Discussion: Super Booster II: Magic Details!




AH NUTS!!! The motes don't work when you're hovering or flying

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Thanks for the head’s up. A fix is on the way…

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I've had issues when running at superspeed as well. Haven't tested extensively but I noticed it then for sure.

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They don't work on my BS/Shield if the shield is out either.



Um.. does anyone know if the male coat designs will ever be ported to females? Cause frankly.. I bought this expecting to be able to use the same pattern, but found only a horrible (Pardon my language here) slutty selection of options for my female toons. Excluding the "High Collar" coat option.. which is still lacking the wicked pattern that the male version has.. I don't like ANY of the female options at all. I'm sure many people like that sort of thing, but frankly.. I don't want my characters to look like Goth Hookers.

So, any hope that females will be able to use the male options ever? Or should I chalk this up as a waste of $10?



I hope so, but I doubt it'll be soon. I was hoping that Jay saying the high collar was available for females indicated that maybe some of the other male options were available on females too.




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That's great, but I thought there'd be more, considering there are 22 cards in the Tarot's Major Arcana, which this is based on.

[/ QUOTE ]There are 9 Fortunes listed on the store webpage. There are 9 images in the game files ending in "Fortune". There are 9 powers in City of Data which set Fortune Read Mode. And none of the other 13 Major Arcana link to anything when you try to hyperlink them in-game.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure there's only 9 available.




So sad Damos, I bought the pack on both of my active accounts (which are somehow under 2 master accounts because I didn't really know what I was doing when I made the second account lol, but I somehow got double charged and ended up with 2 packs on one of the 2 master accounts, I know I only clicked the button once on each account, I know the site says that online purchases are non-refundable but does anyone know if they are going to make an exception for those of us that got overcharged because of the massive lag rush to buy the packs?

[edit:] BTW love the pack great work Jlove and BaB I couldn't be happier with the results although I do agree it would be awesome to have the Barron jacket on female toons, but I'm not gonna bite the hand that feeds my costume addiction



AH NUTS!!! The motes don't work when you're hovering or flying

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Thanks for the head’s up. A fix is on the way…

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Another odd quirk I noticed: My shield character seems to do the Dragon's Tail animation when getting hit by a tarot buff. She's BS/Shield so I don't know what's up with that. I guess shield interferes with the emote used? But whether she's standing or hovering, if hit with a tarot card she'll drop and do a trip animation. Works when I throw it at my shield pactmate too (if she has a shield out).

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



AH NUTS!!! The motes don't work when you're hovering or flying

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Thanks for the head’s up. A fix is on the way…

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On the same subject, it doesn't look like it has been said yet, but the costume change emotes don't seem to work with a stalker on hide either.

Could be working as intended as it wouldn't make much sense to do such flashy stuff while intending to remain hidden, but just in case...

My YouTube videos of auras, emotes and other stuff from special promotions, incarnate purchaseables, etc...



And what is up with the size 12 feet with the witch boots?



Can't seem to get these to work correctly with macros. Not sure what I'm doing wrong because Id figure it would be something along the lines of:

/macro cc1 cc_e 1 cclightning - cc1 being the macro name

In which I gotta have a macro name otherwise i'd have 5 macros named cc_e

Friends don't let friends buy an ncsoft controlled project.



Ok... multiple responses....

I bound the CC emotes to my numberpad for use. The bind I used is as follows:

/bind numpad0 "cc_e 0 cclightning"

0 stands for the first costume slot. You can do the same using numpad1-4 to bind the other four costume slots you may have. It works perfectly, just hit the number of the slot you want.

As for the animation this is what I have noticed.... If you have the tarot cast on you and happen to use a power before trying the emote, it doesn't seem to work. Like, with my main, I attempted to summon a lightning storm first, then tried the lightning emote and it wouldn't play. I think the system only recognizes a couple of things at a time.

As for Stalkers, the emote worked on my hidden stalker, while I was using Super Speed. But you have to be on the ground as of now and not moving(unless that's been fixed). Everyone seems to be hitting different glitches and I think it just a little quirky still.

For the people who got stuck with multiple purchases, with multiple accounts, have you tried just manually entering in the serial code to your other account? I only have one account, but that may work instead of waiting for a refund and then having to charge all over again for another one?

Again, I say with perfect love, this pack is amazing. I'm very much pleased with it and I can't wait to see what they run with next! :-)

@The Omega Elementress
Currently playing Project Willow lvl 50 DB/WP Incarnate Shifted Scrapper



I didn't read everything, but the Emote F/X doesn't work well with Shield Defense. The animation seems to work.

H: Victra Defile (Rad/Dark) & Hot Hits (Fire/SD)
V: Spike Cream (NW) & Crescent Wind (Nin/Storm)
Sub Hero Inc ARC: 1541
--If you don't like what I have to say, it was probably a typo you are refering to.



Well, as a fiasco follow up, turns out I absolutely love this new booster (thank gawd). At first I was a little meh as to its content when first hyped before made available, but thankfully it turned out to be awezoom. Great job!



I've noticed that once I installed the Magic Booster, I've been crashed 2 times by people activating powers near me. Someone teleported someone to atlas park under Atlas statue, and it crashed me. Earlier today, someone activated another power (not sure what-- I crashed so fast).



I don't guess you can bind the costumechange emotes, I've tried dozens of combos, none of them worked..

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You can.

BAB is working on a post. Stay tuned.

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Hope you guys are enjoying the costume change emotes that are part of the Magic booster pack. There have been questions here on the forums about using these outside of the costume selection screen, and the answer is "Yes. There is a console command for activating these."

The command is /cc_e or /cc_emote ('costume change emote')

The full syntax is:
/cc_e [costumeSlotSlot#] [emoteName]

There are a couple of important notes. One, the costume slot numbers start with 0. So your first costume slot is 0, your 2nd is 1, 3rd is 2, etc. Two, you need to use the actual emote name, not the display name that you see in the costume select screen's rollout. For the magic pack, these are:
<ul type="square">[*]CCPrestoChango - “Presto Chango”[*]CCLightning - “Lightning”[*]CCSpin - “Spin”[*]CCCast - “Cast”[/list]Example:
/cc_e 1 cclightning
Will switch you to your 2nd costume slot, using the "Lightning" costume change emote.

As part of a macro or bind:
/local ABRACADABRA!$$cc_e 1 ccPrestoChango

Other than that, the normal rules for costume changes apply. You can only switch costumes once every 30 seconds. If you try to use a costume change emote sooner or try to switch to the costume slot you're already in, it won't work. You'll look foolish, and everyone will laugh at you.


[/ QUOTE ]It seems like 15 seconds between transformations I gave it a try again before the 30 seconds and it didnt have to count to zero. Might want to check this.

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I can confirm this, once the count gets to 15 I can change again.



So sad Damos, I bought the pack on both of my active accounts (which are somehow under 2 master accounts because I didn't really know what I was doing when I made the second account lol, but I somehow got double charged and ended up with 2 packs on one of the 2 master accounts, I know I only clicked the button once on each account, I know the site says that online purchases are non-refundable but does anyone know if they are going to make an exception for those of us that got overcharged because of the massive lag rush to buy the packs?

[edit:] BTW love the pack great work Jlove and BaB I couldn't be happier with the results although I do agree it would be awesome to have the Barron jacket on female toons, but I'm not gonna bite the hand that feeds my costume addiction

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MINE too!! Clicked it once but it double charged!!! Actually didnt load next page, hung for 3 mins then gave 404 error!



And what is up with the size 12 feet with the witch boots?

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Yeah, there's something off about a lot of the newer boots - including but not limited to the ones in this latest pack. The shapes of the ankles and feet are, I dunno, out of whack somehow.

I love the tops of the Baron boots, but I'll never use them on any of my characters because they make the ankles and feet look, to my eyes, deformed.



[color=yellow]Well I found a place up here that has the New Architech Edition Game pack (I reserved of course, picking up ASAP tom morning AFTER I drop oldest off @ School) so I gets the Magic &amp; the extra time. Which will me I'm paid to end of Sept once I get the code applied! Whoo hoo Sexy JLove ya da BOMB Darrrrlin!!

I'm not sure if I'll actually get some sleep tonight I'm so excited. Love how we can choose to accept the Tarot reading (just like the rez's) very well done indeed! Me gets the feeling the Best Buys up here are going to seriously miss out! (since they not getting any for at least a month if at all) TG for Gamestop!! (&amp; hubby being back at work after none for 3 months)

Confusion is Lord & Chaos is my Best Friend!! Shall I introduce you??
MArc# 5232 Bastet's Unleashing *a Solo-able arc*
Gae'Atha- lvl 50 Emp/Ele/Psi Def
Sekmet's Fel Blood- lvl 50 Rad/Ther/GW Corr



Is there a real reason why you have to wait 30 seconds anyway? Even that long I always wondered.

Friends don't let friends buy an ncsoft controlled project.



when you change costumes, the game has to send out your new costume data to everyone within draw distance. If you can change costume too frequently, it creates serious lag.




[color=yellow]Haz Architech NEED Account site up!!! Any ideas as to how much longer, since they're already Several HOURs past what they said &amp; when I last checked there hadn't been an update?? I'm vibrating from so much excitement &amp; for once I've only had ONE cup of Java since 9am MDT (Those that know me know I've usually Drained a 10 cup MUG by now!) &amp; it's 1:20pm MDT now!!

Confusion is Lord & Chaos is my Best Friend!! Shall I introduce you??
MArc# 5232 Bastet's Unleashing *a Solo-able arc*
Gae'Atha- lvl 50 Emp/Ele/Psi Def
Sekmet's Fel Blood- lvl 50 Rad/Ther/GW Corr



Other than that, the normal rules for costume changes apply. You can only switch costumes once every 30 seconds . If you try to use a costume change emote sooner or try to switch to the costume slot you're already in, it won't work. You'll look foolish, and everyone will laugh at you.

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Actually, this is incorrect. Since adding the magic booster (possibly since i14 went live), I've been able to change costumes every 15 seconds. It even TELLS me "You must wait 16 seconds before changing your costume" only one second before it actually allows me to anyway.

Where to find me after the end:
The Secret World - Arcadia - Shinzo
Rift - Faeblight - Bloodspeaker
LotRO - Gladden - Aranelion
STO - Holodeck - @Captain_Thiraas

Obviously, I don't care about NCSoft's forum rules, now.



Heya BABs...

The costume change emotes are something many of us have been waiting for, for *years* .. so.. thanks to you, and the entire team responsible for them... But, where would be an appropriate place to make requests for new ones? &lt;eg&gt;

Mainly... I'd love to see some elemental changes.. we have electricity with the lightning, but what about fire changes? Ice?

We have powers reflecting Fire, Ice, Earth, Electricity... etc... Are we going to get emotes that will reflect specific power sets? Please?


Sharing kindness is kindness doubled; a burden shared is a burden halved...

I am not bigoted for race, gender, sexual orientation, nationality, or age... I do, however, have a big problem with stupidity, and stupidity knows no boundaries.




*Also; No, the females won't get the "Wizard Beard"

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I would also like to mention no skull mask was found for female - unless I missed it. Anyone else find it please let me know.
Btw great job on magic pack, it has been my favorite pack so far.




And what is up with the size 12 feet with the witch boots?

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Glad I'm not the only one that noticed that. I created a costume last night and was going to use the new witchy thigh highs and decided to just use the normal ones because the feet looked so huge. Don't get me wrong, I love the pack, though I too wish there was more equality between the sexes.



So sad Damos, I bought the pack on both of my active accounts (which are somehow under 2 master accounts because I didn't really know what I was doing when I made the second account lol, but I somehow got double charged and ended up with 2 packs on one of the 2 master accounts, I know I only clicked the button once on each account, I know the site says that online purchases are non-refundable but does anyone know if they are going to make an exception for those of us that got overcharged because of the massive lag rush to buy the packs?

[edit:] BTW love the pack great work Jlove and BaB I couldn't be happier with the results although I do agree it would be awesome to have the Barron jacket on female toons, but I'm not gonna bite the hand that feeds my costume addiction

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MINE too!! Clicked it once but it double charged!!! Actually didnt load next page, hung for 3 mins then gave 404 error!

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Happen to me also

And, nothing works. Got charged 2 times and no power/emotes or costumes.