Super Group (Hero) Directory Feb '09 - June '09
Name: The Codex
Currently Recruiting: Accepting new members.
RP Level: RP-Intensive
PvP Level: Casual to none
Theme/Concept: A secret society who works in relative anonimity to subtly shift the balance of power. The Paragon chapter is one of several around the world, all dedicated to making the world a better place through precise, critical strikes.
Activity: Approximately 20 over the US, European and Australian timezones
Requirements for Membership: Fill out an application on our site.
Leadership: Tipscout and Phaize
In-Game Contact(s): @Lion-Hearted and @sadronmeldir
Out-of-Game Contact(s): CoH's Virtue Forum handle(s) for PMs or email address(es) for those interested to seek more information when not logged in
Coalition(s): Currently in a closed coalition with SCORPIO and looking for more.
Name:Vigilantes of the Night, Justice Legacy Associates
Currently Recruiting: Both are recruiting.
RP Level: RP-friendly, 50/50 IC/OOC chat in SG and coalition channels. RP is encouraged, but not mandatory in either SG.
PvP Level: None. PvP is not an SG activity. Individual players may engage in PvP if they desire.
Theme/Concept: Vigilantes of the Night is a darker vigilante themed SG with an emphasis on heroes who wish to mete out justice with their own hands. An eye for an eye type deal. Justice Legasy Associates is a more superhero-themed group. Emphasis on modern aged heroes such as the Justice Leage from DC comics, or the X-Men and/or X-Factor from Marvel comics.
Activity: Mostly East coast, but all time zones are welcome to join us. Currently, we are slow, due to being brand new and all. Join and help us build!
Requirements for Membership: All AT's and levels are welcome, no interview/application is required. Just an eagerness to play in SG mode as much as possible and have fun.
Leadership: Lil Miss Goth Girl (Vigilantes of the Night) Sara Powers (Justice Legacy Associates)
In-Game Contact(s): @Shining Emerald (for both SG's)
Out-of-Game Contact(s): Shining_Emerald ( on the forums ) for PMs or email address(es) for those interested to seek more information when not logged in
URL: Vigilantes of the Night (Justice Legacy Associates to have a site soon)
Coalition(s):Most of our coalitions are IC chat, we will specify OOC chat with [[OOC]] in our chat if it's not IC. Currently coalitioned with Eternal Midnight and Kingdom of Horizons among others.
Name: Paragon Youth Corps
Currently Recruiting: Looking for new members, coalitions with other teen groups.
RP Level: RP-intensive, but OOC chat is alright.
PvP Level: Almost zero - we only PVP for story purposes.
Theme/Concept: You've heard it all before - we're your standard teen group. We're self-managed, and have a laid back attitude.
Activity: We currently only have a small number of active members, but activity is daily, if somewhat random. Weekends are the best for more intensive RP/events, however.
Requirements for Membership: Your character must be a teen. (Though this rule is stretched a bit - we accept up into the 20s.)
Leadership: Assembled Girl, Psykera
In-Game Contact: @IanTheM1
Out-of-Game Contact: IanTheM1
URL: VirtueVerse and Our Forums
Coalitions: Several other teen groups, with names interchanging in my memory. Some are less IC than others.
Other Details: We have a fully functional and RP-accommodating base. We have no prestige goals/requirements, the base is effectively complete.
Never surrender! Never give up!
Help keep Paragon City alive with the unofficial City of Heroes Tabletop Role Playing Game!
Five Minutes to Midnight: Paragon and Rogue Isles Divisions
Currently Recruiting: We are a new SG, and while we have a small core membership, we are looking to expand. We are always looking for interesting, intelligent, mature players.
RP Level: Medium to well-done. This is an RP group. Furthermore, many of the members enjoy (and prefer) writing fiction for their characters. The emphasis on fiction is important. We are looking for consistent, immersive, realistic RP. However, we wont boot you for occasional OOC lapses, and we enjoy getting to know the people beyond the characters.
PvP Level: As an SG, we do not PvP though we have members who enjoy it PvP events can be available by request, if desired by members.
SG Concept
IC: Five Minutes to Midnight is a Super Group and Villain Group whose explicit purpose it is to prevent the greater disasters; from nuclear war to the Greenhouse Effect, to the greater magical threats, it put before it as a goal nothing les than the greater preservation of the world, and mankind.
We dont care if, on the way, youve robbed a bank. Neither do we care that youve saved an old ladys purse. We look for individuals of a greater worldview and wider scope, those people who would be willing and able to do whatever it takes for the purpose of the ultimate greater good. Ours is a larger, and much heavier, responsibility than stopping the next heist or saving the next dumpster. Ours is also the understanding that petty crimes, sometimes even violent crimes, do not necessarily create monsters, and even those who rob banks, or destroy innocent dumpsters, may be responsible individuals with an eye to the future.
This is not an easy, nor a pleasant job. Its sometimes messy, often tedious, quite often it doesnt sit with the standard morality code. It requires flexibility of mind and an ability to do what is necessary, whether pretty or not. It is not suitable for the gentle temperament, nor for the sentimentalist. But someone has to do it and we are that someone.
OOC: The group exists in two incarnations; the Paragon division, and the Rogue Isles division. Both work towards and for the same purpose, and share the same leadership (though that doesnt mean they always see things eye to eye). We encourage crossover of members who wish to create redside/blueside alts, but we do not necessitate it. It is entirely plausible to have some members in one branch and not another.
We are looking, generally, for the kind of heroes and villains who would be willing to take unorthodox paths to achieve their goals, and cooperate with the other side to do so. The group usually looks for the kind of characters for whom their primary weapon is not necessarily their powers or firearms, but their minds, their initiative and personality. We expect members to act independently; the leaders prefer to keep a light touch.
Requirements: There are no AT or level requirements, and no real background requirement so long as the character fits, or could potentially fit, with the overarching theme. Though the SG/VG is affiliated with the Midnight Squad, membership in it is only preferred, not required.
We do employ an application process that will involve either posting a biography, going through an in-game interview, or both. We expect a certain level of activity in that we dont want to see characters left abandoned for a year but most members have a life, and we wont require particular sign-in periods.
It I important that new members be active on our website forums. Much of the coordination for events like TFs or SFs as well as player requests, is done via the site, due to the different time zones in which several of the members are located.
Activity: The SG has a core group of players and several of their alts. It is still small, but growing and, obviously, each new member brings in more activity and team options. Several of our members play on different servers, and we have established a global chat channel for the purpose of keeping everyone in touch. There are RP meetings every other Thursday, at 10 PM EST at the Midnighters Club, and we usually have peak play times during the weekend.
VV Page:
Leadership -Lorenzo Mondavi
-Alexander Rabinovich
-Sofia Rabinovich
In-Game Contacts: @Diellan, @Genia (can also be reached via the site) or by joining our Global Channel: 5M2M
Out of Game Contacts: We can be reached via PM on the boards, or via the supergroup site by posting a message there.
Cynics of the world, unite!
Taking Care of the Multiverse
Name: The Defenders of Paragon
Currently Recruiting: TDOP is accepting new members.
RP Level: RP-friendly
PvP Level: Casual
Theme/Concept: The Defenders of Paragon are like the JSA. We are comprised of the best of the old and boldest of the new. We pay homage to the excellance that is the comic book industry through the characters we play. It is because of this that we have such a wide variety of members and such a brilliant mix of superheroes on the team. We have members at all level ranges, and look to promote a roleplay-friendly family spirit in our supergroup.
The Defenders of Paragon are comprised of several in-game supergroups. All of The Defenders of Paragon groups function as a branches of a single supergroup for most game purposes.
Activity: TDOP membership extends around the world. There is seldom a time when you can not find at least a couple of members online. Peak-time for the group centers around early afternoon until late evening (standardized to Eastern Time).
Requirements for Membership: The primary requirement for membership is that the player can interact well with the rest of the group. Typically we require recruits to participate in "get to know each other" teaming prior to acceptance into the group.
Night Club
Red Switchblade
Preferred Method of contact: Registering at our website and posting on our forums. Although meeting up with us in game is just as desirable.
Other Details:
"These guys have been around since the beginning and i'm sure they'll be here 'till the end!"
-Paragon city mayor on the subject of the Defenders.
Paragon City is full of crime and villians. The city cries out desperatly for a hope, an answer, a defense from the evils that fill it. The Defenders of Paragon serve that hope and protect Paragon City. We shall use the powers gifted to us to there fullest extent to defeat evil wherever it exists. We stand for truth, justice, freedom, and righteousness. We are the ray of hope in Paragon City's darkest hour. We are The Defenders.
We're not a "clan" or "guild." We are Superheroes.
Crey Threat Assessment: Bayne
Virtueverse: Bayne
The Defenders of Paragon
Name: Hyperion Force
Currently Recruiting: Accepting new members of any level
RP Level: Moderate to heavy RP (IC chat unless specified by the usual conventions). Scheduled weekly RP events. Storytelling and RP by post is encouraged.
PvP Level: Individual basis; we understand some people enjoy PvP, and some people do not.
Theme/Concept: Hyperion Force is a group of heroes who have banded together in the tradition of the Freedom Phalanx and the Vindicators; the group has a number of continuing RP storylines in progress.
Activity: Currently about 15 players, active at various times during the US continental time zones (Eastern thru Pacific), during the evening hours. Thursday nights are usually the most active, as RP plot-intensive activities take place, as well as Sunday evenings, but some members can be found on most evenings.
Requirements for Membership: No minimum/maximum level; application on the guild web site (we're not tough, though); please let us know if you are inactive for a period of longer than two weeks. Keep in mind the RP nature of the group!
Leadership: Arc Tangent is the Executive Officer of Hyperion Force; other leaders include Stellar Protector and Mercurial Talon.
In-Game Contact(s): Global @Threadbare
Out-of-Game Contact(s): Arc Tangent on the SG forums.
URL:; see also our Virtueverse entry at
Coalition(s): No coalitions at this time.
Other Details: Base is fully developed with teleporters available to all locations in Paragon City (including a Pillar of Ice and Flame for Flashback missioning). The SG's heroes are very much in the vein of the Avengers or the X-Men, so if you could not see your character among such heroes, you may decide we are not the right fit for you.

Name: S.C.O.R.P.I.O.
Currently Recruiting: We're always looking for new people interested in becoming involved in our ongoing group stories and events.
RP Level: RP-intensive, we're an incredibly immersive RP SG with mature themes (Violence/Realism)
PvP Level: Casual, we primarily RP PVP for some group events and have several members with an active interested in PVP.
The Strategic Command Objective for Research, Protection + Interdictive Operations (S.C.O.R.P.I.O.) is an international, extra-governmental intelligence and security organization formed to meet the rising storm of exceptional threats beyond the usual scope of normal law enforcement and military forces. SCORPIO is dedicated to protecting the nations and peoples of Earth from terrorists and all technologically-advanced, extraterrestrial, psionic, superhuman, occult, paranormal and supernatural menaces, and often assists such organizations as Longbow as well as other 'super'hero groups in apprehending threats to national security and world peace.
SCORPIO's base of operations is located in Paragon City, considered by many to be the 'heart of the storm', but there are also regional offices in all the major cities of the free world (as well as a few secret bases in unfriendly nations). Although most of SCORPIOs operations are covert, the organizations existence is known to general public. SCORPIO even maintains public offices in several cities.
Activity: Incredibly active with over 50 active members and an active coalition, global channel, and rivalry.
Requirements for Membership:
Due to mature themed involving violence we request that members be 17 years of age of older. Members are required to be active within 30 days, 90 days with reason and all members are expected to participate in group events at some level. This include RP Missioning, stories, in game RP, or on our forums as examples.
Please check out website for more information or fill out an application to join.
Jack Slayton - Executive Director
Cherry 9 - Deputy Directory
Echo-3 - Chief of Staff
Meta Unit Captain - Cyber Knight
Arcane Unit Captain - Mizuki Yanagisawa
Psi Unit Captain - Ashen Wren
Operatives Liaison - Cyphre
In-Game Contact(s):
@Ran Kailie
Or join our global channel, ScorpioOOC, we're always happy to help and answer questions.
Out-of-Game Contact(s):
Please contact any of the officers on our guild portal site (
Blackout Initiative Member -
The Codex
Other Details:
We run a variety of weekly group events including:
Monday - Task Forces
Tuesday - Group Movie Night
Wednesday - Para-Ops (Arcane/Psi) group missioning night
Thursday - Newbie Orientation Night
Plus plenty of group story lines and role playing opportunities both in game and on our forums.
Name: The Alliance of Imperial Guardians
Currently Recruiting: We are accepting new members
RP Level: RP-friendly, RP-lite, and nonRP, /sg all at the same time! IC spatial
we really need interested people to join the SG
read the story line and get involved
PvP Level: None at this time
Theme/Concept: The theme of the SG comes from the animated series and manga NARUTO (Japanese comic) created by Masashi Kishimoto. Both the anime and the manga are ongoing in Japan at the moment. We tried to fit this SG into the Naruto story
but we had to change it a little. You can go to and you can read up on some Naruto Info
Read the SGs history .
Activity: The Leader is in Eastern Time Zone
and plays all day everyday
so we have a lot of members who play at different times.
Requirements for Membership: Doesnt matter what lvl
out-of-game communication on guild forums We use for event postings and to keep in touch
email me for invite, Dont care if you have any alts in other SGs, or villains on Virtue. Just have fun, log on once every 15 days
when you hit 20 days your toon will be demoted
if your logged off more than 25 days at a time
you will be kicked from the group
if you have more than one toon on at a time
say for example you have a lvl 50 toon on the sg
and you are now working on your alt
all I ask is that you log on to your toon once a week for 5 mins
to reset the number of days you were offline.
Leadership: Yuki Yanagi Goddess, Princess of the Snow Country
In-Game Contact: Global @Falling Snow
Out-of-Game Contact: ) for those interested to seek more information when not logged in!
Coalition(s): Portal Jumpers, Hells Army, Atlantia Reborn, Carpe Diem, & Gods of Paragon
Other Details: Nothing thanks for reading this far down lol Hope your interested!
This probably doesn't belong here, but I'll update it anyway with a SG info, I think :P
The Supergroup Recruiting Fair is tonight, at 7pm CST, 8pm EST. Come on down to recruit, make coalitions, and have fun. >_>

Not even the cool breeze of an autumn day is enough to keep Bridgit Mathews from feeling the fiery vengeance of the last rays of a shortening sun as it sinks westward. Having spent the afternoon walking around most of Atlas Park and Galaxy City, she pauses against a telephone pole in Constellation Row and wipes her sweat-beaded forehead on her t-shirt hem - the epitome of ladylike behaviour as always. A nearly-empty roll of clear packing tape hangs off her belt, and she looks down at her ink-stained hands before her comm beeps softly.
"Mathews," she answers gruffly, flipping the comm open.
"Hi, beautiful." The warm bass of her husband, Justin Mathews, rumbles through the airwaves. "Almost done here in Kings Row. How about you?"
"Hi, handsome." The redhead smiles, squinting through her glasses to watch the sun sink down slowly before answering. "Yeah, I'm out of flyers. How about we meet for dinner? I'm starved."
As she continues on her conversation with the hero known as Mr Mountie, the last few motes of the setting sun's light catch the gold-coloured flyer she'd just finished taping to the pole.
It's fairly simple, printed on gold-toned paper, but it gets its point across.
Name: The Overbrookers
Currently Recruiting: A brand new supergroup looking for new members - we're small, but feisty and looking to grow! We're focused on creating a high quality RP environment, and our aim is to remain close-knit enough that characters can feasibly remember everyone's name and information about them easily.
RP Level: We are always IC, but that doesn't mean we don't talk OOC! Any OOC discussion is indicated by some form of brackets, or identification that it's OOC.
PvP Level: Minimal to none. Occasionally if a story calls for it, we'll venture into a PvP zone or arrange an arena match, but we certainly couldn't be considered too interested in PvP.
Theme/Concept: Although the above image link talks about what we're about, the short of it is it was founded, ICly, by two experienced heroes who were worried about brand new heroes and their lack of experience. Not wanting to quite hang up the cape yet, Bridgit and Justin have decided to offer a hands-on, quasi-educational and family-oriented environment to help and teach new heroes, as well as providing a home for more experienced heroes to pass on their knowledge as well.
Activity: Because we are so new, we currently have less than ten individual players in the group, but we are always looking for more like-minded players to create a fun, story-rich environment. Our players are mature, sensible and creative - but we have a silly streak in us too, and we all have wicked senses of humour!
Most of our players are in the Eastern Timezone, and we're usually most active after 5 pm during the week, and all day during the weekends (unless real life interferes). We're on the game every day, either on our Overbrookers characters or one of our others.
Requirements for Membership: Our requirements for membership are that you remain active - preferably at least logging in once a week for our SG nights. We encourage teaming with fellow members, and contributing to IC chatter on the channels. Please put some thought into your character and how dedicated you want to be to them before you apply to the group - we put our best forward, and we encourage you to do the same!
We require that anyone interested in joining The Overbrookers visit our forums and follow the application instructions posted in the Applications forum. It's easy, straight forward, and it will get you an interview with Bridgit and Justin to size up your fit for the group.
Leadership: Bridgit Mathews and Justin Mathews.
In-Game Contact(s): Bridgit O'Malley/Bridgit Mathews (@Sehkmet) and Mr Mountie (@Mountie).
Out-of-Game Contact(s):
Bridgit Mathews CoH Forums handle: Sehkmet
Bridgit Mathews Email:
URL: - The Overbrookers official website and forums
Coalition(s): None at this time. We may explore this option in the future - right now our interest is in the group itself!
Other Details: We are dedicated to creating a fun, immersive group environment through RP and story-telling both in game and on our forums. Creative writing is encouraged, and anything that encourages participation is always welcomed.
We ask that you run in supergroup mode whenever possible, and if you're new to the game, or need help funding your character, just ask either Bridgit or Justin and they'll be happy to help you with influence or anything else you might need.
Our base is small, and cluttered, and not half as beautiful as most groups - but it's a rented warehouse in Faultline being converted to a 'base' by two heroes and their friends, paid for out of their pocket, and done as a labour of love. Everything in the base has a function and an IC reason to be there, and we plan to keep it that way!
We currently have 'Overbrookers Night', every Thursday at 7:30 pm, where we mingle, run missions, RP and whatever else comes to mind at the time.
We do have a uniform, but it isn't mandatory and while we'd love to see everyone in our look, we don't require it.
If you'd like to learn more about our group, please feel free to contact us in game, out of game, or through our website!
Name: The Artful Dodgers
Currently Recruiting:
[1]accepting new members
[2]looking for other players/SGs interested in RP
[3]wanting to let others know you exist, etc.
RP Level: Generally, we are Story Driven Role-players. We accept all levels of role-play, from beginner to advanced.
Theme/Concept: Go ahead, ask yourself...
* Are you a teenager who's one step away from joining a gang or villain group just to get by?
* Do you wish there was a place that understood your Special needs?
* Perhaps you want to become apart of something bigger?
* Or do you just need a warm place to stay and some company along your way.
When teens develop meta-powers, they face many risks. Oftentimes these dangers leave them in need of rescuing from their own lives.
Does this sound familiar to you?
We're not just another group-home or community out-reach center offering an empty plate full of good intentions, because we know what it really means to be at risk.
We're your peers.
Come Join Us!
The Artful Dodgers
Home for Wayward Meta-Teens
Celebrating our second year as a super-group on VIRTUE!
Become a hero! The first life you save maybe your own!
Activity: We have a rotating cast of over 25 members, each with fun unique characters. We have players from across the USA and members can be found playing almost any hour, however, we "Peak" during Prime-Time Pacific. We also have a weekly Role Play night, usually Tuesday nights.
Requirements for Membership: Code of Conduct
The Artful Dodgers were established as a role-play super-group of friendly, helpful players who are expected to aid their teammates and remain active. With those goals in mind, the following bylaws have been established.
* Attendance - Members will be eligible for removal from the group if they are inactive for more than One Month without notification of extended leave. To be considered active, you must log into The Artful Dodgers website at least once a month, and/or you must play an Artful Dodger character in game at least once every two weeks. If you will be unable to log into the website or play in game for more than one month, please notify a Big-Brother/Big-Sister or Counselor. A leave request should include a basic reason for being gone and an expected date of return. If you are absent for more than one month without giving notice we will assume you have quit the group and will then be free to dismiss you from the SG as needed.
* Conduct - Be courteous to all players, both in and out of the SG. There is no reason to verbally abuse anybody. Racism, sexism, religious slurs and any other verbal abuse will not be tolerated. Do not grief, kill steal or otherwise cause problems or interfere with other players' enjoyment of the game. On a first offense you may get a warning but there is nothing stopping the officers from immediately dismissing you from the group. As a member of this SG you represent the group in the public eye. Please do not give us a bad image. Always respect other players and be civil.
* Power Leveling - Please do not ask anyone to power level you. This is considered poor conduct. We certainly wish to group and have fun, and leveling is part of this. If you require assistance please feel free to ask. However, if somebody offers to power level you (within the group or outside of it), it is okay to accept.
* Social Interaction - We are a community and as such encourage social interaction. Teaming up as often as possible is highly recommended. Chatting in the SG chat channel and posting on the forums is also highly recommended. This group is about friendship, fun, and role play. You can't have any of those if no one talks to each other. Role-Play is highly encouraged, but not mandatory. Please be sure to let your team-mates know if you are role-playing in order to prevent confusion.
* Level Requirements - We are looking for heroes of any level ranging, from 1 to 50 and back again! We are willing to SK or EX any player for a team.
* Archetypes, concepts - We welcome heroes of all types to our SG. However, we are a theme role-play group based on at-risk teens so playing one preferred. Also we accept players who wish to role-play guardians, concilors, or mentors to our group.
* Roster - All characters in The Artful Dodgers must be on the Roster on the The Artful Dodgers web site. Minimum required information is character name, origin, archetype, and global handle (complete with @ symbol).
Leadership:We are not "about" leadership, we are about story. We role-play, improve, and have fun. You choose your own level of involvement.
We have four members, listed below, who are considered "Leaders" only to resolve any rare and unavoidable conflicts that might arise before, during, or after game-play.
In-Game Contact(s):
@JusticeZer0:Councilor Main Character: Starlight Girl
@Merg: Councilor Main Character: Casval Regelis
@Jack Travers: Councilor Main Character: Jack Travers
Out-of-Game Contact(s): See our website
URL: The Artful Dodgers on Guildportal
Play Well
Juvie: Founder
@Quiet American
"Art is like morality. You have to draw the line somewhere." ~G.K. Chesterton
Join the Artful Dodgers!
Name: Paragon Universe
Currently Recruiting: Yes. Always looking for creative individuals who desire leadership roles, input or just want to have fun.
RP Level: Heavy to Moderate
PvP Level: Casual, RP driven
Theme/Concept: Four small superhero teams share a single extradimensional base of operations with a variety of solo heroes. Each team has its own raison d'etre, but the others stand ready to help in times of need. And now is definitely a time of need. The Legion is similar to the Justice League. STORM is an emergency response team of power armor users, secret agents, heroes for hire and scientists. Incognitus is comprised of magic users. The Strangers are gathering those new to our world to defend it.
Please visit our guild portal website (linked below) to see more detail on the subteams.
Activity: We have organized and led events 3-5 nights a week, with impromptu RP groups organized even more often.
Our peak hours are from 9-11 pm Eastern, with events often lasting until 1am. Weekend task forces are often in the afternoon.
Requirements for Membership: Only 3 unique characters in the SG (some of us have multiple avatars that are the same character using different powers). If you're gone more than 30 days without logging in or letting us know, then your character will be dropped, but you're always welcome back.
Any RPer can join the Independents. Joining one of the sub-teams requires the approval of the leader.
There are no level requirements, but if you're going to show up for an action-oriented RP event night, then it would be handy if you were at least level 5.
Leadership: We're an anarchical collective that operates surprisingly well on consensus.
Note: We are always open to new sub-teams. We have a fully functional base with lots of RP space. Small SG's looking for a home base are welcome to join.
In-Game Contact(s):
@Prof.Renegade aka Prof. Renegade aka Gold Cop (leader of STORM, member of Legion)
@Oberus aka GalaxyRunner aka Elemental Rider (leader of The Strangers, member of Incognitus)
@Twilight Commander aka Arrelin Windspire (Legion, Incognitus)
@Chrysame aka Imitation (STORM)
@Carlin aka Sgt. Carlin (Legion)
@Dark Quill aka Lotos Rose (STORM)
Out-of-Game Contact(s): CoH's Virtue Forum handle(s) for PMs or email address(es) for those interested to seek more information when not logged in
URL: Paragon Universe's GuildPortal site
Our OOC global chat channel is "Paragon Universe". Join it and chat away at us to ask any OOC questions in-game and to get to know us, to ask for an invite to the SG, to get oriented, and so on. We're friendly and welcoming and try to get new people as involved as possible.
[u]Name:[u] The Dauntless Reverie,
[u]Currently Recruiting:[u]We have four recruiting cycles a year: the months of January (Winter), April (Spring), July (Summer), October (Autumn). To apply during those times, first register with the Dauntless Reverie website, then when the registration has cleared, submit an application.
[u]RP Level:[u] RP-intensive in /coalition and /sg, profoundly active on our own forums, and chatty, funny, and sometimes raunchy OOC in Global.
[u]PvP Level:[u] Extremely casual and individually driven.
[u]Theme/Concept:[u] The Dauntless Reverie has been around since beta, and is a supergroup comprised of heroes whose lives have been touched by magic. They are multitudes: creatures of legend, descendants of the divine, visitors from fantastic worlds, tormented hellspawn, and students of the arcane. But they are all Dauntless: mystic heroes thrust into an urban setting.
[u]Activity:[u] Our prime time is predominantly North American in the evenings, and we have a weekly SG night.
[u]Requirements for Membership:[u] You have to be a good writer (this is more about the strength of your stories than the incidence of your typos!) and mesh socially with the crew.
[u]Leadership/In-Game Contact(s):[u] @Rhianwen, @Elysienne (UK time), @Arinara, @Andy, @TheVagabond,
[u]Out-of-Game Contact(s):[u] We highly recommend registering through the main site at, which is also where we receive character applications.
[u]Coalition(s):[u] Guardian Force, St.Judes' (IC affiliations)
[/ QUOTE ]
Name: Blackcell
Currently Recruiting: We are looking for active mature members are only requirments are we have are you must rp, and you must have a sense of humor, otherwise your golden.
RP Level:85% rp, we do have ooc banter going on in sg chat from time to time, normally in lapses of events.
PvP Level: Encouraged but not required
Theme/Concept: Hero Corps is not only a Corps of people, but also a Corporation, selling their super-powered services to those willing to foot the bill. They may be controversial in their methods but they can have good information for aspiring heroes. They broker work for qualified heroes and help governments around the world deal with super-powered problems.
Blackcell is roleplayed as a divison of hero corps (NOT LONGBOW)compromised mostly of ex cons, or volunteers payed by the company to do work in paragon some are given time off their sentence the group is viewed as a heroes for hire team, the members would be very much akin to either the Suicide Squad, or Thunderbolts.
Activity: Atleast 15 active members (offline for less then a day), we are tightnit and run on east coast time with "group therapy" sessions roleplayed out twice a week.
Requirements for Membership: Sense of humor and a roleplayer, willing to get along with others.
Leadership: Squad Leaders, Vehas, Colnel Galt
In-Game Contact(s): @Empyrean, @Labal, @Nottroy,@Enerix/@Brightshadow, and @jbayles
Out-of-Game Contact(s):
Coalition(s): Active Coalition with the jadewire, the palladium sentry, and the jade knights.
[u]Name:[u] The Justice Guard
[u]Currently Recruiting:[u] We ARE currently recruiting all origins/levels. Red and Blue Side. Always looking to coalition.
[u]RP Level:[u] Lite to Medium-RP, Immersion is at the discretion of the member, but the deeper the merrier
[u]PvP Level:[u] Very little activity, not off to the idea however.
[u]Theme/Concept:[u] Justice League Unlimited concept. Serves as a secondary line of defense to Paragon when the Freedom Phalanx has to save the world from a comet or other such MASSIVE things. Keeping Paragon and the surrounding regions safe. (backstory on site.)
[u]Activity:[u] Current number of unique fluctuates due to the economy at the moment. We range from 00:00-07:00 Central to 17:00-00:00 Central. Middle Hours are so so compared to those other times. We see the most log ins weekends and evenings, SG was first founded in the wee hours.
[u]Requirements for Membership:[u] All Levels welcome. Alts are welcome as long as they are played, no one likes dusting ^_~. We appreciate Guild Site usage, keeps us all in contact and a nice place to put our fiction, RP and whacky stuff. SG/VG limit is 45 days of inactivity, after which you are welcome back after you drop the officers a line to re-instate you.
[u]Leadership:[u] Commander Amazing,Archstrike, Liberty Guard, The Sixty-Second Man,The Opposing Force, Genine ExMu (Plus officer levels)
[u]In-Game Contact(s)[u]:@cap'tain Amazing (Amazing), @sixty (sixty), @OpposingForce (OppForce), @Hagia Sophia (genine) - Feel free to try more then one, we're not always on at the same time.
[u]Out-of-Game Contact(s):[u] CaptainAmazing (CoH Forum handle)
[u]Coalition(s):[u] Guardians of Paragon, Guardians Secondary, Knights of Paragon, Sentinels United, Liberty Rising.
[u]Other Details:[u] Prestige is appreciated but not required, we all have bills to pay. We try to ask a fair split between infamy and prestige. We have a tier 5 plot Hero base and a tier 3 villain base. (Yes with teleporters to the major zones, come on, what ever happened to walking? :P), with 3rd level buffers, storage for inspirations. (take a penny, leave a penny), medibot (the inspiration vending machine!) a lovely meeting hall that seats 100 easy at one time, a Executive meeting room, and a lab. The bases are a flawless mixture of Magic and Tech, all origins welcome however. We attempt to schedule at least one TF a week, with hopes of others who can lead them too.
Name: The Pariah Project (SG) and The Pariah Project Annex (VG)
Currently Recruiting: Yes!
RP Level: Let's put it this way... if you don't love RP, this isn't the group for you.
PvP Level: PvP is not a team activity for the Project.
Theme/Concept: The Pariah Project is comprised mainly of those who don't quite "fit" in more conventional groups. The Annex is not actually a VG, but a group in the Rogue Isles who secretly fight to bring down Arachnos.
Requirements for Membership: We have no minimum level requirements, but do expect your characters to be played often. We have a no-alt policy... one character per player.
Leadership: The Pariah Project is an egalitarian group, with no "leaders," per se. The group's facilitator is Dynamistress.
In-Game Contact(s): Dynamistress is your best bet blueside, redside would be Mistress Dyna.
Out-of-Game Contact(s):
Other Details: PLEASE read the information section of the team website carefully. It spells out very clearly what kind of group we are and what sorts of characters (and players) we're looking for.
Visit Dyna's Place
The Pariah Project
Name: PPD Armored Corps
Currently Recruiting: We are currently recruiting roleplayers that have a sincere interest in creating a tech oriented Paragon Police Department Officer.
RP Level: High
PvP Level: Casual currently. I do not PvP much if at all, but our members are welcome to represent the PPD Armored Corps in the warzones as much as they wish.
Theme/Concept: PPD Armored Corps is a division of the Paragon Police Department that specializes in robotic weaponry. There are two classes of PPD Armored Corps hard suits I have created so far. I will post pictures of both below, but these by no means must be followed exactly. These are to give you an idea of our color scheme and our tech theme.
PPD Protectron
PPD Protectron HUD Engaged + Axe
PPD Shrike Far
PPD Shrike Closeup + HUD
PPD Shrike takeing aim.
[/ QUOTE ]
Please note that we do not limit membership to robotic officers only. We have need of dedicated technitians and engineers. I am currently in the process of designing a basic jump suit uniform for the support staff. I am open to suggestions on different models of PPD Hard Suit and uniform choices as well.
Activity: It is just myself at this time. This is a very new venture and I am looking for dedicated individuals to form a foundation for what I hope will become a much larger organization. I am on almost every day from 5 PM EST till 10 PM EST.
Requirements for Membership: You must be a roleplayer. You must have a character that fits our theme. You must maintain a medium amount of activity, while your character in PPDAC does not need to be your main, we want to see you on once in awhile!
Leadership: PPD Protectron, PPD Shrike
In-Game Contact(s): @RoosterRampage
Out-of-Game Contact(s): PM me on the forums on this ID!
URL: My wife is currently designing a website and forum. It should be posted online in a basic form in about a week.
Coalition(s): No coalition currently, but I am open to allying the SG with other PPD/Government themed SG's.
Other Details: We currently have no base setup. We are seeking an experienced base builder to help us with this.
Name: S.I.G.M.A Force
(Strategic International Government Monitoring Agency)
Currently Recruiting: Yes we are!
RP Level: RP-friendly, the group is inspired off a RP group and if you dont RP thats ok!
PvP Level: Casual, if you do you do if you dont you dont!
Theme/Concept: The Group is a glorified version of SHIELD from marvel, the ranks vary from Trainee all the way up to SIGMA Commander the second to highest rank.
Activity: It is me at this time, but it depends on what time zone you are in. for me im in Germany at the moment!
Requirements for Membership: Really no requirements as of right now to get in, the only thing needed is a SIGMA uniform which will be shown to you if interested. You do not have to always wear it.
Leadership: Director of SIGMA (In another SG)
Deputy Director Agent Shawn Crowe
In-Game Contact(s): Global @Coopikins
Out-of-Game Contact(s): PM me on the forums on this ID
URL: currently under construction
Coalition(s): We will be mainly tied in with the Paragonian Knights as SIGMA is a branch of them RP wise.
Other Details: The base has yet still to be maintained but the PK has working portal and what not to use for traveling until enough prestige has been earned.
Name: A.R.M.I.S.T.I.C.E.- The Agency for Regional Management of Immediate Strategic and Tactical Initiatives and Containing Emergencies
Currently Recruiting: We are a static team SG. Currently, the alpha team is the only one running- but we have designs to expand in the near future to multiple teams, to offer a home for those looking to RP in a static setting, with cool uniforms.
RP Level: 70-80% Somewhere in-between RP-friendly and RP-intensive.
PvP Level: Not as of yet, but its coming.
Theme/Concept: We are a Longbow commissioned and secretly funded division operating from a base few have seen. Our leaders, prior to receiving their powers worked in different capacities within Longbow and were chosen to head up this organization based on exemplary years of service.
Activity: Alpha team consists of 7 members, and one coalition outsider. We meet Sunday nights at 7 CST. Other teams will be organized to meet on different nights.
Requirements for Membership: recruiting is only open when a team is being formed. Requirements are a brand new hero, who will wear the red and black with pride.
Leadership: Mythical Man (Director), Mentoman (Operations Chief)
In-Game Contact(s): @Over-Boost @The Unmaker
Out-of-Game Contact(s): Black_Marrow, silver_quiver, Perdix, Starflier
URL: coming soon
Other Info: Our home forum:
Why not toss us in here
Name: The All-Stars
Currently Recruiting: we're looking for a few coalitions and accepting new members as long as you pass in an interview.
RP Level: Yes we RP a lot, we have several storylines going on, we also have an OOC channel just to goof off.
PvP Level: We use arena PvP to fight our villains and such, so we RPvP often, doesn't matter if you're good
Theme/Concept: Basically we're a group of rag-tag heroes all with separate points of view who were forced together when they arrested Doctor Crom and became international superstars. Avengers-esque theme. We RPed the origin and actual fought Crom so recruits to the group are not considered the founders of the group who fought Crom.
Activity: Highly active in the afternoons to the nights, have 25 or so active characters all from different players.
Requirements for Membership: Your character MUST be 3-Dimensional. Must have character flaws and a developed personality. No superman does it all I have no flaws type. Also you must be pretty active.
Leadership: Vespula Sting, Movie Monster, Transcendent, Johnny Turbo, Accelerate, Shaolin Sorcerer, and Blackline are founders.
In-Game Contact(s): @Johnny Turbo, @B-Boy Remix, @Style-X, @JohnnyGrand, @High Jinks, @Magister Al, and @Mr.Joe
Out-of-Game Contact(s): Well...don't really have much of that...
URL: - Has info on our history, storylines, and members (not all listed yet)
Other Details: we have various storylines that move forward daily, our planned events are usually MASSIVE, but those are not at all the only time we further storylines.
Also, we are an OPEN RP group, so there is no set way of how things begin or end, they just DO. So feel free to try out your own things if you happen to join us.

Johnny Turbo | Phanto
THE CHALLENGERS: Challenge Accepted
HONORARY MEMBER: (Said I couldn't officially join because I'm too good at PvP)
Name: Alpha Squad
Currently Recruiting: Actively recruiting all roleplayers, and also actively seeking Coalitions with other roleplay groups.
RP Level: RP Medium to Heavy, we have an OOC channel for exclusively OOC chatter, and tend to roleplay in-character as much as possible.
PvP Level: Medium, we use the arena to RP with villain-groups that we have rivalries with.
Theme/Concept: Tough guys! Tough gals! Vigilantes, vendettas, revenge!
Here are a list of some of the character types we are looking to recruit:
1. Vengeful Vigilante
2. Ruthless Mercenary
3. The Anti-Hero
3. Macho Tough Guy/Gal
4. Characters with a Vendetta
5. Characters who Crave Action
6. Aliens Trying to Preserve/Defend Againt Tyranny
7. Guardians of the Future
8. "I ain't got time to bleed!"
9. "Do you feel lucky punk? Well do ya!!?"
10. "Get away from her, you [censored]!"
Activity: We're a brand new guild, but we have managed to assemble a base that has a basic med-porter, as well as a teleporter active with links to Atlas and Steel Canyon. A second teleporter is purchased and awaiting a new power source to become active.
Requirements for Membership: No requirements other than you like to roleplay and your character fits the general "tough guy/gal" theme of someone who wants results by any means necessary.
Leadership:Cobra Fist is the day-to-day manager of the team. The architect of the group in-character is: Doctor North.
In-Game Contact(s): Global @Ravyna for in-game contact.
Out-of-Game Contact(s): On the forums: ChaosRed, or you can visit the Alpha Squad Guild Universe page and leave a message there.
URL: VirtueVerse: Alpha Squad (VirtueVerse)
Guild Universe: Alpha Squad Guild Universe
Coalition(s): We are actively seeking Coalitions. We have active storylines engaged with Supreme Society group of villains.
Other Details: In character the group's base is situated far to the north in the Arctic Circle (using teleportation to provide transportation to-and-from Paragon. It resides in a fictional newly independent nation, funded by a strange arcane force committed to fighting evil:
Nation of Cobiness.

Name: Just Plain Heroes
Currently Recruiting: We are currently accepting members
RP Level: RP-friendly but not required
PvP Level: none as of now
Theme/Concept: JPH is a laid back place for players of all types to just get together and do what we do, be heroes. No major theme or premise, just a group of people who would like to have a ready supply of support or comraderie.
Activity: We have about 10 individual members with some owning a couple alts in the group. You will almost always see someone on any time of the day or night.
Requirements for Membership: Level 1 and up. Must be somewhat active, as in at least once a week. All archetypes, backgrounds, origins and play styles are welcome.
Leadership: Empio Battona, General Sherman, Burnhart
In-Game Contact(s): Global @Empio Battona
Out-of-Game Contact(s): EmpioBattona in these forums
URL: under construction
Coalition(s): We are currently associated with Hell's Guardians, and they have agreed to allow us access to all of the zone TP's while we grow.
Other Details: We are extremely new, but growing fast. We've been around since mid February and the base has almost outgrown the starter plot. We currently have only 2 telepads to 4 low level zones, but more are soon to come. Full storage and vault access with invention table, as well as a functional medbay. If you just want to save the city, run some arcs or radio mishes, street sweep, anything at all, we are here to help.
Name: Sovereign's Dawn
Currently Recruiting: Yes. We are recruiting serious and active players looking for a friendly close-nit group.
RP Level: Open to all. Roleplayers and non-roleplayers
PvP Level: Casual but may be more serious depending on what are members feel.
Theme/Concept: We are a group of Golden/Silver Age heroes with outstanding abilities who have banded together in hopes of improving our protection on Paragon City.
Activity: We are just starting up and so the activity isn't to great due to the small amount of members but once it picks up I'm positive it will be far more active.
Requirements for Membership: We are not strict on our requirements. You may be of any level,origin or race though we do have a screening process so we can see if you 'mesh' well with the other members of our group. We want our group to remain a drama free zone and have everyone getting along with at least majority of the group.
Leadership: SovereignGuard and Miss Sovereign
In-Game Contact(s):
@Lord Malevolent
Out-of-Game Contact(s):
LimeDolli on the forums or
email via
URL: Currently a WIP. Sovereign's Dawn
Coalition(s): Currently none. But if interested people are welcome to send a in game tell or email.
Other Details: Our base is currently in the works and as everyone knows it takes time and effort to build great things. We would appreciate if our members level 35 and below constantly stay in SGM so that we can get the best for our group.
For roleplayer's seeking more information seek me out, (Miss Sovereign/@LimeDolli).
Also, We are not restricting people to Golden/Silver Age, we would just prefer that type of thing. If your character isn't Golden/Silver and you want to apply that is more then fine.
Currently Recruiting: We are accepting new members who enjoy some good RP and SL that are run in game and on our boards.
RP Level: RP-intensive
PvP Level: Casual, up to the indivual
Theme/Concept: The Templars are the remenants of the Students and Facualty who remained in Paragon to fight the good fight after the Closure of the NEW PORTER INSTITUTE. Banded together through the years by common goals and mutual friendship and loyalty to each other these heroes banded together to form their own Supergroup.
Centered around a popular King's Row Nightspot, a Metahumans only Posh Private club called the Abbey, owned and operated by the former NPI Headmaster Galen Mentalis, The group called dubbed themselves 'The Templars' . Both Protectors of the city and the club they now rallied around as a meeting place!
Where once N.P.I. stood to gain equal ground and secure a future for just Mutants, the Templars now seek to maintain that same goal for all Metahumans everywhere , while maintining law and order protecting the City and society that has become their home!
Activity: We are a small but dedicated group of rpers who have been around since Beta and have several on going RP sl's in progress at any given time. We are not activity intensive but have been known to run SG and Coalition TF's and are always around if a fellow Templar needs a hand. Mostly independant we always manage to find time to rp and help out when truly needed. We have a mix of timezones running from early evening EST to the wee hours of the morning when outr 'night owls' members arrive
Requirements for Membership: Must read and agree to adhere to our charter, which is mostly good common sense concerning the respect of others play and that of your own! and fill out a appication with a solid background
Leadership: A roundtable of Officers dating back to beta and after
In-Game Contact(s): @Lucianna and

Find us here at Templars of the Abbey Webpage
Arc # 57740 - 'A Star is Rising Part One'
Arc # 90575 - 'A Lesson Taught'
Arc # 139943 - 'And The Game Goes Tilt'
It's time for the new hero SG listing for the Virture server for February 2009 to June 2009. It's the same as before, folks... simply quote the template below and fill it for your supergroup. Some of the sections listed might not pertain to ever group, so feel free to delete those. I'm working off the time-tested template Grae graciously provided us with last time around, but if there's any section you'd like to see that's missing, feel free to PM me.
(Template copied from Grae_Knight's layout for Feb. '08 - June '08)
Name: SG Name
Currently Recruiting: you are / are not accepting new members, not recruiting new members but looking for other players/SGs interested in RP, not looking for anyone new in any way but wanting to let others know you exist, etc.
RP Level: RP-friendly, RP-intensive, RP-lite, nonRP, /sg IC, 100% IC spatial, etc., what degree of immersion do you expect or require?
PvP Level: Casual, hard-core, arena, zone, etc..
Theme/Concept: Briefly describe your SG's theme and/or concept (Longbow or other NPC-oriented group, Single Origin, Single Archetype, etc.) or general raison d'être
Activity: how many unique members do you have, what times (of which time zones) are your members active, which days of the week do you see the most log on - when is your "prime time" (so to speak)
Requirements for Membership: must be at least level #, out-of-game communication on guild forums (please also list URL forums if different from website), no alts in other SGs, no villains on Virtue, daily log-in, etc.
Leadership: character name(s)
In-Game Contact(s): Global @<name> for in-game contact(s)
Out-of-Game Contact(s): CoH's Virtue Forum handle(s) for PMs or email address(es) for those interested to seek more information when not logged in
URL: the group's website
Coalition(s): If you wish to reveal them here -you might also describe the nature of it - alliance, RP adversarial, functional, alt overflow, etc. or whether it is an IC or OOC associate
Other Details: feel free to add any other important information like base setup, frequency of TF/SF scheduling, prestige generation expectations / goals, or anything else of general but significant appeal