Post your coolest I13 items

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How long did it take you to set that thing up?

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Not so long as one might think. Not that it was a snap or anything, but by using floor safes and floor tiles it's easy to set up the 1foot levels that you need to stack the rubble. worked on it over 3 days total for a few hours a day.

Incredible job. I shudder to think what that many items might do to peoples' frame rates in the game, but VERY nice regardless

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It's actually not a problem outside of the editor... course IN the editor it's a bad idea to even look in the general direction of that room.....

@Oathbound & @Oathbound Too



Since I love making littel bits of a decorative nature, (much to the detriment of my leveling characters!) I came up with some fun things...

The Altar of the 5 Sacred Flames

The Double Eye Portal

and it from the back. It back lights really well.

Le Blanc 50 Dark/Dark Scrap
High Huntress 50 Archery/NRG Blast
And a goatload of others. On a goatload of servers.
Official Rickroller of Hero Con 1



I must say you people are creating some brillant things. Has inspired me to actually spend sometime on my base. If I ever come up with anything good I'll share with you all.

Enjoy your day please.



Post deleted by Le_Blanc

Le Blanc 50 Dark/Dark Scrap
High Huntress 50 Archery/NRG Blast
And a goatload of others. On a goatload of servers.
Official Rickroller of Hero Con 1



I am in the process of building a Locomotive. It has been difficult to come up with items that look right and after spending all night on it last night I am about halfway through with it. I was wondering if anybody else has tried something like this. I should be finished with it sometime tonight and I will post some pics. That is if I am happy with the outcome, I have destroyed it once already because I didn't like how it turned out. This project has really pushed me to come up with different ways to stack objects.



I finished my train engine and it turned out ok. I am not completely happy with it, but I just couldn't find the right items to use.






One thing I did figure out was a way to make thin walls using 'modern picture frame' from wal details and cubical.

I probably won't keep it since it doesn't fit into my base theme.



....O.o well and her i was all happy with my ramp, some one gose and builds a whole mountain.... just wow man i think my brina would have exploded if i even tried that, how did you do the water effect O.o

heres my little ramp anyway : (dude built a mountain)

There is but one truth. Time is limited. ndnw its over



Wow Cap'n Sammy, lookit all that stacking. Must be big plans in the works!



Wow... okay I just realized I probably put my boat pics in the wrong thread. this is for individual items and the other is for whole rooms... so srry bout that. Since the room isn't finished, here's my boat:
The Boat - A slideshow

feel free to ignore this post if you want, since it was put up in the other thread already ^^



....O.o well and her i was all happy with my ramp, some one gose and builds a whole mountain.... just wow man i think my brina would have exploded if i even tried that, how did you do the water effect O.o

heres my little ramp anyway : (dude built a mountain)

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The water effect is made with the Slow Field defensive item. I recommend using the Arcane version, since the item itself is smaller and less noticeable than the Tech version.

@Oathbound & @Oathbound Too



I finished my train engine and it turned out ok. I am not completely happy with it, but I just couldn't find the right items to use.






One thing I did figure out was a way to make thin walls using 'modern picture frame' from wal details and cubical.

I probably won't keep it since it doesn't fit into my base theme.

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may not fit with your base, but it will mine. I'll make sure to tinker with this later, put it near the base's factory/warehouse area. that said, I do like it.

Celtech Main Site
My DA Profile



Great stuff everyone. MementoMori, I dig the ramp. I did something similar in my teleporter room too. I like the little details, like the twin staircases with the columns on either side CaptSammy did.

Along the lines of little details, I had two arcane defense items and no where to put them where they fit the theme of the base. (They did once, sadly.) So I decided to make a statue for my common area/lounge: Statue-01 // Statue-02 // Statue-03.

Author of There's Something in the Water (Arc # 60327)

Not only was that genuine frontier jibberish...

Courtesy: Preventing unnecessary homicides for over 4000 years.



Put up a pic Skarmory_the_PG. I'm sure lots of folks would like to make a gym and soforth.

Le Blanc 50 Dark/Dark Scrap
High Huntress 50 Archery/NRG Blast
And a goatload of others. On a goatload of servers.
Official Rickroller of Hero Con 1



Hey, which defensive item is the dragon? (My primary base is tech so i haven't played around much with the arcane, though my villain base is decidedly arcane, and while i haven't redesigned any of the rooms except for one, that's somethin that might look good in the Temple.)



Hey, which defensive item is the dragon? (My primary base is tech so i haven't played around much with the arcane, though my villain base is decidedly arcane, and while i haven't redesigned any of the rooms except for one, that's somethin that might look good in the Temple.)

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There's two dragons and one gargoyle, one can be purchased through the base editor, it's the gargoyle it's the force field.

The dragon with red eyes is the pain field.

The dragon with green eyes is the weakness field. It's not shown in the pics.
This is a bug, nothing more. Please put away the tin-foil hats, there's nothing sinister going on here.-Protea



Ah,, thanks Zapp. I'd seen the gargoyle before in base editor. I just didn't wanna go randomly creating arcane defensive items without knowing what the end result would look like.



Wow Cap'n Sammy, lookit all that stacking. Must be big plans in the works!

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YEa, i dont actually know what I am going to do with the top level yet, make it a balcony and common living area type thing. I came up with the idea for this layout and the staircase. Im really just flying by the seat of my pants.



My computer was sent into the shop before I13 hit and I'm not getting it back until later. Can somebody explain to me the new mechanics of base building? I do know that items can now overlap, but how are you getting all the floating/elevated items? In I12 doing some of those stacking jobs would have been impossible. Also, I have seen wall items placed horizontally on the floor and floor items placed vertically on the wall.

A linkie or explanation would be much appreciated.

Also, these base photos have inspired me to invent geocide by chocolate. (ice cream)



They removed pathing restrictions so you can now place items so they overlap each other to make new designs.

You can now easily stack items using desks and a few other things. Leave the top most item in place and it stays there "floating".

You don't have to make a "magic" desk anymore.

I've been told using the "R" button rotates wall items 90 degrees.

Others can probably give a better detailed explanation.



i have not been making good enough use of the changes -thanks for the inpirations



I think it needs something so I'll be adding to it but here it is now and yeah the room needs a little more too...

Pillar of Fire & Ice

edited to fix a spelling mistake, should know better to post while tired without rereading the post 3x to make sure it's right..