Issue with the Super Booster Magic Pack




Citation needed on the magic carpet ride.

Hello, my name is @Caligdoiel and I'm an altoholic.



I recently replaced my GE force 6600 video card..before getting the magic booster. It seemed to handle CoH reasonably well, but my other 3D programs like Poser were killing it.
On my new graphics card, the game runs beautifully- I've got a GE Force 9600 now.

If we absolutely can't have the double layered long cape, can we at least have the shoulder mantle with its collar? My female characters look hella nice, and the males are jealous. Seriously, my males want a Jedi robe-like thing of their own.

A (Golden Gate) Bridge Too Far- arc 299315
Crazy NIMBY's, Railroad robber barons, and kickboxing Engineers, Oh My! Go back in time and join the fight to save a San Francisco icon!



Or a Mandarin type robe would be nice. I know that this is not topic related but it would be nice to get the Samurai style hair with the knot for those that have the Samurai armor but want to have it without the helmet also



Hey folks,

I've checked in with all the powers that be and we have pleaded the community case. This bug is not cosmetic it is a performance related issue and unfortunately we cannot leave it live.

Just wanted to clarify that point.


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Can it become a feature?

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QFE times ..... however many times it takes for this to stay.



I don't know if anyone else has noticed this, but when you have your shield and or weapon out the costume change emotes don't work. What I also noticed, I don't know if its a bug or not, that when you read someones fortune it doesn't always work even when they except it. Just thought I would say something, if this has already been mentioned sorry ...:-)



This is the kind of thing that should stay really. Yah, with the wrong choices it clips really badly, but with the right choices it can make for some really awesome combinations. Such as using Fringe or Cape for the High Collar to go along with the Bolero.

I say boo to this "fix".

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^^^ what he and many other people said. I think that being able to have the standard back options (capes, wings, etc) with the bolero is a totally awesome idea. I have a character costume theme centered around the Witch/Wings set, bolero, and Bat wings...

I really think it should stay as is. >



Adding my vote to the keep the bug option. It looks great. At the very least a more in depth explanation for how it would be game breaking would make the dissapointment a little easier to swallow.



Hey, it's just like PVP; it was fine then they got in deep and mucked it all up!

There's your explanation, since this bug has come to fruition, I've crashed, or seen the servers crash, a total of zero times!



Hey, it's just like PVP; it was fine then they got in deep and mucked it all up!

There's your explanation, since this bug has come to fruition, I've crashed, or seen the servers crash, a total of zero times!

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Let me guess you are one of the ones that is the reason PVP was changed in the first place. Because if it was fine before than why did the devs decide to muck it up? To make those people that werent good at pvping have a snowballs chance in hell.



I understand it's a current game performance issue, but I really hope it's noted and worked on to be added at a future date because particular double cape options are simply fantabulous in allowing us to really dig in deep and customize the look of our character.

They're extremely cool.




Can't add much that hasn't already been said, but I agree that this should be left in. Honestly, how bad of a performance hit is it, really? Unless it's causing players by the hundreds to have their computers crash, or crashing the servers, I don't see how it's so bad it needs to be removed.



I love the double capes. Makes my frost queen look good. Does anybody know if its possible to change the interior color of the magic bolero? Its always black on my characters.



I've noticed it does that too, Ani, there was a workaround when the trenchcoats did the same thing. You'll have to (i think) click "copy colors across character" and select the color you want, and then uncheck that option... IF it works the way the trenchcoats did. If not, ... we need an interior option

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!



As for the 'double capes' -- I wish they would at least allow us to keep wings with the trenchcoats and magic bolero. That would at least let the winged types have -some- sort of cape-like element in their costume.

RE: Setting interior colors on the Magic Bolero -- it really does need it's own interior color selectors. I did find a simple work-around though: Switch from Magic Bolero to Trenchcoat. Go to the coat tail section and set the colors you want as the interior colors for the coat tail. Then switch back to Magic Bolero. The colors should be retained as the interior colors of the bolero. (The copy colors to all locations trick should work too. This just helps if you don't want to mess with ALL of your costume colors.)



Funny the only mistake the devs notice fast enough to know they need to fix...Mind you some very cool creations can be made...I always find it hilarious how whenever its something cool, they claim it as "a bug".

"If you can make a girl laugh, you can make her do anything"

"You're like Giraffe's, the way you look down on me, with your vegetarian scorn."



Hey folks,

I've checked in with all the powers that be and we have pleaded the community case. This bug is not cosmetic it is a performance related issue and unfortunately we cannot leave it live.

Just wanted to clarify that point.


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You see I like this, Ex Went out of there way to go to bat for us I had my thoughts that this might be a memory/lagific/misc issue with coding. :/ Alas, some of the combos I've seen on here are nice. Perhaps if we get a sequel They never intended for this to get big, and wrote themselves into a corner with coding me thinks No fault of anyone ^^

Thanks Ex!





Can't add much that hasn't already been said, but I agree that this should be left in. Honestly, how bad of a performance hit is it, really? Unless it's causing players by the hundreds to have their computers crash, or crashing the servers, I don't see how it's so bad it needs to be removed.

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Me thinks perhaps it is a top end issue? Perhaps projections show that at peak times (double EXP, ect) such double ups would push us over a threshold they have the playermax count at (prior to lockout) and as such, send us crahsing down during a ITF O_x.

But that is merely what me thinks. I'm sure alot of folks are upset, but perhaps if they see the need for this from us, and it's not just a minor outburst of "OMG THIS IS KEWL" like they did with MA (the reason they took it to issue 14 instead was we wanted to insert custom critters if I recall, which wasn't in and they had to rethink their outline/playlist) perhaps we could see it in the future.

Remember, everything needs to be projected over a timeline, this more then likely wasn't noticed since they had so much main manpower directed at MA (I wonder if Ghost Falcon has any hair left?) they may have pushed past Internal QA?




I don't know why wings with magic bolero is such a problem all of a sudden. After all, we've been able to use wings with the wedding pack tuxedo for a long time now, and nobody's had problems.

A (Golden Gate) Bridge Too Far- arc 299315
Crazy NIMBY's, Railroad robber barons, and kickboxing Engineers, Oh My! Go back in time and join the fight to save a San Francisco icon!



I love the double capes. Makes my frost queen look good. Does anybody know if its possible to change the interior color of the magic bolero? Its always black on my characters.

[/ QUOTE ] you can, you have to use the 2 color foreverything option, choose what you want on the interior, and then deselect it and change all your costume colors to what you want. hope that helps.



I love the two cape option, anyone that has seen me on freedom knows this. if it must come to an end, then so be it, but at least allow a choice between the fur and the collar, and possibly allow wings with it.
just voicing my opinion.
if it's because the lag is a bit higher I can think of at least one reason for this at this current time, putting the blasted AE building in ATLAS.
also I highly doubt "most" players would use this combo. in the 10 months I have been playing I have only seen someone use the wedding tux+cape option extremely rarely, except for me and a couple others, at least on Freedom, the most populated server.......

well anyway, here are a couple of my creations



[color=yellow]I have to add in my agreement to seeing if this bug can be made a feature, maybe even using ppls suggestions for making certain parts come under shoulder options instead of capes. Cause given what I've seen & been wanting to do (Especially for my winged wenches) that would truely be awsomesauces if possible. Pretty pretty please?

Confusion is Lord & Chaos is my Best Friend!! Shall I introduce you??
MArc# 5232 Bastet's Unleashing *a Solo-able arc*
Gae'Atha- lvl 50 Emp/Ele/Psi Def
Sekmet's Fel Blood- lvl 50 Rad/Ther/GW Corr



Well Ex did say that if you dont want it changed then dont go to the tailor and change the costume. So what are people really complaining about. People if you like than change the costumes but dont change them back before the patch goes live. Simple.



The shoulder fur needs to go in the shoulder section- NOT attached to the bolera thing. (Or both)

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The "Magic Robe" shoulders are available for Jackets, Robes, Shirts, Baggy, and (IIRC) Trenchcoats - but not for the Tight, Armored, or Robotic Arm tops.



Honestly, the High collar clips much much worse with almost all shoulder options than it does with most back options. I would suggest the High Collar be changed to a Shoulders option instead of a Cape Mantle.



This is the one bug that doesn't need fixing. I just discovered it today and I love it!

Aside from the clipping it's awesome. My costume is gonna look so plain after this 'fix'.