change emote works fine.

Tales of Judgment. Also here, instead of that other place.

good luck D.B.B.



Bane's mace and Shield's... shields, and some other toggled powers have been blocking emotes for a couple issues now.

To address a previous post regarding the fix and how we shouldn't worry as long as we hurry and do our coat and cape thing...

Remember the bug that flipped skirts around 90 degrees? Remember the more recent bug that stretched out our toons?

If some new coding abomination alters our characters' coat-cape outfits, we're either stuck with those stretched out characters with their skirts on sideways or we decide to lose the coat-cape look we had while trying to get our toons' other clothes back to normal.

That's why some of us want to keep the option available to have both details useable.

It seems that, in the past, the devs have decided it's easier on them to disable features which they'd otherwise get complaints about from people who didn't like what they saw.

A friend of mine used to work at an independent quality control company that had an account with an electronic toy company. There was a talking doll that originally had an "easter egg" which made the doll say "I love you, Mommy!" if the owner hugged it long enough to get the heat sensor to a certain temperature inside the doll... which triggered the audio cue.

Apparently someone's father complained as he felt the doll shouldn't be biased toward Mommy and not have a chance to equally say "I love you Daddy." My friend's job was to test every one of the new program chips to make sure that the doll had no such references.

You can't blame a company for trying to save itself some headaches at the loss of what some consider to be a cool thing. Having said that said, I hope it isn't too late for me to use that fringe idea for some of my characters! The others will get a scarf.



Maybe I'm just not looking in the right place, but I can't find the skull mask in any of the head pieces. The screenshot shows it with the hat option, but it's nowhere on my list. Neither hero nor villain, male or female costumes list it. Am I bugged or just blind?



Maybe I'm just not looking in the right place, but I can't find the skull mask in any of the head pieces. The screenshot shows it with the hat option, but it's nowhere on my list. Neither hero nor villain, male or female costumes list it. Am I bugged or just blind?

[/ QUOTE ] the mask is under detail one options



is it a bug that i cannot change the color of the interior of the bolero only the outside. The only way i found that i can change it is if i have what ever color i want enabled for everything. Also while flying i cannot use the effects to change costume. Also another bug is that sometimes the magic fortune random buff does not appear when a player accepts the fortune.



is it a bug that i cannot change the color of the interior of the bolero only the outside. The only way i found that i can change it is if i have what ever color i want enabled for everything. Also while flying i cannot use the effects to change costume. Also another bug is that sometimes the magic fortune random buff does not appear when a player accepts the fortune.

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The Bolero thing is Known. Trenchcoats work this way as well. I expect they will simply remove the tabs for "interior" colors.

BAB is aware of the emotes not working while flying and will fix this eventually.

The Fortunes don't seem to wor on SKed characters. It may affect others too. /Bug this whenever you find a different situation in which this is happening in game.



On the costume change emote - I've noticed that if you use the drop down menu on the costume change window to select the emote all the characters on that account end up using the same emote. Is this working as intended or is it another "Feature"?



Unfortunaly I dont think the High colar can be done as a shoulder option. When the Magic Booster was about to come out I remember a post by Jay to the effect of "I had said that High Colars were technically impossible, untill I figured out a brilliant workaround to do with the cape mantles"



OK...So if they have to remove this due to performance, fine...What about the real bug with casting Magic Fortune and players not getting a buff? I've been seeing this all weekend and it's a bit annoying for something I paid money for x2 (dual boxer with 2 accounts).

Please look into this DEVs.


Liberty Server
@Energy Aura and @Ill Conceived on Global
Han Solo: [laughs] Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good BLASTER at your side, kid.



OK...So if they have to remove this due to performance, fine...What about the real bug with casting Magic Fortune and players not getting a buff? I've been seeing this all weekend and it's a bit annoying for something I paid money for x2 (dual boxer with 2 accounts).

Please look into this DEVs.


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Are you positive that the players you've been trying to buff don't already have some form of fortune-buff on them? It can occasionally be hard to spot those icons (I really wish they were all a uniform and distinct color).

If there is any fortune buff on a character, no other fortune buff will work until the prior one runs out (20min). Note also, that casting a fortune on someone will not refresh their buff if it's about to run out. You have to wait for the buff to expire before you can recast it with any effect (other than the card-throwing animation).

I've been on fortune cross-buffing teams (stop snickering!) quite a bit since the pack launched, and never had there not be a buff effect (though several times people thought they didn't get one, because they had a hard time spotting the buff icon.



Unfortunaly I dont think the High colar can be done as a shoulder option. When the Magic Booster was about to come out I remember a post by Jay to the effect of "I had said that High Colars were technically impossible, untill I figured out a brilliant workaround to do with the cape mantles"

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I don't think that was necessarily Jay saying that his solution only worked for cape mantles (because we do have shoulder pieces that cover areas comparable to the high collar mantles) -- I think he was saying that he'd found a workaround that made those mantles possible as cape pieces. I don't think it would prevent a standalone high collar shoulder option. But Jay himself would have to chime in on that.

Full-Time Virtue Resident and Amazon Princess
Primaries: Infinite Morning (50), Mageshadow (47), Grammaire (33) Victorygirl (32), Themiscyra (30)
Do not go gently into that good night - save Paragon City!



OK...So if they have to remove this due to performance, fine...What about the real bug with casting Magic Fortune and players not getting a buff? I've been seeing this all weekend and it's a bit annoying for something I paid money for x2 (dual boxer with 2 accounts).

Please look into this DEVs.


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Are you positive that the players you've been trying to buff don't already have some form of fortune-buff on them? It can occasionally be hard to spot those icons (I really wish they were all a uniform and distinct color).

If there is any fortune buff on a character, no other fortune buff will work until the prior one runs out (20min). Note also, that casting a fortune on someone will not refresh their buff if it's about to run out. You have to wait for the buff to expire before you can recast it with any effect (other than the card-throwing animation).

I've been on fortune cross-buffing teams (stop snickering!) quite a bit since the pack launched, and never had there not be a buff effect (though several times people thought they didn't get one, because they had a hard time spotting the buff icon.

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Actually, he's right on the money.... I personally wasn't having a problem getting buffs, but I had a friend of mine who was playing CoX on a computer in the same room as me (so I could visually confirm this) that when I tried giving him a buff, he would click "accept", and nothing would happen. No system message saying "you got ____", no "you got a temporary power" message center screen, no buff icon appearing anywhere, nothing. I had another friend try his on him, and he accepted---still nothing.

I'm not sure if this is an account-related issue, or what the deal is, but there most certainly are people experiencing this bug of not getting the buff even if they click "accept." Very, very strange.

"The One"

Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
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Currently with the purchase of the Magic Pack you are given the ability to have 2 capes. This is a bug and will be fixed in the next build to live. Once the fix is published to the live servers, a visit to the tailor will remove the 2nd cape option.

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Why should we lose out on a cape because of your mistake? Not our fault you guys didn't make sure the bugs were out before selling it to us.



Yes for $9.99 more! lol jk



OK...So if they have to remove this due to performance, fine...What about the real bug with casting Magic Fortune and players not getting a buff? I've been seeing this all weekend and it's a bit annoying for something I paid money for x2 (dual boxer with 2 accounts).

Please look into this DEVs.


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Are you positive that the players you've been trying to buff don't already have some form of fortune-buff on them? It can occasionally be hard to spot those icons (I really wish they were all a uniform and distinct color).

If there is any fortune buff on a character, no other fortune buff will work until the prior one runs out (20min). Note also, that casting a fortune on someone will not refresh their buff if it's about to run out. You have to wait for the buff to expire before you can recast it with any effect (other than the card-throwing animation).

I've been on fortune cross-buffing teams (stop snickering!) quite a bit since the pack launched, and never had there not be a buff effect (though several times people thought they didn't get one, because they had a hard time spotting the buff icon.

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Actually, he's right on the money.... I personally wasn't having a problem getting buffs, but I had a friend of mine who was playing CoX on a computer in the same room as me (so I could visually confirm this) that when I tried giving him a buff, he would click "accept", and nothing would happen. No system message saying "you got ____", no "you got a temporary power" message center screen, no buff icon appearing anywhere, nothing. I had another friend try his on him, and he accepted---still nothing.

I'm not sure if this is an account-related issue, or what the deal is, but there most certainly are people experiencing this bug of not getting the buff even if they click "accept." Very, very strange.

"The One"

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I have had this issue. I know of two others that have had it happen as well

"Sorry bucko, but CoH and CoV are the same game." -BackAlleyBrawler
"Silly villain, CoX is for Heroes!" -Saicho




Currently with the purchase of the Magic Pack you are given the ability to have 2 capes. This is a bug and will be fixed in the next build to live. Once the fix is published to the live servers, a visit to the tailor will remove the 2nd cape option.

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Why should we lose out on a cape because of your mistake? Not our fault you guys didn't make sure the bugs were out before selling it to us.

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What that actually means is that you have the ability, through combination of costume bits to make a character that is wearing two capes simultaneously. You will still get the Magic/Occult/Elegant versions. You just won't be able to combine the witch top (the female one with trenchcoat-like cape) with the full Capes available in Back Detail.

Hopefully they'll be able to do this without taking access to Wings away (hint hint).