Liberty players MA Arcs




Title: Arbiter Sands Strike Force - A Dish Best Served Cold
Arc ID: 120723
Creator's Global Name: @Mister Frog
Difficulty Level: Medium
Synopsis: Assist Arbiter Sands in getting revenge on those who interfered with his plans in Faultline. (Note: This arc was envisioned for level 30-35, however, limits to the characters involved, the level range fluctuates greatly).
Story Type: Serious
Estimated Time to Play: Not sure



Title: Pucker up Frog!!
Arc ID: 99150
Creator's Global Name: @Rosetta Stone1
Difficulty Level: Medium
Synopsis: CinderStella has been trying to make TheFrog her handsome prince - The wench Kageri is trying to stop her.
Story Type: Not Serious at all - Apple_Eater, Korith, Navarp, DrAbyss, Shadowpuff, PoliceWoman, Steele Magnolia, Tax_E_Girl, Golden Ace, Kageri, and TheFrog inside the mission.
Estimated Time to Play: Medium

The Diplomats of Truth SG



I'm the good looking one.

[color=gold][b][size=5]♪ Sometimes you feel like a Tank, Sometimes you don't! ♪[/size][/color][/b]

[url=][color=black][b][size=5]Moon [color=red]Hazard [color=black]Zone![/size][/color][/color][/color][/b][/url]



Arc Name: The Revenge of Dr. Radium
Arc ID: 100293
Faction: Heroic
Your global/forum name: @Cheriour
Difficulty Level: I find it quite easy on Heroic, especially if you grab the ally at the end. I've had very mixed feedback on the difficulty, with two separate groups saying they couldn't get past the Crey Scorpinoid Deathstalker (Boss 40-54) (a stock boss) at the end of the first mission. Nobody else has reported having that problem. Give it a try, make up your own mind. Not recommended on Invinc, as the AV at the end becomes very difficult to damage... for me at least.
Recommended Team Size: Any
Typical duration: Variable. Much of it can be stealthed. I can complete in 10-15 minutes, but you could take much longer if you wanted to.
Arc Synopsis: Dr. Aeon's last trip to the future showed a terrible fate in store for the world. He knows how to prevent it, and needs your help! While he perfects the plans for a machine to prevent catastrophe, he wants you to acquire the parts he needs.

4 missions, no kill all.
Mission 1: Collection (1 required item), Defeat Boss
Mission 2: Collection (1 required item). EB/AV not required (in fact, the contact tells you to avoid him).
Mission 3: Defeat (pretty darned easy) Boss.
Mission 4: Defeat AV/EB (4 times -- fairly easy on heroic with the ally), Destroy Item (1). Ally.

Mission 1 is Crey, and high level. This usually means nothing but Tanks. Due to lots of feedback about how dull nothing but tanks is, I added custom Crey researchers into advanced tech. Each has a different focus/power set. Please let me know what you think of them.

Give it a try, you might like it. Please please please leave feedback if you try it. It's really a bummer getting rated below 5 stars if you don't tell me what you didn't like. Believe it or not, I do modify the arc based on feedback....



Below are my 3 favorite arcs written by Liberty Players:
Becky’s Revenge by @New Age Ronin arc#60197
The Golden Scepter by @Mystic Fortune arc#9852
Teen Phalanx Forever by @PW arc#67335

These are very short fun arcs:
Atlas Wept by @Lylo arc#:35500
Find Cappy’s Badges by @Cap’n Punch arc#35800
Stop that Statesman! By @PhiladelphiaPA arc#24109

Hope you enjoy them all!---Philly



I have 3 published ARCs that I would appreciate you trying out. I've worked hard at creating stories/missions that people would enjoy playing. The first one features the Circle of Thorns and the other 2 feature a custom enemy group. I hope you will try them all. Any and all feedback is welcome and will be much appreciated. If I can improve on any of them, please, don't hesitate to let me know about it. If you find any errors, I would especially appreciate your telling me about them, too. I've run them on several of my chars and all are solo friendly, though I did try the single missions on a low level tank and the custom group can be a tad tough. You might want to bring some help if running these with squishies, or under level 10. I would really like some feedback on the custom enemy group, if you would be so kind.

You can send me a message in game or post it here, in this thread . My main focus is to create missions that are fun for all to play. (No EB/AVs in any of these missions)
Arc Name: Deal with The Devil's Pawn [/color]
Arc ID: 113615
Faction: Neutral
Creator Global/Forum Name: @Alari Azure
Difficulty Level: 5-54
Synopsis: Single Mission/Circle of Thorns/Medium Map/Ambush/Boss/Collection/Patrol
You must defeat The Devil's Pawn and recover Lucifer's Scroll. The Circle of Thorns must never be allowed to unlock the secret spell that has been written on that scroll. If they ever do, it will be the worst thing that could ever happen to Paragon City. They must be stopped before it's too late.
Estimated Time to Play: Depending on size of the group, approx 15-20 minutes.
Arc Name: Slash DeMento and the Stolen Weapons
Slash DeMento and his gang, the Demon Spawn, have stolen some Weapons and a Bomb from the Paragon City Armory. You need to defeat him, destroy the Bomb and confiscate those stolen Weapons.
Arc ID: 100045
Faction: Neutral
Creator Global/Forum Name: @Alari Azure
Difficulty Level: 1-54
Synopsis: Single mission that is a hint at the new custom enemy group in the next arc in the list.
Medium Map/Custom Enemy Group/Ambush/Boss/Collection/Destructable Object/Patrol.
Estimated Time to Play: Depending on size of the group, etc., approx 15-20 minutes.
Arc Name: Meet the Demon Spawn
Are you ready to accept a challenge from Paragon City's newest gang of thugs and their leader, Slash DeMento? Hang on to your hat and be ready for a wild ride. These guys are new in town and they want to make a big impression. The bad kind! (There are no EB/AVs so it can be soloed without too much difficulty, but there are a few enemies that can be a little tough. None are extremely hard, though.)
Arc ID: 151099
Faction: Heroic
Creator Global/Forum Name: @Alari Azure
Difficulty Level: 1-54
Mission 1: Word on the street is that the Demon Spawn have stolen some weapons and bombs from the Paragon City Armory. They've been getting bolder since their leader, Slash DeMento, gave Frostfire a beating and left with half of the Outcasts following him. We need you to recover those items before they can harm innocent people. Will you help? (This one is similar to the single mission above with this custom enemy group, but with a little different twist. No Boss in this one and the Bombs are a collection rather than destructable.)
Mission 2: I'm afraid the Demon Spawn haven't been deterred in their big plans. This time they've kidnapped Professor David Bradford. He's been working on a new weapon system for the military. They've stolen the files, with all of his research, to put it together. You need to get in, rescue the Professor and recover his stolen files.
Mission 3: The Demon Spawn are at it, again. This time they've kidnapped several members of the Research & Developement team at Benson Robotics, Scientist Susan Wu and 3 Robotics Technicians. They've also stolen some robotic parts and the laptop computers needed to build a new prototype. It seems that their plans are getting bigger all the time. You need to rescue that Benson R&D team and recover all of their stolen materials.
Mission 4: Apparently, Slash DeMento has issued a challenge to you, personally. He didn't like the time his brother had to spend in the Zig, or the beating you gave him, after your last meeting. This time he's taken your friend, Glenn Breck, as a hostage. He's threatening to sell him to the highest bidder. You know he has some enemies that would like to see him go away, forever. You need to defeat Slash DeMento and rescue Glenn Breck.
The first mission does not have a Boss, all the rest have a Boss, collections, ambushes, patrols, and rescues. It's a story arc that ends with the main character, Slash DeMento, challenging you to rescue your friend, a famous Paragon City radio/TV personality.
Estimated Time to Play: 10-20 minutes for each mission, depending on your group and whether or not you defeat all enemies.

Enjoy! Please, rate them and send feedback, especially if you gave a low rating. Thanks!

In game, I am usually playing either Alari Azure, Shannara Arielle, Scarlet Knightingale, Telstar, Shaqalar, Star Saphire, or my n00b, Raven Axe.

No AV/EBs Deal with The Devil's Pawn-207266 Slash DeMento and the Stolen Weapons-100045 Meet the Demon Spawn-151099 Feedback



Arc Name: The Rikti Roll
Arc ID: 182068
Faction: Villain
Creator Global/Forum Name: @Matres
Difficulty Level: Easy
Synopsis: The Rikti have stolen something from Radio and Television and they want you to get it back!
Estimated Time to Play: Under 30 min

@Aoide Muse

Arc IDs: #3571 Digital Love, #182068 The Rikti Roll, #334016 The Null Earth Saga: A Reflected Web



Have a couple of new ones up. Just search for Cryfire and my arcs will show up.

Can you do it? Is a very Short mission with a 5 minute timer.

Atomic Clone Attack. Is a short villain mission dealing with some Crey clones a certain villain wants destroyed.

That's it for now. I have a few longer arcs finished but decided to see how these went over first.

Project Z Rays arc has been edited, removed the 4th mission since it wasn't needed.

That's really it for now this time, have fun.

Levels 50s...(31 and counting)
Blasters(5), Controllers(5), Defenders(1), Scrappers(9), Tankers(3),
Peacebringers(1), Brutes(2), Masterminds(2), Stalkers(1), Widows(1) &



Arc Name: Monkey Business
Arc ID: 188768
Faction: Hero
Creator Global/Forum Name: @Frozen Monkey
Difficulty Level: Medium
Synopsis: The Council has been seen in meetings with the Rikti. Find out what they're up to.
Estimated Time to Play: 1-2 hr solo

Mission 1 -
Completion Requirements: Collection
Enemy Group: Council
Notes: Contains an AV (Nosferatu) solely for story purposes. He'll run at first sight, so you won't need to fight him.

Mission 2 -
Completion Requirements: Collection
Enemy Group: Rikti

Mission 3 -
Completion Requirements: Escort + Destroy Object
Enemy Group: Council

Mission 4 -
Completion Requirements: Rescue Allies
Enemy Group: Council
Notes: Boss can be a pain solo if you're not ready for him. I had no trouble with him once I knew where he was.

Mission 5 -
Completion Requirements: Kill All. Allies provided (1 Aggressive Boss, 2 Defensive Minions) to help find any runners.
Enemy Group: Custom Group with a few Rikti patrols
Notes: EB can be extremely difficult solo without the allies.

Any feedback is welcome.



Arc Name: Szencobb's Ally
Arc ID: 405510
Faction: Heroic
Creator Global/Forum Name: @Szencobb
Difficulty Level: Hard (4 of the 5 missions contain at least one Elite Boss)
Level: 1 - 54
Synopsis: Szencobb, has been abducted by the supervillain and his arch nemesis, Professor Dread. Won't you help rescue him from the clutches of this insidious foe? Follow the path Szencobb traveled. The tasks he had completed up until the point of his capture. (Contains Elite Bosses)
Estimated Time to Play: 1 - 2 hours depending on your AT.

I'm mainly looking for feedback (E.G: make it easier, tougher, correct grammar, fix plot holes... etc.)

This arc contains pretty much my whole main roster. One of each AT both Enemy and Ally. I hope it's at least a little interesting and fun to some



Arc Name: The Rule of Law
Arc ID: 191959
Faction: Hero or Villain
Creator Global/Forum Name: @Cyber-naut
Difficulty Level: Hard - Custom critters & AV's - bring team or play on heroic
Estimated Time to Play: 1-2 Hours
Synopsis: Join a covert government agency tasked with bringing lawless super-powered beings under control. This arc ends with a choice to continue with one of 2 different arcs, 'Just Outlaws (ID 177335)' or 'Just Law (ID 189598).

Give 'em a try if you think you're sexy enough...



I created a new arc that I am pretty pleased with. So far it's gotten 5 ratings and has an average of 5. (Which, of course, means that the one-star bandits will probably be hitting it soon.)

Anyway, it's #195149 -- "The Horsemen Chronicles (Part I)."

It's designed for a Lv10-14 hero. The only flaw is that, due to the current limitations of the MA interface, I had to shoehorn a Madness Mage into every mission. I have a version up on test that fixes this problem, but until issue 15 hits live this is what I have to work with. :-)

The story focuses on your attempt to prevent one of Tyrant's minions from creating a portal to Praetoria. I think I did a decent job of combining CoH's lore with an eye towards the upcoming "Going Rogue" expansion.

Check it out, and let me know what you think.

Play my MA arcs!

Tracking Down Jack Ketch - ArcID #2701
Cat War! - ArcID #2788



Gravitational Pull, by Agent_Kendt:

Agent_Kendt said:

So over the weekend I spent some time with the MA and came up with a pretty good story. I even designed a replica of Agent Kendt to act as the contact and an EB ally for the final mission.

Its called "Gravitational Pull". I am proud of it and I am trying to tweak it a little so any suggestions from my fellow Libertines I would appreciate it.


There ya go bud. When you get a arc ID post it here.



Guess noone made any arcs in a long time on liberty.

Get busy Liberty!



Originally Posted by Cherokee View Post
Guess noone made any arcs in a long time on liberty.

I hate these new forums I'm thinking of just calling it quits with the forums all together cause of this.
Don't give up just yet. You will prolly get used to them soon enough.

As far as arcs, I tried early on but got frustrated with all the invalidations from various patches. Kudos to those who stuck w/ it and kept editing or republishing. You have more patience than I do.

It also seemed to me the devs were turning over storytelling to us. Posi said devs would no longer create story arcs, besides any new sfs/tfs they come up w/. You could look at it as having the players to do their work for them. Depends on how you squint at it.



The Sisterhood did an SG related story on our forums some time ago. Everyone wrote a piece of the story one post at a time in the thread until we had a fairly complete storyline.

Liz has taken that story the entire SG, and some of our friends, contributed to and wrote an MA arc of it. It is three missions in length, it has Freaks, Carnies and 5th Column as the baddies and it is set for levels 30-54. If anyone would like to give it a try, it's called Sisterland.



After the better part of 6 months of off and on work, I finally finished my third Arc (and the first of what was suppose to be a series of related arcs. Who knows if I'll do the others now)

Arc Name: The Null Earth Saga: A Reflected Web
Arc ID: #334016
Faction: Hero
Creator Global/Forum Name: @Aoide Muse
Difficulty Level: Hard
Missions: 5
Synopsis: When Arachnos personnel start fighting other members of Arachnos, something is up. But what happens when things quickly get more complex, and it becomes a race against time to stop an invasion from an unusual source?
Estimated Time to Play: At least an hour

@Aoide Muse

Arc IDs: #3571 Digital Love, #182068 The Rikti Roll, #334016 The Null Earth Saga: A Reflected Web



A few more from me:

Arc Name: A Warrior's Journey - The Flower Knight Task Force
Arc ID: 260284
Keywords: Challenging, Magic, Drama
Faction: Samurai, Ninja
Creator Global/Forum Name: @PW / PoliceWoman
Difficulty Level: Hard
Synopsis: Samurai and ninja battle for honor in a faraway realm. But someone has introduced firearms to the land, tilting the balance of power towards the evil Lord Kumo and the Spider Clan. Will you journey there to restore the balance?
Morality: Heroic
Estimated Time to Play: 5 missions, 60-90 minutes
Level range: 45-54

Arc Name: Papers and Paychecks
Arc ID: 298290
Keywords: Solo Friendly, Complex Mechanics, Comedy
Faction: Longbow, Paragon Police, Devouring Earth, Hydra, Nemesis Automata, Crey, Manticore Task Force
Creator Global/Forum Name: @PW / PoliceWoman
Difficulty Level: Easy
Synopsis: JOB OPENING: Entry-level position available in dynamic, fast-moving Fortune 500 company. Seeking flexible, motivated individuals, self-starters willing to think outside the box. Excellent salary, benefits, opportunities for rapid promotion. Qualified applicants, contact Crey Industries HR Dept.
Morality: Villainous
Estimated Time to Play: 5 short missions, 30-60 mins
Level range: 33-45

Arc Name: Talos Vice
Arc ID: 338380
Keywords: Solo Friendly, Drama, Mystery
Faction: Trolls, Family
Creator Global/Forum Name: @PW / PoliceWoman
Difficulty Level: Easy
Synopsis: An 80s instrumental blares as the camera pans over scenes of Talos Island: windsurfers on the water, the Talos statue, shoppers in Wentworth's, bikini babes, sports cars racing down the Argo Highway, a speedboat bouncing on the waves. A title card appears over the waters racing below: TALOS VICE.
Morality: Heroic
Estimated Time to Play: 3 missions, 20-40 mins
Level range: 15-20

@PW - Police Woman (50 AR/dev blaster on Liberty)
TALOS - PW war journal - alternate contact tree using MA story arcs
=VICE= "Give me Liberty, or give me debt!"



Arc Name: Whack-a-Mole! Special Halloween Edition
Arc ID: 2711
Keywords: Comedy, Challenge, Solo-Friendly
Faction: Custom
Creator Global/Forum Name: @Bubbawheat
Difficulty Level: Moderate
Synopsis: A fun little mini-challenge to whack 10 Mole bosses within 15 minutes on 2 maps. For a limited time, the moles in the first map have dressed up for Halloween. Also, look out for a Liberty server inside joke.
Morality: Neutral
Time to play: 15 minutes maximum



I'd like to get both a Hero and Villain take on this mission.

Title: Wonder Home Institute Valentine's Day Party
Arc ID: 377649
Creator: @Tazwert
Keywords: Custom Characters, Save The World, Romance
Length: Medium
Morality: Neutral
Mission 1: Unique map, level 1 - 54, Contains Collection, Destructible Object, Patrol, Ally, Defeat All Enemies.
Enemy Group: Custom (The Potts)
Description: The Wonder Home Institute is having its' annual Valentine's Day Party and The Potts are trying to steal the recipe for Rocket Fuel.



I'll try some of these when I log on at some point this weekend. Glad to see people still making missions.



Okay, so I spent a couple hours coming up with my most recent MA arc. Hopefully it's something that works well for others. I tested it out and it seemed like it'll play pretty well, but I'd love some feedback from others. Anyway, here's the lowdown:

Arc Name: I Got Your Mothership Right Here!
Arc ID: 407176
Faction: Hero
Creator Global/Forum Name: @Geronimo 69
Difficulty Level: Medium/Hard
Synopsis: There is a classified government super team that is planning on taking the fight to the Rikti, but there have been some hiccups along the way.
Estimated Time to Play: 1-2 hr solo

A veteran is someone who, at one point in their life, wrote a blank check made payable to 'The United States of America' for an amount of 'up to, and including, my life'.
Visit Amarillo
Check out my arcs: MA# 494947, "Operation: RISING STORM", MA# 407176, "I Got Your Mothership Right Here!"



Definitely going to need a big team for this one
Arc Name: Pantheons
Arc ID: 406177
Faction: Any
Creator Global/Forum Name: @Guyvas
Difficulty Level: Hard
Synopsis: Somehow several of the old civilizations just started popping up and are planning on killing the citizens of Atlas Park watch out for the Gods that came along
Estimated Time to Play: 2 hours



I took my level 7 broadsword regen scrapper through this, just to make sure it was solo friendly. It is, as long as you have a breakfree or two, as the lt/boss (depending on difficulty setting you have) does mez.

There are some silly things I threw in just to make it more interesting for me, but when I tested it with others, I don't think they noticed anything, or maybe those comments were stupid rather than silly.

Arc Name: Nothing Like Family
Arc ID: 437893
Faction: Family w/ a couple of Malta on a patrol - ran through this 3 times, heard/seen their comments, but never saw them.
Creator Global/Forum Name: @Ukase Rex/ Ukaserex
Difficulty Level: Simple to moderate, depending on AT and play style.
Synopsis: A father realizes that he's neglected his son, and as a result, his son is a bit rebellious and looking elsewhere for an approving father figure. The father asks you to help him find his son.
Estimated Time to Play: The first mission is a glowie hunt - with invis, could take all of 2 minutes if you're not ticket greedy. The second mission is a defeat all, so this could take anywhere from 10 minutes to 2 hours, depending on how many are on the team, the skill sets of that team, whether you're solo or not. My solo level 7 scrapper went through both in 25 minutes, at +1/1

"Most people that have no idea what they are doing have no idea that they don't know what they are doing." - John Cleese




Anyone want to Rule the World and bring communism to the U.S.? Try my arc Operation: Communism Arc ID#: 456876