Liberty players MA Arcs




Alice in Wonderland

Short mission but mobs are hard.




Title: Mender Frog Task Force - A Balance of Power
Arc ID: 27018
Creator’s Global Name: @Mister Frog
Difficulty Level: Easy/Hard (depends on if you do side stuff)
Synopsis – Help Mender Frog to maintain the balance of power in the super-powered community by going through time and stopping a ploy to reverse the changes brought about by Statesman. (Disclaimer: All player stereotypes are severely exaggerated for comedic purposes, and don't represent a specific player)
Number of EB/AVS – 1/1(4 including optionals)
Story Type – Satire
Mission Count: 5
Estimated Time to Play: 30 minutes (could be MUCH longer if you do the side stuff)



Title: Future Foretold by Ohana o Pele
Arc ID: 34452
Synopsis: A "golden child", mystery parents and the ultimate battle between Good and Evil.

Comments/suggestions etc are welcome. Looking for typos, etc.

Have fun!



Title: Enter the FireSkulls
Arc ID: 44093

also looking for feedback(larger teams)

fixed it up abit.

Liberty Server
Active Character: Canadian Firestorm
Fire/Rad Controller Level 50



name: Giant Zombie hunt
arc ID: 31452

This one's short and sweet. Made partly to give villains a chance to fight Adamastor (with a few glowies and destructibles thrown in). It also attempts to fill in a bit of prologue to the next great alien invasion, that's been hinted at since the arrival of Ouro. Maybe it will finally happen in I15.

Do we get credit toward badges for non-custom baddies killed in MA missions? Say like Banished Masks?



No we do not get any normal badges or progress towards any normal badges in MA missions. Only badges for the MA(virtual badges).100 of them I believe.



I have updated my Alice in Wonderland Arc. Lots of fun. Give it a try.

Part 1 = 36574


Part 2 = 36623

Would love feedback!




Arc IDs are correct now...
Both are short and easy...pretty much.

Arc ID 15726...strait forward map. Turn bloom option on so it isnt to bright. Cool map.
Arc ID:16690



Rescue me
Arc: 45340
Number of missions: 1
Contains: 10 glowies, 10 destruction and 1 rescue
Custom Enemies as well

Hatter: "Have I gone Mad?"
(Alice checks Hatter's temperature)
Alice: "I'm afraid so. You're entirely bonkers, nutter, crazy, But I'll tell you a secret. All the best people are.

Alice in Wonderland (2010)



Bub Nation (just search for it, I can't remember the number)
Long, 4 missions
Contains: 10 destruction, 1 escort, 1 rescue, 2 bosses and 1 av.

Do you like Ice Tanks... like lots of them... feel my pain... enjoy Bub Nation.

@Tax E - RIP CoH 2012



Hey guys, I just redid my arc please give it a shot. It is three missions now the an av/elite boss (depending on size and diff of the team)in every mission. Just search my name and or Basic Training and look for my name there is a couple of them. Thanks!

When I die, I want to go peacefully like my Grandfather did, in his sleep -- not screaming, like the passengers in his car.



Arc Name: The great experiment
Arc ID: 41253
Morality: Heroic
Enemy Faction: custom group
Creator Global Name: Ashuram
Difficulty Level: long
Synopsis: It seems the Faithful are up to no good again, and this time they are experimenting on the helpless citizens of Paragon City. No one knows to what ends they will go and what the end result will you have what it takes to stop them before its too late?

4 missions; first is collection, 2nd is rescue hostages, 3rd is AV battle, and 4th is AV



Arc Name: Trademark Infringement
Arc ID: 2220
Faction: Heroic
Creator Global/Forum Name: @Wrong Number
Difficulty Level: Medium
Synopsis:We all know villains are not a very creative lot. Take over the world, pull the moon out of orbit....yada, yada, yada. It's no surprise that they keep the trademark lawyers very busy or that one of the lawyers has finally cracked. He needs to be stopped before this city is sued out existence!
Estimated Time to Play: 15 minutes

Check out one of my most recent arcs:
457506 - A Very Special Episode - An abandoned TV, a missing kid's TV show host and more
416951 - The Ms. Manners Task Force - More wacky villains, Wannabes. things in poor taste

or one of my other arcs including two 2010 Player's Choice Winners and an2009 Official AE Awards Nominee for Best Original Story



Arc Name: Have a Blap, Blap, Blappy Day Kids!
Arc ID: 2019
Faction: Heroic
Creator Global/Forum Name: @Wrong Number
Difficulty Level: Medium (one EB in last mission)
Synopsis:Beloved kids TV show host Blappy is missing and the police are assuming the worse. Should anything happen to Blappy the kids of Paragon City will be heartbroken. You need to find her as quickly as possible before words leaks out that she is missing
Estimated Time to Play: 30-60 minutes

Check out one of my most recent arcs:
457506 - A Very Special Episode - An abandoned TV, a missing kid's TV show host and more
416951 - The Ms. Manners Task Force - More wacky villains, Wannabes. things in poor taste

or one of my other arcs including two 2010 Player's Choice Winners and an2009 Official AE Awards Nominee for Best Original Story



Update, Update,Update

Arc Name: Operation: Discredit
Arc ID: 14724

Morality: Heroic
Faction: Longbow, Council, PPD, Arachnos, Malta, Carnival of Shadows, Knives of Artemis
Difficulty Level: Easy to Medium (at the very end) [suitable for solo, team, or casual play]
Estimated Time to Play: 30min to 1 hour
Synopsis: The Sentinel of Liberty SG has been framed and arrested. They need your help to clear their name and restore their reputations as Heroes the public can count on.

Please give me feedback. PMs are greatly appreciated. ((Disclaimer: You, not the supergroup are the stars of this mission.))

[/ QUOTE ]

by Star Ranger 4
WE ARE HEROES This is what we DO!
When you wake up seek the courage and strength to do the right thing.
Decide that this will be another day in which you Walk The Talk.

MA #14724 Operation: Discredit @American Valor
Sentinel Of Liberty SG



Hello all.

Hairless Entertainment in conjunction with Bald Arc Designers present 2 new Rohgain productions for your potential enjoyment (or nausea inducing hate):

Arc # 32359
Title: My Zombie and Me
4 missions, several collections,1 EB, 1 AV(or a 2nd EB)

Arc # 53744
Title: The Exorcism of Bobby Monroe
3 missions, several collections and rescues, 1 destruction, 1 EB

All comments and ratings greatfully accepted (even the mean ones ).



Arc Name: The All-Seeing Eye
Arc ID:
Morality: Heroic
Faction: Crey, Council, Arachnos, Malta, Knives of Artemis, Nemesis, Rikti
Difficulty Level: Easy to Medium [suitable for solo, team, or casual play, no EBs or AVs.]
Estimated Time to Play: 2 hours if stealth isn't used.
Synopsis: The U.S. Government has lost control of an intelligence satellite. Who will ultimately gain control over it?

Please give me feedback. PMs are greatly appreciated.

[/ QUOTE ]

[u]Arc Name[u]: The All-Seeing Eye

[u]Arc ID[u]:57352

[u]Morality:[u] Heroic

[u]Faction:[u] Crey, Council, Arachnos, Malta, Knives of Artemis, Nemesis, Rikti

[u]Difficulty Level:[u] Easy to Medium [suitable for solo, team, or casual play, no EBs or AVs]

[u]Estimated Time to Play:[u] 2-3 hours if stealth isn't used.

[u]Synopsis:[u] The U.S. Government has lost control of an intelligence satellite. Who will ultimately gain control over it?

The arc number has changed.

In copying from test to live the game wouldn't recognize it as a previously published arc and I had to publish from scratch and lose my ratings.

Together we entered a city of strangers, we made it a city of friends, and we leave it a City of Heroes. - Sweet_Sarah
BOYCOTT NCSoft (on Facebook)
Governments have fallen to the power of social media. Gaming companies can too.



I'm really forgetful with numbers unless its money than I know how much I got... But anyhow Do a search for Tainted Hearts and try out her Arc Its rather tough in places so I'd sujest don't solo it if your not equipd to handle tough things.


My Supergroup is Ghost Legion, Insane Crusaders of Ghost Legion, Ghost Legion of Liberty, My Villiangroup is Shadow Wraiths.
My Global is @Darklite and @DazzlerDarklite



Hey everyone!

I'm relatively new to the Liberty server, I've got one published story arc up right now:

Thug Life: Rise of a Villain
Arc ID #59298

This mission chain is designed for starting or lower level Villainous characters, there are no custom made enemies and the maps are small.



Hi artivan. Cool, i'll give her a run in a bit




Arc Name: Quarantine
Arc ID: 47776
Morality: neutral
Faction: Custom
Mission1: Quick free captive, has glowie same custom
Mission2: Longer fight boss, clear room same custom
Mission3: Final, two AV's, find glowie, patrol and ambush
Difficulty Level: Medium Has two AV's at the end, only one you need to fight
Estimated Time to Play: Shouldn't take long, I solo'd it in about 30min on my main. I guarantee nothing!
Synopsis: There's a quarantine in place in a Neighborhood of Cap au Diable. You've been contracted to find out the cause!

Please give me feedback. PMs are greatly appreciated.



I have made my first attempt at an arc. It has some familiar names and jokes for the old timers.

Arc Name: Where's Monkey
Arc ID: 65161
Factions: Family, Demons, Custom
Creator Global/Forum Name: @StarLight
Difficulty Level: Medium to Hard
Synopsis: Monkey is missing and you must find her.
Estimated Time to Play: 1 hour

I hope you enjoy it.





I've been working through these and the ones I see in LBX, I have quite a few to play yet (since I can't stay off the creator myself).

I have a new one up:

The Wyvern Task Force
Factions: Arachnos, Custom, Council
Created by @alyiah1
Medium difficulty (boss is an EB max, ranked boss on lower settings), Four missions long, low on requirements and can be done quickly

You seek out a Wyvern agent to aid their battle against up-and-coming heroes. The agent you're working with seems to have been in the field too long, however, and is not very easy to work for.



Arc Name: Teen Phalanx Forever!
Arc ID: 67335
Faction: Vahzilok, Clockwork, Freakshow, Rogue Robots
Creator Global/Forum Name: @PW / PoliceWoman
Difficulty Level: Moderate; there is one AV/EB per mission, but they are intentionally easy AVs/EBs (NOT customized), and allies are present to help.
Synopsis: The Teen Phalanx is on a recruitment drive, and they've extended an invitation to a teen version of your hero to try out! Do you have what it takes to join Paragon City's most prestigious teen superhero team?
Morality: Heroic
Estimated Time to Play: 4 missions, estimate 60-90 mins.
Level range: 15-20, 20, 20-25, 29-30 (mission levels gradually increase to "level" you up)

@PW - Police Woman (50 AR/dev blaster on Liberty)
TALOS - PW war journal - alternate contact tree using MA story arcs
=VICE= "Give me Liberty, or give me debt!"



Everyones arcs have been great! Thanks liberty for making some fun arc and a change of pace.

Cappy pointed something out to me. The Liberty's MA channel. The name is sort of long. Sorry about that. I wasnt thinking about that when I made it. To late now supose. I just did it as a spur of the momment thing to keep other channels from getting clogged with MA stuff.

You could always just make a bind so the channel comes up or use tab(in game option) to select the channel. Thats what I do insted of typing the whole name out every time I want to type in the channel.

Anyway, if you dont belong to the channel just type /chanjoin,Liberty's MA Channel for all your MA needs

Thanks Liberty, see you all in game and happy creating