Unique use of Bosster pack Costume parts





A heavily story-driven costume for my Scrapper, CapeMike...: A prophecy years ago on his homeworld(OtakuWorld) who's precise wording has been lost to the ages essentially said that at a time of great need, 'the two will become one'....

This proved to be the true purpose behind the creation of the Tanker named MakoType-824; a technorganic lifeform who is given the ability to perform 'Final Fusion' with CapeMike(bonus cookie if you get the 'Final Fusion' reference) in a desperate bid to unleash the Scrapper's powerlevels here in Paragon....



Nucleogenesis got himself a chronosuit made mostly of Valkyrie parts, but there are some Cyborg and Vanguard bits in there too.

Closer Look

I'm not certain I like the colour scheme, though. It needs something, but I'm not sure what.

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If you don't mind an opinon, I'd try using some dark Green Accents and making the goggle lenses orange. Just a thought.

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I ended up making the goggles and brooch orange, and adding the cyborg laser eye aura in orange. Its amazing how much better it looks with just that little change. Thanks!



Something I finally managed to put together today that I'm fairly proud of. >>

I truly do love this look.

It didn't really come together until I got the Vanguard chest option, though.



I really like the shot with electricity. Nice work MikoReimu



Because I'm a sucker for any opportunity to show off costumes (but this is my only booster pack piece-user):


Palladia w/Shield

Palladia, aka Amber Montrose. Valkyrie shoulders, gloves, chest detail, boots (all non-winged). Leather chest, Armored pads legs, Visor face detail...and that sexy energy shield. Mmm. Energy shield.

*easily amused*



Because I'm a sucker for any opportunity to show off costumes (but this is my only booster pack piece-user):


Palladia w/Shield

Palladia, aka Amber Montrose. Valkyrie shoulders, gloves, chest detail, boots (all non-winged). Leather chest, Armored pads legs, Visor face detail...and that sexy energy shield. Mmm. Energy shield.

*easily amused*

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Mm, really nice there!!



I hate to say it, but I am in love with my not-unique-at-all use of the Valkyrie costume set. >_<;

With the right colors, it just looks soooooo good together!

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It is unique though! Again it's color choice that wins the day here! Very well done. Looks fataastic!



Ozmosis Ottomo

I have Rob Leifield inspired shoulder pads!

"You wear a mask to hide who you are, I wear a mask to show who I am"

Arc ID 91456: The Zombie Apocalypse Task Force:poster 1, poster 2




I hate to say it, but I am in love with my not-unique-at-all use of the Valkyrie costume set. >_<;

With the right colors, it just looks soooooo good together!

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I dig it. Colors do make a huge difference and thos just work well together. Very nice.



When I first started CoH I would frequently win costume contests - now, I never even get into the finals. What you guys are doing with these tools is freaking amazing. I am a little in awe of what you are able to envision and create.

Um, any advice? Any thoughts on using the color wheel to get something different, colors that seem to go well, tricks to getting a 3 or 4 color look, tips on which booster sets or infrequently used items to try, etc?

I am stuck making variation on the same two themes - spandex hero with two colors ala the X-Men or a stereo typical hot girl with a belly shirt.

I look at artists for inspiration (Daggerpoint, DarkJedi, CelticBolt, Lady J, BuckeyeStar, Juggertha etc.) but always drif back into my rut.

Help, oh creative ones. Help!

When you see yourself in a crowded room / do your fingers itch,are you pistol-whipped
Will you step in line or release the glitch / can you fall asleep with a panic switch



I hate to say it, but I am in love with my not-unique-at-all use of the Valkyrie costume set. >_<;

With the right colors, it just looks soooooo good together!

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That IS really nice. I did a pretty standard Valkyrie/Norse Goddess for my Warrior Goddess. She has goddess costumes for 5 different cultures.

I didn't like how the large gloves clipped with the shields so I didn't use those or the large boots. I also didn't use the Valkyrie chest and legs but used a portion of the Wedding pack instead. I used colors that I rarely experiment with but I got some compliments on the color use. This was on the first day of the pack though so I've not really updated it or messed with it since.

Warrior Goddess (Norse)

My Corner of DeviantART

The Queen's Menagerie



Something new I made up for my Bubbler. She has the Sparkles Light aura, but it doesn't screen shot well at all.

@Red Firefox
Red Firefox, Marenie, Hubba Bubbles, Radiant Aurora, Radiation Red, Fatale Flame, Animation



Something new I made up for my Bubbler. She has the Sparkles Light aura, but it doesn't screen shot well at all.

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Very cute.

Miserya - 50 EM/ELA Brute (Perma-shelved)
Adriana Rayne - 42 Katana/Dark Scrapper
Cyberpulse - 26 Super Strength/Willpower Brute
Steel Heart - 24 Invuln/Super Strength Tanker



Picked up the Valkyrie Set and updated Oathbound's Costume.


It's a real amalgamation, with bits of the Samurai, Roman and Valkyrie gear, plus the Winter Event Halo, and if you look closely you can see the Valentines Day Heart pattern on his tights(chest).

@Oathbound & @Oathbound Too



Here is my new costume for my toon Katana Chikara...i was going for a tech-samurai kind of look, and i think i got something pretty good out of it




My recently renamed Energy/Energy Stalker.

His normal costume is supposed to Jester/Clown/Harlequin... with boxing gloves.

For this costume, I was trying to make him look like he was from a suit of cards, sorta.

Trickshooter's Characters | @Trickshooter @Brightside



When I first started CoH I would frequently win costume contests - now, I never even get into the finals. What you guys are doing with these tools is freaking amazing. I am a little in awe of what you are able to envision and create.

Um, any advice? Any thoughts on using the color wheel to get something different, colors that seem to go well, tricks to getting a 3 or 4 color look, tips on which booster sets or infrequently used items to try, etc?

I am stuck making variation on the same two themes - spandex hero with two colors ala the X-Men or a stereo typical hot girl with a belly shirt.

I look at artists for inspiration (Daggerpoint, DarkJedi, CelticBolt, Lady J, BuckeyeStar, Juggertha etc.) but always drif back into my rut.

Help, oh creative ones. Help!

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I try to get into the character's head, think about what they would want to wear. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. Sometimes you find those much-beloved pieces that you use over and over again...

Generally, though, I wind up finding a character's "signature costume" after tweaking whatever their initial costume was. I also try to find a signature costume piece, and/or color, and keep that around throughout each costume of the character's career.

Some costumes of mine, although a few are outdated due to rerolls and levelling and the Valkyrie pack additions not being shown. (Screenshots are pre-i13.)

I adhere (maybe 99.5%) to the 'No more than three colors' rule, although sometimes subtle variations of color get through. I'm also a big fan of the K.I.S.S. (Keep It Simple Stupid) rule, which I interpret as: Just because a costume piece location exists doesn't mean you have to put something in in. Not every costume is upgraded by including chest designs or shoulderpads or belts. Many are, but not always.

Most importantly, though, play around with the creator. Look at other people's costumes. My two favorite current costumes (Wolfwhisper and Palladia) were both inspired by other folks' costumes that led me to look at something differently in the creator.

Play around. You'd be surprised what you can find



My best advice ever?

Screw what other people think is neat.

Keep messing around with pieces, colors, and what not until you find something YOU think is neat. :3

And if you see something in other people's costumes, ask them what pieces they used/etc., then play around with some of those same pieces yourself and see if you can't come up with something you'll like.

>_> That's how I get some of my more favorite ones. Expanding off someone else's idea with my own personal touch.



I hate to say it, but I am in love with my not-unique-at-all use of the Valkyrie costume set. >_<;

With the right colors, it just looks soooooo good together!

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That IS really nice. I did a pretty standard Valkyrie/Norse Goddess for my Warrior Goddess. She has goddess costumes for 5 different cultures.

I didn't like how the large gloves clipped with the shields so I didn't use those or the large boots. I also didn't use the Valkyrie chest and legs but used a portion of the Wedding pack instead. I used colors that I rarely experiment with but I got some compliments on the color use. This was on the first day of the pack though so I've not really updated it or messed with it since.

Warrior Goddess (Norse)

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Very nice indeed!

For my first costume slot I wanted to cover her up with armor all over the place for that "this is my serious outfit!" kinda feel to it. The next couple of costume slots' risque levels are up in the air.

Playstation 3 - XBox 360 - Wii - PSP

Remember kids, crack is whack!

Samuel_Tow: Your avatar is... I think I like it



You can't have hair, you need to select "Full Masks" and it should be under "Detail 2"



That was the snag I hit, I kept trying to use Full Mask with Hair, thanks JD.




My recently renamed Energy/Energy Stalker.

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Um, yeah. That's freaking awesome. This is what I am in awe of. Taking a staple like red, black and gold and making it look new and original.

TY for the advice. I am actually just learning the basics of the color wheel and you'd be amazed at how much better things look when I stick to some Art Class 101 theory. Just by keeping keeping my primary / secondary colors in the same column of the creator has really helped. By staying in the same column I can play with different mixes but they still have some chemistry.

I'm learning a lot - thanks for the advice.

When you see yourself in a crowded room / do your fingers itch,are you pistol-whipped
Will you step in line or release the glitch / can you fall asleep with a panic switch