Post your coolest I13 items

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I made a pipe organ

I posted the rest of my recent base pics in this thread.



Originally Posted by Obsidius View Post
I made a pipe organ

I posted the rest of my recent base pics in this thread.
Wow, very creative!





The Kickers base.

Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have others.
-Groucho Marx



Originally Posted by Jack Power View Post

Great work as always Jack!




Thanks Turbo. Here's something a little less extraordinary. In the Kickers base we recycle so here's a automated waste recycling unit. Or a dumpster if you will.


The Kickers base.

Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have others.
-Groucho Marx



Originally Posted by Jack Power View Post

Hey Jack, I figured out what most of the items you used to create this are but I can't figure out what is the trim item around the top, the bit with what looks like a wire piece and a small, flat, gray top.



I haven't completed the teleport room, but I have completed the telepads themselves.

An individual telepad (well, another is visible next to it):

Looking down teleport row (I like the way the torches shed pools of light out onto the floor):

And another item I'm working on, a spiral stair. Using small ceiling domes until the floor blocks placing them any lower, then great altars. The bottom splits into two for two reasons - first, I wanted one stair leading to the library area and another leading more to teleport row; and second, the great altars are small and puny compared to the small ceiling domes.

From above:

Lower section:

I'm not that happy with the lower section, and may replace the twined portion with a single continuation using arcane floor patterns. They are significantly wider than the domes, though, so I don't believe it would look good enough. I also need to figure out what to use for a railing - given the round nature of both the stairs and the individual components, I will probably have to use wall items so I can get non-right angles. I could use floor torches along the outer edge but I don't want all that brightness.

I am also considering going with my original placement idea and putting the stairs in the corner of the room, expanding the second level platform appropriately. That would allow me to run the stairs down to a double-height floor (something the current layout does not permit), and have conventional stairs up to that.

Originally the stairs didn't spiral quite a tightly and there was no pillar. It was close to this shape, though, and more-or-less centered around the center of a square so I figured I'd put in a pillar and adjust the steps accordingly. I think I like it better with the pillar, but I'm not so sure about the ceiling and floor domes at the ends of the pillar.

As before, I will post when I have a completed version. In the meantime I welcome any suggestions for items to use for railings or the lower stairs, or comments on the pillar domes or the viability of splitting the stair into two as it descends.



To be honest, I really like what you have done. I cant offer you any criticism because im more familiar with tech units then arcane, but if I do, I’ll PM you.




i have a idea...wood barrels as railings....



Originally Posted by stacker View Post
i have a idea...wood barrels as railings....
I thought of that, but discarded the idea without trying it because I thought it would look too goofy having railings three units thick. You really think it would work? True, the ceiling domes are quite large, which might help offset the thick railings. I suppose it wouldn't hurt to take a look at them.



Originally Posted by Cthulhufan View Post
Hey Jack, I figured out what most of the items you used to create this are but I can't figure out what is the trim item around the top, the bit with what looks like a wire piece and a small, flat, gray top.
Originally Posted by Impish Kat View Post
Is that a beaker stand? one of those little "desktop" type items, I think.


Give the Kat a cigar.


The Kickers base.

Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have others.
-Groucho Marx



Obsidius, the organ and rocket ship are great. Thanks. Great BBQ Jack. Nice job.

Tyrak, see you got the porters enclosed, they look good. As for the stairs, I like the look the domes gave ya. Did you have a look at the wooden posts? Those might work, and you could see how they looked stacked up on both sides of the stairway, kinda enclosing it. I did like how Stackers barrels turned out for the railings in his theater room.



Originally Posted by TerraShock View Post
Tyrak, see you got the porters enclosed, they look good. As for the stairs, I like the look the domes gave ya. Did you have a look at the wooden posts? Those might work, and you could see how they looked stacked up on both sides of the stairway, kinda enclosing it. I did like how Stackers barrels turned out for the railings in his theater room.
The wooden posts didn't look quite right, though I will try them again now that I'm moving the domes into a larger, gentler curve.



Originally Posted by Tyrak View Post
The wooden posts didn't look quite right, though I will try them again now that I'm moving the domes into a larger, gentler curve.
What about using the vertical hanging wooden lights? kinda like using the florescent lights for stairs... might be a little tricky with the curve, but worth a shot.

Give the Kat a cigar.
*sniffs at round roll of paper*
*bat bat bat*
*hunting crouch*
*wiggles haunches*
*pouncies rolling cigar*
*crinkle, crack*
*shred shred shred*
*tobacco & paper go flying*

*sits serenely, cleaning whiskers*

Thanks! that was fun!


Don�t say things.
What you are stands over you the while, and thunders so that I cannot hear what you say to the contrary. - R.W. Emerson
The BIG consolidated LIST for BASE LUV
YUMMY Low-Hanging Fruit for BASE LUV



Originally Posted by Impish Kat View Post
What about using the vertical hanging wooden lights? kinda like using the florescent lights for stairs... might be a little tricky with the curve, but worth a shot.
If you mean the hanging wooden posts, they suffer from the same problem as the floor wooden posts - they just don't fit in well, leaving obviously different-sized gaps at the edge. If you mean the shoji wall lights, that's probably what I'll end up going with. But angling all of them to match the curve and getting them lined up right is going to be a tremendous pain so I'm hoping to figure out something else I can use.

One possibility since I've gone with a gentler curve is medium wall banners, in pairs so one is facing in and one facing out. That would still be trouble but since far fewer banners would be required it would be less of a hassle than the shoji lights. And it would offer the chance to add color - alternating colors, perhaps.



Okay, here is the spiral stair with barrels for railings. They look a little off because they stick out different amounts from the 'steps', but still much better than the wooden posts. Also, the barrels don't make it look like I'm defending against clumsy vampires. The banners look great except they don't fit the curve well at all with the limited number of angles at which they can be placed. For something that is less smoothly curved banners should work marvelously well. Finally, shoji wall lights looked pretty good but like the banners needed a greater variety of placement angles. Since they are considerably smaller than the barrels, and would have needed to be stacked at least two high to be a suitable railing, I probably would have had to use a minimum of three times as many of them as I did barrels.

The base of the stair:

An overview of the whole thing:

And what it looks like from underneath:

I may end up finding something which will work better than barrels for a railing - if so I will post again. But that isn't likely to happen for quite a while.

Oh yes, an editor discovery: whenever I had a barrel placed so that its drag point (on the bottom of the barrel) was in the same location as the floor tiles drag point (on the top of the tile, allowing them to stack on themselves without getting raised the thickness of the floor tile, 0.1 feet), any attempt to select the floor tile instead selected the barrel. Moving the barrel allowed me to select the floor tile. Presumably if I had bought all the barrels first and then the floor tile, selecting the barrel in that situation would have selected the floor tile instead - though I didn't test it, it seems likely the order of placement is used as the order for checking what object is referenced by the given drag point. (This makes sense from an OO programming perspective - many programmers work hard to pass the minimum possible amount of information around, such as the drag point when clicking on an object for selection. It is a good general rule, but if you don't break the rules from time to time you get stuff like this happening.)



Originally Posted by Tyrak View Post

I may end up finding something which will work better than barrels for a railing - if so I will post again. But that isn't likely to happen for quite a while.
Have you tried using the tall Arcane crystal ball? Not the one that sits on a desk but rather the one that's similar in size as a small floor lamp. Why not try that?

Global Name � @Doom Diva



Originally Posted by Jack Power View Post
While I'm at it.. How about our automated vehicle service drone?

What are the wheels made out of?



Originally Posted by Ulysses_Dare View Post
Hopefully Jack will reply, but to me they look like the backs of wall lights. I expect he put a pair face-to-face to make each wheel.
Indeed, that is what they are. Thank you.



I've been looking through these threads for ideas on things to add to my base. But also I've made some things of my own. For our production studio, I created a large camera rig for shooting movies.

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



I decided that I wanted to make my base assault-oriented (it is a VG base after all and one day I want to attack Atlas Park if only in my fantasies). So I built a few things every good assault team needs.

First you need to soften the target which is easiest via air attack. So leading the way is the Air Carrier complete with attack squadrons.

After softening the target area, ther might be a few pockets of resistance still around. That's when I call in the Gooney Bird gunship/cargo plane.
It can use its autocannons ( )on a target and then deliver freight to the landing zone.

And since you can't hold an area by air attacks alone, then I call in the War Wagon and its complement of heavy cannons and assault troops.

To instill fear in the local populace and keep them in line, I would lastly bring in the Spider-Bot 3.0, a terrifying machine capable of climbing even the tallest of buildings and raining down cannon fire.
It also has a comfortable seating area for more troops. ( )

And there's still more to come (someday when I get enough room to build it.)

What do I have to do to get a waffle around here?

Liberty Red 50s
Queen of the Drow Ghost of Pain (dual sword/ninja stalker)
Ghost of Desire (bots/ff mastermind)
Ghost of Nightmares (ice control/fiery assault dominator)
Ghost of Mayhem (em/willpower brute)

Virtue Blue 50s
Ghost of Light (elec/elec blaster)