Feedback Question: Do you like/hate Thank You's?
From an authorial standpoint, I think engaging the people who take the time to comment on your arc, good and bad, is a wise investment of time.
It makes the positive types more likely to check out your other arcs, and it hopefully makes the negative ones give your work a second chance.
The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.
My City Was Gone
B, just because I'd know that my comments didn't fall on deaf ears and thus a waste of time.
...Is the kind of person that doesn't want a thank you tell, going to be likely to reply to this thread? : >
Personally, I don't care if I get a mere thank-you or not. If the builder is online at the time, it's nice to get a real-time happy fuzzy. But I'd just as soon not log back in and find a passing thank-you tell (or five).
I'd MUCH rather get a reply elaborating on my feedback, such as "You mentioned this, I was trying to do this, could you clarify?" or "You mentioned this, did you notice this also and what did you think of it?" I live for those.
Somewhere between B & C. I don't NEED a thank you, but if anything I've said is unclear, I'd like to discuss it with the person, rather than them just blowing me off or cursing me out.
Or...pretty much what Spackle just said.
Dec out.
This is a bug, nothing more. Please put away the tin-foil hats, there's nothing sinister going on here.-Protea
I don't go sending "thank you" to comments I get. What I will do is send back a "working as intended" for something that someone thought was imbalanced or broken (for example, an AV fight that was made too easy by Allies, when the whole point is that each ally freed weakens the AV as they were having their powers siphoned at the time you rescued them). Or I'll ask for clarification if the feedback is too vague or mentions a bug that I cannot find on my own.
I've never gotten a comment to say thank you to... *cries*
Although I'd like to see a response after I leave feedback. You spent (hopefully) a bit of time making the mission, I've put in more time playing it, and after that, it'd be nice to see us both rewarded by having the final product the best thing it can be.
...Is the kind of person that doesn't want a thank you tell, going to be likely to reply to this thread? : >
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... doh!
Personally, I don't care if I get a mere thank-you or not. If the builder is online at the time, it's nice to get a real-time happy fuzzy. But I'd just as soon not log back in and find a passing thank-you tell (or five).
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Yeah, that's the ones I'm really asking about -- a bunch of "Nice work!" or "Great job!" where really the only thing to say is a variation on "Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment" (only less snarky). But the Tutorial specifically encourages people to leave feedback, so by default it's my habit to want to support ANY feedback...
Plus, I have the compulsive "thank you note" reflex... thanks, gramma!
I'd MUCH rather get a reply elaborating on my feedback, such as "You mentioned this, I was trying to do this, could you clarify?" or "You mentioned this, did you notice this also and what did you think of it?" I live for those.
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Awesome, because those are the comments that I really do presume invite back-and-forth. Complimentary or complaint, specific feedback I think should always get a specific reply... unless the people who hate that actually reply to this thread en masse...
#28470 - MA & YOU! Quick Tutorial
Poster 1481: Cause of How Some Silly Stealed My Wings
Cultist fun in 3586 Project: Perilous - Into the Chthonian Pit
Formerly of Perils of Paula!
If people only say a word or two, then I wouldn't worry about engaging them. If the comments are more extensive, then a reply is probably more appropriate. In any case though, I never expect to receive a response to a comment.
One of Six, Cannibal 6
From my standpoint, I think the /tell for leaving feedback is already too personal as it is. Feedback should be anonymous so your comments can be a bit more honest and constructive. (hopefully constructive). If that process engages further conversation then I'm going to be a bit more wary about even leaving feedback in the first place. Personally, I don't want interaction from my comment, unless somethign extraordinary happened and it is conversation worthy.
but "gj"
"ty, glad you liked it, please go and see my other work, I believe you'll enjoy those too"
is WAY more than I want to hear.
I simply fail to understand why people have a hard time being honest and straight-forward unless it's in anonymity.
IMHO, anonymity has a tendency to make people more likely to act like sphincters.
Dec out.
Thanks again for the perspective check, Decorum. I was just about to say "Yeah, anonymity would... uh... wait..." :\
#28470 - MA & YOU! Quick Tutorial
Poster 1481: Cause of How Some Silly Stealed My Wings
Cultist fun in 3586 Project: Perilous - Into the Chthonian Pit
Formerly of Perils of Paula!
I don't care if I receive them. I'm unlikely to respond to it. I never give a thank you comment. I only leave a comment if there is something I think the arc should improve on. If I am going to leave a comment and I enjoyed the arc I will tell the author as much when I send the comment. Heck usually I only send feedback comments I sorta liked and thought had potential. If it's an arc that is very poorly written or just random I'll just 1 or 2 star it before moving on.

I like returning the global feedback tell to everybody thanking them for their comments (even a couple pretty harsh ones where I think they didn't realize the Tutorial isn't all 'RP'). However, I'm just assuming people at worst won't mind the Thank You tell, and at best it might encourage them to keep leaving feedback to others.
It just barely occurred to me that this may be a bad assumption. So I'm taking a straw poll -- When you leave feedback, would you:
A) Hate getting a thank you note
B) Like getting a thank you
C) Not care either way, generally
It's actually getting time-consuming with all the comments I'm getting on the Tutorial, but seriously, people are giving me some great tips so I want people to know that feedback DOES make a difference to other players... But if people say they hate it, I'll stop (unless the comments imply they're open)!
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Personally I thank people who send comments by searching for any arcs they've made, playing one and leaving a comment in return. I generally don't strike up a conversation with commenters unless I need clarification.
I'm not sure how I feel about responses to my comments. I certainly don't expect it, unless it's a "you found WHAT in my arc? which mission?" kind of request for clarification. Normally I just hope that they'll respond the way I would to a comment.
I simply fail to understand why people have a hard time being honest and straight-forward unless it's in anonymity.
IMHO, anonymity has a tendency to make people more likely to act like sphincters.
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Because 4chan is the greatest bastion of truth on the internet.
Let's Dance!
I simply fail to understand why people have a hard time being honest and straight-forward unless it's in anonymity.
IMHO, anonymity has a tendency to make people more likely to act like sphincters.
[/ QUOTE ]Because if you're sending honest, constructive criticism, too many people don't know how to accept that. When "Interesting idea, but spelling and grammar errors made it difficult to read. Work on those, it'll be a better mission." gets a reply "[censored] yu just caus i cant spell dosnt make it a bad mish", I'm sorely tempted to go back and reduce my rating, and reduces the chance of me sending any kind of feedback to anyone.
Yeah, there are sphincters. There are always sphincters. Even if it was anonymous to the recipient, I bet the devs would have access to the ids for following up on petitions.
Back on topic:
Courtesy is never a waste of time. I don't expect a response when I send a feedback, but basic courtesy is so rare online that it's a delight to receive it.
B. If I get a thank-you for commenting on an arc, I take that as the author acknowledging whatever flaws I pointed out. This in turn means they may adjust their mission, which means I will gladly try the refined version. Constructive critisism is a good thing, and people who realize that will become successful MA authors.
The off-beat space pirate...Capt. Stormrider (50+3 Elec/Storm Science Corruptor)
The mysterious Djinn...Emerald Dervish (50+1 DB/DA Magic Stalker)
The psychotic inventor...Dollmaster (50 Bot/FF Tech Mastermind)
Virtue Forever.
It seems natural to give a 'thank you' if I'm online at the time of their feedback. I've only had a couple back and forths from doing so, as most are just "Fun mish" comments.
If it's an offline tell I don't normally send one unless it's more than just a "Fun mish" comment.
In all cases, I take down their global, search for any arcs they have up, and give one of theirs a whirl. I've found some fantastic stories that way!
Craft your inventions in AE!!

Play "Crafter's Cafe" - Arc #487283. A 1 mission, NON-COMBAT AE arc with workable invention tables!
Because if you're sending honest, constructive criticism, too many people don't know how to accept that. When "Interesting idea, but spelling and grammar errors made it difficult to read. Work on those, it'll be a better mission." gets a reply "[censored] yu just caus i cant spell dosnt make it a bad mish", I'm sorely tempted to go back and reduce my rating, and reduces the chance of me sending any kind of feedback to anyone.
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OK, so someone's rude. So? Write them off and move on. You tried. They didn't listen.
Dec out.
Because if you're sending honest, constructive criticism, too many people don't know how to accept that. When "Interesting idea, but spelling and grammar errors made it difficult to read. Work on those, it'll be a better mission." gets a reply "[censored] yu just caus i cant spell dosnt make it a bad mish", I'm sorely tempted to go back and reduce my rating, and reduces the chance of me sending any kind of feedback to anyone.
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Oddly enough, they agreed with you though. .
That's the point you were trying to make . The mission wasn't bad. The grammar was holding it back though.
That said, *shrug*. You're just as liking as an critic doing the same goofiness in posting the feedback.
To be fair though, if you're not willing to defend your content, you maybe shouldn't put it out there.
Let's Dance!
From my standpoint, I think the /tell for leaving feedback is already too personal as it is. Feedback should be anonymous so your comments can be a bit more honest and constructive.
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Which means that you cannot communicate back with the player if you need some clarification on some bug or problem they found, making the feedback much less useful. Nor can you inform them that something is a known issue and that you're working on fixing it, especially if it was a show-stopper that kept them from finishing the arc.
But, OMG, someone might say something mean!
The whole thing baffles me.
Dec out.
I like returning the global feedback tell to everybody thanking them for their comments (even a couple pretty harsh ones where I think they didn't realize the Tutorial isn't all 'RP'). However, I'm just assuming people at worst won't mind the Thank You tell, and at best it might encourage them to keep leaving feedback to others.
It just barely occurred to me that this may be a bad assumption. So I'm taking a straw poll -- When you leave feedback, would you:
A) Hate getting a thank you note
B) Like getting a thank you
C) Not care either way, generally
It's actually getting time-consuming with all the comments I'm getting on the Tutorial, but seriously, people are giving me some great tips so I want people to know that feedback DOES make a difference to other players... But if people say they hate it, I'll stop (unless the comments imply they're open)!
#28470 - MA & YOU! Quick Tutorial
Poster 1481: Cause of How Some Silly Stealed My Wings
Cultist fun in 3586 Project: Perilous - Into the Chthonian Pit
Formerly of Perils of Paula!