Liberty players MA Arcs




Edit: Will repost with new info soon (tm).



Arc Name: The Emerald Chesticles of DOOOM!
Arc ID: No idea, search "Chesticles"
Faction: Heroic
Creator Global name: @BadStorm

Difficulty: 1 mission, Medium+, lots of half-nekkid green chicks, 1 EB with attitude

Synopsis: Someone has stolen BadStorm's nipplez, and is using them to make evil BadStorm clones! Only you, and the allies you save can help prevent the world from being overrun.

Estimated time to play: 15-30 mins (unless you read all the little stuff!)

Level Range: For all

Special Mention: Comedically-themed Immature Content, not Suitable for Small Children and Prurient Interest Groups.

Have a giggle on me.



Arc Name: Bite my Orange Fireman
Arc ID: 74372
Faction: custom/freakshow/hydra
Creator Global/Forum Name: @jim the shinigami/apple_eater
Difficulty Level: Really easy
Synopsis: Should be very funny if you have a sense of humor, some light commentary on certain parts of the game.
Estimated Time to Play: IDK, things says it's medium length.
LVL range: all lvl's



Arc Name: The Codex Gigas
Arc ID: 72384
Morality: Neutral
Enemy Faction: custom group
Creator Global Name: Ashuram
Estimated time: long
Synopsis: It seems the Faithful are at it again and this time they have their eyes on an ancient book known as the Codex Gigas. Who knows what is in store for the people of Paragon City should they succeed......

5 missions first is collection, 2nd is collection/boss, 3rd is collection/boss, 4th is collection/boss, and 5th is 3 boss



Arc Name: Take off your pants and jacket!
Arc ID: 77053
Morality: Neutral
Enemy faction: Custom
Global Name: Da Crusha (when searching use quotes)
Estimated time: Short
Synopsis: You're off to bust some heads and defeat Mr. Rogue Isles of years past.

Single mission. You only need to defeat the bosses/EBs (not their groups). Originally a kill all but changed since I added some more difficult critters. All named bosses are my toons and more than capable of being Mr. Rogue Isles. That's right, I am that good.



Arc Name: A Blazing Commencement
Arc ID: 83291
Faction: Warriors, Midnight Squad, Wailers, Malta Operatives, Custom
Creator Global/Forum Name: @flamevoid
Difficulty Level: Medium Solo; Hard for groups
Synopsis: A story about the orgin of a hero known through out Paragon City. It all begins with a magic experiment. What ensues afterwards is a humble beginning of a hero's passion of wanting to be normal in an abnormal world.
Estimated Time to Play: 1 - 2 hrs. to complete



I'll shamelessly post mine =)
A simple arc, with a custom group and bosses...just please be prepared to face the bosses.
I'll tone em down if I get enough people having trouble with them.

Arc Name: Trouble in the Past
Arc ID: 4430
Faction: Hydra/Custom Group
Creator Global/Forum Name: @Red Shadow
Difficulty Level: Easy-ish, Set your difficulty to Heroic...the Custom bosses will be EBs and a bit of a challenge, but I made the arc for a interesting one people can solo...just be prepared for he bosses.
Synopsis:One of Paragon's heroes is targeted to be taken out, but back before he came to Paragon. Will you go back in time to help save him?
Morality: Heroic
Estimated Time to Play: 4 missions, about 45min-1hour.
Level range: 41-50

"Believe me, if I could teleport myself into a woman I wouldn't be playing this game. " -Cyberforce

Global: @Red Shadow



Arc Name: Alice in Wonderland Part 1
Arc ID: 59657
Faction: All Custom
Creator Global/Forum Name: Canonball
Difficulty Level: Solo Challenging / Team Friendly
Synopsis: Just a fun poke at Alice in Wonderland. See who you can find.
Link to More Details or Feedback: Always leave me feedback with your mission so I may return the favor.

Arc Name: Alice in Wonderland Part 2
Arc ID: 59650
Faction: All Custom
Creator Global/Forum Name: Canonball
Difficulty Level: Solo Challenging / Team Friendly
Synopsis: Just a fun poke at Alice in Wonderland. See who you can find.
Link to More Details or Feedback: Always leave me feedback with your mission so I may return the favor.

Put so much into it that I had to make 2 arcs. (still minor verbiage fixes to be put into place).

Please give it a try and help me make it better.



I just finished a short Villainous mission called: The Wondrous Dynamic Power Marketing Wardens Must Die!

Arc ID: 85870
Length: Short (1 mission, defeat 4 bosses)

An iconic super-team from Japan is in the city to shoot a film and meet with new sponsors; break onto the studio and wipe them out. Security guards, Paragon Police, and 4 members of the Power Wardens. Bosses only needed to complete.

Thug Life: Rise of a Villain arc ID changed to: 86609



My silly rock MA. Have fun and enjoy.

Arc ID: 89463
Title: Music Man
Length: Very Long

First mission is click 5 blinkies, the rest is just defeat boss or bosses.

Bill's Brigade
Light Bill lvl 50 (regen-tank) Blaster Elec/Elec/Mun (1606 HP!!)
"Have No Fear, For Blaster Bill is Here!!!"

Cool Blue Magic lvl 50 controller Ill/Emp/Ice
Bad Billy lvl 50 defender Dark/Rad/Dark

Shadow Wraiths
Devil's Bill lvl 50 Brute Stone/Stone/GW



There is no shame in adverting your AWESOME arcs, people!

Arc Name: You Say It's Your Birthday!
Arc ID: 3630
Faction: Custom (Cake Deniers)
Your global/forum name: @Witty Librarian
Difficulty Level: Can be solo'ed, but it's fun to bring a party!
Recommended Team Size: 1-8
Typical duration: Short- 1 Map (1 Boss, 1 Destructible Object, 3 types of Glowys, not defeat all)
Arc Synopsis: We were going to throw you a surprise birthday party, but certain villain groups didn't want to share the costs so they stole your presents and your cake! Go free your cake!

Arc Name: Rum Runners of Bloody Bay
Arc ID: 3691
Faction: Custom (Nerva Pirates)
Your global/forum name: @Witty Librarian
Difficulty Level: somewhat difficult. It can be solo'ed but the mobs are tough and the Boss is tougher
Recommended Team Size: 1-8
Typical duration: Short - 1 Map (Custom Boss, 24 Glowys, 1 Ally, not defeat all)
Arc Synopsis: Avast! The noble Bloody Bay Buccaneers are a bit upset that their stash of rum has been hijacked! Why is the rum all gone? Because their rivals the Nerva Pirates have swiped all the barrels. Go get the rum back, and make the Pirate King regret his mistake!
Link to a more info/comments thread: If you've run this arc earlier in the MA era, you will be pleased to hear the Pirate King EB has been knocked down a peg. While he's still a challenge, it's not as bad as before. So far my more popular arc, at 143 reviews and counting.

Arc Name: Library Restoration Project - The Perez Collection
Arc ID: 13088
Faction: Circle of Thorns, Hellions
Your global/forum name: @Witty Librarian
Difficulty Level: The game will auto-sk/exemp you to ranges 8-10 to 12-14. With that, the arc is very tough and I don't encourage solo runs.
Recommended Team Size: 2-3 minimum.
Typical duration: Long (4 Missions, 1 Defeat All, 1 Timed hunt mission, various Bosses, Glowys everywhere, final mission on large CoT map with 2 Bosses, 1 Rescue, 3 Glowys)
Arc Synopsis: We're attempting to reclaim the stolen collection of the city's once-ruined library system. We know the Circle has the more dangerous grimoires stored in Perez Park, we need you to go get them back. This is meant to be the first of a 4-part TF arc.
Link to a more info/comments thread: Any chance of getting more MA publish slots so I can complete the whole series?

MA Author: Look for my eight arcs under @Witty Librarian!
Hero Cleanup Protocol estory now available! Through and most ebook retailers!




My new arc with PR's permission is based off of her/a mission from Unai Kemen.

Arc ID is: 92194
Name: The Birth of Punk Rolex
Side: Heroic

Leader of The LEGION/Fallen LEGION on the Liberty server!
SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
MKW FC: 4167-4891-5991



I have published my second arc. It features many of my villains. Some of you may recognize them.

Arc Name: Enough is Enough
Arc ID: 94289
Factions: Arachnos, Custom
Morality: Heroic
Creator Global/Forum Name: @StarLight
Difficulty Level: Medium to Hard
Synopsis: A prominent villain has turned on Lord Recluse.
Estimated Time to Play: 1 hour

I hope you enjoy it.





Arc Name: A Soul Divided
Arc ID: 61674
Faction: Custom
Creator Global/Forum Name: Mephisto_kur
Difficulty Level: Medium
Synopsis: The Loa need help retrieving an artifact.
Estimated Time to Play: 15-20 minutes

Arc Name: World Tour of Poker
Arc ID: 69164
Faction: Family, Nemesis, Malta
Creator Global/Forum Name: Mephisto_kur
Difficulty Level: Easy
Synopsis: Go play some poker!
Estimated Time to Play: 5-15 minutes

Please enjoy. World Tour has a lot of stuff in its clues and NPC dialog. I am still working on Soul. The story is complete, but needs more detail and backstory.



Name: Death to Disco!
Arc ID: 84420
Creator Global Name: @Wrong Number
Difficulty Level: Medium
Synopsis: It's 2009; Dr. Disco Fever has somehow altered the timeline so that Disco never died. The Star Spangled Banner is played to a Disco beat! Sporting events start with people standing up and "getting down" for our national anthem. Restore the timeline or be stuck Boogie Oggie-ing forever!
Number of EB/AVS – 0
Story Type - Humor
Mission Count: 2
Estimated Time to Play: about 30 minutes

Check out one of my most recent arcs:
457506 - A Very Special Episode - An abandoned TV, a missing kid's TV show host and more
416951 - The Ms. Manners Task Force - More wacky villains, Wannabes. things in poor taste

or one of my other arcs including two 2010 Player's Choice Winners and an2009 Official AE Awards Nominee for Best Original Story



Name: Invasion of the Samurai
Arc ID: 93272
Creator Global Name: @Rogue MD
Difficulty: Medium
Synopsis: The Samurai are trying to take over thier native lands back, once again. You are hired by a US general to try and go crush thier rebellion. There are 2 major problems, one that starts at the end of the first mission and one that starts at the beginning of the 4th mission. I reccomend you read the contact text to understand everything.
Number of EB/AVS: 1 EB
Story Type - War
Mission Count - 5
Estimated time of play: About 30-45 minutes.



Two somewhat interlocked arcs listed in chronological order.

Arc Name: Web of Deception
Arc ID: 75310
Faction: Villainous
Creator Global/Forum Name: @Ozzie Arcane
Level: 40+
Synopsis: Aid President Evil in carrying out his latest scheme.
Estimated Time to Play: Doing a test run with my tanker it took me alittle over an hour. It's 5 missions long. Depending on class should be completable solo on most difficulties. The hardest things in it are a couple elite bosses. One of them is listed as an AV but she's really only as strong as an Elite Boss.

Arc Name: What was once Lost...
Arc ID: 118023
Faction: Heroic
Creator Global/Forum Name: @Ozzie Arcane
Level: 25-50
Synopsis: A group of renegade Lost has emerged calling themselves The Found. Thwart their evil plans for the city.

I suggest having help for the last mission out of 4 if you have trouble with EBs. Especially if you're at the lower end levels. Soloed it on indestructible with my Tanker but she's level 50.



Arc Name: Three Billy Goat Gruff
Arc ID: 117346
Faction: Customs
Creator Global/Forum Name: @canonball
Difficulty Level: easy
Synopsis: Save the 3 goats from the Trolls. Just a fun little Arc. FYI you must save one goat for another to come.

Part1 59657
Part2 59650



Hi fellow Libertines! I just (finally!) finished my first arc last night and would like to get some feedback on it. Here's the info:

Arc Name: Another Brick in the War Wall
Arc ID: 134781
Length: long (3 missions)
Faction: Heroic
Creator Global: @Buxley
Mission 1: Unique map, level range 46-52. Contains boss, collection, patrol
Mission 2: Large size map, range 1-54. Contains A Destructible Object, Patrol, Escort.
Mission 3: Unique map, level range 40-54. Contains Ambush, Boss, A Destructible Object, Patrol, Release Captive.
Enemy Groups: Devouring Earth, Arachnos
Synopsis: A bio-geology professor, known for his study of the Devouring Earth has gone missing in eastern Talos. Find him before he gets consumed by his work!
Estimated Time to Play: There are no "defeat all" missions so you could blow through this quickly or take your time. Up to you.

I hope you enjoy it!



"Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." -- Dr. Seuss



I uh, sorta did some more to my arc. 15726 The String Thief.

Dont know how it plays with a team or if all the dialogue works. It wasnt, but I hope it does now. Did the last time I tryed it.

One mission

Strait forward map

Custom enemies

Level range 1-54


Give her a run if'n ya like.



Arc Name: Killing The Meow Farm
Arc ID: 141625
Length: Short (1 mission)
Faction: Neutral
Creator Global: @Matres
Mission 1: Unique map, level range 30-54. Contains boss, Ally, Battle
Enemy Groups: Custom
Synopsis: Vanguard is sick of these upstart 'Farmers' doing their job for them with the Rikti, so they've sent you to teach these 'farmers' a lesson.
Estimated Time to Play: All you have to do is defeat an EB, so it can be done in a few minutes if you're good or lucky.

@Aoide Muse

Arc IDs: #3571 Digital Love, #182068 The Rikti Roll, #334016 The Null Earth Saga: A Reflected Web




Dark Dreams
Arc ID: 3615
Length: Medium
Morality: Heroic
Mission 1: Unique map, level range 1-54, Contains Ambush, Release Captive, Ally.
Mission 2: Unique map, level range 45-54, Contains Ambush, Boss( 2 AVs encountered seperately), Ally (2 to help with AVs)
Enemy Groups: Custom
Description: A frantic 911 call about shadowy monsters invading an office building during their annual Father/Son Day sets off a story of where these strange monsters came from and why they are so interested in a young boy named Seth McNiel. (Tried to make it solo friendly).



Arc Name: The Platinum Records
Arc ID: 28844
Faction: Neutral
Creator Global/Forum Name: @Bluemont
Difficulty Level: Intermediate
Synopsis: This is a documented record of the evolution of a unknown group of congregating specialists known as Seculars and the events that led to the movement known as the Platinum Rise.
Estimated Time to Play: 45min – 2h (time entirely based on personal/team desires)
Link to More Details or Feedback: None.
(known to be soloed by the following: scrappers, tankers, blasters, brutes, stalkers, dd pet controllers, dd dominators) / (EB/AV encounter eminent)

Updated 05.05.09

Platinum Records now has a story arc souvenir to collect at the end.

Mission 2’s “Defeat All” objective has been retired. Only generators need be destroyed.

Mission 4’s patrols are no longer present. Keep an eye out for ambushes however.

Blacktop (BT) Pathfinders have shed their Electrical Armor for Invulnerability. Bring a hammer.

Blacktop (BT) Shotsmen now no longer resurrect.

The final EB/AV has traded in their Dark Armor for a more appropriate type of skill.

Unresolved Issues

Mission 4’s objective processes incorrectly. There are three (3) allies that require your help to complete the mission objective yet they do not appear in the objective window. This mission is still capable of being completed.



Arc Name: Mean People

Arc ID: 16690

Faction: Neutral

Creator Global: Stitch Whitewolf

Difficulty Level: medium

Estimated Time to Play: 10-15 minutes

Funny little arc.Gimmie gimmie gimmie badges

And arc ID: 15726 The Strng Thief



Arc Name: Agent Thunder Taskforce: The Cracked Mirror
Arc# 159922
Faction: Heroic
Created by @Ozzie Arcane
Length: Very long, 5 missions
Summary: Villains from an alternate earth have arrived. They call themselves Wrongbow and their leaders known as the Domination Phalanx don't like our Paragon. Can you stop them?

Warning: Not intended for solo. Contains lots of AVs and EBs.